RE: Dangerous Driving Review?

RE: Dangerous Driving Review?

Monday 14th January 2002

Dangerous Driving Review?

The Govt could be reviewing laws and sentancing relating to dangerous driving offences



Original Poster:

120 posts

270 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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Oooh Ooooh OOhhh !!! Quick quick lets legislate !!! Why is it that every time an incident hits the media the UK Government feels the need to add new legislation ??? Its getting to the stage where you won't be able to take a p155 without breaking the law...
The UK is going to be a police state soon !!!

Jason F

1,183 posts

286 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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The UK is going to be a police state soon !!!

Too late..

Forgot to add, that is if you are a generally law abiding citizen (And Especially if you are trying to defend yourself/property)
.. If however you are an axe murderer, druggie, rapist or pedophile, you`re all right..

Out of interest, why have those MPs who Admit to taking 'controlled' substances been arrested and charged ?

Edited by Jason F on Monday 14th January 10:53


Original Poster:

120 posts

270 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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Yeah, and I wonder will Prince Harry get busted for his scandalous narcotic habits . Having said that, if they busted all the 16 year olds that have smoked a bit of hash, they'd empty all the schools in the land !!


13,382 posts

269 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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Yeah, and I wonder will Prince Harry get busted for his scandalous narcotic habits
Pot isn't a 'narcotic' ... still, gives Daily Mail/Express/Sun readers something to wring their hands about instead of the trains and asylum seekers (and motorists) I suppose..

Makes me sick the way the press harass the poor sod though... at least he didn't end up in a gutter in London like BLiar's boy.

Steve Harrison

461 posts

269 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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Some time ago an old mate and I sorted this one out while consuming lots of beers. You simply abolish all driving offences currently on the books and replace them with the single offence of "Driving like a dickhead"

I invite you all to add your suggestions as to forms of behaviour which should be included. My starter(s) for ten:

Driving at a constant 35mph - through towns, on motorways, NSL single and dual carriageway, usually in a beige Metro.

Revving the b******s off your 1.1 Nova with bean can exhaust and silly little pads on the seat belts to make them look a bit like a racing harness so you can spin the wheels as you pull away from a T-junction on a housing estate.

Sticking to lane 2 on the motorway with the single minded tenacity of a Scalextric car despite the complete absence of anybody to overtake.

Performing an emergency stop when approaching a parked vehicle because "anticipation" is something you feel when waiting for Songs Of Praise to start and you didn't notice it until you were ten feet away.

Any more?


67,280 posts

272 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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Tailgating, as if attached by a 2ft tow rope as you can almost guarantee the car you are in will stop faster than the 318i fleet car flashing its lights behind you.

Driving through congested areas at 2mph as there may be a parking space somewhere in the same county/metropolitan district.

Not yeilding to oncoming traffic if the obstruction is on their side of the road.



2,748 posts

286 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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Makes me sick the way the press harass the poor sod though... at least he didn't end up in a gutter in London like BLiar's boy.

Heard on the radio that the News of the Express Mirror (or somesuch) managed eight pages on Harry today. I mean fer chrissakes, hello? Arguably Blair junior was probably in a worse (& more dangerous) state than Harry ever got in, and I don't seem to recall quite the same level of hysteria.

Oh, I forgot. Pot. Go straight to herion addict, do not pass go, etc etc.


1,947 posts

286 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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Steve you have my vote. I long ago had a lengthy discussion about speed limits and a similar conclusion. The pr@t I was talking to couldn't cope with my radical step of making speed limits advisory so that a person could go faster or slower depending upon conditions, traffic, car etc. This chap couldn't grasp that travelling at 80-100mph on a clear motorway was less dangerous/stupid than traveling at 30 past a school in heavy rain.

Re Pot I thought posession/personal use was now legal? Anyone know what the current laws actually are? (John perhaps a question for you)


7,803 posts

272 months

Tuesday 15th January 2002
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MMMmm no I don't think our fantastic administration (as run by Ewan the piss heads dad) is going that way at all. The only reason the press are printing loads of crap about the parasite Harry is to appeal to Eastenders viewers.

Eventually this lot will probably just have a honesty box type of justice sytem where you phone in to the police and get a recorded message saying. "Your call is important to us if you have a touch tone telephone press hash". "Good if you have been taking drugs press 1. If you have kicked the sh*t out of a pensioner for 3 quid press 2 for motoring offenses key in your postcode and we will come and bang you up for 10 years put your kids in care and force your wife on the game. For all other offenses key in your switch delta number for a fine or press star to find out where to do your community service"


34,439 posts

305 months

Tuesday 15th January 2002
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7,803 posts

272 months

Tuesday 15th January 2002
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Some time ago an old mate and I sorted this one out while consuming lots of beers. You simply abolish all driving offences currently on the books and replace them with the single offence of "Driving like a dickhead"

Steve, as the other half of that commitee I think we decided the universal penalty was to have "I am a dickhead" tattooed on the offenders forehead. So as to make them easily identified and wreck their employment prospects, especially as taxi drivers.


Original Poster:

120 posts

270 months

Tuesday 15th January 2002
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Re Pot I thought posession/personal use was now legal? Anyone know what the current laws actually are? (John perhaps a question for you)

As far as I know, the rozzers won't press charges for posession of small amounts (eg. less than 1/2 ounce—as long as it's not chopped up into 16ths—) for personal use because of the fact that well over half the population under the age of 30 smoke a bit every now and again without managing to get hooked on crack and sell their kids to a skag dealer to buy a fix for thier gran. I think technically it is illegal, but the rozzers won't bother prosecuting for breaking such a pointless law. WooHoo
Check out for more...

Steve Harrison

461 posts

269 months

Tuesday 15th January 2002
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John (nonegreen), indeed you recall correctly. Go on, tell them about the guy on your training scheme who really did have a tattoo on his forehead.

Made him pretty much unemployable as I remember
