Mercedes E63 AMG W212 6.2 or 5.5?

Mercedes E63 AMG W212 6.2 or 5.5?



Original Poster:

3,630 posts

167 months

Monday 18th June 2018
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I've decided that I need an AMG in my life, but can't decide on the n/a 6.2 or newer 5.5tt. I feel that I should get the n/a and enjoy that brute of am engine.
Has anyone driven both? If yes, what are you thoughts? Is the n/a more reliable?
Thanks in advance


Original Poster:

3,630 posts

167 months

Monday 18th June 2018
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Thank you for your response. Bummer about the gearbox, is it really that bad? In what is it bad, dumb witted?


Original Poster:

3,630 posts

167 months

Friday 22nd June 2018
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Food for thought on which one to get. I love the idea of the big n/a, and its Jekyll and Hyde personality.
Best thing is to try both and see really...