Lexus LC500 - Talk me out of one?

Lexus LC500 - Talk me out of one?



Original Poster:

3,101 posts

144 months

Wednesday 15th February 2023
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Just look at it...


Original Poster:

3,101 posts

144 months

Wednesday 15th February 2023
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Macron said:
Why would anyone talk you out of it?!
I'll need to sell the M4 which is happening. I suppose like most i am waiting for the arse to fall out of the market some more.

I never ever considered a Lexus, but i saw one in the flesh a few days ago and after speaking to the owner it perked my interest. The owner had bought the car with a sport pack? Brand new and said given the depreciation hit it made no sense for him to sell. In fact he said it was so good he wanted to keep it for as long as possible...