MG Midget...V8 in disguise… Super Sprite

MG Midget...V8 in disguise… Super Sprite


Flying Phil

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155 months

Thursday 8th October 2020
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This car has been through several iterations and started like this... |[/url]

then it raced as this...

After it became a Tube chassied Competion Altered.

Then I bought this 1500 Midget, it was a bit bent...


It was straightened and my old Sprite body panels used, together with a roll cage and Rover V8 engine. Several resprays later...

Here it is just before it went back into my garage. The hood is only placed in position.


Edited by Flying Phil on Thursday 8th October 09:44

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Saturday 10th October 2020
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Hi Sooty
I will put my spare doors on with wind up windows, install the hood and put the silenced exhaust pipes back on. I do have another bonnet with a smaller bulge, but that needs the 6" ram pipes taking off, so I will decide that later.

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Monday 11th July 2022
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Well I haven't changed the doors etc .... and had put it back in the garage until now. Then I was inspired by our local car show to get my toys out.

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Friday 15th July 2022
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Whilst the V8 Sprite was out in the sun I finally finished part of my rewiring and ran the front wiring loom up through the chassis leg that supported the "Rubber Bumper" in its previous life.
Needless to say it was a "faff" getting the five wires for the ignition module and coil out of one hole and the lighting circuit out of the other hole. However after three tries it was to get the connections done!

Gratuitous picture of 8 ram pipes on Quad Webers!

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Tuesday 26th July 2022
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Hi DaimlerV8
Your "spare" looks better than my starting point....laugh But I hope your health issue is getting sorted.

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Thursday 2nd May 2024
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I have decided to get my Sprite out for a local car show at Kelmarsh three months time (4th August).
The first job is - Find the Sprite....

Well it is under the spare bonnet, on top of the see saw. So one bonnet removed.

Covers taken off and ramps positioned

Very slowly and steadily it is winched down

And finally back on Terra Firma!

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Friday 17th May 2024
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After a good holiday I opened up the garage to do some work on the Sprite.
First job was to remove the bonnet

Then look at the carbs and see if they still open and close - they do!

Finally remove the radiator to access the ignition wires more easily

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Monday 20th May 2024
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On checking the carb operation, I noticed that there was a danger of the operating levers going "over-centre" when on full throttle.
When I fabricated the manifold for the downdraught carbs I wanted to keep the operating system tucked away, so there is a linking bar running above the valley gasket (It was actually a cut down and altered bar from a flat four Alfasud with twin carbs). This bar connects all four carbs but is actually driven from the rear carb lever. This lever had an added bracket that connects to the throttle cable. It was this end carb lever that was going over centre.

However, on stripping it down, I found that it was not quite aligned to the adjustment screw and so a quick re alignment, screw the adjuster further in and the lever ball joint is further round, lengthen the connecting link to the linking bar and it no longer goes over centre. Hopefully the pictures make it clear....or not!

Not sure if this is allowed in PH - dirty fingers and oily engine bits!

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Thursday 13th June 2024
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There is an expectation that the clutch will have rusted to the flywheel. Although I could get it running and try to free the possibly stuck clutch it is a bit difficult to do it on my drive - and in race trim it is not road legal.....So a slight change of plan.
The ram pipes are off -

The more discrete bulged bonnet and windscreen are back on-

The lightweight race doors are off -

and the normal wind up window doors are back on -

Yes it is going back on the road. It is also more likely to sell as a road going V8 Sprite rather than a drag racer.

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Thursday 20th June 2024
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A bit more progress as I have replaced the yellow carb bungs with.....trusty tea strainers - stainless steel no less!

At least they stop stones and nuts etc falling in - and allow the low bulge bonnet to close.

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Thursday 20th June 2024
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Well it was "Interesting" in the snow!

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Tuesday 25th June 2024
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I have decided that the engine and gearbox need to come out. Previously I have used a Haltrac hoist, which was rated as SWL 500LBs and the Rover engine and 4 speed gearbox was about 400Lbs. However it was a really hard lift and needed a strong supporting roof. I think my garage joist/half upper floor could support it as I can get up there with lots of stuff in storage - but....when I checked the internet for SWL, these hoists were described as vintage and I realised that my hoist is probably 50 years old ! So I'm hiring an engine hoist!
Meanwhile I am taking off parts to access the engine.

Edited by Flying Phil on Tuesday 25th June 23:20

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Wednesday 26th June 2024
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Now sorted with a super strong hydraulic engine hoist (Thanks to a fellow Sprite owner) - now to use it!

Flying Phil

Original Poster:

1,668 posts

155 months

Friday 28th June 2024
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A big workday saw the hydraulic engine hoist assembled. The car had to be turned around then the exhausts removed, the prop disconnected from the diff and various pipes and wires disconnected.
The engine was carefully attached and the lift started.(sorry for the poor quality pics!)

Then the gearbox was removed and the clutch cover taken off.... Yes it was rusted onto the pressure plate and the flywheel!

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Saturday 29th June 2024
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Agreed Some Gump - It always makes me smile as well.biggrin
The borrowed hoist did the lift with ease, however I had to jack the Sprite up slightly to get the legs under the car, first one leg then the other. When I came to get the engine out though, I had to jack the Sprite even higher to get the front wheels over the legs as they spread wider than the front track!

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Saturday 29th June 2024
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All back in and the hoist dismantled!

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Sunday 30th June 2024
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Needless to say there were problems! The two main ones being trying to find my clutch alignment tool - well actually a first motion shaft from an old gearbox. I could only find the one for my original Sprite despite hours of searching, so I used that and more by luck got it close enough so that I was actually able to slide the gearbox back on and bolt it up.
Then I checked out the clutch slave cylinder and got it working.
I was then able to get the engine and box back in....but the gear box mounting block got caught and I had to juggle my trolley jack under the car to get it cleared.
Next job is to get the exhaust manifolds back on, the tubular race manifolds had some cracked joints so it is good to get them off. The various pipes and the alternator need refitting and finally the electrics sorted.

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Sunday 30th June 2024
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Exhaust manifolds fitted, starter motor wired up, hood put into position. Steering column refitted. Alternator fitted and main water pipes to rad fitted. Doesn't sound much but it took 8 hours with the main battery cable trapped by the bell housing, the engine mount needing to be removed to access the starter solenoid for the wires, the fuel supply needing to be threaded up round the clutch housing, plus the general faff of misplacing tools and sockets!

Flying Phil

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1,668 posts

155 months

Monday 1st July 2024
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I realise that I have not explained why there has been a sudden burst of activity when the Kelmarsh show isn't until August....
I saw that there was a classic car display in Market Harborough so I put an entry in for that, which was accepted last week - and it is on Sunday 7th of July.
As I want to try and get it driving there I checked out Classic Line for insurance cover . After going On-line yesterday, the computer said that I needed to speak directly to them. A very helpful gentleman rang me as a result of my on - line query and we sorted out a years cover with breakdown and unlimited mileage for a very reasonable sum which I paid and so can drive the Sprite - when I get it finished!

Flying Phil

Original Poster:

1,668 posts

155 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2024
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Yesterday saw the grass cut....then the cast iron P6 exhaust manifolds were fitted, the steering column returned to its proper place and finally the falcon alloy front wheels fitted - typically I could only find 7 wheelnuts.

I then tried to unsorn the car on -line. But I couldn't find the latest V5C and it would have had my old address.... So I then spent 58 mins listening to the DVLA music....Finally a kind person told me that I could sort it out with a V62 at the post office. So i hurtled off to our local PO, got the form and filled it in. The assistant put it all onto the system - and got a print out saying "Reject" and the "Post Office is unable to complete this application - contact the DVLA".....So I returned home, listened to some more music and gave up after 45 mins......grrrr.