Has the five-cylinder warble of the TT RS in
our videoblog
got you inspired to head down to your local Audi dealer and slap down the necessary £51,800 on one? Chances are you're already too late. And even if you're not you'll have to brace yourself to pay quite a bit more, given Audi UK has had to accept its allocation of cars pre-specced from the factory with options already fitted. Given our blue test car was £68K and didn't even have the carbon ceramic brakes, that could end up being quite a lot...
Looks like being rarer than we thought!
As it stands the TT RS has already disappeared from the Audi UK customer site but when it was there last week contained the following small print under the spec: "Audi UK has been allocated an extremely limited number of cars. No factory orders available, Centre stock only." An Audi UK PR contact told us cars allocated to the UK had been built in a variety of colours and options packages but, clearly, the ability to choose your colour and spec will have been extremely limited. Basically take what you get and be grateful!
With only 200 or so cars in that first batch of cars the TT RS could end up being an extremely rare car in the UK, further chat with a spokesman suggesting they're pressing for more but there are no guarantees they'll get them. How so? The story we were given was engine supply, Audi's capacity for building the iconic five-cylinder turbo the limiting factor and US demand for the pending RS3 saloon swallowing up the production.
Similar on paper if very different in character and target audience, the TT RS could end up being a much rarer car than even the Cayman GT4. Will we see comparable outrage from Audi fans denied the opportunity to buy one? Over to you...