M25 variable limit cameras


wee man

746 posts

239 months

Monday 9th May 2005
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gone said:

havoc said:

gone said:
If you want to go faster than this without penalty, pay your £25 for a track day and drive as fast as you like.

Erm, you'll be lucky to find a trackday for < £100. And then there's the small issue of insurance...and tyre wear...and brake wear...and changing the brake fluid beforehand ideally...oh and you'll need a helmet (or hire a smelly one!)...

Balanced against 3 points or more, the possibility of loaded insurance next renewal, and the gamble of whether a FPT will be offered or a visit to the beak with an attendant expensive legal expert!

£100 seems like a bargain to me
Do the people that decide to exceed the limit on public roads have their brake fluid changed first?

I have been on track days recently (and good ones as well which are properly marshalled) for an entry price of £100 which split between 3 drivers was not extortionate. There is also the possibility of going to open days at places liike Castle Coombe where you chance it with the attendant loonies in their Astras for £25 a shot!

havoc said:

Alternatively, there's that small issue called "common sense", which says that the law hasn't changed for > 40 years, while cars have got many times safer than they were 40 years ago, so why is the speed limit still the same here?!?

Because driver ability and overcrowded roads have not improved with the increase in technical improvement on vehicles.

havoc said:

Alternatively, there's that little issue that says that if the French can legally drive at 130km/h, and the Italians 150km/h, and the Germans (well, depends where...), then what is so bad about the UK M-ways and M-way users that we are restricted to 112km/h???

The difference is

1. French/German motorways are in France/Germany not here.
2. Why does 18kph (approx 11mph) make such a difference?

havoc said:

"The law is the law" is one of the most over-used and under-informative phrases around. Laws have continually evolved and changed as necessary to reflect the mores and attitudes of society...this is a necessary and healthy part of a social democracy.

Until it has evolved and changed, then unfortunately it is still 'the law'

havoc said:

Except with speed limits, some numpty's in London (where even 30mph is rare!) seem to feel that "speed is bad", and in fact are reducing limits on a significant number of roads, despite all these advances in safety and road-engineering! Funny that, eh?!?

I am not laughing

>> Edited by gone on Monday 9th May 14:28

And here's me thinking Street Cop had left the building? Not changed his name?


75,192 posts

274 months

Monday 9th May 2005
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wee man said:
And here's me thinking Street Cop had left the building? Not changed his name?
You're right one one name but wrong on the other there.

(Which means, no, gone is not StreetCop, but ???Cop. )


48,571 posts

250 months

Thursday 26th May 2005
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Got flashed last night in lane 2 at indicated 81/82mph between M40 and M4.

Mrs Puggit was behind me in the S2000 and the camera didn't reset itself in time - which is probably a good thing


299 posts

286 months

Thursday 26th May 2005
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puggit said:
Mrs Puggit was behind me in the S2000

Really? Better check the photo to be sure!


48,571 posts

250 months

Thursday 26th May 2005
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scoule said:

puggit said:
Mrs Puggit was behind me in the S2000

Really? Better check the photo to be sure!


5,851 posts

267 months

Friday 27th May 2005
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gone said:

Sorry to have to tell you this but the limit is 70mph!

True, but *over* *half* the traffic on the motorways are going faster than this.

20 per cent are doing more than 80 mph.

gone said:

Until then, you have to gamble whether your need for speed is greater than your need for the cash to stay in your wallet

The sixty quid fine is only a couple of quid more than a tank of petrol ?

gone said:

and the stress to stay out of your life

What stress ?

So many millions of UK drivers have had speeding tickets that the car insurance companies now ignore the first three points, only loading on six points or more now.

So it appears that most Uk drivers have adopted a de-facto 80 limit, and the insurance companies too.

Isn't it about time the UK Gov caught up with reality, and got their employees with the over developed sense of right and wrong to comply as well ?


6 posts

236 months

Saturday 28th May 2005
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I too have noticed the cameras going schiz on the clock-wise carriageway recently while I've been sat in the car park opposite from the A40. I can only think that the roadworks in this area must also include big upgrades to the matrix signs and camera systems (note the 'all new' variable limit signs just after the M3 exit clockwise). I can't imagine that these are all 'live' camera operations - I saw one gantry fire 4 times (all fast lane) the other day in the time I took to crawl past it on the opposite carriageway, something I have never seen before in the nearly 4 years I've been making the journey. A far more worrying thing in my opinion is that I always considered the matrix signs to be 'without cameras' from the M4 onwards, but the last or second to last gantry (around the M40 anyway) has been flashing like mad recently.

It all makes sense really.. if the M25 cameras were to be enforced as strictly as some of the local cameras mentioned on this forum, they would be absolute gold mines.. and what government could turn that down?
