Stunning Invasion of Privacy...or...

Stunning Invasion of Privacy...or...



2,458 posts

278 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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dazren said:
If these busybodies, with time to spare, really wanted to make a difference they would be going to local schools and teaching kids to cross roads having looked where they are going. They would be campaigning about the dangers of chatting on mobile phones and blinding walking onto roads mid conversation. Or even getting involved in teaching cycling proficiency tests etc. Maybe they could get involved in campaigning against the 30 limits which start over a mile from village boundaries which bring the entire limit into disrepute including the area within the village. DAZ

Perhaps they already do precisely that..


22,612 posts

263 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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gnomesmith said:
Perhaps they already do precisely that..

Have you got inside knowledge on the Kent volunteers? Their help may make a difference if targetted to some of the alternatives I mentioned. Unfortunately, the volunteers to a similar scheme in my area (North Somerset) are not involved in any of the alternative approaches I mentioned (according to two discussions with a local councillor), they a merely a bunch of numpy anti car zealots who think they're saving their grand children following the government propoganda.


>> Edited by dazren on Thursday 20th May 14:10


20,727 posts

274 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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Somebody points a laser at me. Who cares?

Somebody sends me a letter. Who cares?

Letter goes straight in bin. No fine, no embuggerment.

Someone wants to play robo-cop with a laser gun, bully for them. Better than trainspotting anyway.


22,612 posts

263 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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Just to put the fox amongst the chickens, would we motoring enthusiasts be so up in arms if these people joined neighbourhood watch and were invading the privacy of burgulars.......



Original Poster:

28,377 posts

286 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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dazren said:
Just to put the fox amongst the chickens, would we motoring enthusiasts be so up in arms if these people joined neighbourhood watch and were invading the privacy of burgulars.......


Probably not. But there's a difference between the neighbourhood watch and a lynch mob.


18,764 posts

263 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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I totally agree with my Uncle Don.

What vexes me about this is the sheer dork-wittedness of the peasants who actually get involved with these w@nk-fisted schemes in the first place.

Haven't hey got windows to dribble up against instead?

The devil makes work for idle hands whilst socialism makes 'work' from highly tenuous pretexts.

I think a nonchalant vee, cursorily flicked in such no-marks' general direction is the best course of action.

Preferably if one is at the wheel of a black Ultima GTR, growling and snaffling along at 27 mph.

Personifying the requirement for serfdom.


90,809 posts

257 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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A Sheffield councillor proposed such a scheme a couple of years ago.

Police rejected the idea, fearing a breach of the peace and several black eyes.

Obvious really.

Have the councils/police considered their position should an assaulted vigilante sue them for his injuries?

You know the stuff.....nobody told me I'd be in danger, so I'm entitled to compensation........


5,198 posts

286 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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DustyC said:
Id buy one for £160!
Only to use it at out TVRCC meets though

I have it on good authority that CostCo sell radar guns!

I have no real issue with this in theory - but that assumes that all the volunteers are proper people; doing things for the right reasons. As has already been said many won't be


3,996 posts

257 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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This is totally wrong for many reasons.

1. Getting bitter busybodies with nothing better to do than to spy on others and (gleefully enjoying their new-found "importance" I suspect) reporting people to the "authorities".

2. Getting these people to focus simply on "speed", rather than driving skill. What driving "skills" do they have which could justify putting then in such a position?


675 posts

250 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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Interesting, if your letter got leaked into the public domain and you felt that you had been libelled, a defamation suit might shut the old feckers up. CCs (e.g. Brunstrom, as dicovered by Mr. Shaw? IIRC), police and other government employees benefit from 'qualified privildge'. This puts a higher threshold on the pursuer in that he has to demonstrate malice in addition to the defamation.
These busybodies presumably won't benefit from that.
You'd need to stage it though, so that you had your own witnesses to watch your speedo.
One of these cases would kill the practice dead.
The libel courts are only for people with deep pockets.

>> Edited by jeffreyarcher on Thursday 20th May 22:39


19,311 posts

251 months

Friday 21st May 2004
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Don said:

streaky said:
How is this an "invasion of privacy"? - Streaky

I view it in the same way I would someone staring at me with a telescope or taking pictures of me without asking permission first...coppers are entitled to do this in pursuance of their duty..but Joe Public? I think not...its...rude.

Its entirely possible I am just being overly sensitive - but I don't like the idea one bit.
I appreciate your feelings, but, regrettably, you have expectation of privacy when you are in a public place ... unless you are a super-model outside a rehabilitation clinic - Streaky


8,741 posts

272 months

Friday 21st May 2004
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WildCat said:
Everyday in every way - UK gets more and more Stasi-like!

I've been saying this off and on for the last (NooLabia) years, now the bLIAR Führer is shown in all his glory (middenlike). Hopefully one of these civilians try such a game with me .....they'de get their toys inserted with some vigour sideways into their assorted rectii...... as they were threatening me with gestures.....!!!
Ferkin blockwart global snitch mentality...tell on me and you'll get your nose punched you ferkin slimeball.

As you may think, I get raaather annoyed at such toerag behaviour.....!!!

>> Edited by JMGS4 on Friday 21st May 08:28


11,669 posts

252 months

Friday 21st May 2004
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Intersting to read peoples thoughts on this.

I'm can see it from both sides.

Near where I live,

there is a road (Farm Way) that runs downhill past two adjoinging roads before bearing left over a brigde and continuing downhill past the tube station and a set of shops.

Most days walking down to the shops I am astounded at the pace with which people drive along this road. Particluarly coming up the hill towards the railway bridge where there is a pedestrian crossing point just round the bend that isn't visible until you are preactically on top of it.

I've seen so many near misses at the junction with Forest Edge that I've lost count.

Just last week I was about to cross when a Merc came flying round the corner. Just after a large thunderstorm, all the roads are damp and extremely slippy, car had no lights on even though its pratically twighlight, and the women driving had a mobile phone pushed against her ear.

I thought about jumping out just to give her a fright but didn't actualy think I could get back off the road before she would have hit me.

It got me thinking, personally I'd happily give up a Saturday afternoon to try and 'educate' these people that they are infact driving extremely dangerously and without any consideration for other people.

I'm pretty certain that these people are all local, know the area and frankly need a bit of a wake up call before some kid gets hit.

It's one of the few places round here where I would agree with having a speed camera installed.


369 posts

246 months

Friday 21st May 2004
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is it not the case that the police cannont just point a gun at the motorist in that they have to have a resonable suspicion of sppeding taken place if so how are the old farts going to be trained in weather or not they percive that someone is speeding. if it happens i look forward for the first report of some old codger having to go to hospital to have a radar gun removed from their rectum( along with their head)


14,938 posts

241 months

Friday 21st May 2004
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Ok - Here we go, lets give it a stir and see what floats to the top!.

Firstly, I have absolutely nothing against excessive speed in the appropriate place. I come home from work at 2am down the motorway most mornings, needless to say at considerably more than 70mph. Persons at risk - JUST ME.

At the beginning of the thread it was mentioned that the road in question ran through a village. Most PHers on here seem to recognise that high speed is acceptable dependant on the location & conditions. If we assume that these checks are to be made in "working hours" through the village, do you see it as a problem? Surely this is one place where high speed is not apprpriate.

And now the reason I take this stance - I live in a small village which sits astride the old A23 London/Brighton road. Consequently it is a nice wide road with some lovely sweeping bends. At the top of the hill is the starting grid (sorry, I meant traffic lights!) We have a 40mph speed limit, but some drivers insist on coming past the houses flat out. Ther is a reason for the limit - just around the bend after the village and just before the NSL sign is a transport yard - at 40mph you should be able to stop if confronted with an artic pulling out, at 70 mph you will not! So far, no serious accidents, but sooner or later...........

PS. If you are local and a customer of the Porsche garage up the road - thanks. It is very noticable that most of you bimble through at the speed limit and then floor it at the NSL sign (and very nice it sounds too!)

To conclude - sometimes speed limits are there for your own safety as well as those of others around you.

Think about it.

Cheers. Steve

(edited for spelling)

>> Edited by towman on Friday 21st May 23:07