Star Wars: The Last Jedi (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (CONTAINS SPOILERS)



493 posts

122 months

Saturday 14th April 2018
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I really wanted to like it. I really did. I wasn't a fan when I saw it in the cinema, but I put that down to a long day at work beforehand and being desperate for the loo halfway through, But I watched it again last night and I just couldn't like it.

The whole casino planet stuff was just noise, and unnecessary. The shoehorned in puns weren't needed, either.

However, the scene with the rebel ship jumping to hyperspace through the Star Destroyer was incredible, and the scene with Rey and Kylo fighting alongside each other was pretty epic.

I think I give it a 5/10


42,738 posts

237 months

Monday 16th April 2018
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Lucas Ayde said:
AshVX220 said:
Haven't seen any interviews by him, but I thought the whole SJW thing was at Kennedy's direction.

Either way, I still find it amazing that no-one seems to be able to point out to these current people that we had amazing strong female characters years ago, they just got on with it without the fan-fare and need to make it quite so obvious.
But back then, we didn't have a bunch of people obsessed with pushing identity politics.

Same reason why the media wasn't losing it's mind over Wesley Snipes being the hero of 'Blade' (a genuinely good film with a Black Superhero) .
The reason why they do it is so they can get rave reviews by critics for a movie that is rated rotten by the audience (47% on rotten tomatoes).

Disney is our own equivalent of the evil empire, sucking up all franchises and turning them to the dark side. Do you think sixth form level left wing politics is a genuine corporate creed?. They only care about money. Get the casting right, the puerile activism written into the script, and then the PR campaign and the media would rate an in toilet shot of Rian Johnson emptying his bowels as a great movie.

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Monday 16th April 2018
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JagLover said:
Lucas Ayde said:
AshVX220 said:
Haven't seen any interviews by him, but I thought the whole SJW thing was at Kennedy's direction.

Either way, I still find it amazing that no-one seems to be able to point out to these current people that we had amazing strong female characters years ago, they just got on with it without the fan-fare and need to make it quite so obvious.
But back then, we didn't have a bunch of people obsessed with pushing identity politics.

Same reason why the media wasn't losing it's mind over Wesley Snipes being the hero of 'Blade' (a genuinely good film with a Black Superhero) .
The reason why they do it is so they can get rave reviews by critics for a movie that is rated rotten by the audience (47% on rotten tomatoes).

Disney is our own equivalent of the evil empire, sucking up all franchises and turning them to the dark side. Do you think sixth form level left wing politics is a genuine corporate creed?. They only care about money. Get the casting right, the puerile activism written into the script, and then the PR campaign and the media would rate an in toilet shot of Rian Johnson emptying his bowels as a great movie.
I think this may start to backfire, though, as more people decide not to take what the professional critics think, their opinions will become less relevant.


42,738 posts

237 months

Monday 16th April 2018
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Anyhow in terms of the movie itself it was very disappointing because they had a few good ideas buried amidst the dross, but it was the dross that leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

We will leave aside the obvious that the makers have no idea how space works, this has been a flaw of past Star Wars movies as well, though never as obvious (dropping bombs WTF?).

They abandoned all the elements set up in the previous movie for nothing really. Kylo was supposed to be training, what happened to that? If the movie was going to "connect" them how about over a few weeks while both were being trained by their respective masters.

I actually liked both that Kylo killed Snoke and that he did so to take power rather than being "turned" back to the light side. But how about some setup first?, some backstory for Snoke and some scenes with him and Kylo.

The time where all of these themes could have developed was instead wasted on the casino mission that would have been considered awful in the prequels.

Then we had the new third wave feminist leader who doesn't explain herself to any mere man. Just a complete mess.

Why it was frustrating is not only was there some promising setups from the past movie but there was also some interesting new ideas in this one as well. Production values were also first rate as well, extremely good blending on practical effects and CGI. To have all this rubbish in there as well is therefore even more disappointing.

Given that this movie effectively bombed in China then Disney are reliant on western audiences to keep watching this franchise and are therefore playing a dangerous game by putting such underwritten rubbish on the screen.

Edited by JagLover on Monday 16th April 13:05


6,365 posts

203 months

Monday 16th April 2018
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Well I watched this again last night as picked it up on a 3D Bluray at the weekend. From a second watch it has gone up in my estimations and part of that was due to the visuals. It was one of the few movies where 3D actually enhanced it and highlighted how impressive some of the scenes were. Especually the Kylo/Ray fight scene.

I still felt like the move created far more questions than it answered. Why off Snoke when he was genuinely an interesting character with huge potential. Interesting twist but a shame he went. I actually didn't quite mind the whole space ship chase thing so much this time around. I guess it highlighted the plight of the rebels and I guess leads on to them regrouping and expanding in other movies. The whole casino part of the movie was ok, only in the sense that it draws your attention to the group of kids who I assume may be part of the rebellion/light/Jedi going forward.

I still think Leia Poppins was a bit sh!t though, still not entirely convinced by some of the humour in it and Snoke going was a shame. Not sure Kylo Ren is strong enough as a character in every sense to rival the previous bad guys of the Star Wars universe going forward but that remains to be seen in the next movie.

Biker 1

7,770 posts

121 months

Monday 16th April 2018
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I saw it yesterday on Amazon Prime. Quality was excellent in 1080P on a 43 inch telly. I enjoyed the visuals, particularly the laser canon cooking the bunker doors. Some of the acting wasn't great, & the plot was rather weak. Overall 7/10


42,738 posts

237 months

Tuesday 17th April 2018
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troc said:
I just don’t get the hate. I really don’t. I’m a massive Star Wars fan. I have practically every story book (canon and otherwise) and comité book written. Ive played every video game and all the RPG and table-top games going and I’ve seen all the movies in all the formats and with all the changes (I’m a proud owner of the despecialised edition of the original) and I really enjoyed the last Jedi. I think the issue simply stems from the internet decidinng what the film should be and say and then getting collectively irritated when it wasn’t what thy had decided it should be.
Read through the whole thread and thought I would respond to this as there seems to be a theme with some posters that you are not allowed to dislike this movie.

I hate spoilers. i don't watch trailers, I only read reviewers I trust not to give spoilers and I avoid all online discussion until I have watched a movie. All I knew when I started watching it was that most critics liked it and a friend of mine (who went to the midnight showing and is a hardcore fan) wasn't keen. That is it, the sum total of my knowledge going in.

I didn't need "the internet" to decide my opinion of it. I thought it was a poorly written mess, my wife liked it less than I did. Both of us saw the clumsy political messaging and from reading through the thread many others saw exactly the same without "the internet" forcing them to dislike it.


13,212 posts

167 months

Tuesday 17th April 2018
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JagLover said:
Read through the whole thread and thought I would respond to this as there seems to be a theme with some posters that you are not allowed to dislike this movie.

I hate spoilers. i don't watch trailers, I only read reviewers I trust not to give spoilers and I avoid all online discussion until I have watched a movie. All I knew when I started watching it was that most critics liked it and a friend of mine (who went to the midnight showing and is a hardcore fan) wasn't keen. That is it, the sum total of my knowledge going in.

I didn't need "the internet" to decide my opinion of it. I thought it was a poorly written mess, my wife liked it less than I did. Both of us saw the clumsy political messaging and from reading through the thread many others saw exactly the same without "the internet" forcing them to dislike it.

Exactly this, went in pretty much spoiler free, just aware that critics were raving about it which actually got me quite positive and hyped about it. I went with three other mates who are all Star Wars fans to a greater or lessor degree. As soon as the film finished, I and another mate immediately declared it was pretty poor while the other two tried to put a brave face on it but admitted it had it's "issues". I actually went home that evening doubting myself thinking perhaps I was wrong as surely the professional critics knew better than me. It was only the next day that I started to read that other normal people hated it too that I thought hang on a sec, I was actually right and the critics were talking rubbish.


12,831 posts

182 months

Thursday 19th April 2018
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Just saw it

Like a star wars movie for teenagers

Almost saved by the last few Luke Skywalker scenes


9,975 posts

286 months

Thursday 19th April 2018
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Mojooo said:
Just saw it

Almost savedRuined by the last few Luke Skywalker scenes


2,309 posts

210 months

Thursday 19th April 2018
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I really did not think it was that bad to be honest

The first film was very good, but was almost a Star Wars reboot, and this was similar, dark place, snowy planet ish. A few other things

Lovely to look at, but I think the Hamill story line is a bit weak sadly, he could have been so much more, and should have been.


5,324 posts

152 months

Thursday 19th April 2018
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It’ll be interesting to see what the home release sales are like compared FA. I suspect down a bit. Torrent data might also be interesting to look at as well.

The Solo film and Episode IX will be the real tests. I think a lot of the hardcore fans are not going to bother with midnight showings from now on. I know I’m not going to for the Solo film, that’s for sure, and I’ve done the midnight or release day for every film since Phantom Menace.

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Thursday 19th April 2018
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HorneyMX5 said:
It’ll be interesting to see what the home release sales are like compared FA. I suspect down a bit. Torrent data might also be interesting to look at as well.

The Solo film and Episode IX will be the real tests. I think a lot of the hardcore fans are not going to bother with midnight showings from now on. I know I’m not going to for the Solo film, that’s for sure, and I’ve done the midnight or release day for every film since Phantom Menace.
TLJ is the first SW film available in 4k Blu-Ray, and I didn't buy it, and I have all SW films and animated series'. TLJ was also the last time I go to a midnight showing. In fact, I will not go to the cinema to watch any future SW at all. I also very much enjoyed TFA, but TLJ has made that film somewhat moot, meaning it's pointless re-watching it.

Edited by chris watton on Thursday 19th April 10:31


42,738 posts

237 months

Thursday 19th April 2018
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A consumer boycott might be our only chance of getting decent movies set in this universe.


53,012 posts

185 months

Thursday 19th April 2018
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Mojooo said:
Like a star wars movie for teenagers


42,738 posts

237 months

Thursday 19th April 2018
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JJ Abrams is now signed up to Kathleen Kennedy's agenda, so hopes that his episode 9 will be any better are probably sadly misplaced.

Abrams said:
Their problem isn’t ‘Star Wars,’ their problem is being threatened.”

Mysteriously the same people weren't "threatened" by "Rogue 1" or "A force Awakens"


10,730 posts

221 months

Thursday 19th April 2018
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JagLover said:
Mysteriously the same people weren't "threatened" by "Rogue 1" or "A force Awakens"
Or Alien(s), Terminator, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Kill Bill, The Hunger Games, Gravity, Wonder Woman, Lucy, Mr and Mrs Smith, The Assassin, The Fifth Element, Wanted, Kick Ass, Pretty much the entire MCU etc etc etc etc

Can't possibly be that it was a st film.............everyone must hate wimminz innit.

They really are grasping aren't they.

edit: One person who commented on that article summed it up perfectly:

"Female characters are precisely what this dreadful film lacked"

Edited by Moonhawk on Thursday 19th April 19:04


3,137 posts

144 months

Thursday 19th April 2018
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Meh that same bs was trotted out for anyone who didn't like that ste Ghostbusters remake too.


10,900 posts

186 months

Thursday 19th April 2018
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Some good points in the comments about Phasma. The one female villain in SW ruined.
And not forgetting how popular she is in GoT. In fact GoT is wall to wall with strong female characters and should be hitting exactly the same geek "threatened by women" demographic.

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Thursday 19th April 2018
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'Pay to watch this film and like it, or you're a misogynistic racist bigot' - yep, that'll convince the crowds to hand over their hard earned, great business practice, what could possibly go wrong...