Staggered!!! Audi Body Shop Quote

Staggered!!! Audi Body Shop Quote



Original Poster:

39,718 posts

235 months

Wednesday 5th March 2008
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I have a shallow scratch in the rear bumper of my car its about 2 incjes long and just penetrates the plastic of the bumper.

I have just been a massive quoted £927!!! for repair by an audi authorised repairer. Other quotes range from £80 to £220 for the same job.

I queried the price with the Audibody shop and they say that i have to have the car repaired by them or it will void the warranty! But if i leave it unrepaired it won't!

No wonder the owner of this dealership drives an Aston Martin Vanquish and a Porsche 911 GT3.

has anyone else had similar issues or is this a one off?



6,947 posts

218 months

Wednesday 5th March 2008
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Go to a decent specialist, get a better job done, save some money and nobody will know any difference. Ever wondered why most car dealerships farm out their bodywork business??? The costs charged will pay for the expensive Audi building and not the salaries of the technicians who work for £150 a day!!!

Drive 'n' Shine

84 posts

226 months

Wednesday 5th March 2008
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I think the bit about the warranty is BS - same as with servicing it doesn't now have to be carried out by the dealer to keep the warranty intact


9,402 posts

218 months

Wednesday 5th March 2008
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void the warranty - what a load of scaremongering bolarx.

the audi garage near me sends small jobs like yours to a local shop to sort - the shop is not affiliated to any manufacturer.


63,161 posts

216 months

Thursday 6th March 2008
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Void the warranty for a scratch repair?????????????????????????????????????



Dear oh dear!

Dave Mak

18 posts

234 months

Thursday 6th March 2008
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Audi sound like they have quoted for a new bumper, supply paint & fit. It sounds like a smart repair ect or even repair and paint entire bumper would do, price £80-£250.

I think warranty wise a plastic bumper being repaired painted ect would not affect that. It's usually the metal body work this applies to.

Dealers don't normally entertain repairing panels as they make more money supplying & fitting new ones. Makes sense to them, but not the customer unfortunately.


Sorry but no web link signatures.
Edited by Dave Mak on Thursday 6th March 23:19

Edited by Big Al. on Sunday 30th March 16:02


Original Poster:

39,718 posts

235 months

Friday 7th March 2008
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Dave Mak said:
Audi sound like they have quoted for a new bumper, supply paint & fit. It sounds like a smart repair ect or even repair and paint entire bumper would do, price £80-£250.

I think warranty wise a plastic bumper being repaired painted ect would not affect that. It's usually the metal body work this applies to.

Dealers don't normally entertain repairing panels as they make more money supplying & fitting new ones. Makes sense to them, but not the customer unfortunately.


Sorry but no web link signatures.

Edited by Dave Mak on Thursday 6th March 23:19
Thanks. If you were closer I would bring it to you. The quote does include in my view unnecessary replacement of bumper.

Mind u they don't inspire confidence as they describe my Daytona Grey Pearl car as being metallic black!

Edited by Big Al. on Sunday 30th March 16:03


1,392 posts

245 months

Friday 7th March 2008
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I wouldn't worry about that. The at-point-of-quote description is usually just a rough note of basic colour and whether or not it is an effect (metallic/pearl) colour.

Actual choice of recipe would be by stamped-in paint code, cross-referenced with age of car, and checked against variant colour chips (in a professional shop), I'm sure they wouldn't just paint it VAG Black Magic wink



31,762 posts

214 months

Friday 7th March 2008
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Nick you could try Chips Away (HQ)in Kidderminster 01562 825599
They fixed a scratch on my bumper & crack in mud flap,£100+ 17.5% for Mr Brown.Can't see where the damage was smile


462 posts

204 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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nicktowe said:
I have just been a massive quoted £927!!!
and it probably comes pre-painted, a lot do nowerdays.


14,506 posts

226 months

Friday 14th March 2008
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Which warranty will be void, the car warranty or bodywork warranty.

I took my sisters car to a very highly regarded back bodyshop, charged £120 sheets for a complete rear bumper repair.
While in their I noticed a 200 mile old ford s-max with a nice scrape in the n/s front door, car came from the Ford dealer who was literally 150 yards away, luckily the bodyshop is around the back of the dealer hidden from customers view.

That car that has a door full of filler will be sold on the forecourt! with the "warranty" in tact!


2,670 posts

211 months

Friday 14th March 2008
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Warranty void!!! B***SH!T

What would happen if you had an insurance claim, your insurers would send to an approved bodyshop (even though the insurance bodyshops are normally crap as they work to a price)

My R32 got dinged by DHL 6wks after delivery, recommended VW/Audi Bodychop in Banbury took 4mths to get a new door then were unable to hang it / align it properly and they over painted (the paint look like it had dropped). Car went back 2 times and 3rd time I told insurers that I wanted it to go to a specialist!

So, like others say find a highly recommended specialist, often these can be small one or two man bands with 3/4 staff who have worked in the industry for years. They pride themselves on reputation rather than price dictated to them by insurance companies - whether it is a fiat panda or a ferrari they treat all cars equal and charge the same.

I used to use ART in Brackley but they closed down and handed their work to GT Panels in Croughton...have used GT Panels with good results.


13 posts

204 months

Saturday 29th March 2008
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The warranty story they gave you is total BS. The dealer will get a kick back from the bodyshop for getting you to use them. My advice, search the web for SMART repairers. There will be more than one in your area. Get a couple of quotes and be amazed at the difference. From what you describe, I would do the job for under £100, and it could be done at your home or place of work in about 2 hours. You can bet the bodyshop would want your car for a week.