Visit to Police Station. Advice please...

Visit to Police Station. Advice please...



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183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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I came home today to find a note through my door from the Police. They asked me to email/call them do discuss something.

I called as soon as I could & spoke to the PC (a very pleasant chap). He advised me that they had received a complaint regarding a vehicle being driven in a 'careless manner' & they needed to follow it up.

He couldn't give me too many details over the phone but the car does match my car's details. The incident took place over a month ago so I can't recall anything about that day (where I might have gone etc) so I have no idea what this could be about.

I have arranged to go into the station next week where I'll be questioned & the details recorded.

I was hoping I may be able to get some useful advice or experiences please as I have no idea what to expect. During the brief phonecall the PC did re-assure me to say it's nothing to worry about, & it was not a major incident but obviously I am worried!

Thanks for any help.


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383 posts

183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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I thought as much, I'm going on the run!


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383 posts

183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
quotequote all am I right in thinking you can have a duty Solicitor (if that's the correct term) at the Station? Or does this need to be arranged beforehand?


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183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Centurion07 said:
Did you tell them the details don't match? If so, why are you still going?

Also, if it's "nothing to worry about", why do they need you to come to the police station for a "chat"?

You'll find this thread will give two types of response; those from police officers saying it is indeed nothing to worry about, and those that say you should consult a solicitor beforehand.

Think about it; if they're going to the trouble of using their valuable time to have a "chat" with you, they're going to want a result. They are not there to help you out in this situation.
They didn't go into details of the car other than to say it was a BMW. I have a BMW. They had found my details from the Car's reg.

Yes, when you put it like that....


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383 posts

183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Forgot to say, the PC did say I wouldn't be under caution & could leave whenever I want....if that makes any difference!


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383 posts

183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Thanks for all the replies so far.

I keep thinking that I shouldn't be worrying as I'm 99.9% sure I haven't done anything 'careless'. The worst I can think of is I've over-taken someone & they didn't like it but I can't even recall anything like this.

I've certainly got some thinking to do if not worrying! All comments have been taken on board so thanks again.


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183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Mk3Spitfire said:
I regularly, as in several times a week will be given a call along the lines of "manner of driving....complaint....overtook dangerously" etc. Sometimes it's a proper job and statements are taken, and the driver is interviewed and reported. The majority of times its words of advice or less.
You can phone a solicitor before hand, but what advice are they going to be able to give at this stage? If there's no interview, then you won't need a solicitor. If there is an interview, the PC will HAVE to inform it it's his right to have one. One will most likely be there within an hour, tops. If the PC has said on the phone that there's no interview etc, it's UNLIKELY he's lying, as its of no advantage to him to say that.
To suggest that the police are "not there to help you" "other cliche" is naive because it's not the case.
Just to clarify, when I phoned the PC he said I will be asked some questions & it will be recorded on tape so I presume that constitutes an interview rather than a friendly chat? He did say that I won't be under caution though & free to leave whenever I want.


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183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Mk3Spitfire said:
That sounds a bit more suspicious. The "free to leave at any time" bit just means you won't be under arrest.
Questions on a tape sounds much more like an interview, all be it, a voluntary one. Are you sure you didn't mishear him, and he said you "will" be under caution.
If it's going to be an interview, you WILL know, and you WILL be entitled to legal representation. Don't let them fob you off.
I'm fairly sure he did say I would NOT be under caution, but he definitely did say that it would be taped.

I asked about the need for a solicitor & he said he couldn't advise me on that but I could have one if I wanted. He also said if I chose not to have one & then felt uncomfortable at any time I could then stop the interview & arrange for a solicitor.


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383 posts

183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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So at the moment I'm thinking I have nothing to lose by requesting that the duty solicitor accompanies me. Also if I let the PC know this beforehand it can be arranged so there shouldn't be any delay.....I think!


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383 posts

183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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N Dentressangle said:
Were you one of the guys in this video?

I can easily bat that one away, they'd only have to see me wobbling along on a push bike to know I'd not make it off my drive on a proper bike!


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183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Mk3Spitfire said:
Nothing to lose at all. I would phone him back and just tell him that if you're going to be interviewed, you'd feel more comfortable with a solicitor, and out of courtesy you thought you'd let him know, just in case it would help him and speed things up.
That way, everyone remains on friendly/professional terms, and no one is taken advantage of.
Thanks, that's what I was hoping to hear. I think I will go down this route then.


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183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Mk3Spitfire said:
Good luck. Make sure you update the thread with what it came down to!
Cheers. I will do


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183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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TankRizzo said:
Well, that is true, up until the point where the constable decides on the basis of what you've said in interview that you can't leave of your own free will, and places you under arrest!
Knowing me & the saying 'Think before you speak' is lost on me, I better take my toothbrush!

Hopefully having the duty solicitor will help save me dropping myself in it somehow


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183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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TVR1 said:
OP, if it isn't anything to worry about, why not call back and ask him to pop around to your house for 'a chat'

Why should you be inconvenienced? It's his job to do these things, not yours. His response should dictate your position on legal advice or not.

If you appear at the Station and have a taped interview, you WILL be cautioned. Make no mistake. You are being asked to have an interview for evidentiary purposes. Therefore you will be cautioned.
Well I did say shall I come in or are you coming to my house (they'd been twice & missed me) & he said if I didn't mind coming in then could I as it saves them writing everything down in notes.

To be honest I was already thinking of a Solicitor so was already thinking I'd be going into the Station...


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183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Eclassy said:

The duty solicitor scheme is a fantastic idea and it must have saved thousands of people from implicating themselves. You will have a private chat with the solicitor in a private no video or audio recording room before any interview.
Thanks, that's useful info as I wasn't sure how it would work.....& I'm pleased to hear it worked out ok in your experience


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383 posts

183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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OK, a penny has just dropped & I think I have worked out what this is all about.

On the date in question I was driving back into my Village on the Sunday morning & came across a number of people (20 or so I'd say) walking in the road on my side. I remember thinking WTF & slowed down from 30MPH & went over the other side of the road to pass them but then, I'd say about 100M further on, I saw there was a March for Rememberance Day.

I remember thinking st, I'm now a bit stuck as I had nowhere to go so I slowed to idling speed (walking pace) & was moving along with the crowd until I could get to a turning left 50M further on.

When I got to this turning (indicating) I literally had to stop as the people walking just carried on walking across the junction. Once they'd passed I carried on & thought no more of it.

Now I'm sure this is where the complaint will have come from. I'm also sure I did nothing wrong. In hindsight, if I'd have seen the March further down the road I'd have waited at the back of the crowd rather then getting stuck in the group of people at the back.

My Village is a bit 'cliquey' & more 'mature' so I'm sure the fact I have a 'sporty' car that is slightly loud doesn't go down well....

Anyway, the bottom line is the complaint has been made & I'm off down the Station.

Does anyone have any further input on this now? Happy to answer any questions or take any criticism if it's due!



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383 posts

183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Thanks, I guess that ties in with the PC mentioning a complaint of 'careless driving'. I will report back with my experience


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183 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Eclassy said:

Be very careful what you post on these boards about any details of the specific incident. Some threads are monitored.
That did cross my mind but since I did nothing wrong, possibly a matter of opinion!?, I didn't think I was incriminating myself...I deliberately left out the bit about doing a rolling burnout as I waited!.....thanks for the heads up though!


Original Poster:

383 posts

183 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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Just been catching up on the replies, thanks all.

Small update, I have emailed the PC I was talking to & advised him I'll be taking the option of having a duty Solicitor present. He hasn't got back to me yet but he did say he was on a course for a few days.

As for the car jacking suggestion, the PC's note asked me to call 101 & get put through that way so pretty sure it's genuine (unfortunately!!)



Original Poster:

383 posts

183 months

Saturday 27th December 2014
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Quick update, sorry for the delay.

Went down to the station, when I got there the PC I'd been talking to said he'd decided to deal with it in a different way (i.e. no interview) & I've been given an S59(?) the driving ASBO as I understand it.

Without going into pages of details, the 'incident' was as I thought (bottom of page 3) except a couple of, well there's no other way of putting it, blatant lies .

I'm not criticising the PC I saw in any way, he was a nice bloke but the first sentence he said was there was a car at the back of the parade (group of people walking in the road) with it's hazards on that I went past. This car did not exist & when I told him that he said it may have been someone walking at the back of the group slowing cars down...bit of a difference.

Anyway, that was the main thing I did 'wrong', over-taking the non-existent car, but I also scared two little girls as I went along at walking pace in my terrifying mobile death machine. Funnily enough I don't even remember seeing any kids but if they were there & it is true that they were scared of an idling car then I'm the least of their worries I'd imagine.

Asked the PC is that was it, he said yes. No complaints about speed etc, just that it was 'inconsiderate driving'.

Feel slightly hard done by to say the least. Presume someone has most likely got a problem with me & I'll only have to use the car at a time that offends them & they'll be on the phone again & I'll be in trouble. Immediate angry thoughts were of frozen sausages etc but I've just got to take it.

Cheers. (& thanks for the advice earlier in the thread)