Show us your Lambo



Original Poster:

110 posts

142 months

Sunday 22nd March 2020
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Stuck inside and tired of talk of viruses and the terrible state of the supercar market, how much money we’re all losing etc. (YAWN)

So while you are doing your bit for the UK and staying inside why not post a pic or 2 of your Lambo and cheer us all up.

Here’s mine:

In order, thats:

- my first drive out, parked in the chalk quarry at Bluewater in Kent
- in the Sant Agata factory, during a tour they pulled my actual car off the end of the production line
- parked up waiting for a convoy heading to Goodwood. Only after I found it was a famous dogging site!
- Fresh off the transporter at Lamborghini Chelmsford



Original Poster:

110 posts

142 months

Sunday 22nd March 2020
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Some amazing motors here spanning 30 years of Lamborghini production.

Thanks for posting smile


Original Poster:

110 posts

142 months

Tuesday 24th March 2020
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456mgt said:
Extending the date range another 10 years..
Dream car. Would go nice in the garage next to the Performante smile