Discretion. What does it mean?

Discretion. What does it mean?



8,369 posts

245 months

Friday 4th March 2005
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Streetcop said:

WildCat said:

Politically correct? Und desk bods?

You DON'T get promoted unless you are politically correct.....FACT

and there are NO chief inspectors that are 'operationally' on the streets in ANY of the 43 forces......

(Not counting the publicity seeking walk rounds for the newspapers once every 7 years)

Ach! They were fast trackers und reached their lofty status before silliness set in...

That side of family have been BiB for generations und one of the Swiss relative families ist likewise...Rest of us become toppest scientists , medics und lawyers...und finance whizzes ....mit one teacher...und one dentist ...... ("rebels" )

All anti-scam too - und not afraid of saying so.

But ja - they have been in the papers from time to time Und have reputation of being rebels Renegaded attitude Ist a "must" in this family if you want family "respect"


Original Poster:

6,649 posts

265 months

Friday 4th March 2005
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TripleS said:

Prosecuting people for speeding is easy, and of course highly remunerative, perhaps that's why it gets done with such enthusiasm. Never mind the fact that it is not making any meaningful impression on our road safety performance.

What a tragic misuse of power.

Best wishes all,

What a tragic misuse of diction

Lucrative would have been better


Original Poster:

6,649 posts

265 months

Friday 4th March 2005
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WildCat said:

Politically correct? Und desk bods? They are the least pee cee PCs - und kick ass fair und square - usually the ones belonging to the bottom lickers ..... One ist very outspoken on Paulie's site Und they are "roll up sleeves und get hands dirty types!"

Can't remember the last time I saw any rank above Sgt kick ass on the street! Occasionally I see an Inspector lurking in the shadows on a late shift but as for kicking ass !!!!

They must be unusual in the extreme, but if they are your relations, then I am not surprised at that !

I do know one or two outspoken ones but they are the ones who are not likely to be favoured in the 'butterfly' race!

wildcat said:

Und they have all used fair discretion (except for about 6 months after the family "traumas" when they pulled anything which moved on wheels - und got reputation as "miserable ol' farties" - which they blame me for )

When do Ch/Inspectors and Supts get time to go and stop traffic? You are making it up again!
Ch/Insp and above only drive a desk. I have rarely even seen anyone above rank of Inspector even drive a Police vehicle with lights and sirens, marked or unmarked!

They are essential users on the mileage budget and it is too lucrative (reminder for TripleS ) for them to use Police vehicles!

Also they might have to stop and deal with something if they are in a marked one!

wildcat said:

I still call them that name - und my youngest children wrench off their police head wear... und so on

So, they visit you with their hats on then
OR you visit them at the nick and the duty 'Guvnor' allows the sprogs to run riot through there

>> Edited by gone on Friday 4th March 18:28


4,294 posts

244 months

Friday 4th March 2005
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gone said:

TripleS said:

Prosecuting people for speeding is easy, and of course highly remunerative, perhaps that's why it gets done with such enthusiasm. Never mind the fact that it is not making any meaningful impression on our road safety performance.

What a tragic misuse of power.

Best wishes all,

What a tragic misuse of diction

Lucrative would have been better

Ah so you do still take the trouble to read what I write, obviously still eager to learn eh? Anyhow I'm obliged to you Steve, though on reflection I don't think my diction was all that bad.

It did cross my mind that the word 'remunerative' was more suggestive of income for an individual, such as a person doing a well paid job, but apparently it does not only apply to this.

On checking my small dictionary I find that 'remunerative' and 'lucrative' both mean profitable, so either would do I suppose.

More importantly I do note that you have not indicated disagreement with my principle comment, and I appreciate your support.

Best wishes all,


8,369 posts

245 months

Friday 4th March 2005
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lieber gone said:

WildCat said:

Politically correct? Und desk bods? They are the least pee cee PCs - und kick ass fair und square - usually the ones belonging to the bottom lickers ..... One ist very outspoken on Paulie's site Und they are "roll up sleeves und get hands dirty types!"

Can't remember the last time I saw any rank above Sgt kick ass on the street! Occasionally I see an Inspector lurking in the shadows on a late shift but as for kicking ass !!!!

They must be unusual in the extreme, but if they are your relations, then I am not surprised at that !

Told you - we are complete rebels.... (Und Cousin Axel ist mit german BiB - ist armed mit gun all the time (Ist trafpol trainer in Germany.. und they are not as nice as british bobbies anyway )

lieber gone said:

I do know one or two outspoken ones but they are the ones who are not likely to be favoured in the 'butterfly' race!

Of the UK mob...

One ist in Met (und ist not happiest bunny there).. onbe ist GMP (which ist OK on whole) und other ist Durham - und ist happiest bunny there )

lieber gone said:

wildcat said:

Und they have all used fair discretion (except for about 6 months after the family "traumas" when they pulled anything which moved on wheels - und got reputation as "miserable ol' farties" - which they blame me for )

When do Ch/Inspectors and Supts get time to go and stop traffic? You are making it up again!

Nein Liebchen ! :hehe; Family trauma was long time ago now - my twins were 7 month old at time of my incident und they are now 15 going on 16.... They were lower ranked at the time .... But they were still haoled as miserable ol'farties for some time after that...

[quote=;ieber gone]
Ch/Insp and above only drive a desk. I have rarely even seen anyone above rank of Inspector even drive a Police vehicle with lights and sirens, marked or unmarked!

They are essential users on the mileage budget and it is too lucrative (reminder for TripleS ) for them to use Police vehicles!

Also they might have to stop and deal with something if they are in a marked one!

One of them ist involved in road safety issues - und they do not use scams whre he works Und he ist darned good at driving....
but still managed to blow up an engine which sis' und self had lovingly restored when we were aged 18-19 years -ish He ist older than we are

lieber gone said:

wildcat said:

I still call them that name - und my youngest children wrench off their police head wear... und so on

So, they visit you with their hats on then
OR you visit them at the nick and the duty 'Guvnor' allows the sprogs to run riot through there [/quote]

Ja ... I visit the Durjam und GMP ones at work sometimes und my kittens run amok in their offices My two youngest boys (aged 7 und 5 now (we have now adopted the fostered children) now think they might like to be policemen when they grow up


2,049 posts

235 months

Friday 4th March 2005
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Streetcop said:

Tell that the the families who's loved ones have been killed by those committing 'motoring offences'

It must be awful having to do that, but it must be just as awful telling that somebody's been killed in an accident that happened with vehicles being driven perfectly withing the law.

What I find so bad at the moment is the fact that a regular annual decrease in road deaths that has been happening for at least a couple of decades stopped in the late 90's and even started to increase a little bit in the last couple of years.

This seems to have uncannily coincided with the increase in speed enforcement, traffic calming measures, and the decrease of the traditional road enforcement methods. There are record prosecutions and people seem to be driving little slower than a few years ago, even if still above the speed limit in many cases.


250 posts

227 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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May i please enter my opinion to your thread?
If you wish to lower the death rate on these fine roads of ours there are some simple but I think effective remedies.
1/ All motorists must complete a years driving on a 50cc motorbike before being allowed anywhere near another vehicle.
2/ All motorists should undergo driving a large goods vehicle, preferably artic size.
3/ All motorists should complete and pass the Institute of Advanced Motorists exam.

I have done all three and consider myself to be a much safer and more aware driver because of it. Oh and as far as the riding bikes bit go, I am still alive as there is not much room for error with the old two wheeled beasties!
Anyone agree???


Original Poster:

6,649 posts

265 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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just_william said:
May i please enter my opinion to your thread?
If you wish to lower the death rate on these fine roads of ours there are some simple but I think effective remedies.
1/ All motorists must complete a years driving on a 50cc motorbike before being allowed anywhere near another vehicle.
2/ All motorists should undergo driving a large goods vehicle, preferably artic size.
3/ All motorists should complete and pass the Institute of Advanced Motorists exam.

I have done all three and consider myself to be a much safer and more aware driver because of it. Oh and as far as the riding bikes bit go, I am still alive as there is not much room for error with the old two wheeled beasties!
Anyone agree???

The thread was one about use of discretion. Not about driving qualification.

Better discuss that on another thread

And as far as your opinion goes, I do not agree with any of it except the part about better training. IAM/ROSPA are good but this should be the normal statndard not an advanced one.


30,314 posts

237 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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gone said:
And as far as your opinion goes, I do not agree with any of it except the part about better training. IAM/ROSPA are good but this should be the normal statndard not an advanced one.
Well b'gger me, I agree with gone again!!!

Where did I put the pills...

In all seriousness, I can see an extra 500,000 - 1 million mopeds on the roads causing absolute chaos...esp if they're all totally inexperienced driver/riders, wobbling around and generally not looking...that sounds like a great way of INCREASING casualties...although it would be very effective from a darwinian perspective of increasing the skills of the average road user.

As for HGV driving...even sillier...I've no doubt it makes you a better driver...if you've the interest in driving in the first place. Having a Doris and a Kevin doing lessons in a HGV is another recipe for disaster...and this one might prove fatal to others.


250 posts

227 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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havoc said:

Having a Doris and a Kevin doing lessons in a HGV is another recipe for disaster...and this one might prove fatal to others.

Ha appreciate what you say. Thinking more of a go round some bollards away from open road, just so they see how far the trailer comes round and how long they take to stop. Maybe folk wouldn't cut them up and pull in front of them and slam brakes on??

>> Edited by just_william on Thursday 4th August 14:07


30,314 posts

237 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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just_william said:
Ha appreciate what you say. Thinking more of a go round some bollards away from open road, just so they see how far the trailer comes round and how long they take to stop. Maybe folk wouldn't cut them up and pull in front of them and slam brakes on??

True...but I bet a fair number of people would do it and forget about it, and never apply said lesson.

jacko lah

3,297 posts

251 months

Friday 5th August 2005
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gone said:

just_william said:
May i please enter my opinion to your thread?
If you wish to lower the death rate on these fine roads of ours there are some simple but I think effective remedies.
1/ All motorists must complete a years driving on a 50cc motorbike before being allowed anywhere near another vehicle. :

Better discuss that on another thread

Nah, here will do. I too spent a year and maybe 5000 miles riding a 'tuned' moped. By the time I was 17 it would do maybe 55 mph on the flat, I rode it to cumbria and found it would do 70 downhill (1 in 5 hills are scarey with moped brakes)

Anyway, always being at FULL throttle is now part of my normal driving and I put this down to the Moped Year.

So I'm not sure it's helped me personally. As for the other ideas : Forget that. I'm not going near the wheel of an arctic and any organisation that, shall be say, thinks it knows better is most likely full of patronising gits that I'd rather not meet ?
(or was that the police) anyhow no offence to either !!!


Original Poster:

6,649 posts

265 months

Friday 5th August 2005
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jacko lah said:

..... shall be say, thinks it knows better is most likely full of patronising gits that I'd rather not meet ?
(or was that the police) anyhow no offence to either !!!

Better keep your eyes peeled then or you will likley be meeting one sooner rather than later with your foot to the floor behaviour!


5,015 posts

286 months

Friday 5th August 2005
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Streetcop said:
Bollox to all this COAST and Roadcraft and all the other things that people think they might display to avoid prosecution....

The vast majority of Fatals in my county are excessive speed fatals...FACT

I'll tell you one thing....if a PH'ers child was killed by a speeding motorist...there'd not be much forgiveness if the driver had been COASTING, Roadcrafting or anything else...

Oh, it'd be all different then......"hang, draw and quarter them" etc etc

"All change"....ding ding..."All change"

I would be interested to know, of those:

How many were under the influence of acohol, drugs, or the car had been stolen, not insured, not passed a test, etc

and when you say excessive speed, do you mean breaking the speed limit. OR driving to fast for the conditions, whilst within the speed limit.

Prime FActor or secondary factor, is what I'm getting at...

Surely best to concentrate on the prime factor.