Does anyone speak the truth anymore?

Does anyone speak the truth anymore?



Original Poster:

6,317 posts

273 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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...or have we gone all PC ?

I refer to my pal DeltaF's post in GG. Are we really so influenced by the "system" that we are afraid to speak our minds?

Are we all censored, or being censored???



6,806 posts

255 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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Steady on mate, "theyre" watching you!

I think probably we are ALL being watched or censored in some way, it dosent mean we have to accept it.
chill man i know where youre coming from.


12,941 posts

242 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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I don't agree with quite a lot of DeltaF's posts, but isn't the whole point of the forums to express one's own opinions?

If another PHer doesn't agree with a post, they can always post their side of the argument. As long as it doesn't descend into name calling etc, then I can't see a problem.


6,806 posts

255 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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WMHV70 said:
I don't agree with quite a lot of DeltaF's posts, but isn't the whole point of the forums to express one's own opinions?

If another PHer doesn't agree with a post, they can always post their side of the argument. As long as it doesn't descend into name calling etc, then I can't see a problem.

Agreed. However, if theres something particularly troublesome about my posts id be more than willing to discuss the varios aspects with you.


6,806 posts

255 months

Friday 28th May 2004
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hertsbiker said:
Are we really so influenced by the "system" that we are afraid to speak our minds?

Most are it would seem!.......interesting


12,941 posts

242 months

Saturday 29th May 2004
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DeltaF - I don't want to get into a slagging match with you. Just because I happen to disagree with your posts, doesn't make your point of view wrong (and vice versa).

As far as I am aware, the PH forums are ideal for an exchange of views. Like I said, we don't all have to agree with each other all the time. If we disagree with a post, we put up another post, airing our point of view.

As long as the discussions are reasoned and not falling into flaming, then there shouldn't be a problem.

Example: I had a BMW 318i touring, K reg. Not the world's sexiest car; but I liked it. I'd always wanted one, and was eventually able to afford one. It was great for the two dogs, but I thought the interior was pretty crappy and plasticky.

From memory, I think you don't like BMWs, but this was a good car for me when I had it. I may have misinterpreted your posts, so if I have, please accept my apologies. Our differing points of view don't necessarily make either of us wrong.


8,369 posts

245 months

Saturday 29th May 2004
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hertsbiker said:
...or have we gone all PC ?

I refer to my pal DeltaF's post in GG. Are we really so influenced by the "system" that we are afraid to speak our minds?

Are we all censored, or being censored???


Said it before - life here now getting too similar to Stasi control.

Lived in Moscow for 6 months - supposedly to improve spoken command of Russian. Never achieved any real command of spoken Russian as the authorities decided who I could see and speak to! They did indeed monitor my movements about town - there were always the same two greasy leering oiks hovering nearby anyway. And the bug device in my digs - yup - had those too! Not pleasant. Even knew when I went to the Klo!

Leipzig was same experience.

Armed police were everywhere, Red Army blokes, and they never, ever looked friendly. Always surly, like they'd lost £100 and found a button! Always armed - and always under orders to shoot would-be escapees, and arrest any dissident violently. (not there yet - but fear it could happen!)

Neighbours were encouraged to snitch on slightest "offence". If you even commented on increased price of a loaf - they saw it as "criticism of the regime" and grassed you up. You lost your Brownie points on the save-up for that Trabi for that kind of "offence"! But the snitch earned you the loyalty points for your "dream" car. (Traction, suspension and general ooomph did not exist in those lethal little cars by the way! Fibre glass and papier mache )

Now --- With a UK government which will only publish what they want us to know, and which gags anything which contradicts them, uses bucketloads of whitewash if there is any attempt to hold them to account, plays on emotions, increasing their powers to monitor each and every one of us under rather transparent veil of "security and safety measures".

We have the satellites, cameras in streets, in shops, on the roads. They could already be monitoring every movement as routine spot checks on random individuals.

And with postal voting (easy to manipulate), form filling, those so-called loyalty cards (your shopping trolley contents reported to whoever?) super duper ID cards, GPS tracking devices to monitor every journey in cars (as discussed in media last summer) - the GPS bracelet which was on the news last night (aimed at the really dangerous who should be behind bars anyway), but way things are going --- we could all get them eventually! After all - look what they done to PC Gatso! Promised us responsible usage and now beat us over the head with him!

No wonder we are getting paranoid!

So who really won the "Cold War?" (and WW2 as total control was Hitler's pipe dream!)


6,806 posts

255 months

Saturday 29th May 2004
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No chance of a slagging match WHMV, i only react to comments that are designed blatantly to irritate.

Your memory serves you well in respect of my dislikes for rear drive cars, not specifically bmw's tho.
Oddly i find myself quite liking toyota's Supra model, itself a rear drive.
However, id never buy one as i dont trust the drivetrain layout. People get upset when you question their allegiance to a particular setup, quite why, i dunno.
I just look at them from a safety versus performance aspect and have concluded that you simply cant beat a 4wd setup for both.
Theres the fun factor of sliding the tail around in a rear drive car, i understand that, ive done it myself, but i cant get my head around why people believe that its "the ultimate" and "the right" way for a car to be laid out.
If theres one advantage a rear drive has over a 4wd system its purely in terms of simplicity of layout, and thats as far as i believe it goes.
Putting more power thru those rears just makes it harder to control.
I dont know what you drive now WHMV, but go and try a 4wd setup, i think youll be converted, from a safety and stability under cornering/braking point of view. theres a whole new ball game.

Regards DeltaF


2,658 posts

250 months

Saturday 29th May 2004
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WildCat said:

hertsbiker said:
...or have we gone all PC ?

I refer to my pal DeltaF's post in GG. Are we really so influenced by the "system" that we are afraid to speak our minds?

Are we all censored, or being censored???


Said it before - life here now getting too similar to Stasi control.

Interesting and disturbing you should say that.

A few years ago Prof. Garel Rhys of Cardiff University said "Restrictions on car use are turning the UK into a former Soviet-style regime"

It now appears these "restrictions" are spreading way beyond just car use and, as Richard Littlejohn wrote, "We are now governed by the nastiest bunch of control freaks since Cromwell"

In our UK? Who would have thunk?



481 posts

268 months

Saturday 29th May 2004
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WildCat said:

So who really won the "Cold War?" (and WW2 as total control was Hitler's pipe dream!)

I once read a public quote from a senior figure in the teacher training establishment (unfortunately, never made a note of the details - anyone ever come across it and did?) on the lines of the revolution would be won in the classroom.

Check out your kids schoolwork and see the kind of things they "study" now!

Anyone think that that's being paranoid:

Why would they bother to infiltrate so many people into the "intelligence" services that several got into the highest levels, and not bother with everything else from political parties, through the "public" uncivil "services", to the educational establishment?

Apparently "even Tory backwoodsmen accept the old Jesuit maxim, "Give me a child till the age of seven and I will give you the man."

So the "liberal" intelligentsia must know of it, surely?

Flat in Fifth

44,305 posts

253 months

Saturday 29th May 2004
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bogush said:

Check out your kids schoolwork and see the kind of things they "study" now!

Nail firmly on the head there B! Always has been an element of control re what is / is not taught but not as bad as it is today.

Try arguing with the teachers about an issue and its like trying to have a sensible discussion with an "all cameras are wonderfull" supporter. You just get the we know best and knowledge has moved on since your day.

Shuts them up when you walk in next day and give them various papers authored which show a) one does know the subject and b) they are talking out of their rears.



481 posts

268 months

Saturday 29th May 2004
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Unfortunately it doesn't just apply to PC subjects.

I was leafing through a report on a symposium on teaching of Geology and all the experts were complaining about the dumbing down.

Examples included school textbooks containing several conflicting explanations of the sme process, non specialist teachers, and even textbook writers, not having a clue about what they were trying to teach and getting it completely wrong, and GCSE multiple choice questions where you could get half the answer right from what was in the question, and the other half you couldn't get right from the question because the examiner didn't know what he was talking about and the question was wrong!

And, no, I don't know anything about Geology or Education either!;-)

>> Edited by bogush on Sunday 30th May 11:05


8,369 posts

245 months

Saturday 29th May 2004
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Flat in Fifth said:

bogush said:

Check out your kids schoolwork and see the kind of things they "study" now!

Nail firmly on the head there B! Always has been an element of control re what is / is not taught but not as bad as it is today.

Try arguing with the teachers about an issue and its like trying to have a sensible discussion with an "all cameras are wonderfull" supporter. You just get the we know best and knowledge has moved on since your day.

Shuts them up when you walk in next day and give them various papers authored which show a) one does know the subject and b) they are talking out of their rears.


Ach! Not all are like that. You get the odd rebel! Check out one of our mob - she has made posting on Paulie's site and took on one of his Nonnymouthed anonasaurus guests. NonnyRoger has not replied to her as I think she left him no argument. She is one of your wackier regulars on your own site - bogush - the Sick one!

She is no lentilist - believe me. Another serious petrolhead. Currently "tormenting twazaks", I believe, on a cycling forum! She is Deputy Head in 11-18 fairly rough Scouse School where they have to refer to female staff as Madam. They just call her MAD!

She once told us that at teacher training she was informed that the way "to get a good nosy" into a child's home background and parents was to set essay on "My Home Life". or "My House" or "My Street!" She nearly got chucked off the UK PGCE course for her response to the tutor! She got into same bother over the "How to deal with multi-cultural differences lecture". She nearly got chucked out again for daring to give opinion that positive discrimination was "discriminating!" , and in the gender awareness course - she reportedly told them that she was gender aware - and that the last time she checked - she was all-woman! And that all she was interested in knowing was "How the 'eck to I teach sums to numpties?"

As for grammar and spelling. She was really wound up one day when an English teacher ticked her off for correcting a child's spelling. Apparently the lentilist saddo told her that "she was denying them their right to express themselves!"

She told us that she flamed him with "what expression when she cannot work out what the kid is trying to express!" The corrected word was "chocolate" (spelled Choklit) and the child was aged 12. This school was failing school when she was signed up as deputy - and she has since sacked the English teacher.

She actually teaches road sense with emphasis on Green Cross code and "Cars are beautiful and you purchase the right one to "hook hunks"" , runs a cycling proficiency course, teaches Maths and Foreign languages. Her take on speed in maths and Physics revolves around safe speeds and she shows them footage of car rally and racing, and, of course, skiing, her Modern languages classes use road safety ads from abroad.

Course - not all are as sensible or such cool MADams as the kids at school call her. And she does get some stick from the more mealy mouthed muesli munching members of the profession who see her as far too "renegade".

But then - blessed with same wild streak!
And she did live in East Berlin in 1989.


7,448 posts

258 months

Saturday 29th May 2004
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I think people spoke their minds in Deltaf's post on it was mostly opinions, not facts bandied about? I suspect if his post had been worded in a DeR stylee, it wouldn't have attracted so much flak!

In my experience, people go faster in 30 zones than they would admit to?

Flat in Fifth

44,305 posts

253 months

Saturday 29th May 2004
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WildCat said:

As for grammar and spelling. She was really wound up one day when an English teacher ticked her off for correcting a child's spelling. Apparently the lentilist saddo told her that "she was denying them their right to express themselves!"

Maybe MADam Cat is one in a thousand......

Miss FiF got a rollicking from her English teacher the other year regarding a punctuation test. Mid rant in walks Head of Year and wonders what is going on.

HoY examines work and tells madame "teacher" to recheck the work as "she has punctuated the work totally correctly, not in the way we teach them to do it!"

Then I could tell you the case where Miss FiF had to teach the American maths teacher how to do long divisions properly, you know how we were taught to do them...............



8,369 posts

245 months

Monday 31st May 2004
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Flat in Fifth said:

WildCat said:

As for grammar and spelling. She was really wound up one day when an English teacher ticked her off for correcting a child's spelling. Apparently the lentilist saddo told her that "she was denying them their right to express themselves!"

Maybe MADam Cat is one in a thousand......

Miss FiF got a rollicking from her English teacher the other year regarding a punctuation test. Mid rant in walks Head of Year and wonders what is going on.

HoY examines work and tells madame "teacher" to recheck the work as "she has punctuated the work totally correctly, not in the way we teach them to do it!"

Then I could tell you the case where Miss FiF had to teach the American maths teacher how to do long divisions properly, you know how we were taught to do them...............


Typical - get cheap inept labour from abroad - the ones they do not want in their own schools

Cousin has also tales of horror from her training days on Maths as well. (She is really Maths/Science specialist - but because she is another half Swiss cheese short of a full one - she got roped into the Modern Languages!)

She does get some stick for sticking to old fashioned values - like actual teaching the basics, and insisting on discipline! And of course - for daring not to munch muesli!

Rather her than me in that job!