Threatened Dismissal - Options?

Threatened Dismissal - Options?



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161 months

Tuesday 17th January 2012
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Another advice request from the PH massive......

Some background

My partner is the head of a school kitchen at a ‘multi-cultural’ (Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and more) girls’ comprehensive in a major town in East Berkshire. She has been working there without issue since June last year. Prior to this, she has run her own (very successful) gastro-pub and for the 6 years prior to getting this latest employ was a supply teacher. She is also a trained counsellor (specialising in abused kids) and is an emergency foster carer for the local council.

At the school where she now works, she has introduced a policy of only preparing food using fresh ingredients and all to be prepared fresh on the day of consumption – Due to the school having Muslim kids all the meat is Halal – The school is on the verge of attaining 5-star status with regard meals which is not achieved by many. Kids taking school dinners have increased during her tenure from c250 per day to c 550 per day, even the staff indulge whereas before their absence was notable. She manages a staff of 8.

An issue has now arisen which will now likely lead to her dismissal (she is the boss and the buck stops there) and I am livid.

On the day the school were serving Christmas Lunch, it appears one of the canteen staff mistakenly gave a ‘pig in blanket’ to a Muslim student (the Christian element at the school insisted Christmas Lunch should not be Halal meat!!). Rather than ask for a new plate of food, the student waited until she was home and told her parents. They escalated to their (two!?!) mosques who contacted the school in the New Year looking for a scapegoat and threatening national press and pickets outside the school until action is taken. Now bear in mind my partner fields questions on a daily basis such as “is this custard Halal?” or “I’m a Muslim can I eat cheese?”. Should it really be her (or the school’s) responsibility to educate Muslim kids in the rules of Dhabihah??

The school governors meet this evening to decide my partner’s fate. The headmistress has on several occasions bowed to this type of external pressure before. My partner will likely lose a job she loves as it combines her 2 passions, cooking and working with kids.

Is there anything we can do??


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2,140 posts

161 months

Tuesday 17th January 2012
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Soovy said:
Collect a massive pay off and find her another job.

Then Daily Mail.
I should have edited my original post to ask if anyone had any contacts there.......


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161 months

Tuesday 17th January 2012
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BarnatosGhost said:
How old was the student? If she was 5, sadly, (and ridiculously) I think your missus is in bother.

If she was 11, I don't think she should be held at all responsible.
13 - It's a Comprehensive school

BarnatosGhost said:
Did your missus complain at being 'forced' to serve non-halal food?
It is multi-cultural and for ease of preparation it was decided to go 100% Halal (it all tastes the same!!)


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161 months

Tuesday 17th January 2012
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The Beaver King said:
Does she get to attend this meeting in oreder to defend herself?
You are assuming we live in a fair and equal society - Sadly not


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161 months

Tuesday 17th January 2012
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Rude-boy said:
Not clear if the PiB was eaten or left on the side of the plate though.

Nor is it clear that she could have had any influence on this at all. Yes she is the boss but if ONE Halal plate had a PiB that suggests a single minor error on service, otherwise there would have been lots of Muslim people pointing out that unwanted extra.
It was left (the kid really should have asked for a replacement plate but didn't)

It was only one plate

Also, the hypocrisy of this whole affair is that thge majority of the Muslim kids who have breakfast ask specifically for bacon!!


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161 months

Tuesday 17th January 2012
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southendpier said:
Has she actually been threatened with dismissal?
Yes - In a meeting with the Head last Friday


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161 months

Tuesday 17th January 2012
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BarnatosGhost said:
Who made the decision to change the all-halal policy for one Christmas meal?
The school leadership team (of which partner is not a part) made the decision. Halal and non-Halal were served from opposite ends of the serving counter


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161 months

Tuesday 17th January 2012
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Interesting - Just found this (D Mail of course)


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161 months

Tuesday 17th January 2012
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Fatman2 said:
If it's a genuine mistake then the school should be supporting your wife, unless they don't really want to continue with the environment she's created (not an impossibility).
It certainly was a genuine mistake - It has certainly caused division amongst the kitchen staff of whom 3 are Muslim and the others are Sikh/Christian.

The other crazy thing is that last Friday when partner met the Head, the head asked her (in a very accusing manner) why she hadn't been on a Halal cooking course - WHAT THE F**K!!! She is just as ignorant...........


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161 months

Tuesday 17th January 2012
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Carlton Banks said:
daz3210 said:
And on another subject, is the bacon they serve for breakfast halal too? If not they do NOT have a 100% halal policy!
Good question.

Does Halal refer to the method of Slaughter?

But even if it was Halal, they would not be able to eat it anyway.

So would this be exempt?
Interesting point - Need to ask her tonight why the bacon - pork can't be halal whatever you do to it. Pig is a dirty animal.


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161 months

Tuesday 17th January 2012
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Guys - Thanks very much for the advice and support for the O/H. She has read the thread and will certainly take some of this advice and use it in a letter of mitigation (there is a disciplinary hearing in the offing). I think she was quite touched by some of the kind words.


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161 months

Wednesday 18th January 2012
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arfur sleep said:
I assume from the lack of update by the OP that the matter has not been resolved to their satisfaction and that they are seeking/have sought professional advice on the matter.

I assume and hoped to be proved wrong
No - we are awaiting a date for the disciplinary and I am using some of the excellent advice from this thread to put together a letter of mitigation.


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161 months

Friday 20th January 2012
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Things appear to have stalled for a while. A sixth-form girl has emerged from the mess (who was on canteen supervisory duty on the day) and made a statement saying she advised the young girl to take her dinner back and say there has been a mistake (obviously the right thing to do). Instead she chose to bin the meal, go without and create a fuss..............

I think things may end with the correct result.....


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161 months

Friday 20th January 2012
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Jonleeper said:
Marf said:
Jonleeper said:
Respect for someone elses views is an important part of living in a diverse society.
Not respect. Tolerance. One can tolerate a view but one does not have to respect it.
Why not? If it is a deeply held belief why can you not respect that persons view? You do not have to agree, just accept that they hold that view, for whatever reason, and you have no rights to enforce a different one upon them. Tolerance implies that you would change their view given the chance and are just waiting for the correct moment to do so.
Hugely OT but I will profer another view - Cartainly one should respect someone's right to have a view but one doesn't have to respect that view and one (society?) certainly shouldn't have to implement that view. It is after all just a perspective, not {necessarily} a true dimension......


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161 months

Saturday 21st January 2012
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Sadly my optimism was a little premature.

OH came home last evening with an appointment for a disciplinary hearing next Friday. Today I will be putting together a letter of mitigation using a lot of the feedback from this thread. At the hearing she will be accompanied by a union rep.


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Saturday 21st January 2012
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This is the original letter of complaint to the head -- Riddled with fiction.....


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Monday 23rd January 2012
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Evocator said:
Best of luck to you and your OH and I hope all goes well for you both, regardless of what the outcome is, remember to make a fuss of her afterwards – You know her, believe her 100% and THAT is all that’s important in the grand scheme of things.
I'll not quote the entire post but thanks very much for some really sound advice, I really will try to drum some of that into her which will be challenging as she is, shall we say, rather 'passionate'........


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161 months

Saturday 28th January 2012
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Possibly not - Hearing took c3 hours!! Would appear there was a hunt for a witch in progress as the "school's reputation had been besmirched"...... Outcome due on Wednesday when sadly it appears the appeal process will need to be instigated.

Unfortunately her union rep couldn't attend the hearing but is keen to get very involved in any appeal process.


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161 months

Saturday 28th January 2012
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Thanks for the comments guys 'n gals. Don't be hard on the union rep - she had a number of prior engagements that day and really wants to 'get her teeth into this one'. Union is GMB and will have their full support. We probably screwed up by not asking for an adjournment in time. All is not lost and ongoing............


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161 months

Tuesday 31st January 2012
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.....and today the OH received a "first and final written warning" to remain on her record for 18 months. Let the appeal process begin.