Worth reporting this 'driver'?

Worth reporting this 'driver'?



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Saturday 20th July 2019
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Lindun said:
Selecting snippets of the video is just cementing the view that you’re hiding something. Show the two minutes of footage leading up to this.
Think I'm hiding something if you like. I couldn't care less as I know I've provided all the facts.


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Saturday 20th July 2019
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Sten. said:
If there wasn't more to the video than you're saying, you'd post it. I'll take a little guess at a bit of brake checking, probably some pointless horn usage as the van passes. Maybe even a little swerve to the left to teach him a lesson? Go on OP, prove me wrong. wink
If there was then I could understand why he'd have been miffed and I wouldn't have bothered posting. I didn't need to prove I'm in the right to people that never even knew the event ever took place and then only had half the information. It makes no sense for me to have to prove anything. Hell it could be a random video on the internet I found and it's not even me if you want to believe it's all a conspirency.

As others have said, it's not worth the grief from illogical posters.


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Saturday 20th July 2019
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ghost83 said:
Was you overtaking anything in the middle lane?


It was obviously clear for the van driver to undertake you! This means you were hogging the lane! You and anyone else ahead in this queue are hogging a lane I’m afraid
This makes zero sense. Hogging the lane for who; the people behind me? By your logic they're also hogging the lane.

It's impossible to hog the outside lane unless it is clear in front of you because you don't have the option to overtake on the right, so you're effectively stuck which is why it then becomes a queue of traffic.

I really don't understand how you can fail to grasp this simple concept.

Edited by VeeFource on Saturday 20th July 13:18


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Saturday 20th July 2019
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Engelberger said:
Please get off the road. You aren't bright enough to be in control of 1.5 tonne vehicle.
Are you saying it's ok to undertake? If not then please explain how the vehicle behind me is any different to me being behind the guy in front when we both want to be travelling faster?

citizensm1th said:
the golden rule on the motorway is keep left, the op was not overtaking as is shown by the van undertaking him. the op needs to re read his highway code and keep left and to be less of a twunt about it.
Are you for real? I wanted to overtake but couldn't as there were no more lanes. It deosn't mean I should move into the middle lane to let the miles of cars behind pass me or undertake everyone in front like the idiot in the van.


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Saturday 20th July 2019
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citizensm1th said:
this says it all about your attitude.

you wanted to overtake yet by your own admission there was no safe way of doing so, yet you have two lanes on the inside of you with loads of free space, you could have moved into and possibly made progress in while freeing up road space yourself.

But no you want to stay in lane 3 because your trip is more important than anyone else's

by staying in lane 3 you and the sheeple like you clog that lane up while other lanes have space in them and no one gets anywhere any faster if anything it is drivers like you who end up slowing everybody down.

you know those matrix signs that say keep left they are directly targeted at people like you.

your display of self entitlement is blindingly obvious
Wow, you really think that makes sense don't you laugh

Even if you ignore the fact that moving into lane 2 to make better progress is undertaking, do you think the van driver chose to cut back into lane 3 if being in lane 2 was any better?

I want to be in lane 3 because my trip is AS important as anyone else queuing to go faster. But the person in front has got there before me and has a right to be in that position just as I have a right to be in my position with respect to the van driver behind.

Actually those keep left matrix signs mean to keep left unless overtaking. The part you don't seem to understand is just because someone wasn't physically present to the immediate left of me doesn't mean I'm not overtaking. I am queued up to overtake whatever is causing everyone to be in lane 3 in the first place.

Why has the van driver got more of a right to get past everyone than I have or the vehicles in front of me? He hasn't which means I shouldn't have to move over to let him past. He should have just been patient like the rest of us.


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Saturday 20th July 2019
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FWIW said:
What the above tells us is that you are one of those (many) people who will sit in the outside lane as long as there is someone in front for you to queue behind, regardless of space in the other lanes. You won’t pull over for fear of losing ‘your’ place in the ‘queue’.

I’d put money on you trying to close the gap on WVM in an attempt to stop him ‘queue jumping’, thereby causing a near miss; that’s why you won’t post the video.

Edited by FWIW on Saturday 20th July 14:30
Yeah you got me. I queue up just like all those other dastardly patient people instead of discerningly weaving through gaps across all lanes. What a hero you are..


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Saturday 20th July 2019
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citizensm1th said:
I would place money that the OP is also one of those people who makes a late lunge for his junction as he cannot bare moving into lane one until the last possible moment
So you're throwing speculations now because you've run out of answers laugh

Ok, you go ahead and make yourself feel better about yourself. It will help you cope with with all those big complicated things in life like traffic rules.


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Saturday 20th July 2019
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ghost83 said:
Sorry but the middle lane was clear there was no reason for you or the ppl behind or the ppl ahead to be in lane 3

Move left when not overtaking it’s as simple as that if you had then the van wouldn’t be coming past in the middle lane
I've already explained why that makes no sense. Reiterating your response doesn't justify your answer.

Anyone else want to help this guy figure things out? Think we'd best work shifts as he's really falling behind the class.


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Saturday 20th July 2019
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garyhun said:
Ahhhh ..... it’s like a combination of the very best threads on PH.

OP, if you’ve any sense you’ll really step away. If not then I’m fully stocked on popcorn.
biggrin Good call. Time to take a final (probably) bow

It's been a classic PH spar


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Saturday 20th July 2019
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FWIW said:
RogerDodger said:
Dude, it's NOT A QUEUE.

You have space on your left. If you can't make progress, move left. If everyone treated lane 3 as a "queue" in heavy traffic, lanes 1 & 2 would be empty for miles, with just three cars all abreast at the very front.
That’s exactly what happens! laugh
Totally wrong. The cause of everyone bunching up in the outside lane is mostly the selfish s that hog the middle lane forcing everyone (bar the dangerous undertakers that seem to be posting here today) to have to squeeze past in the outside lane. And if it's not them it's the mindless cretins that hog the outside lane when it's clear to pull in and there's nothing in front of them.

What you and a few other incredibly thick people can't seem to get your head around is that being in the outside lane a safe distance behind someone in front is not lane hogging irrespective of what's happening in the lane to the left. It is lane hogging when it's clear in front and clear to the left.

It really isn't that hard to work out...


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Saturday 20th July 2019
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Monkeylegend said:
But the middle lane was clear hence WVM using it to undertake you.
Read it again.

Middle lane clear is only one out of two things needed to make it mean that I was hogging the outside lane. What did he then do when he undertook me?... he pulled back into my lane, thereby assuming my previous position on the road. And the reason he did that is because being in the middle lane is not the right lane to be in if you want to get past that chunk of traffic. So it then comes back to my original question of why did he deserve to be in my previous position more than I did?

I'll give you the answer (because you'll almost certainly need it); He didn't, because I was in that position first and I was not lane hogging.


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Saturday 20th July 2019
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JimSuperSix said:
Of course its a queue - its a queue to get past the slower moving vehicles ahead in lanes 1 and 2. Guess what happens if you moved left every time there was a car sized gap in the middle lane queue - the car behind will accelerate to fill the gap you just vacated and 5 seconds later when you come up behind the next car in lane 2 you are stuck there and have to force your way back out into lane 3 because nobody will ever let you out, which then leads to road rage, vehicles too close, braking and accelerating etc.

So the best approach is to remain neatly in lane 2 or 3 until you are past the slower vehicles and there is a gap large enough to make moving over worthwhile, not dart around all over the place just because you could potentially fit your car in there for a few seconds.

This is what happens in the real world, not the sanctimonious made-up world many posters want you to believe they live in, because they are better than you.
Be careful spouting all that common sense on here. There seems a disturbing number of posters without any wink On the plus side it's seeming more likely it's just one idiot with a few accounts.


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Saturday 20th July 2019
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Monkeylegend said:
Does it really irk you that much that he got in front of you? I bet you speeded up to block the undertake although you will say you didn't.

I bet you don't like people parking outside your house either smile
Does it irk you having to resort to meaningless speculation as you don't have a rational counterargument?


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Saturday 20th July 2019
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JimSuperSix said:
Monkeylegend said:
JimSuperSix said:
Monkeylegend said:
VeeFource said:
Totally wrong. The cause of everyone bunching up in the outside lane is mostly the selfish s that hog the middle lane forcing everyone (bar the dangerous undertakers that seem to be posting here today) to have to squeeze past in the outside lane. And if it's not them it's the mindless cretins that hog the outside lane when it's clear to pull in and there's nothing in front of them.

What you and a few other incredibly thick people can't seem to get your head around is that being in the outside lane a safe distance behind someone in front is not lane hogging irrespective of what's happening in the lane to the left. It is lane hogging when it's clear in front and clear to the left.

It really isn't that hard to work out...
But the middle lane was clear hence WVM using it to undertake you.
There's a difference between a clear lane worth moving over into and there being just enough space to zoom through and pull out 2 feet in front of someone, which is what WVM did.
Maybe the dash cam might show OP speeding up to block the undertake, we only have a screenshot so apart from WVM and OP who knows what went on.

I would wager WVM was reacting to the OP's driving over a longer period than we have knowledge of.

OP might be able to prove this to be wrong by showing the footage building up to the undertake.

Don't you just love all this wild speculation, PH is very good at it hehe
hehe true enough. Although based on what I've seen them do it's highly likely WVM was a knuckle-dragging ape with a huge ego trying to make a point, but only the OP knows for sure.
Note the brake lights of the high vis van in front (as mentioned in an earlier post) in the second pic


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Sunday 21st July 2019
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roadsmash said:
Mike335i said:
How is it frustrating to advise someone to de-escalate a situation instead of defending their position? Forget about who is right or wrong, if you are faced with reckless behaviour by others, why is it anything other than sensible to avoid the confrontation is the first place?

It stops being about who can make better progress in what lane, but simply about an idiot driving dangerously and wether or not you choose to make the situation worse, just to be right. If there is someone tailgainting and you can get them off your bumper by moving over, just get out the way. It's not worth the aggro, let them be someone else's problem.

The 'why should i'? mentality is what is frustrating, both on the roads and in general.
This 100%.
If you move out of the way for every tailgater you'd never get anywhere and even more muppets would be inclined to join the tailgater brigade. Also how was I to know he'd take it to the next level of lunacy and drive up the inside if me? Most tailgaters don't and he wasn't the worst tailgater in the world either. I'm sure because this is PH someone will jump on the fact I've been tailgated more than once must mean I must be a persistent lane hog bla bla..

JimSuperSix said:
5Cylinder said:

If he isn't lane hogging how did the van come up the inside of him?
Because there's a difference between undertaking through a small gap to the left of a vehicle and then pulling back out 2 feet in front of it, and there being enough clear lane there to make it worthwhile for the OP to move to the left.

Quite how people can't see that difference is beyond me.
This is why I've mostly given up on this thread. I'd have had more sense out of the steering wheel attendant in that white van than some of the posters on here. It's very scary they're allowed on the roads.


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Sunday 21st July 2019
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roadsmash said:
Oh you’re back! Hey!

You got that video yet?
I'd sooner give all my details to a scammer than give some of the retards on here more information they can't understand


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Sunday 21st July 2019
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roadsmash said:
Ha ha... we are the retards? Stop making it personal and upload the footage.

Why reply to this post but not my others I made earlier in the thread?

Its obvious you’ve antagonised the van driver, which doesn’t necessarily make his move justified, but doesn’t make you innocent either.

The two photos you have posted do show you closing the gap, likely intentionally. You’ve not kept the 2-second rule, you’ve “lost” because the nasty man got in front of you, so you’ve got upset and posted it on the Internet.

Why won’t you just post the video so we can all eat humble pie?

I’ll tell you why, it’s because it will show the full story.
Did you miss the brake lights in that first picture? It's called cause and effect.

Some are retards on here (the ones that think any time you have a gap to the left of you you're automatically lane hogging), not all. So you're twisting my words.

Posting the video doesn't prove anything. The driver could be a neighbour I've had a dispute with for years for all you know. If I post the video then people will be asking for the all the journey leading up to it. And maybe we should then ask every poster on the internet or bloke down the pub to substantiate their claims if they want to hold any credibility, where does it end?

I didn't start this thread to ask 'Am I right?'. I asked if I should report him and I certainly wouldn't bother reporting him if the video showed me brake checking or undertaking him previously. I've provided all the information about what happened and I've already said that if I had antagonised him in some way then this thread would be meaningless and his behaviour wouldn't have been a surprise.

Plenty of others have advised not to post it and for good reason, especially as by not posting it I still have the option to submit it if I change my mind. If you still think I'm hiding something then that's too bad for you.

Edited by VeeFource on Sunday 21st July 14:08

Edited by VeeFource on Sunday 21st July 14:18


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Sunday 21st July 2019
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Sten. said:
If tailgating is the norm for you, it says as much about your own driving as it does the people doing the tailgating.
Oh what a load of crap. When roads like the M6 get busy I doubt you'd be waiting more than a few minutes before seeing someone driving sub 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front. And when is there ever due cause to tailgate and maintain a sub 2 second gap, particularly on a motorway?


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Sunday 21st July 2019
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roadsmash said:
VeeFource said:
Did you miss the brake lights in that first picture?
No I didn’t.

To maintain the 2-second rule you should have braked too (just like the other car did in lane 2 who has slowed their speed at the same rate as the van in front of you, presumably due to congestion in front).
I did brake, but I don't have an adaptive cruise module built into my brain so guess what, there's a delay. Kind of explains the 2 seconds when you think about it hey?

roadsmash said:
I’d also just like to say I have a gut feeling that the traffic is actually a lot slower than 60mph, which is another reason why I don’t think you’re posting it.
A "gut feeling" huh? I feel sorry for whoever gets you on jury duty.

roadsmash said:
VeeFource said:
Posting the video doesn't prove anything. The driver could be a neighbour I've had a dispute with for years for all you know.
Unlikely. Ridiculous comment.

VeeFource said:
I didn't start this thread to ask 'Am I right?'. I asked if I should report him and I certainly wouldn't bother reporting him if the video showed me brake checking or undertaking him previously. I've provided all the information about what happened and I've already said that if I had antagonised him in some way then this thread would be meaningless and his behaviour wouldn't have been a surprise.
It’s obvious you were never going to submit footage to the police. If you were actually seriously considering that after having a day to cool down, then you’re a very sad person. Someone’s cut you up, it’s wrong, but it happens every single day to millions of motorists.
Yep, been cut up many a time but that was forcing his way in and nearly hitting me. It's not all black and white.

roadsmash said:
You could have been weaving all over the road. You don’t care about you’re own driving, you just want reassurance based on the bias pictures you’ve uploaded. Purely to make you feel better. This is why you’ve taken it so personally on here once you realised the thread didn’t go how you expected it to go.
Reassurance of what? He got his way, it's not like I got mine and he was miffed about it. Or do you mean that I back off and I need reassurance thst was the right thing? Well the car is still in one piece which it wouldn't have been if I hadn't so don't need confirmation for that either. And I also know he was a prat so don't need support for that.

roadsmash said:
VeeFource said:
Plenty of others have advised not to post it and for good reason, especially as by not posting it I still have the option to submit it if I change my mind. If your still think I'm hiding something then that's too bad for you.
You are aware that the picture you’ve uploaded includes the driver’s number plate don’t you? Uploading the video makes no difference.

VeeFource said:
If your still think I'm hiding something then that's too bad for you.
I don’t think, I know. It’s obvious. I see your type of drivers all the time unfortunately. Fuming when people get passed you either legally or not. Too much of a wimp to say anything to the driver’s face, you’d rather upload bias information to the Internet when you get home.

People cut me up all the time, I just move on with my life. There’s a lot more things to get stressed about.

This dilemma you’ve got has no relevance in my life apart from pure entertainment. You’re the fire, I’m the fuel. wink
..which is exactly why I'm not uploading it. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy battling the mentally challenged on the rules of the road for my entertainment however.


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Sunday 21st July 2019
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ninepoint2 said:
ninepoint2 said:
Alucidnation said:
I haven't read it all but how's this thread going OP?

He really needs to learn when to quit..however don't think he seems the type...fully stocked up with popcorn and beer this end thumbup

Edited by ninepoint2 on Saturday 20th July 21:33
Hate to say this....but I told you so...laugh
Slow start to be fair but I think it's been ramping up nicely ever since biggrin