RE: Red light Gatso on the way

RE: Red light Gatso on the way

Tuesday 16th August 2005

Red light Gatso on the way

Combines red light jumping and speeding detection

Red light version comin' at ya soon
Red light version comin' at ya soon
Aren't we lucky?

There's a new type of camera on the way called the speed-on-green. The idea is that it combines the devices that snap those who jump red lights with speed cameras. If you jump the lights at a speed greater than the limit, it'll fire its flash, is the theory.

Autocar reports that two types of device are being trialled by the Met Police prior to country-wide deployment next year.

One of them, the Gatso TLSC (Traffic Light Speed Camera) has a red filer over the flash because it faces the motorist and works using loops buried in the road surface, while the other is more like a conventional Gatso and fires from behind.



Original Poster:

9,325 posts

229 months

Tuesday 16th August 2005
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Combined with a national 10mph speedlimit and traffic lights permanently left on Red the Met might just succeed in prosecuting every single driver in Greater London, fantastic for the crime figures and a great revenue generator....well done the boys in blue, I'd say the 'thin red line' is getting progressively thicker... :irked:


70,012 posts

231 months

Tuesday 16th August 2005
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Isn't it safer to get through a junction (say the lights are amber) than emergency stop?!?!

Shame the Govt insist on tackling car congestion by attempting to ensure no-one has licences.. Double bonus for them, bus use will increase too, so they can "justify" those feckin bus lanes.

'King Deadly

196 posts

239 months

Tuesday 16th August 2005
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There's been one of these things on Manchster's Princess Parkway for ages.

It's great for safety.

If the lights change to amber as you approach, you do an emergency stop no matter what's behind you.


73 posts

251 months

Tuesday 16th August 2005
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Hold on a moment. Speed cameras are only justified at accident blackspots. If a traffic light controlled junction is an accident blackspot then it can only really be due to people running a red light (or rear ending the car in front when trying to run a red light). If red light cameras exist there already then what's the justification for the speed camera?

Oh, I know, ££££££.

Am I missing something here?


4,463 posts

250 months

Tuesday 16th August 2005
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Great for road safety again. At a point where a driver should be looking out of the windscreen even more so than at other parts of a road, we will all be focused on our speedo and the lights

monkey boy 1

2,063 posts

233 months

Tuesday 16th August 2005
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Watch that speedo, not that child !!!!!


5,725 posts

226 months

Tuesday 16th August 2005
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oh wow another speed camera, still hopefully they will be vandalised just like any other, i dont do it myself but good on the people that do, perhaps the left wing halfwitted numpties in office might get the message and stop putting so many of the damn things up,or perhaps attatching Ken Livingstone and Alistar Darling to 2 Range Rovers and driving them in opisite directions might get the message thatt the motoring publis is sick of thier crap.


16,860 posts

226 months

Tuesday 16th August 2005
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We got those camera's for a few years in the Netherlands, you can't detect them with radardetector and when you think hey its green and plump down the gas you also get a foto/ they make a even newer speedcamera GATSO but then DIGITAL! so always pictures! no new film always sharp no escape! can't be detect because no radar signal, they work also with detectstrings in the road! just like the redlight/speedcamera's but then also digital so no film replacements! always online and earlyer a ticked at home...

They give us fast cars...nice roads...but less fun because of all limits, speedbumps...trajectcontrols...
big gas tax! here in the Netherlands superplus already 1.49euro and thats about 0,90tax!!

greets René have fun...?


48,541 posts

250 months

Tuesday 16th August 2005
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GTRene said:
We got those camera's for a few years in the Netherlands, you can't detect them with radardetector and when you think hey its green and plump down the gas you also get a foto/ they make a even newer speedcamera GATSO but then DIGITAL! so always pictures! no new film always sharp no escape! can't be detect because no radar signal, they work also with detectstrings in the road! just like the redlight/speedcamera's but then also digital so no film replacements! always online and earlyer a ticked at home...

They give us fast cars...nice roads...but less fun because of all limits, speedbumps...trajectcontrols...
big gas tax! here in the Netherlands superplus already 1.49euro and thats about 0,90tax!!

greets René have fun...?
Nevermind, you have the tuftuf club


7,803 posts

272 months

Wednesday 17th August 2005
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is this something else to set on fire?


390 posts

276 months

Wednesday 17th August 2005
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Lugs said:
Hold on a moment. Speed cameras are only justified at accident blackspots. If a traffic light controlled junction is an accident blackspot then it can only really be due to people running a red light (or rear ending the car in front when trying to run a red light). If red light cameras exist there already then what's the justification for the speed camera?

Oh, I know, ££££££.

Am I missing something here?

This was my thought too - if there is a history of KSI's at a traffic light controlled junction, it is not gonna be due to people going through at a few mph over the speed limit - thus the scamera pratnerships will not be able to justify their use?

Suggest using FOI to watch the figures that will, of course, be massaged to justify these things.

Its partly the fault of the people who design these ever cleverer speed cameras, in order to stay in front of the competition. Scum


987 posts

249 months

Wednesday 17th August 2005
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monkey boy 1 said:
Watch that speedo, not that child !!!!!

My sentiments exactly. I think people worry too much about speed, and not the other contributing factors.

It's just yet another thing that everyone will be looking out for instead of concentrating on the road, and the potential numpty child running out in front of you.


41 posts

277 months

Wednesday 17th August 2005
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hmm, actually I am completely in favour of red light cameras.

Living in london, the scaly baseball cap-and-a-nine-year-old-toyota fleet have taken to driving two cars through the lights after they have changed at pretty much every junction.

This is not helped by the fact that the traffic phasing is such that there is up to a 20 second pause after the lights change where nobody moves, coupled with the fact that the only police in London are on the television.

I counted 15 red light jumpers on a 28 minute drive this morning.

Speeding doesn't kill. Driving like a w*nker does, and driving like a w*nker, in an unroadworthy car, with no insurance, puts someone else in a wheelchair for the rest of their life while you get an £80 fine


28,377 posts

286 months

Wednesday 17th August 2005
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pounana said:
hmm, actually I am completely in favour of red light cameras.

Speeding doesn't kill. Driving like a w*nker does.

Agree totally. I have no problem with red-light cameras.

If you are unobservant enough to run a red-light as an honest mistake you deserve a slap and £60 for having your head up your arse whilst driving.

If you're a selfish bastard and reckon people coming the other way should wait for you, despite it being their turn, you deserve a slap and £60.

If you can't be bothered to read the Highway Code and don't understand that when seeing an Amber light this means STOP (since it will be Red/Amber for someone else) you deserve a slap and a £60 fine.

You should only proceed through an Amber light if you are already crossing the junction and to stop would be unsafe. In fact: when approaching a green light one must always bear in mind the need to stop if it becomes Amber, once past the green light it is time to accelerate away and not before.

Since these cameras are set to only go off if the light is red the driver is already being given considerable leeway during the Amber phase.

With respect to speed: If one is approaching a green light, considering the possibility of needing to stop should it become Amber, it is vanishingly unlikely that one would be passing through at above the speed limit anyway except, perhaps, in a 20mph.

There is no doubt in my mind that there are oodles of Scameras out there just for making money...and I deplore them the same as most people. In this case I think they are there to change a dangerous and inconsiderate behaviour...flame me if you like...but that's what I think.


204 posts

242 months

Wednesday 17th August 2005
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Got to say I think red light cameras are a good thing.

Jumping a red light is likely to cause an accident as is speeding through a junction.

I was always taught that you should be ready to stop, even if the lights are green. I know you can be in a situation where the lights start to change and you're too close to safely stop, but that's why we have amber.

From what I've seen RLC's stop people chancing running through an amber light.

I've often read on here about how it's inappropriate speed and not speeding in general that's the problem, well surely it's inappropriate to break the speed limit through a traffic light controlled junction?


4,463 posts

250 months

Wednesday 17th August 2005
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"If you are unobservant enough to run a red-light as an honest mistake you deserve a slap and £60 for having your head up your arse whilst driving. "

I think you are missing the point here. We are not moaning at red light cams but having the linked to speed. As your quote says above, what if you run the red because you are too damm busy checking the speedo than looking where you are going......get the point

...and as for London lights (and more and more places out of London) they are being played with so that they stop in all directions for pedestrians at every change - completley stupid - this will cause more people to jump the lights.


117 posts

234 months

Wednesday 17th August 2005
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pounana said:
This is not helped by the fact that the traffic phasing is such that there is up to a 20 second pause after the lights change where nobody moves, coupled with the fact that the only police in London are on the television.

I counted 15 red light jumpers on a 28 minute drive this morning.

Where both directions are on red for an extended length of time, surely this just perpetuates the problem of people running red lights.

Don said:
If you can't be bothered to read the Highway Code and don't understand that when seeing an Amber light this means STOP (since it will be Red/Amber for someone else) you deserve a slap and a £60 fine.

Amber is never on for one direction at the same time as red + amber for the other direction.


28,377 posts

286 months

Wednesday 17th August 2005
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deadlym said:

Amber is never on for one direction at the same time as red + amber for the other direction.

Is that right? Is it always full red in the other directions? To be honest I am happy to stand corrected. Clearly it being full red in other directions would allow a better margin for error.


28,377 posts

286 months

Wednesday 17th August 2005
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Gixer said:
As your quote says above, what if you run the red because you are too damm busy checking the speedo than looking where you are going......get the point

Not to put too fine a point on it. If a driver actually cannot manage to check and maintain their speed (using the ruddy great speedometer right slap bang in front of them where its easy to see) whilst simultaeneously keeping up a complete and full level of observation out the window of their car then they really shouldn't be on the road. Sorry but its true.

If people are getting points and then bans for that reason I have to say GOOD. Lets get them off the road before they do someone in!

I can manage to look at the speedo each time I want to change speed with a momentary glance that tells me everything I want to know. I am also capable of moderating what my right foot does to keep my speed constant between opportunities to check the speedo.

Too much is made of this argument IMO. People are NOT unaware of their speed unless they are incompetent.

I loathe the sneakily positioned camera designed to catch people out.

A red light camera can hardly be sneakily positioned now can it?

Gixer said:

...and as for London lights (and more and more places out of London) they are being played with so that they stop in all directions for pedestrians at every change - completley stupid - this will cause more people to jump the lights.

I totally agree that the timing of many lights appears ludicrous. One must almost be suspicious of political motives - despite how far fetched that sounds...


5,888 posts

229 months

Wednesday 17th August 2005
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Also, you have to assume that all amber timings are consistently phased with the limit. I'm sure people have been through lights that would only allow you to stop safely at the junction if you were doing considerably less than the speed limit, all due to the the amount of time on amber you get.