First crash...advice please

First crash...advice please



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161 months

Monday 16th January 2012
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Nearly made it 5 years without crashing!

Was on my way to work today, going down my road, its a 30mph limit, and I was doing around 20/25mph as it was nearing the end.

I went past a juntion on the left hand side, where a car pulled out as I was going past it, they hit the start of my passengers door, and scraped to the rear wheel roughly.

Not too much damage to my car, door is a bit dented and difficult to open, window also makes a strange sound when being put down. Had a look at their car, and its minimal damage to the offside front bumper.

Swapped details at the side of the road, just checked on askMID and its shown as insured, so not too worried there. It was a company car, so he rang his boss, and he'll give me a ring later.

As far as I can see, they are at fault, they pulled out of a side road when it wasn't clear.

Do I phone my insurance company? I would like to keep my no claims for as long as possible! I'm not too keen on doing it outside of the insurance companies though.

Any advice would be great!


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161 months

Monday 16th January 2012
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DoubleSix said:
Don't admit any liability. I know it sounds obvious....

Kinda up to you and the other party how you get it sorted. Has the other party admitted fault?

I assume you took some photos from the scene?
I sadly didn't have my phone on me at the time to take a photo, got a photo now though of my car.

I don't think they said 'it was all my fault', but I can't see how it couldn't not be.

They pulled out of a side road when I was coming down after all.

DoubleSix said:
Accept if the other party claims 'knock for knock' you may find your NCB out the window... I would be trying to establish a clear fault/gauge other parties likelihood to do the above.
As I said above, in my mind, I believe they are at fault 100%. However, I know they might try and say it was my fault.

I'll give my insurance company a ring now! Hopefully Elephant are good!


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161 months

Monday 16th January 2012
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Whats AMC? Never heard of that before.

Phoned Elephant up, they took all the details, turns out the car is insured with them too, so hopefully that will make it easier/quicker.

Few people have said it may be written off, any ideas? My knowledge on cars is very low (sorry!). Damaged the passenger door, bit of a dent and also hit the near side rear wheel, the cover came off the wheel nuts.

Its a 2001 Y reg Focus, 1.8 TDDi, around 110k miles.

Not the best photo really. Not sure if I said above, but its a bit tricky to open the door and have to slam it shut. The window also makes a strange noise when winding it not going to be using that for a while!


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161 months

Monday 16th January 2012
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Ah, doubt I'll need a hire car, should be able to get by with using parents car.


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161 months

Monday 16th January 2012
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BMWBen said:
Needs two new doors... I'd say it's probably a write off unfortunately.
Bugger frown. What happens next (if it is)? No idea what the car is worth.

MonTheF1sh said:
I had a bump where the other party was at fault and with the same insurance company many moons ago. Nothing but hassle as the company had no-one to pass the costs to and tried every trick in the book to screw me over. Ended up with the AA's legal department onto it to get my excess etc back. Without them I'd have been down a bucket load.
Hopefully I wont have too many problems! I don't think I have legal cover! Double bugger!


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161 months

Monday 16th January 2012
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KelWedge said:
You must inform your insurance company, Dont admit liability, Looks like may be a write off, looks like not your fault, let the insurance company deal with it. Do keep a note of any adverts for similar cars in the local press, keep adverts, check autotrader etc online and print details of similar cars, If its a write off and they dont make a sensible offer, then use the adverts to get them to up there offer. Go take a photo of where it happened to put in your claim, road markings, signs etc, If you do hire a car claim for it.
I have informed my insurance company, did it when I heard a few people say it might be a write off. Haven't admitted liability, said it was their fault. I'll be amazed if its anything but!

One thing I was thinking about, I said that my car was worth around £1,250 when I got my insurance. There is a bit of damage on the bonnet from when I got it, and not the best condition, you can see the rust on the passenger door! When I phoned up, I said it was worth around £1,000 (I know nothing about the value of cars, was purely a guess!). I've had a quick look on AutoTrader, local to me. The only one that is close to the same spec and mileage is nearly £2,000!

If I could only find ones that are around that price, would they still pay out that much? Despite I only paid £1,700 for it?


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161 months

Monday 16th January 2012
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Ah bugger frown.

Oh well, guess time will tell! Time to get searching! Any other sites worth looking at? PH, AutoTrader, local paper. Not going to bother with eBay unless its worth it?


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161 months

Monday 16th January 2012
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saaby93 said:
he old problem with going through your own insurer for a TP claim if cars appreciate during the term

He should tell his own insurer he's going to claim direct from the third parties insurer, get a claim form from them. Then if it's going to be written off he should be able to claim for a replacement car and demonstrate current ones for sale. They reduce a bit for haggling or make an offer to save argument.
We have the same insurance company. Thought this was good to start with, maybe not anymore.


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161 months

Tuesday 17th January 2012
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Scelto said:
Ok, I give up - what's a "show-and-go"?
I think its hit and run.

When would be best to phone up and ask for any information on whats happening?


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161 months

Tuesday 17th January 2012
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Just had a phone call from them. The other party are saying that I already had damage on the car...which isn't true, I had a bit of rust on the near side front passenger door, but nothing else. Time to start writing EVERY thing down I think!


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Tuesday 17th January 2012
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aka_kerrly said:

This is exactly why you need to take multiple pictures at the scene, take as many notes perhaps draw diagrams of road layouts so that in the days/weeks/months after a claim details are still fresh in your mind.

Do you have any pictures of the car prior to the accident? A good assessor ought to be able to tell existing damage from new damage. As you say the car had rust on it previously this can easily be ignored as a car wouldn't have rusted in the hours/days post impact.

I dealt with someone similar earlier this year after they crashed into my brother and then tried to claim that it was a shared fault. You have to stick to your guns, you were already on the main road and they hit halfway along your car so you had clearly already passed them before they began moving forward so the blame is purely with them.

What I suspect is because it is a company car the driver is being a weasel and seeing if he can get 50/50 or a reduced claim so that he/she can reduce the grief they get from their boss!
I dont have any photos of it before hand sadly, although I did get it MOT at the start of December, would they have notes on it? The mechanic that I use was also on the look out for a new door as it was rusty, would this help? I'm guessing not though.

I've been on Google Maps to get some screen shots of the road. Its a open junction, so you can see whats coming.

Few more photos, little bit better than the first one.

They've said I can either get it repaired now and pay my excess and claim it back, or wait. I've chosen to wait, can't afford whatever my excess is at the moment.

I think I'm going to get myself a dashcam on pay day though!

Thanks for all the help and advice smile.


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161 months

Wednesday 18th January 2012
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collateral said:
When I binned my 306 the money Elephant offered me at first was a joke - "well that's what the book says". Even after I printed out a bunch of ads from the Trader I still ended up with less money than another Pug would've set me back. At least they weren't tts about the loan car I had, dreadful as it was.

Good luck OP...
Thanks! Think I might need it!

I dont have hire car as an extra on my insurance, mainly as I was working during the day and could get by with lifts to work, however my hours have now changed (flexie), and the next couple of weeks I'm doing early starts (5:45) and a few late nights (23:15). So unable to get lifts. Would I be able to get a hire car and get it back from the third party?


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161 months

Wednesday 18th January 2012
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saaby93 said:
ou could if you stopped trying to do things through your own insurer and started treating it as a claim from the third party's insurer - even if they are the same smile
How do I do that? :s. Just phone them up and say I want to make a claim against the driver of XXX XXX?


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161 months

Wednesday 18th January 2012
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saaby93 said:
hile everyones watching us dig you into a hole spin
You have to make your own mind up how it's going - it's no use any of us saying when we dont know what you have

If your own insurer has taken control, inspected the car and well on the way to offering you a payout or repair you might as well stick with it

If not and you want to take control phone them up to make sure youre not making a claim through your own policy and are making it direct from the third party's policy - have they sent through a claim form? Have you arranged for your car to be inspected by a few body shops so you have some quotes?

If that sounds like hassle see previous post for people who might handle it all for you
I think I'll leave it to them, I really don't understand how it all works (sure that is very clear ha!).

Gave them a ring today as they said they would phone today to give me a update as I had work.

They've said its up to the other person to prove the damage was already there...which is not going to happen. They'll also get the garage to have a look to see what was there before hand.

Might need to get a hire car for a bit, as I'm doing stupid hours at work and can't get lifts frown. Guessing I won't have to pay? Will double check tomorrow though.


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161 months

Saturday 21st January 2012
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Still not heard from my insurance yet, gave them a ring this morning, and they had the quote from the garage. Because its old (2001) they are seeing if its worth repairing or not. Something like 66% of the value and they write it off.

Will need two new doors, front and rear panel respray, and alloy refurbished. No idea what its going to cost.

Should hear by Monday.


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161 months

Monday 23rd January 2012
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Good morning PH!

Hopefully just a little bit more help needed!

Had a phone call from my insurance, they have said its beyond economical repair, so are going to write it off. I could buy it back, but I would never get round to getting it fixed, and I would like a new car.

They've said they'll give me £1,200 for my car, which is what I said it was valued at when I got my policy out, which might be the problem! They've said they will give me the money to put me in the same position as before. Similar cars (2001 Y reg Ford Focus, 1.8 TDDi LX, 110k miles) are going for between £1,650 - £2,300 on AutoTrader, that are local to me (I'm not going to drive 200 miles for a car that isn't worth that much, just to save a couple of hundred).

They've also said they'll send the cheque in the post and come and collect my car. I hope I'm correct here, but its my car until I agree on a valuation, and they can't take it off me. Is this right?

I've also tried asking about claiming the increase in insurance I'm going to have to pay for the next 5 years, they've turned round and just said no. Bit unfair, someone drives into me because they didn't look, and I have to pay extra.

Any ideas on how the best way to get them to agree on paying that bit out? Was thinking along the lines of them having to put me in the same position as before the crash.


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Monday 23rd January 2012
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saaby93 said:
hile not disputing that's what he could try, hasnt he already reached the level of indemnity expected of his own insurer and really what he's after now is with respect to a third party claim?
We're with the same company, which is why I was asking them about it. If it was another company (say Tesco/Elephant), I would claim from the other company. I got a bit confused with it being the same company though frown.


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161 months

Monday 23rd January 2012
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saaby93 said:
There may be other threads where an insurer has queried the replacement value vs value of goods insured and whether they're going to pay out at all.

Why doesnt everyone insure for a value the car might cost in replacement?
I know very little about cars, and thought that it would only be worth £1,250 or something, clearly I was wrong.


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161 months

Wednesday 25th January 2012
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Bit of an update, finally settled on an amount. £1,500 and I keep my car. Just need to get a MOT and VIC whatever that is! Thinking of scrapping it though, can get £183 for it, or maybe pop it on eBay and see what happens.

Thanks for all the help and advice everyone smile. Pretty pleased with what I got for it in the end, paid £1,700 for it a couple of years ago, and its not the most looked after.


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161 months

Wednesday 25th January 2012
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Needs a MOT and VIC whatever that is, looking at around £100 already, thats if it passes its MOT first time, which I'm not too sure it will.