Police scared of robbers or H & S officials

Police scared of robbers or H & S officials



7,073 posts

252 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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Friend is in TVP so maybe different forces do it differently.

It smacks of bad management. Knowing what each of your 'employees' are up to is the responsibility of a manager; the manager then reports to their director and so on. Any employees who are slacking should be dealt with by their manager - it's what they're there for!

For some reason the police force has to have this layer of bureaucracy whereupon this system gets bypassed and of course everyone at ground level gets the hassle. Silly, isn't it?

Mrr T

12,367 posts

267 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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WildCat said:

3. Accountants. Now here's a surprise. ACCA/ACA/CIMA require all trainee accountants to keep a log book in which they log all work experience from basic cash book keeping to lofty systems analysis, risk assessment and strategic management garbage, and professional activities, even if they did the accounts for the local youth club in leisure time. This is presented to these professional bodies when they manage to pass the final exams ( about 20 exam papers of 3 to 4 hours duration each ) and they can only have the "Associate Mamber" status if their log book proves they have sufficient practical experience as well. Lot of paperwork on top of normal work generated paperwork....

Well sort of true. For ACA its 2 lot of 5 exams taken in 2 1/2 days normally a year apart. You have to pass all the exams in the set, well you are allowed one retake for a marginal fail in one paper. Pass rates are about 20%. And you do have to keep a training log but its not hard to do, I did mine covering the 2 years in about 2 hours when I knew I had passed. But you do get 26 weeks study leave over the 2 years.


8,369 posts

245 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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Streetcop said:

WildCat said:

2. Teachers -.

7 weeks holiday..8 weeks ???????

They plan their schemes of work and add to resource cupboard during this time.

Teachers in this family also marking exam scripts as well.

Streetcop said:

WildCat said:
3. Accountants.

Mega bucks..£££$$$£££$$$£££$$$

Depends on type of firm. Not all on high salaries according to adverts in the ACA mag on shelf in WH Smiths... Also ACCA/CIMA - leafed through those last time I visited accountant cousin - vacancy page showed whole spectrum of salaries for various levels - and it was eye opener. Not all are earning what people outside perceive. Some are - but not all. I admit that I was surprised at this myself. I have even looked in the papers to see if this is normal - and in MEN Tuesday - saw one for a Management Accountant - reporting to MD of an engineering company in small satellite town around Manchester. Firm is small - only 40 employees. Job is normal - I would think -for this kind of accountant - monthly reports, forecasting, budgets, costings, stock control - plus all the official stuff from National Statistics, Tax, VAT etc.... and offering £28k pa ....for qualified accountant.

So - not all gas and gaiters and sweet smelly roses as this bloke would earn less than you do!

Streetcop said:

WildCat said:
4. Doctors:

Mega bucks..£££$$$£££$$$£££$$$

Mad Doc earns every penny. But even so - not all make it to his lofty status.

But - the work those guys did to achieve thos qualifications -certainly, they earned it and the work loads are excessive without the paperwork Liebchen.

Streetcop said:

WildCat said:
5. Nurses - like the doctors - they keep log books and profiles and series of nasty exams, but better hours on aggregate. (and earn lots less than BiBs )

Deserve every penny..

Of course they do and some deserve more.

Streetcop said:

Of course all those occupations don't seem to gain the same level of public interest and often critisism as the police seems to do.

Nevermind....I love the job...


I know you do. A lot of others are not as settled in their jobs as you. You are lucky that you have found your vocation in life.

I am lucky - so is Mad Doc - we also love our jobs.

Ach = forgot our lawyers - they also had log book doo-dah but - again some make it to top and others do not earn as much as you would think.

Will say that I do think the lawyers in my family have cushiest number out of all of us though...


850 posts

263 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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JMGS4 said:

loaf said:
Since JFK got shot more Americans have died from gunshot wounds in their own homes than have died in battle in all the armed conflicts in the 20th Century.

All the dead in all armed conflicts in the 20th century?? more than 100 million then?????
20m WWI, 45m WW2 and so on......
so the USA is empty? no-one there??? something slightly wrong with your stats old chap......methinks

Youthinks wrong, old chap...I was referring to US troops only, not all military and civilian deaths, and 400,000 US troops died in WW2 according to several sources; and the US DoD has an official death toll of 53,402 for WW1 (see http://users.erols.com/mwhite28/warstat1.htm for more info)...

JMGS4 said:

But you're right, the right to carry arms is good, but the lefty wnakers can't have that because someone might wake up and shoot the scum...... that's why there was the kneejerk reaction after Dunblane by the government (in this case Tory)...a VERY BAD DECISION...

If a crim knows there's a good chance he'll get shot committing a crime then he may desist or at least think a bit further.

Possibly...or he may possibly shoot first on the off chance that you have a gun and might slot him before he gets away...

JMGS4 said:

Anyone breaking into our home without warning runs the risk of .357 teflon coated lead arriving in their immediate area at around 3500ft/sec!!!! and that legally.....!!!!!! Am i worried about killing a burglar? No not at all, scum who thieve should be dealt with, not given holidays at my expense!!!

FWIW I agree in principle - I keep a pickaxe handle under the bed for the same purpose - but it would be just as kneejerk a reaction to allow everyone to keep a firearm as it was to ban handguns.

Think about it - to drive a car (legally) you have to pass a theory test and quite a stiff practical test before you are allowed on the road, driving what in the wrong hands can be just as deadly as a .44 Magnum. Yet some on here advocate selling firearms to anyone who wants one at the drop of a hat...


850 posts

263 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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superlightr said:

loaf said:

medicineman said:
Hey heres a radical thought, arm the public. The criminals have guns, know the public don't and know the police will take time to respond. Now then are you going to rob a post office knowing the staff may shoot back. Didn't think so.

In the USA, where in most states it's easier to buy a gun than a beer, the following is true for the year 2001:

There were 29,571 gun deaths across the US.

11,671 of these were murders.

16,869 of these were suicides.

802 were 'accidents' - I put the quotes on this as who knows how many of these were accidental or made to look that way.

Since JFK got shot more Americans have died from gunshot wounds in their own homes than have died in battle in all the armed conflicts in the 20th Century.

If the crims have got revolvers, and the public get revolvers, the crims will get semi-auto pistols. If the public then gets semi-auto pistols, the crims will get machine pistols. If the public gets machine pistols, the crims will get assault rifles...you get the idea.

The death penalty is not a deterrent. People who commit capital crimes do so on the basis that they don;t think they will be caught so what does it matter? If it was a deterrent then why are there over 3000 Death Row inmates in the USA? Every Friday at least one poor sod gets the chop in a Saudi public square (not belittling what happened to Bigley, but the Saudis do that every week and no-one bats an eyelid) and the trend isn't decreasing.

Statistics... ahh... what are those figure as a % of the population. What is drug related? etc.



8,741 posts

272 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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mungo said:
Yes but I'm 5'7"

Ahem.....Not exagerating slightly are we, old chep???
from what I remember 4'7" was nearer...or was it just the alcohol level???
John the GOM, not tall either


8,741 posts

272 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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loaf said:
Yet some on here advocate selling firearms to anyone who wants one at the drop of a hat...

I don't believe that selling a handgun should be uncontrolled. Do it the way it's done in Canda, a firearms safety course and a time on the ranges until you get your posession license....good idea, and if you combine that with a psychological assesment, you can't go too far wrong ...IMHO
thanks for the clarification on the KIA figures! was slightly confuddled...


8,741 posts

272 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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mungo said:

JMGS4 said:

mungo said:
Yes but I'm 5'7"

Ahem.....Not exagerating slightly are we, old chep???
from what I remember 4'7" was nearer...or was it just the alcohol level???
John the GOM, not tall either

You must have been pissed!
Dead on 5'7" mate - stood against the height marker in the custody suite the other day and it's confirmed and official now

Then I wasn't the only one!! And the height taken in your platform bootees???

Oos dwarves moost steek together laad!!!


5,907 posts

240 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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WildCat said:

Will say that I do think the lawyers in my family have cushiest number out of all of us though...

Cushy indeed...

Giving criminals their liberty and hindering justice must make for a good night's sleep...


Don't know if your family members are criminal solicitors or not, WildCat


8,741 posts

272 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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mungo said:
Platform boots??? No! Can't abide people that wear things like that (unless they are high heels on nice legs )

High heels and seamed stockings and.....down boy...down!!!


5,907 posts

240 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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JMGS4 said:

mungo said:
Platform boots??? No! Can't abide people that wear things like that (unless they are high heels on nice legs )

High heels and seamed stockings and.....down boy...down!!!

Just for you JMGS4


14,938 posts

241 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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Streetcop said:

Giving criminals their liberty and hindering justice must make for a good night's sleep...

Thats why this countrys legal system is so good. Innocent until proven guilty. Its up to you and the prosecutors to do your job correctly.

Even a good lawyer cannot beat overwhelming evidence and a carefully presented case.



5,907 posts

240 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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towman said:

Streetcop said:

Giving criminals their liberty and hindering justice must make for a good night's sleep...

Thats why this countrys legal system is so good. Innocent until proven guilty. Its up to you and the prosecutors to do your job correctly.

Even a good lawyer cannot beat overwhelming evidence and a carefully presented case.


No? You should see what goes on....Plea bargaining to get a lighter sentence....CPS giving in..so that it doesn't cost the state too much...

I've know solicitors give their clients good answers for interviews..Breaks all their codes of practise..but some do it. Lifts home to criminals, McDonalds on the way...etc etc...

Why, you might ask? A desire for justice? Bollox....Greed, pure and simple. The scrote will then ask for them, the next time they're in the shit...say.....in 24 hours time...

As for doing the job correctly...most of us do...but correctly nowadays means jumping through so many hoops that the end outcome is insignificant in some cases.....

I've said it before and I'll say it again.....Some people should pop along to their local magistrates court and sit in the public gallery. You'll leave more informed and a lot more cynical...I can bet you...



14,938 posts

241 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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Streetcop said:
I've know solicitors give their clients good answers for interviews..Breaks all their codes of practise..but some do it. Lifts home to criminals, McDonalds on the way...etc etc...

If you know it goes on, why is something not done?



5,907 posts

240 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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towman said:

Streetcop said:
I've know solicitors give their clients good answers for interviews..Breaks all their codes of practise..but some do it. Lifts home to criminals, McDonalds on the way...etc etc...

If you know it goes on, why is something not done?


What can be done???????????????????????????????

A solicitor can buy anyone he likes a fast food meal...give lifts to all and sundry....

As for giving clients answers and things to say...how do you police that. Confidential consultation in a police station can't be listened in to. Finally Joe Scrote isn't going to dob in the solicitor, is he?

You're getting it now aren't you? The law is all on the side of the accused and not the accuser....

If you work your arse off and pay your bills and obey the law you're on your own...

Break the law and everyone wants to help you...your deserted lonely criminal life is full of solicitors, probation officers, social workers....giving you free advice, free dinners, free lifts home.....

Innocent until proven guilty....nice place to be, eh?



127 posts

247 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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Streetcop said:
criminals (on the whole) still seem to throw guns away when chased by unarmed police...

Long may that trend continue..

This is rather nice and is a direct result of our (rather good) firearm policies in this country:

If police had guns criminals would need guns to compete (and could sucessfully compete with an armed BiB).

If members of public had guns the criminals would need guns to compete (and could sucessfully compete with an armed MoP).

If the police and the public have no guns the criminals can still get guns, but they're no longer required in most cases, and even if they are required for threats, they do not need to be used because neither the police nor the public can compete with the criminal.

This equals greatly reduced shootings.

This appears to leave the criminals in the lead, but we have a neat trick: Armed Response Units.

If the criminal retains gun when chased by unarmed BiB he faces conflict with ARU, with which he cannot compete (overwhelming force).

So he either drops the gun (added bonus of distancing self from evidence) or takes on ARU and gets claimed by Darwin.


14,938 posts

241 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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Streetcop said:

Innocent until proven guilty....nice place to be, eh?

Oh yes. Far,far better than the opposite.


5,907 posts

240 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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towman said:

Streetcop said:

Innocent until proven guilty....nice place to be, eh?

Oh yes. Far,far better than the opposite.

Depends if you've found your granny beaten and tied up and the culprit caught in the act....

Your views would change rapidly then Steve...



14,938 posts

241 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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My views on the matter would only change if someone representing the law ed up so badly that the scrote got off.



5,907 posts

240 months

Thursday 14th October 2004
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What if the BiB did all they could, but the proof for the court wasn't enough to convict the guy, even though you'd seen him do it...

You'd still be happy that justice has taken it's natural course????

Cos I wouldn't and if it was my Gran...id sort the guy out...career down the pan, couple of years inside..whatever..
