


Original Poster:

302 posts

145 months

Friday 18th February 2022
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Anyone else chomping at the bit waiting for this?

What's the latest? May?

I hope it's not delayed.


Original Poster:

302 posts

145 months

Saturday 19th February 2022
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Yes very quiet.

Desperate to get an order in. I can see these being very cheap to run due to the two year window.


Original Poster:

302 posts

145 months

Tuesday 8th March 2022
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callahan said:
I spoke to a Toyota dealer last week who suggested that September was looking likely, hopefully you can get a clearer idea.
Don't say that ffsfrown

Can't be driving this fiesta for another six months. Might chop it in for something in the meantime.


Original Poster:

302 posts

145 months

Monday 4th April 2022
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R8FUN said:
Order books are open!
Say's who?


Original Poster:

302 posts

145 months

Friday 29th April 2022
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Gregs79 said:
Just had an email from Toyota Customer Relations saying that the entire 2 year allocation has sold out for anyone like me who failed to secure an order.
I can’t believe this mind.

I wouldn’t trust anything Toyota say on the matter. Whole things been a shambles.


Original Poster:

302 posts

145 months

Friday 6th May 2022
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I think I may have one. Found it in my toyota waiting for a deposit last week.

Fully expect delivery late next year if I do mind the way things are going.

Maybe they have sold the lot and they're not playing funny buggers.


Original Poster:

302 posts

145 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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DJMC said:
Thing is... you'd really want to test drive one before ordering wouldn't you. I'd never buy a car on hype.

I remember 20yrs ago going to Mercedes Coventry and asking to test drive an SL. The salesman laughed... "nobody test drives an SL, they sell by reputation." I walked out...
The £1000 is fully refundable. Maybes some cars will be cancelled after a test drive.

Of course that would be silly mind considering the flippage potential.


Original Poster:

302 posts

145 months

Monday 5th December 2022
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Highest ever scoring normal car in ECOTY after the 182 Trophy?


Original Poster:

302 posts

145 months

Saturday 25th March 2023
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JNW1 said:
I thought all the GR86's were sold but when I was killing time waiting for my car to be serviced I wandered past the main Toyota dealer at York and noticed they had a brand new one for sale in their showroom. A black exterior combined with a black interior and black wheels didn't really do it for me but a quick sit inside revealed a nice driving position and comfortable seats - it was also refreshing to see three pedals in the footwell!

The car was advertised at list price but I daresay anyone who's serious could probably negotiate a bit of a discount...

People looking to save 7 grand would be interested.


Original Poster:

302 posts

145 months

Saturday 29th April 2023
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ecsrobin said:
I expect 400 frothing owners…..
It'll still be at least 5 x rarer than the limited edition Yaris wink

Shots fired.


Original Poster:

302 posts

145 months

Thursday 27th July 2023
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itcaptainslow said:
Toyota UK are shrugging their shoulders when I expressed a wish for mine to be registered in September, and my local dealer want it out the door as soon as it lands (which part of me gets, but they’re not exactly being helpful by the sound of it).

Waiting a call back from the GR specialist I’ve been dealing with - any pearls of wisdom or advice?
Change dealer.

Mines has been in the dealer's compound since last month. Collecting 1/09