Jimmy Saville


Red 4

10,744 posts

189 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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The BBC have just released details of 3 women Jimmy Saville allegedly propositioned in the 70'S.

They included pictures of the women now, and pictures of them back in the 70's.

The caption read "Now then, now then, now then".


56 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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Mill Wheel

6,149 posts

198 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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Breadvan72 said:
If we had to walk a mile in your shoes...? confused



56 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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No, this: getmecoat

Mill Wheel

6,149 posts

198 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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Breadvan72 said:
No, this: getmecoat
I knew that... just wondered why you included all the footwear too! smile


2,752 posts

217 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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triumphkryten said:
I was at a studio recording of the tv show QI some years ago, and as you can imagine it takes 2 hours to get 30 minutes as they tend to wander from the subject. During one of the wanderings, the subject of child perverts came up, and Steven Fry ordered the cameras stopped, and heand the guests, including J Clarkson commented on Jimmy Saville and what unsavoury facts were just waiting to come to light, but how the establishment (not sure if it was the BBC being referred to) were too scared to say anything while he was alive.

They all talked as if it was common knowledge in showbiz...

Edited by triumphkryten on Thursday 4th October 13:42
What the hell are you talking about? Who was "too scared"?

If you met Jimmy Saville you would realise he would be the last person in the world you would be scared of.

Do you honestly mean to tell us you think that JS was sexually assaulting all these young women, it was common knowledge, but every celeb that knew and the whole of the BBC organisation were so scared of him they kept their mouths shut??!!

Next you'll be telling us he was a Godfather armed with a sawn off shotgun!

Mind you, it must have been true if Jeremy Clarkson said it!!


Derek Smith

45,905 posts

250 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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Mill Wheel said:
I don't think many posting here actually know what people go through in the questioning though - on both sides.
The personal nature of the details borders on disgusting - definitely distasteful - but those questions (apparently) have to be asked.
I was innocent of the allegations made, but I felt as though I had been violated - and my wife had to be asked the same questions about our personal life - despite she didn't even know me when the alleged events took place!
If you have not experienced it, you will have no idea how stressful is is.

I had no end of sympathy and people offering to be character witnesses - but what use is a character witness? All it might show is that they didn't know you as well as they thought - Harold Shipman would probably be well spoken of by any of his victims!

It is so easy to sit typing that the victims should have spoken out - but you have NO IDEA what it is like for them.

Saville would appear to have been either innocent or very clever and manipulative.
From what I know of his upbringing, it could well be the latter... somebody mentioned double bluff early on.
I agree with evidence gathering, and it's thoroughness. We have seen a (small) number of false claims of rape so the police have an over-riding requirement to obtain the details.

But things like intimate samples, including combings, that sort of thing, are bad enough, but then comes the questioning about the details of the incident. All (I think) forces have Victim Suites, designed like a living room, where the questioning takes place so it is done as kindly as possible. But thoroughly. But what the questioners do is force the victim to go through a rape/sexual assault again.

A problem lies in court and the systems which can be abused. It is all very well to say that the brief has to do their best for the man charged but that should not include bullying, which goes on. In the case I mentioned (and a nubmer of others pre the changes to the CoP) briefs would demand an ID procedure despite DNA or other form of ID more dependable than visual ID. This in the hope that the ID officer would make some error in procedure which could be exploited. The effect on the victim is not ignored but hoped for. Yu can't ignore a moral imperative.

If there is no other form of ID (nor continuity, the best form of identification there can be) then one has to accept it.

Sorry to go on but the casual cruelty used to get to me. You would not believe what I've had to put up with. And not only me. I've seen a video of a brief, with an honour, bump into a 12-year-old child who had been sexually assaulted, strangled and elft for dead. You can blam the ID officer for not stopping it but, as he said, he never dreamed the bloke would do it.

The girl picked out the offender by the way. He's the longest serving prisoner other than for murder so a result. The kid was a hero, real bottle. All the blokes who worked in the enquiry were overwhelmed by her. And all the brief could do was assault her.

Some acccuse me of being bitter. And they are right.


1,274 posts

203 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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Derek said "Sorry to go on but the casual cruelty used to get to me. You would not believe what I've had to put up with. And not only me. I've seen a video of a brief, with an honour, bump into a 12-year-old child who had been sexually assaulted, strangled and elft for dead. You can blam the ID officer for not stopping it but, as he said, he never dreamed the bloke would do it"

DS, what do you mean by 'bump' - shove her??


5,478 posts

147 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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I always figured that JS was a closet homosexual.

Red Devil

13,101 posts

210 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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Derek Smith said:
We have seen a (small) number of false claims of rape so the police have an over-riding requirement to obtain the details.
However small the number is, that is of little comfort to those men falsely accused of rape.

Not only did she put her victim through seven shades of hell, she has TWICE defrauded the public purse of £7.5k. Personally I think she should have been banged up for at least 3 years, instead of a paltry 6 months.

Mill Wheel was lucky the case against him was NFA'd, he might have ended up like this unfortunate guy.


56 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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clockworks said:
I always figured that JS was a closet homosexual.
The alleged victims are women. Camp or flamboyant does not equal gay, and most pervs are straight.


502 posts

160 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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daz3210 said:
decadence said:
On topic quite why it seems Jimmy was allowed to have under-age 'fans' in his changing room alone at all (even for HIS protection against accusations) is really beyond me.....
this is claimed by several staffers at the BBC...
But when did this happen?

In years gone by there was nothing thought about such things. Pedophilia and homosexuality almost certainly existed, but was not talked about quite so openly. Child Protection Policies that sporting clubs have now were unheard of. It basically wasn't thought of as a problem I guess.

25 years since I played a sport that I still play. Back then after a game we went to changing rooms and got showered and changed. Adults and kids mixed freely. Now the rules are oh so different. Men and boys are supposed to use separate facilities (but this does prove difficult sometimes with the nature of some older facilities).
I can't believe for one that Daz is lumping in Homosexuality and Paedophilia into the same box. Being straight or Gay means that certain 'rules' apply, main one being sex must be concentual and mustn't be under the age of consent. Quite simple. So dont try to suggest that society dosen't understand Paedo's same as they didnt understand Homosexuals in the past,there was and is nothing wrong with homosexuality so long as its consensual and over the age the law dictates.... i seriously worry about you Daz.


56 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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Sadly, people often assume incorrectly that all or most gay men are pederasts, when in fact most child abusers are straight, for the simple reason that more people are straight than gay.

I don't think that Daz was assuming that, but the juxtaposition is unfortunate.

Mill Wheel

6,149 posts

198 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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Red Devil said:
However small the number is, that is of little comfort to those men falsely accused of rape.

Not only did she put her victim through seven shades of hell, she has TWICE defrauded the public purse of £7.5k. Personally I think she should have been banged up for at least 3 years, instead of a paltry 6 months.

Mill Wheel was lucky the case against him was NFA'd, he might have ended up like this unfortunate guy.
It says the CICA claim back the money if it is found to have been claimed fraudulently... they should be made to prove that claim!

Red Devil

13,101 posts

210 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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Mill Wheel said:
Red Devil said:
However small the number is, that is of little comfort to those men falsely accused of rape.

Not only did she put her victim through seven shades of hell, she has TWICE defrauded the public purse of £7.5k. Personally I think she should have been banged up for at least 3 years, instead of a paltry 6 months.

Mill Wheel was lucky the case against him was NFA'd, he might have ended up like this unfortunate guy.
It says the CICA claim back the money if it is found to have been claimed fraudulently... they should be made to prove that claim!
I rather doubt the CICA will get much back from Natalie Knighting as most of it went up her nose, into her arm, or down her throat. It was only by a fluke that the person she really had (consensual) sex with was indentified and her lies unmasked.


27,621 posts

218 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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jith said:
If he is guilty of this, I want to see hard evidence and I will be absolutely astounded if this is the case.

'Hard evidence' such as what exactly? Do you think he filmed what he was doing? How about this from his own autobiography?

[Savile] writes of an incident at the Mecca Locarno ballroom in Leeds, where he worked as a DJ during the 1950s, when a female police officer came in with a photograph of “an attractive girl who had run away from a remand home”.Savile writes: “‘Ah,’ says I all serious, ‘if she comes in I’ll bring her back tomorrow but I’ll keep her all night first as my reward’.” He then writes that the girl did go into the club and “agreed that I hand her over if she could stay at the dance, [and] come home with me”. He wrote that he did then hand her over to the “lady of the law…[who] was dissuaded from bringing charges against me by her colleagues, for it was well known that were I to go I would probably take half the station with me”.


5,478 posts

147 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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Breadvan72 said:
The alleged victims are women. Camp or flamboyant does not equal gay, and most pervs are straight.
Not at all what I said!

When I was a kid, the guy struck me as odd. I figured that he was probably gay, because of the way he dressed and acted, the fact that he doted on his mum, and was never known to have had a serious relationship with a woman.

These revelations show that I was probably incorrect - rather than being gay, he was a serial sexual predator.
Of course, it could be that he was actually gay, but in denial, using his childish fumblings with girls to try to convince himself that he was "normal".

As a general rule of thumb, do men who enjoy sex with underage, but sexually-mature, girls have no interest in women?


401 posts

186 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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This whole area is best kept well clear of any generalities.


Original Poster:

5,000 posts

242 months

Thursday 4th October 2012
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decadence said:
I can't believe for one that Daz is lumping in Homosexuality and Paedophilia into the same box.
The only manner in which I am lumping them together is in that in times gone by neither were talked about as much as they are these days.

If you cared to actually digest what I have said in full, I did say that homosexuality is better accepted now, whereas pedophilia is still wrong.

So please stop worrying.


43,824 posts

152 months

Friday 5th October 2012
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I think the whole thing is a disgrace. I'm very disappointed in Jimmy Saville. I'll never listen to another Bronski Beat or Communards record for as long as I live.