Not enough pictures on this forum

Not enough pictures on this forum



Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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So share some snaps of your Seven...

Here's a few shot I took of mine

With my Elan

Edited by MoPho on Sunday 7th February 05:21


Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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allen l said:
Do you put snow tires on it?


Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Monday 22nd February 2010
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Crazy, I would never consider driving mine in the snow, but then again, it doesn't snow here so can use the car year round tongue out


Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Tuesday 23rd February 2010
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with some friends


Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Wednesday 24th February 2010
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Nice rig shots Steve. Haven't had a chance to do any rigs with my car yet, too busy shooting other stuff.

Here is some older shots of other peoples cars I took

Edited by MoPho on Wednesday 24th February 06:06


Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Wednesday 24th February 2010
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And here is my other Caterham racing around Toe Cheese Corner tongue out

Edited by MoPho on Wednesday 24th February 06:11


Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Wednesday 3rd March 2010
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Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Tuesday 16th March 2010
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A snap from the garage the other night


Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Tuesday 16th March 2010
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I do, but I can't post them just yet wink


Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Saturday 31st July 2010
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Thumbs up from Jay Leno (some of you may know who he is)


Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Saturday 19th March 2011
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Some iPhone snaps from todays drive


Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Saturday 19th March 2011
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2slo said:
Excuse me, are these your donuts?biggrin



Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Tuesday 24th May 2011
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One of the locals caught a shot me on a Sunday drive through the hills

And some video


Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Friday 15th July 2011
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Found this snap of my car at one of the local car meets on the intArwebs


Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Friday 21st October 2011
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R500 Matchbox


Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Thursday 24th November 2011
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Drive in Malibu California the other day


Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Tuesday 17th April 2012
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Ady F said:
Supersport with aeroscreen

Ady, wondering what size rear tires you are running as I am curious as to why there is such a big gap between the tire and rear wing as opposed to Ernst's car above yours which is also on 13" wheels



Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Thursday 7th June 2012
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Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Monday 30th July 2012
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A quick snap in the garage


Original Poster:

89 posts

195 months

Monday 10th September 2012
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