RE: One Step Closer to Black Boxes

RE: One Step Closer to Black Boxes

Wednesday 21st September 2005

One Step Closer to Black Boxes

ABD critical of Govt's plans for monitoring cars

The DfT announced yesterday that they are considering fitting black boxes in cars to determine the causes of accidents. They are also investigating ways to use these devices to externally control vehicle speeds by physically preventing them breaking speed limits or automatically issuing tickets if they do so.

"This announcement continues their flawed and dangerous "one-size-fits-all" approach to road safety," said the ABD's road safety spokesman Mark McArthur-Christie. "The DfT talk about using black boxes to investigate the causes of accidents, but seem to have decided in advance that crashes can be cured by simply sticking to the speed limit. We are very concerned that the "accident investigation" angle could be a ruse to bring in automated speed controls."

According to the ABD, existing police data shows that 95% of accidents are unrelated to breaking speed limits, and that the remaining 5% involve extreme behaviour (drunk, drugged or unqualified drivers way in excess of the speed limit) and other vital factors.

"The facts don't support mass, automated enforcement of inappropriate speed limits," continued McArthur-Christie, "But the Government had committed itself to this strategy based on false premises and is ignoring the truth about road safety. External speed control doesn't prevent poor lane discipline, poor observation, driving too close, inattention, tiredness, reckless, poorly judged manoeuvres or excess speed for the conditions. These are the real killers, and the more the Government try to turn us into remote controlled passengers and try to drive our cars for us, the less concentration we will apply to the task of driving and the less opportunity we will have to develop vital safe driving skills."

"A safe driver is one who can use his own judgement to determine what is a safe speed for the conditions," concludes Senior IAM observer and RoSPA-qualified driver and motorcyclist McArthur-Christie. "Government policy is doing nothing but undermine that in any number of ways. We cannot believe they will be foolish and cowardly enough to repeat the same mistakes with black boxes that they have with current camera technology."





Original Poster:

1,362 posts

286 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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What a stupid idea. But then I didn't really need to say that, did I?

It looks like one of those ideas that the government put out so that when they implement something not quite as bad, we think that we've got away lightly.


9,800 posts

254 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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So much for the "We will not be using the system to enforce spped limits." Now it's a "We may use it..." I', sure it will end up with a "The system will be used for..."


1,164 posts

285 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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Think of all the lives it will save

I for one will refuse to have this device installed on any of my cars and will destroy the device in any new car i purchase.

What would be good is an automatic driver that can be selected and would drive me home when i am tired or drunk. Keeping to speed limits and maintaing correct distanct/lane's. I could also then watch telly/PSP or surf the web. Hence actually making a difference to the quality of life and improving safty.

Another stick rather than a carrot approach, AGAIN. There just addicted the money they can make. It was a given that the will have a ticket issuing machine in every car. If they could!


2,005 posts

229 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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It won't happen. Manufacturers will refuse to install these devices on new cars, cos they know no one will buy a new car with a black box fitted.


8,369 posts

245 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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It's all about controlling speed und getting money for slightest overspeed - which they know will fluctuate on any journey .

Also about trying to control lives.

Black box - what ist it recording exactly? Speed und perhaps engine revs - and maybe we have immediate warning on dash if bulb goes - und would it also record tyre pressure und tread? There ist the eye monitor gizmo - still in development - but that monitor eye movement clue to to drunken/drugged/tired state und believe States have some alcohol lock gadget - only it require constant breath take every few mile or engine cut out. Have heard it has caused accidents and some deaths from US paper (Chicago). So not a resounding success....

Also - ist the box recording conversations? Videoing the drive? Ist intruding on the privacy.

Only a foolish government would try this on... think people would revolt over this.

Also - people will think the magic box will save them - like the misconception over Cruise Control - from earlier thread whereby people (Blegians ) appeared to think the system automatically slowed them down for hazard ahead

Ist to intrusive gimmicks und to proper spend of money - like better engineered roads, better safety adverts - which promote good practice - und training drivers properly in first place - folliwing COAST - and motorway/fast road to be included on L/test und encouragement to constantly update and evaluate skills...

Ach - forget - that cost und not make money!


7,368 posts

250 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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Calm down everybody! It'll never happen -- just look at government's track record of delivering IT systems...

Furthermore, "they" (the PTB, not the camera operator simpletons) know very well that hardly any accidents are caused by "speeding", so it follows such devices would reveal the speed tax scam to the great unwashed. And we can see how desperately they're trying to stop that from happening.


Andrew D

968 posts

242 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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Compulsory and permanent speed-limiting boxes will not be implemented in the foreseeable future on safety grounds. Just think of the number of fatalities due to mis-judged passing manouvres as a result of not having the extra speed you're used to. It's also undeniable that, whilst it might not be politically correct to say it, in many instances it is safer to speed up to avoid a collision than slow down, motorway merges for example. There are also issues with the right to privacy and the human rights act that make it arkward.

That said, I am getting a little tired of only ever hearing spin and propaganda from the pro-driving lobby. We need to have credibility and show objectivity to be taken seriously, and mis-representation of statistics and dogmatic statements don't promote such an image.

Whilst speed may not be the cause of most accidents, it is undeniably the prime factor in severity. A head on collision whilst passing someone as 30 will write off the car, but you'll get away with cuts and bruises, do the same at 60 and you're finished. Likewise, speed may not be a factor in 95% of police recorded accidents, but that's because the police record all incidents on the road, including shunts in queuing traffic at 5mph, learners kangarooing it into parked cars whilst parallel parking etc. Coming up with a meaningless and mis-quoted statistic, then going off on a rant about it doesn't achieve anything.


3,996 posts

257 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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"...According to the ABD, existing police data shows that 95% of accidents are unrelated to breaking speed limits, and that the remaining 5% involve extreme behaviour (drunk, drugged or unqualified drivers way in excess of the speed limit) and other vital factors..."

The government aren't listening or simply don't understand. To think they're in power.


3,241 posts

241 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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Ted said:
The DfT announced yesterday that they are considering fitting black boxes in cars to determine the causes of accidents.
If not quoted out of context: this is conclusive proof that the government has no idea what actually causes crashes, yet they feel justified to claim that speed cameras are the answer, but we know better!

Be on your guard: a system like this goes hand-in-hand with national congestion charging.


3,652 posts

261 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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I agree this should have nothing to do with speed control and any attempt to do so should be resolutely resisted.

However, a black box system is what we're crying out for. If a black box had been fitted to my car then the police might have caught and prosecuted the uninsured driver that drove into me a year ago...


261 posts

233 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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Safety doesn’t seem to be the issue for our leaders, nor is revenue generation (with this form of inescapable enforcement, it won’t be long until most of the motoring population give up their speeding ways - and with it the fines they produce – as the level of risk becomes unacceptable). Turning us into utterly compliant cattle seems to be the goal here.

It’s just becomes easier to monitor the population and bend everyone to their will, politically, economically, and socially. Motoring is very important to us, but to our leaders, it’s just one part of a much bigger picture.

I don’t see it as merely a war on the motorist, but as an ongoing assault on personal freedom.


664 posts

231 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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Is it just me or are the politicians watching to many films? This smacks of the automatic fine machines in "Demolition Man!"

In car voice "Driver you have just been fined 60 credits for exceeding the speed limit"!!!!


1,092 posts

240 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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Yeah, because preventing cars from being able to speed won't cause deaths. Here's a scenario; The driver pulls out to overtake the welly in front, but misjudged it and needs to increase his speed to make the pass or otherwise get taken out by the oncoming traffic. By this stage he's already nosed in front of the aforementioned welly, but the distance is short and he can't pull back behind (Perhaps even the welly is one of those 'Oh no, you're not overtaking me I'm going to speed up hacks which we've all seen). The black box goes to itself "OMG, Speeding Lah!" (Because I like the word 'Lah' and perhaps it's made in Singapore) and restricts him. He gets creamed up.

It's an elaborate scenario, yes, but I've seen it happen quite often before , (mainly by hoons, and always minus the crash) and the drivers have only been able to get themselves out of a fix through prodigious use of the right foot. Black boxers to control driving? What a stupid idea.

Here's another corker. Steve Bracks, Victorian Premier, wanted to limit cars speedo indications to no more than 130kmp/h.

God, by the time I'll be able to afford anything decent to drive, private transport will probably be illegal.


3,241 posts

241 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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JonLeeper said:
Is it just me or are the politicians watching to many films? This smacks of the automatic fine machines in "Demolition Man!"

In car voice "Driver you have just been fined 60 credits for exceeding the speed limit"!!!!
then proceed to wipe your a55 with the ticket!


7,368 posts

250 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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Andrew D, let's just try and keep "speed" completely out of the road safety debate, it is insignificant enough to be considered irrelevant. The speed-nazis want people to crash into one another more slowly, everyone else want people to have the good judgement not to crash into each other at all!

Focussing on speed achieves nothing (apart from stacks of cash and putting drivers off the road)



5,580 posts

260 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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"cannot believe they will be foolish and cowardly enough to repeat the same mistakes with black boxes that they have with current camera technology."

Oooooh yes we can....


103 posts

229 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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Are these the same black boxes that the media were keen to advertise, going into police cars because of the increase in their accidents with pedestrians....what happened to them...

...oh, no commercial interest so no money in it!

Now that our government (doesnt matter what colour their flags are!) are seeing the cash cow that is the motorist, anything and everything is being introduced to bolster the coffers of the exchequer.

Does anyone really know how much the motorist (which can be 3 or 4 people in a grown up family) gives to the government driving just the average mileage per year.

The manufacturers IMO will only include such a gizmo if it became law, but with health and safety law being abused and not taking into account a common sense approach and the UK fast becoming 'USA The Second' for litigation on almost everything, who knows what we have in store for the future.

I will enjoy my 15yr old M3 whilst I can before that too will be deemed too old for the roads


5,725 posts

226 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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its not going to happen it will be too unpopular to even attempt, the slightest hint that theyre going to try it and everyone will think youve gone too far and give Blair and his retarded party the well deserved kick up the ass out of power which is allready long overdue.


19,311 posts

251 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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Er, is it just me, or are there two roughly identical threads? - Streaky


Original Poster:

1,362 posts

286 months

Wednesday 21st September 2005
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It happens when 2 people click the add comments button before a thread has been started. You get 2 threads with the same name and similar content.