Discounted stock Emiras...

Discounted stock Emiras...



Original Poster:

2,833 posts

196 months

Saturday 16th September 2023
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Had looked at these previously so was on the radar, but was rather surprised to see this from the local dealer. With the silly wait times, how is this possible? Has production been massively ramped up?!


Original Poster:

2,833 posts

196 months

Sunday 17th September 2023
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That's what I would have thought, but EmiraS, plural, got my attention!


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196 months

Tuesday 3rd October 2023
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theicemario said:
And Tom Hartley’s still trying to flip one for 92 grand laugh
Good luck with that!

I think the biggest issue is the tempting pre-release prices stated and people (like me) have got it in their head that represents their true value. The released price, since significantly increased, is so far apart it's massive detractor, tho in isolation it's undeniably a brilliant car for the current list price still!


Original Poster:

2,833 posts

196 months

Monday 30th October 2023
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How does that even happen? You would think that lotus would control the supply to authorised dealers. I just don't understand how there is apparently a little Ng wait list but yet there are stock cars floating about? Is the spec that varied that those committed aren't offered these cars at a decent subsidy to keep everyone happy??!


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2,833 posts

196 months

Tuesday 31st October 2023
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rudester said:
Nope, cheapest is now £66,995!
That does look nice.

However, just looked it up on wbac to see how risky that might me if you might want out. This may not be representative, but oh my!!!


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2,833 posts

196 months

Wednesday 1st November 2023
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Denno B said:
Just to point out webuyanycar are offering massively below retail on all high end cars at the moment. Put in any new-ish Porsche etc and you will see similar offers. If the Emira is tanking, almost everything else is too.
You seem to be quite correct. In the interest of balance I tried Motorway - these are an estimate and I didn't achieve what they suggested I would when I sold my GR Yaris in March - seems to be a bit of a bait. That said, look at the difference between wbac above and motorway's estimate...


Original Poster:

2,833 posts

196 months

Sunday 17th December 2023
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I do wonder if the delayed i4 might actually push up a bit of demand for the V6, and maybe the prices will creep up a bit?!


Original Poster:

2,833 posts

196 months

Friday 23rd February
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6 on AT currently with prices beginning with a 6, 4 of which with 1500 miles or less. Insanely low miles! Prices possibly reaching a plateau?