Archive #14493703
I've been speaking to Leven about their various Griffith dash bits. They have sold out of quite a few and won't make any more unless there is sufficient interest. I am interested in some and I'm sure others are too so I thought I'd start a post to see if we can get some more made.

I'm starting the thread off with 3 items :

Dash air vents - the covers for the 3 vents
Window Switches - covers for the 2 window switches (if you want 2 sets, put 2 in the column)Ashtrays - covers for the 2 door ashtrays.

Please add your interest below by copying and pasting the previous line.


NOTE: This thread has nothing to do with Leven.

PH NAME Dash Vent Window Switches Ashtrays
DaveB500 Y Y Y
Davetherave1970 Already have Y No ashtrays in mine!
Mr MoJo Have tuscan vents Y Have newer style which covers dont fitfrown