Community Pace Car Scheme



Original Poster:

1,538 posts

237 months

Friday 20th January 2006
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Just read this in our local paper, the Doncaster Free Press,

Typed from the article:
article said:


Moterists can make Doncaster a safer place by joining a new scheme which aims to reduce deaths and serious injuries on the road. The Community Pace Car Scheme requires volunteers to "perform a mobile traffic calming role" driving within the speed limit to encourage others to follow suit, helping to keep the overall speed of traffic down. People can join the scheme by contacting Doncaster Council's Public Safety Unit where they will then be registered as a Community Pace Car Driver, receiving a sticker to display in their vehicle window. For further information, contact (01302) 737538 or email

Is this the begining of the end for road safety? They are encouraging people to prevent safe progress of other vehicles, thus making the road a far more dangerous place, and likely causing increases in accidents. Have they not discovered that seed is one of the least factors contributing to the cause of accidents?

I am going to email for a sticker, and put it in the window just to take the micky. (I wont call them as I wouldnt be able to control myself.

What does every one else think of this crazy idea?


13,330 posts

235 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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This is one of the most ridiculous products of the anti-speed propaganda.

The notion that an additional car on the road going back and forth without reason without needing to go anywhere is designed to reduce accidents is clearly formulated in the mind of a moron.


13,786 posts

227 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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it would be so funny if you had a large 'community pace car' sticker in your back window, and got done by a gatso!

All Torque

838 posts

262 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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How about getting our own pace car stickers?
I'd love to blast past one of the numpties doing 40 in an NSl sporting a "Speed Matters" PACE CAR sticker.
You do realise it is going to give them some form of justification for thier actions. I can see them now..... "I know best! I'm a PACE CAR driver dont you know!


188 posts

250 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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what about the extra polution? Think of the Children!


8,240 posts

270 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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Would it be permissable to weave from side to side to keep my tyres warm?


Original Poster:

1,538 posts

237 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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I can see it now, old numpty plodding down the road with 'pace car' sicker in the rear window, and the line of us driving behind swerving side to side to keep the tires warm.


777 posts

257 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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I would just overtake the tt like I normally do with anyone driving under the speed limit.


15,605 posts

273 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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Sod that , select lower gear and floor it . i can see the number plate and the bike having long holidays from each other this year .


284 posts

259 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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On my travels, every day, I come across innumerable 'Pace car' drivers who, sometimes, will go to extreme lengths to control my progress!
Maybe it would be a good thing if you could identify them in advance, Then you could pre-plan your course of action before you caught them up.

Parrot of Doom

23,075 posts

239 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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Thats unbelieveable. How on earth can they propose to encourage people to block others progress, even if its illegal? It goes against every teaching of every road safety manual and course available.


184 posts

224 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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reduce deaths and serious injuries on the road

my arss i can see the injureis going up if you let aload of numpties lost to do this
there proberly end up get a beating and rightly so.

time for some madmax welding and steel on the old front bumper me think
and some USA Pitt Maneuver pratice

>> Edited by OUTLAW-1 on Saturday 21st January 02:20


472 posts

264 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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I have emailed them. reckon we all should let them know what a crap idea it is...

Have just read about your pace car scheme and it is quite the most ridiculous idea I have heard of in a long time.

Religously driving to the speed limits, just causes frustration to the rest of the road users. I cannot believe for one minute that you think this will work. People will just overtake your pace cars as quick as they possibly can and then continue on their journey.

Driving at a speed which is appropriate for the conditions (weather, level of traffic, area you are in) is far more appropriate.

No doubt if you were to have your way, you would like to bring back a man walking in front of each car waving a flag.



6,930 posts

256 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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Driving through a local town yesterday behind a woman who was doing 20mph . . . no idea why she was doing this in a 30 limit but the tirade of abuse that she shouted when I overtook her was something to hear. Flashing lights, sounding horn, shouting and swearing, she was obviously going slowly for a reason and I couldn't have anoyed her more had I tried


15,099 posts

246 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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I thought lorries already did a version of this when approximately two miles from a lane converging piece of dual carridgeway.

I overtake them, fair means or foul.


3,839 posts

237 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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Email sent.
Mr Angry said:

Sir, with all due respect, this "pace car" idea is obviously formulated in the mind of a moron with only a half functioning brain cell.

Do you really see it as the role of your mindless "volunteers" to control safe passage along our roads?
A statistic for you to consider: 95% of accidents occur WITHIN the speed limit!!!!!!!!
That being a fact, what kind of stupidity is it that forces drivers to go to a speed that an untrained moron of your choosing decides is a "safe " speed for the rest of us to travel at?
The LAW decides the speed limits, not you and your "volunteer idiots" holding up paramedics behind a column of slow moving traffic!!!!!
Or holding up a fire appliance because your "volunteer muppets" think that "twentys plenty"!!!!
Lets hope YOU are not on the receiving end of this kind of dipstick numpty action!



1,471 posts

230 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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Not sure about the implications of this. The driver's may be voluntary but it is voluntary WORK. Just wonder how many of these 'Reginald Molehusbands' will notify their insurance companies that they intend using their vehicles for work as on every trip with the sticker in the back window they will be working.

What happens when 'Reginald Molehusbands' young son borrows the car and drives more 'enthusiastically' than dad - would it be a defense to say "Well, I was only keeping up with the 'Pace' car your 'onour" Think not.

Poxy idea anyway.

hanse cronje

2,237 posts

226 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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Unofficially it happens here in Cheshire anyway full of retired jobs worths with all else to do than drive incredibly slowly everywhere,

Didn’t get the post at first everything has gone back to front without me changing anything


318 posts

225 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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What scares me more is the amount of people that dont actually know what the speed limit is!!! Will these people go on courses?!

The amount of times I have legally and safely overtaken someone doing 37 in a 60 and been flashed at...

Fking morons...


Original Poster:

1,538 posts

237 months

Saturday 21st January 2006
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I have emailed them telling them I think it is a great idea, and want to take part. I want to see what they actually want me to do, and will report back. If they want to know what car I drive, I will give them the 10 year old Corsa's details (our second car), not the M3's, think they might spot my plot with that.

P.S. I will alter the sticker to say "Community Safe Car, keep up if you can", or something to that effect. That will be good.