How to buy and import a domesticated elephant?

How to buy and import a domesticated elephant?



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230 months

Thursday 11th October 2007
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Does anyone know how you would go about acquiring and importing some domesticated elephants from I would guess India, Sri Lanka or Thailand ? I have googled the subject and I guess its a bit esoteric even for Google to find. I am not even sure whether you would transport them by ship or plane?


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230 months

Thursday 11th October 2007
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sleep envy said:
Are you after an Indian or African variety?
Indian variety.


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230 months

Thursday 11th October 2007
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ali_kat said:
confused Why?
Simple really. I live in the East Midlands which has a high Asian population. Lots of traditional Indian weddings have elephants present. So with some other investors I am starting to investigate the potential of wedding elephant hire. Just like wedding car hire but with elephants instead of cars. Elephant trekking and kids parties also look like good potential income earners.


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230 months

Thursday 11th October 2007
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ali_kat said:
plasticpig said:
ali_kat said:
confused Why?
Simple really. I live in the East Midlands which has a high Asian population. Lots of traditional Indian weddings have elephants present. So with some other investors I am starting to investigate the potential of wedding elephant hire. Just like wedding car hire but with elephants instead of cars. Elephant trekking and kids parties also look like good potential income earners.
Do you have an exceptionally large, secure back yard then ? hehe

Seriously, you may want to rethink this idea, under the Dangerous Animals Act 1976

You can't keep them privately, and IIRC you can't keep them in a Circus anymore either.
Someone allready does it:

I understand they are on the Schedule but as long as we have somewhere secure and suitable to keep them (wich we believe we have) and proper transport for them then it should be possible to get a licence.


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Thursday 11th October 2007
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Fittster said:
ali_kat said:
I'm not knocking your idea!! biggrin

Just pointing out that the chance of the entire wedding party making it to the reception alive is quite small. Type elephant ramage into youtube
Well we would have to find some properly qualified Mahouts. You can do elephant trekking in Sri Lanka and Thailand.


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230 months

Thursday 11th October 2007
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g4ry13 said:
plasticpig said:
ali_kat said:
confused Why?
Simple really. I live in the East Midlands which has a high Asian population. Lots of traditional Indian weddings have elephants present. So with some other investors I am starting to investigate the potential of wedding elephant hire. Just like wedding car hire but with elephants instead of cars. Elephant trekking and kids parties also look like good potential income earners.

I like your idea, it's pretty clever smile Have you looked into how much someone would actually be willing to pay to rent an elephant, number of weddings in the area and the cost of maintenance, vets, housing etc.? Or is this an idea based on a whim at the moment?
Just an idea at the moment. Had a brainstorming session on Saturday with a few people. Just had something come to fruition and none of us want to take any cash out so it was what to do next. Instead of doing something boring with the cash we want to do something totaly off the wall.

Doing a business plan on a subject you know sweet FA about is always fun smile First thing to do is find out if it is actually possible to aquire some pachiderms.


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230 months

Thursday 11th October 2007
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Fittster said:
I'd just like to point out that plasticpig is, according to his profile an IT Director. Now the next time you hit a problem with the IT at work just remember how the minds of the people in charge of the IT department work!



Edited by Fittster on Thursday 11th October 19:36
Director of an IT company actually wink The elephants would be a side line. Originally I suggested a Wedding Car Hire business but the others knowing my interest in all thing automotive poo pooed that idea as just a means of me getting my grubby mits on some tasty motors. So the elephant idea was born.


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230 months

Friday 12th October 2007
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srebbe64 said:
Let me get this straight. Plasticpig wants to buy some real elephants (plural) to hire out at Indian weddings in the Midlands? I cannot overstate the lunacy of such a business plan.

1) How big (or small) would such a market be?
2) I can't begin to imagine the red tape involved in buying elephants and renting them out!
3) I won't even talk about the level of professional indemnity insurance premiums. In fact, which insurance company would offer such a policy? Because you'd sure as hell need it!
4) What would the cost be of housing, feeding and keeping such monsters?
5) Who will you employ as the "driver" (or whatever they're called)?

Anyway, good luck with the venture!
No I am investigating the feasibility of importing one or more elephants with some other people .
I don't know the size of the market. Part of building a business plan is doing market research. If it turns out we can't get a decent ROI we will not go ahead. At the moment we just don't know because we haven't done the research.

Its just not wedding s though I am sure there are other diversified areas where we could generate income.

Until the research is done I don't know wether its lunacy or a sound busineess idea.


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Friday 12th October 2007
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thewave said:
Brilliant thread.

Just been looking at some info on heffalumps.

They eat around 80kg of vegetation in captivity per day, consisting mainly of hay and fruit.
I guess they don't need too much room (like a horse is recommended to have an acre to run around)
They would require someone to look after them pretty much full time though, elephant keepers get paid roughly £230 per week. So depending on what elephant charge out rates are, you're going to have to be pretty busy to justbreak even. Then there's transporting them to and from venues, the food, vetinary bills, insurance (this would be massive) etc.

Fantastic idea, but i'd imagine it would have to be more of an extravagant hobby than a business.
The stabling and acreage isn't a major issue. The rest is what is currently being investigated. Horse & carriage hire seems to vary between £400 - £600. It will depend very much on how much we could charge extra for having an elephant present. We would have to get additional income from promotional work. The other area we will look at is experience days and corporate events.


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230 months

Friday 12th October 2007
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thewave said:
plasticpig said:
thewave said:
Brilliant thread.

Just been looking at some info on heffalumps.

They eat around 80kg of vegetation in captivity per day, consisting mainly of hay and fruit.
I guess they don't need too much room (like a horse is recommended to have an acre to run around)
They would require someone to look after them pretty much full time though, elephant keepers get paid roughly £230 per week. So depending on what elephant charge out rates are, you're going to have to be pretty busy to justbreak even. Then there's transporting them to and from venues, the food, vetinary bills, insurance (this would be massive) etc.

Fantastic idea, but i'd imagine it would have to be more of an extravagant hobby than a business.
The stabling and acreage isn't a major issue. The rest is what is currently being investigated. Horse & carriage hire seems to vary between £400 - £600. It will depend very much on how much we could charge extra for having an elephant present. We would have to get additional income from promotional work. The other area we will look at is experience days and corporate events.
I didn't realise horse and carriage hire was that much, if you looked at say £800 then a weekly wedding throughout the standard wedding season (May to August) could potentially net you around £13,600. Not too sure what promotional work you can do with an elephant? Photoshoots? Movie Work? With some decent contacts I suppose there will always be someone who needs to rent an elephant.
There appear to be around 170 companies registered with the word Elephant in their name so they are potential clients. Also one Heffalump and a Pachyderm.


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12,932 posts

230 months

Friday 12th October 2007
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stander said:
plasticpig said:
ali_kat said:
confused Why?
Simple really. I live in the East Midlands which has a high Asian population. Lots of traditional Indian weddings have elephants present. So with some other investors I am starting to investigate the potential of wedding elephant hire. Just like wedding car hire but with elephants instead of cars. Elephant trekking and kids parties also look like good potential income earners.

- have you thought about coming to a deal with a private zoo? that way you can experiment with the business idea without the hassle of looking after and accomodating the poor creature?
- if you are in the market, how about purchasing from a circus (they always seem to be going bust) or perhaps purchasing from an Eastern European zoo (who need the money)? Buy it within the EU, and I would have thought that would make it a lot easier to bring into the UK.
I dont think Zoo elephants are domesticated as such. They be used to people but were talking about being able to transport people on the back of one. I have been reading up on how they are trained and it appears it can be quite a cruel process.


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230 months

Friday 12th October 2007
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srebbe64 said:
Other miscellaneous: £5000 per year. So costs are (very approximately):

£1000 depreciation
£60,000 food
£1000 transport
£20,000 land and buildings
£4,000 transport costs
£30,000 employment costs
£12,000 sales & marketing
£20,000 insurance
£5,000 other

£143,000 per annum costs

It was mentioned the cost would be £800 per wedding, which means you would need to facilitate about 180 functions just to break even. Which is one every two days. If you managed to do a function every day (at £800) then you’d make about £150,000 a year profit. However, I reckon you could charge a lot more than £800. If you charged, say, £2000 it could begin to make financial sense.
Intresting ball park figures Screbbe. The feed costs are of concern to me. It seems Alfalfa is probably the best bet and thats quite expensive. Having a base that can be used as a visiting center and being able to host experience days is important as I reckon that could be quite a good income generator.


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12,932 posts

230 months

Friday 12th October 2007
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sam.r said:
plasticpig said:
srebbe64 said:
Other miscellaneous: £5000 per year. So costs are (very approximately):

£1000 depreciation
£60,000 food
£1000 transport
£20,000 land and buildings
£4,000 transport costs
£30,000 employment costs
£12,000 sales & marketing
£20,000 insurance
£5,000 other

£143,000 per annum costs

It was mentioned the cost would be £800 per wedding, which means you would need to facilitate about 180 functions just to break even. Which is one every two days. If you managed to do a function every day (at £800) then you’d make about £150,000 a year profit. However, I reckon you could charge a lot more than £800. If you charged, say, £2000 it could begin to make financial sense.
Intresting ball park figures Screbbe. The feed costs are of concern to me. It seems Alfalfa is probably the best bet and thats quite expensive. Having a base that can be used as a visiting center and being able to host experience days is important as I reckon that could be quite a good income generator.
£800 per wedding?

You'll get more than that!!

What are you planning to charge plasticpig?
Whatever the market will bear smile Seriously I dont know at the moment. It will probably take a couple of months to get a business plan together to see if its viable. If it is I would guess a minimum another 6 months to set it up. Its not a business model any of us are familliar with so we will be taking it cautiously.


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12,932 posts

230 months

Friday 12th October 2007
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ali_kat said:
A quick Google brought this up

$30 for the elephant biggrin

Oh, and according to the website PlasticPig gave us earlier inthe thread, it needs to be a white elephant

wedding elephant said:
The Asian bride will expect her Asian groom to meet her on a traditional white wedding elephant decorated in red and gold traditional style.
scratchchin Isn't a white elephant a 'bric a brac' stall at a jumble sale laugh

Edited by ali_kat on Friday 12th October 17:59
I think they are painted white. The one Banksy did looks quite fetching:


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230 months

Sunday 14th October 2007
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Dolf said:
Are you still looking - or have you given up the idea?
No havent given up. I have hardly started biggrin Its just for a business plan at the moment. Until we have a firm grasp of start up costs and operational costs vs income we wont be doing anything. There needs to be a decent chanche of a good ROE for anything to happen.


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230 months

Tuesday 23rd October 2007
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Well we have now got some feelers out in Sri Lanka and India as to how we might aquire some trained heffalumps. Plenty of research still to do before making a decision though.


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230 months

Sunday 23rd December 2007
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Unfourtunately this project isnt going anywhere in the near future. There is loads of red tape involved which we just dont have the time to deal with at the moment. We did locate some Elephants to buyin Thailand. Getting them out of Thailand would be an intresting proposition and would involve quite a bit of bribery. Then there is the shipping problem.....


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230 months

Tuesday 12th January 2010
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Don't have the cash to do it now frown I still think it's potentially viable. The average spend on an Indian wedding is over £30K!