Front Splitter

Front Splitter



Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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Looking to improve the non-existent aerodynamics on my Chimaera - especially high speed stability.

Pretty sure TVR did no proper testing and the 'bit of half drainpipe' bolted under the nose is a complete compromise so,

Anyone running a splitter and if so what are they like?



Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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Yex 450 said:
I didn't see the pothole the other side of a speed bump a few weeks ago and the thing was ripped off mad
Yep I think this is common, hence it being a massive compromise. You're never sure if it's still attached or not!


Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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Chimp871 said:
What do people use for materials?

Modified gutter, ally strip etc..
Both of those I think!

Keen on something like on this Tuscan - proper solution!


Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Thursday 15th February 2018
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bobfather said:
You don't need to worry about technology here

Thanks bob father - I do appreciate that the ally strip method would work - but my car is a little lower than most so it just wouldn't last!

Also do like the look of a tasteful 'proper' splitter


Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Friday 16th February 2018
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Chap here has fitted one from a Seat Leon Cupra R


Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Saturday 17th February 2018
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wseed said:
Would this stuff be any use?
Seen that stuff before and always decided against it - but I suppose you'd get the perfect fit and curve.....

But would it actually be giving and aerodynamic benefit?

Adhesive stuff - looks good probe doesn't work

Half drainpipe - work but looks silly.

My issue is I want something that looks good and works

Current favourite would be cupra R or MGF splitter


Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Saturday 17th February 2018
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QBee said:
Intrigued by the Cupra R splitter. Plenty of them on EBay at £46 brand new. Might just get one, as the car is in for service and a few other bits shortly, and it would be good to get a second opinion from my TVR guy.
Yeah for £46 it's worth a pop


Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Tuesday 27th February 2018
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QBee said:
Thanks for the photos. Very interesting. I won’t be going that far. Mine is a road car with a few track days a year thrown in
Your comment that the Cupra one would only work above 70 mph is superb news.
My car handles very nicely at road speeds, I am just keen to improve front end sticking power at track cornering speeds.
Yep agree this is perfect - I find that on the AutoBahn, only above 80/90mph the front becomes very light and twitchy so the Cupra R seems ideal!


Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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Tony91 said:
Just fitted the Seat Cupra R front splitter part number 1ML805903
Fits well
Excellent work Sir - This is exactly what PH should be about. Great job and I'll be doing exactly the same on mine soon.


Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Wednesday 7th March 2018
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phazed said:
Garage Envy.


Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Friday 20th September 2024
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debaron said:
Excellent work Sir - This is exactly what PH should be about. Great job and I'll be doing exactly the same on mine soon.
As the OP I did indeed fit the Cupra splitter and yes immediately noticed better front end stability at speed. Broke one over the years and fitted another.

Prices gone up but everything has I guess....



Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Sunday 22nd September 2024
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This is the one:


Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Tuesday 1st October 2024
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PabloGee said:
I have been trying to find an original Leon Cupra R mk1 splitter, but all the breakers are either ignoring me or telling me it's sold.

So I bought this ebay version.
Good man - appreciate you keeping us updated with your efforts for the good of others!


Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Thursday 3rd October 2024
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Excellent work - looks really good. You spent a while getting it right and it shows.

Agree with the high gloss finish - not the right look.

Have to say it's 1000% easier with the original Seat part but seems these are now unobtainium so I'll be extra careful when going over speed humps.

Now have a cold beer - you've earned it.


Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Friday 4th October 2024
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BritishTvr450 said:
I remember years ago there was mention that the TVR splitter was really designed ( if that’s what you can call it ) to create a low pressure zone so air wouldn’t go up into engine bay possibly resulting in forcing the bonnet upwards,
I can well believe this. A bodge to fix a bodge!

Let's be honest the whole bonnet hinge and mechanism is crap. I'd dearly love to find the right gas struts and re-engineer the front hinges but alas will have to wait til after the LS has gone in and I've engineered a folding roof.

So expect a solution some time in 2036....!


Original Poster:

875 posts

206 months

Thursday 24th October 2024
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PabloGee said:
And the material feels softer and more bendy, which might do it a favour.
PabloGee said:
The mottled finish looks a bit like faux leather, honestly a bit cheap
Yes absolutely will.

If it makes you feel better the SEAT one has the same mottled finish and is also quite bendy so less inclined to splinter when met with a driveway/sleeping policeman/medium sized rodent etc