Google Pixel smartphone



839 posts

193 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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.Adam. said:
Where did you get your 5x from?
Argos - not sure if the offer is still on. Carphone Warehouse had a deal on them too


10,529 posts

212 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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I'm struggling to figure out what makes this device stand out .... totally failing. It doesn't have any genuine standout features.

Also nice to see that Google have joined the ranks of companies who have paid DXO to give a glowing review. To a certain extent the DXO rating of the Sony Z5C helped sway me towards the device, and the camera performance isn't anything like as good as the review claimed. Heck, I really doubt that any of them can properly rival my rather old but still working Nokia 808 for stills - it really was so far ahead of the game that it still can't be bettered (and nothing on the market at the moment gets close to it for audio recording either).


24,559 posts

199 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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The price is high, but as said, many very good alternatives (that people will probably go for).
For now, no one did a real premium alternative that actually competes with the iPhone on the high price. Everyone undercuts it even if it is by the smallest margin.

In other words, this isn't the competition for the bang for buck phones the Nexus were. This is the phone to show people that you can spend a lot of money on a phone, and there's plenty of people wanting to do that as well.

If you're complaining at the price, the phone isn't aimed at you and there's plenty of very good Android devices that'll probably offer the same experience.

Edited by ZesPak on Wednesday 5th October 09:22


22,866 posts

143 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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My upgrade is due end of this month, in the past I've had iOS, Windows and Android, currently on Android and was all set for a Galaxy S7 Edge to replace my disappointing LG-G3, but since the iPhone 7 was launched I've been drawn to getting a 7+, the camera intrigues me and I did really like my 3GS, only replacing it with a woeful HTC Desire HD due to cost, whereas cost isn't an issue for me now.

However when I found out that the Pixel was being launched I was open to seeing how that stacked up; too expensive I'm afraid and I'm dubious as to the camera; just because a few numbers resulting from a test that I am not familiar with state that it is the best camera available on a smart phone, doesn't mean it actually is, an iPhone 7+ is similar money and will have a decent value in two years time.

Still tossing between the iPhone and Galaxy though.


1,162 posts

152 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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According to this comparison:

It seem completely run of the mill to me, its even beaten in a few areas by the HTC and Samsung. some of the unique features like the "Google assistant" will surely come to other phones via updates soon.
The Nexus devices have always seemed good as they brought current tech at a low price point.


24,559 posts

199 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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HTP99 said:
My upgrade is due end of this month, in the past I've had iOS, Windows and Android, currently on Android and was all set for a Galaxy S7 Edge to replace my disappointing LG-G3, but since the iPhone 7 was launched I've been drawn to getting a 7+, the camera intrigues me and I did really like my 3GS, only replacing it with a woeful HTC Desire HD due to cost, whereas cost isn't an issue for me now.

However when I found out that the Pixel was being launched I was open to seeing how that stacked up; too expensive I'm afraid and I'm dubious as to the camera; just because a few numbers resulting from a test that I am not familiar with state that it is the best camera available on a smart phone, doesn't mean it actually is, an iPhone 7+ is similar money and will have a decent value in two years time.

Still tossing between the iPhone and Galaxy though.
This intrigues me.

Either cost is an issue or it isn't? Apparently it is. You're right that the iPhone probably keeps it's value better though.
As for the camera, indeed might be dubious but I doubt it's not an extremely good camera. Funny how a "best in class" notation would actually be a downside? Has the iP7 camera bested the S7 camera?


2,479 posts

282 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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The bezel ruins the point of the smaller screen for me, I know that they planned on putting the fingerprint sensor there but if you move the sensor why keep the bezel other than to save money?

The XL's dimensions vs. the S7 Edge: 154.70 x 75.70 x 8.50 vs. 150.90 x 72.60 x 7.70. Its noticeably bigger than the S7 Edge but has a smaller screen and for most people isn't going to feel any faster or take better photos than the S7 Edge. Plus you can fit a micro SD card to the S7 or use it as a dual SIM if you buy an import, considerably cheaper/more useful.

The Pixel is also missing dual forward facing speakers and the wireless charging, both are things I really like on my Nexus 6. The LG V20 comes the closest to what I want out of a phone but it still doesn't have these features.

Premium phones haven't really moved far enough on for me to make them worth the extra. Mid range Android phones offer far better value for most people than a few years ago.


9,975 posts

287 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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I see no reason to upgrade from my (excellent!) 6P for either of these, especially at those prices.


11,078 posts

253 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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Alex said:
I see no reason to upgrade from my (excellent!) 6P for either of these, especially at those prices.
Same here. Though oddly I've just bought a brand new iPhone 5S on eBay for £200 as a bit of a punt as not had one since the 4S and love it. My 6P seems like a monster now.


6,755 posts

124 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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Nice new iPhone clone.


1,284 posts

274 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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I have ordered one.
I agree it is expensive.


5,547 posts

144 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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Zoon said:
Nice new iPhone clone.
No camera bump, fingerprint sensor on the back, no home button and a different design, how is it a clone? Come on, it's a phone and so will always be a small box with a screen on the front and a camera on the back, that doesn't make it an iPhone copy.


1,828 posts

266 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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Just ordered myself a 5x, would have loved a Pixel, but not for that much!


12,363 posts

171 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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I was expecting it to be cheaper than it is. The fact that it's the same price as the iPhone 7 is a misstep, I think.


8,559 posts

214 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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yes, that's the crucial bit isn't it? I wanted to want one, as I find my 6p too big, but I may as well get an iPhone7, which in 2 years will still be worth a bunch.. will the pixel?


10,464 posts

225 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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sjg said:
...Apple apparently spent ages deliberating over sizes (design team having prototypes in dozens of sizes in small increments) before introducing the 6 and settled on that as it's a good compromise of screen and usability.
Yeah, but they also said that about the 3... and the 4... and the 5 hehe

I'm ready for a new phone and have had my eye on the LG G5 but decided to wait and see what Google were up to.

And it's not very impressive really. It's priced around or above the Samsung Galaxy S7 which objectively seems to be the best phone on the market at the moment, but doesn't offer anything particularly exciting to justify it.

I think I'm leaning back to the G5. The wife has one and if you ignore the largely pointless modular thing, it seems unbeatable for the price.

One thing that struck me about this presentation is how it seems Google are building some walls around their garden. The main reason I avoid Apple kit is because I like being able to choose my own router/speaker/laptop/desktop/tablet/phone, rather than being guided to get it all from one manufacturer. Google seem to be heading towards a similar kind of ecosystem that may be open now but could easily be closed once you're stuck inside it.

Mr Will

13,719 posts

209 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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leglessAlex said:
Seems expensive to me. Part of the appeal of Android (for me) has always been either that they're cheaper to begin with or that you can get them cheaper by shopping around, with no loss in the functionality you get compared to iOS, indeed you often have more.
Those phones still exist, and that sector of the market is becoming crowded. What advantage is there to choosing a Nexus over Oneplus/Moto/Whatever?

I can see why it makes sense for Google to launch a flagship. It tries to change the perspective from "Cheaper than an iPhone" to "Better than an iPhone". It doesn't even need to be a massive sales success to achieve that, as long as enough people are aware of it.

Mr Will

13,719 posts

209 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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durbster said:
...It's priced around or above the Samsung Galaxy S7 which objectively seems to be the best phone on the market at the moment...
I've got an S7 and I don't rate it. Judged on spec sheet it's fantastic but the reality is a little bit "meh". If it were a car, it's an Audi A4 TDI. Nothing wrong with it. Looks nice enough. Goes well enough. I just find it impossible to actually like.

It's also the first phone in years that I've managed to scratch the screen on, and the first I've ever broken the screen on. Treated no different to any of the previous ones.

By contrast I've had several Nexus phones and tablets. All have been great. I'm even using my old Nexus 4 at the moment while the Samsung is with the repairers. I got it in 2012 and it still runs flawlessly and feels modern enough. Even the battery still lasts. Only big thing missing is 4G.

I'll be very interest in having a play with the Pixel before making up my mind.


6,755 posts

124 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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leglessAlex said:
Zoon said:
Nice new iPhone clone.
and a different design


13,565 posts

234 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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Like a previous poster, was really looking forward to this, but the lack of Tango is VERY disappointing, and while I accept the theory behind the price point, I remain to be convinced.

Did I hear that this will run Andromeda, not Android though?