FAO Mon Ami



34,432 posts

305 months

Tuesday 14th February 2006
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Plumbers, it's always plumbers isn't it?


27,591 posts

273 months

Tuesday 14th February 2006
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PetrolTed said:
Plumbers, it's always plumbers isn't it?

99% of the time they are more helpful than lawyers, coppers and IT blokes all put together.


12,941 posts

242 months

Tuesday 14th February 2006
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shnozz said:
PetrolTed said:
Plumbers, it's always plumbers isn't it?

99% of the time they are more helpful than lawyers, coppers and IT blokes all put together.

...and they earn a lot more...

big Fat F'er

893 posts

227 months

Tuesday 14th February 2006
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nonegreen said:
Bye bye.


I wondered what that was whistling past my ear, then I realised it was the Teddy coming out of your pram.

You should always argue your case, just don't call 'em pigs. Personal insults never help (ya thick g!t). Stand up for what you believe, but don't go in for the personal stereotypical insults.


12,941 posts

242 months

Tuesday 14th February 2006
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On a more serious note than my post above, I'd like to "out" myself as well, and thank Ted (and others) for having us BiB on here.

I personally caused Ted a bit of bother a while back, by posting an opinion of mine elsewhere on PH, which although my own, was taken by a third party as "official" policy, and they objected to it. The result of this was Ted had extra work to do, and I had a "meeting without coffee" with the Divisional Commander. I did offer to Ted to bow out of PH, but he was happy for me to stay, and for that, I'm grateful.

There can't be many other professions whose (non slanderous, non libellous, just personal opinion) contributions to PH can get them into the same amount of trouble as the BiB.

I can think of a few occasions recently where I have had to dilute my replies to some posts to such an extent that I haven't bothered to post them.

I'm quite happy to have a reasoned debate, and even disagree with people, but I think the personal insults and the "you BiB are all the same, and I should know, cos my mate's cousin's girlfriend's neighbour got a ticket off a parking attendant for stopping in a disabled bay once" merchants are being a bit disingenuous to themselves and the vast majority of posters on here.

If you've had a bad experience with the Police, then let's hear it. Just don't assume that if you'd been stopped by another officer, you'd have had the same bad experience. And yes, I realise that most BiB are guilty of pigeonholing/stereotyping people as well - it's definitely a two way street.

And if your gripe really is that major, perhaps don't post it on here, spend that amount of time making an official complaint. You may be of the opinion that nothing will happen if you do, but you can be certain that nothing will happen if you don't. I can think of occasions where I've had complaints, and thought "Yep, actually, that person is right, and I was out of order", and I've tried not to make the same mistake twice. There are of course people who have complained, when in my opinion, they've really had no grounds to do so whatsoever.

Anyhow, I'll be sticking around for the foreseeable.

Mon Ami Mate

6,589 posts

270 months

Tuesday 14th February 2006
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nonegreen said:
Mon Ami Mate said:
nonegreen said:
towman said:
As good a piece of prose as I have seen on this board for a long time. (the sticky - not your usual inane ramblings!)

Your easily impressed. I think the brown nosing of the police contributors on here simply devalues and dillutes the strength of feeling among the motoring community. It adds nothing to the forum and skews the truth. If it continues I will simply abstain.

Nonegreen, if you abuse anybody on this forum, you are likely to find yourself in the sin bin. This forum is the poorer for losing BiBs. The vast majority of contributors genuinely value their contributions, particularly their advice. If your notion of SP&L is a place to launch a tirade against the Police, then perhaps it's better if you do abstain.

The state of affairs you are aiming for MAM is to effectively stop anyone argueing with the police on this forum. You have been moving toward that for some time now. It makes for a boring forum. Bye bye.

Debate is positively encouraged. There's no need for a debate to become an argument, that's what children do. There's no need for an argument to become abusive. That's what intellectual pygmies do.

I have often defended your irrascible approach to this forum in the past. You can be as irrascible as you like and you can debate with as much passion as you want to. I know that you have the intelligence and wit to make crossing the line to abuse unnecessary. Shame about the self control and common decency.


14,589 posts

240 months

Tuesday 14th February 2006
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I agree that having an online forum where contributors are able to seek advice/help from likeminded Police officers is a very good thing and the SP&L forum is an excellent vehicle for such conversation and it would be detrimental to the PH site, should it not remain. Not that anybody is actually saying it should go, to my knowledge.

To reiterate the comments made by Rviant, I also have been stopped by POlice on occasion and have always treated them with the utmost respect, after all, it is they that exist to help me and my family sleep at night. For that I will always be thankful.

Yes, there are rotten eggs out there, but I have no doubt that once unearthed, do not remain in the job for long.


>> Edited by anniesdad on Wednesday 15th February 09:49


11,700 posts

282 months

Tuesday 14th February 2006
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I would like to add my support to all the serving police who post on this forum, they certainly have my respect.


3,984 posts

257 months

Tuesday 14th February 2006
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shnozz said:
Plotloss said:
There has to be balance though, shirley?

Obvious abusing BiB for being BiB is not on, at all, however deliberatly provocative postings by BiB, which we have had in the past, admittedly not so much these days, is also a bit offside.

indeed. The Bib have some very helpful things to add to PH and should not receive abuse for their role in society alone (I hear the stereotyping enough in my profession). However, at some stages the patronising and narrow minded blinkered views from several posting Bibs only served to push me into believing their was a large degree of truth to some of the stereotyping. I am pleased to see that doesn't appear to be the case so much these days and Bib postings don't now appear to have the "listen 'ere sonny Jim" feel to them as they have done at times in the past.

Good post........all we can do is share experiences and stick to the facts. That way its useful for all of us as it most certainly is a two way street.

As Dibble has already pointed out, sometimes i read a post and after ive watered down my reply its sometimes not worth replying at all.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, however, sometimes its better to keep it to yourself.

Onwards and upwards i say


14,805 posts

269 months

Tuesday 14th February 2006
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PetrolTed said:
I'll echo those sentiments.

The police on here have been singled out for abuse in the past simply because of the job they do. That's a ridiculous generalisation.

I consider their input very valuable to the forums in the same was I as do those of magistrates. The magistrates here haven't received the same abuse as the police.

All we're asking for is civil discussion and reminding people that we are particularly consider that our rules of play are adhered to in respect of the police. They are few and far between and their input is that valuable that I don't want them to leave.

I entirely agree, appreciate the views of Police Officers on here, and anyway how else do we get to hear their views in a non-confrontational manner - like at the roadside

and save your hatemail for the Scammers and Politicians....


7,950 posts

249 months

Wednesday 15th February 2006
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nonegreen said:
Mon Ami Mate said:
nonegreen said:
towman said:
As good a piece of prose as I have seen on this board for a long time. (the sticky - not your usual inane ramblings!)

Your easily impressed. I think the brown nosing of the police contributors on here simply devalues and dillutes the strength of feeling among the motoring community. It adds nothing to the forum and skews the truth. If it continues I will simply abstain.

Nonegreen, if you abuse anybody on this forum, you are likely to find yourself in the sin bin. This forum is the poorer for losing BiBs. The vast majority of contributors genuinely value their contributions, particularly their advice. If your notion of SP&L is a place to launch a tirade against the Police, then perhaps it's better if you do abstain.

The state of affairs you are aiming for MAM is to effectively stop anyone argueing with the police on this forum. You have been moving toward that for some time now. It makes for a boring forum. Bye bye.

Fair enough.

I’m with Greg on this one. Nonegreen added nothing to this forum apart from his off the radar politics akin to pol pot, along with his solution to most modern day social problems; which was to either smash it, assault it, or kill it.

His immature, aggressive and often offensive contributions added nothing of any value that will be missed.

Having seen a picture which was allegedly him, I don’t think he is 12.

Appearances can indeed be monolithically deceptive.


4 posts

220 months

Wednesday 15th February 2006
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hello everyone. im really glad to read the comments on here about BiB posting being appreciated. a mate of mine who is a police officer posted on here for a while but left recently. he told me he wasn't going to bother anymore because of the negative comments directed at police and on occasion him. he still uses other threads on ph but said he had no intention of cming back here. i'll tell him about htis new thread and see if he'll change his mind.


1,273 posts

255 months

Wednesday 15th February 2006
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I think people should be able to post their opinions on here, but that doesn't mean to say abuse the bib's on here. I have met a few and all seem to be genuine enthusiasts and fairly like minded in the way of thinking about how one should or shouldn't drive.

I am all for stating an opinion but for gods sake don't abuse anyone on here. Without the BIB's that post on here this forum would not be worthwhile.

FWIW I think most of the BiB's that post on here make a valid point without being condescending, and most are good guys

Of course there is always a few exceptions to the rule.

I think nonegreen goes a bit to far sometimes but thats only IMHO not an attack on him

I have been stopped by the police before but always treated them with respect,same way I would like to be treated. Now I would much rather meet a traffpol than a scamera any time, those scamera vans really get on my nerves but thats not the BIB's fault after all we voted them in

So lets all just take a chill pill

>> Edited by rviant on Wednesday 15th February 01:19

>> Edited by rviant on Wednesday 15th February 01:20


8,369 posts

245 months

Wednesday 15th February 2006
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Ist a big difference between banter like bashing - courtsey of something which appear in tabloids und ist giving pur s here to give the other side of coin - which ist the reality und not the StUNsenational!

But I did woinder if less on board was due to pressure from the idiots - und in Dibble's case oif someone complained to Lancs force - we have a good idea as to who stirred it as it tried it on mit lieber IG on the ohter channel ....only lieber IG - - ist open the doors for him und tug forelocks und peaks of helmet ...und press his keks for him...

Flat in Fifth

44,341 posts

253 months

Wednesday 15th February 2006
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Dibble said:
And yes, I realise that most BiB are guilty of pigeonholing/stereotyping people as well

What's wrong with profiling then Dibs?


6,058 posts

232 months

Wednesday 15th February 2006
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I've met some really nice policemen, but I wouldn't tar them all with the same brush.


Original Poster:

14,938 posts

241 months

Wednesday 15th February 2006
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7db said:
I've met some really nice policemen, but I wouldn't tar them all with the same brush.

No, unless you clean it really, really well, it`s useless after the first go. And you have to be quick or the feathers don`t stick.


12,941 posts

242 months

Wednesday 15th February 2006
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towman said:
No, unless you clean it really, really well, it`s useless after the first go. And you have to be quick or the feathers don`t stick.


4,294 posts

244 months

Wednesday 15th February 2006
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PetrolTed said:
True, but Streetcop was in a world of his own and thankfully he returned to it

OK, Gary upset a few people on PH from time to time, mind you, I still seem to be upsetting him a bit with some of my contributions elsewhere!

Anyhow, I'm sorry he left here, but I expect the final straw was the way he rubbed our noses in it with his camera van activity, and I wish he'd kept his distance from that. That also seemed to be a matter of money.

Best wishes all,