Scaffolding Lorry/Van



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203 months

Monday 20th March 2017
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My mum lives down a fairly narrow road which has cars parked both sides, it's always busy at weekends. As you'd imagine as well, no one parks very considerately but there is one chap who's recently moved in with a scaffolding van/lorry...

I just wondered if there were any restrictions on this type of vehicle on such a road?

The only reason I ask is that the back of this van is quite a bit wider than the front so at night where the road isn't that well lit, it can be quite deceptive. Let alone the poles sticking out of the back.

This isn't a "not in my back yard" post as I appreciate people need to park where they live etc. but it just doesn't seem like a great idea on such a road.

By the way, the picture is a bit deceptive as it just looks like a flatbed van parked along the road but that's the vehicle anyway. smile


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203 months

Monday 20th March 2017
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Thanks chaps, much appreciated. I knew someone on PH would have some more official info.

I had a feeling it was within rights to be parked there, just not an ideal location for it but legally it's sound so can't argue that. smile



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203 months

Wednesday 22nd March 2017
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Well this thread has been busy haha.

In terms of the aesthetics of the vehicle, well that's just opinion so if it's legal then tough sh!t on that one haha. My neighbour parks a bloody great box van on his drive which is ugly and actually blocks light out of the downstairs bedroom but not much I can (or care) to do about that.

The main issue for that scaffolding van is that the back of it is deceptively wider than the front so on a narrow road you only realise when you're passing that square edge at the back. Also, being that bit wider and parking opposite driveways it makes the turn in/out quite a bit trickier. But hey, if it's legal then I guess he needs to just be considerate if possible.


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203 months

Wednesday 22nd March 2017
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Well he has tucked the mirrors in there so they're not the issue. The photo was just taken to show the type of vehicle rather than an in depth insight into the width of the vehicle compared to the road.

What I would say is that because the road is narrow, when you look along it, all the regular cars (varying in size) are narrower and this thing juts out into the road. Deceptive when driving at night.


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203 months

Wednesday 22nd March 2017
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TooMany2cvs said:
Quick google says a Mk7 Transit dropside is about 40mm wider than an old-shape XC90...
Well thankfully none of the neighbours have one of those either. rolleyes


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203 months

Wednesday 22nd March 2017
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TooMany2cvs said:
Not even the one that's nose-to-nose with it in the photo?
Oooh you're good, you must be a detective!! lol

Collectingbrass said:
What's deceptive at night is the lack of marker boards & lights on the overhang, plus the length of overhang from the rear axle might also be problematic ( . If the OP wanted to be a tt concerned citizen about it VOSA's number is 0300 123 9000, but as others have said, I wouldn't pick a fight with a scaffolder...
That's exactly the point I was getting too is that at night it's very easy to misjudge flatbed part of the van and as I understand it has caught a handful of drivers by surprise when parking etc.

Thanks for all the replies though (apart from perhaps the typical PH pedants!), it's my mum's road not mine so I'm in no position to cause a fuss or issues for the guy. If it's legal, it's legal, can't really kick off too much but if it was causing me some bother I may suggest perhaps marking the sides of the van so it stands out at night.


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203 months

Wednesday 22nd March 2017
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Old Tyke said:
It's quite clear that this thread is only here to complain about the view from his lounge window hence the repeated and desperate attempts to find some legality issue so that he can anonymously bell up the authorities from behind his net curtains and have them get it shifted for him. If it was only about the dimensions of the vehicle (as his OP claimed) then having been provided with the proof that the vehicle isn't breaking any rules, the thread would have died several days ago and been forgotten about by now.
You sir are a fine representative of PH, the side that gives the forum a bad name!

May I suggest that before you berate the OP (me in this case) that maybe you read the actual thread?

For your benefit I will summarise, this is not my road this is the road my mother lives on and she asked me if I knew anything about the legalities of such a vehicle as neighbours had commented on it being a bit of a pain. I thought since there's some decent knowledge from people on here I'd ask and my curiosity was sated within the first few posts but others went on to discuss. This has literally nothing to do with whether I get to look at the thing parked on the road as I can't see it from my house, mainly for the fact that iI live five miles away from where I'm talking about.

So please, don't just lay into someone when you're misinformed.

Edited by Alex_225 on Wednesday 22 March 15:47


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203 months

Wednesday 22nd March 2017
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Old Tyke said:
You've repeatedly posted that it's "deceptively wide", "deceptive when driving at night" and apparently causing you issues reversing off your driveway, in addition to it being an eyesore. It's clear you and/or your mum hate the thing being there and are looking for any legal channels to get it shifted.

Here is a picture of the offending vehicle and road from another angle, kindly provided by you :

The load body is barely any wider than the 4x4 parked in front of it so I'm not seeing what the great issue is here. May I suggest that you ring round some local driving schools or perhaps even the IAM to book some lessons on how to drive properly as it's clear you're having difficulties judging distances and vehicle widths. You should pass on the details to those neighbours who have "been caught by surprise" as it sounds like they would benefit from the extra tuition, too.

I drive an artic for a living and could drive down there quite comfortably with a 45ft trailer on the back so I can safely conclude that the problem here exists between the seat and the steering wheel and not with the scaffold van.
Somehow you can have a rummage through my Photobucket account but can't actually take the time to read my bloody posts!!

I don't live on the road and this has literally no bearing on me or my ability to park, you can see the corner of my car in that posts and funnily enough it's parked on the road as a visitor. I posted up out of interest so again may I suggest, you wind your neck in and stop berating me for asking a f*cking question.

Also, you have seen two photographs of the vehicle parked on one part of the road. You have no idea if that the van moves around or gets parked in other places, that photograph was to show the vehicle as an example and questioning it's legality.

Thanks for the IAM suggestion (been there done that) but may I also make a suggestion, shove your 45ft trailer somewhere!


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203 months

Wednesday 22nd March 2017
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TooMany2cvs said:
TBH, I can see the corner of both vehicles very clearly.

If arguing on the internet and always having to be right is your thing, you can think whatever you like!

Another PH thread that descends into pedantry as a minority do their best to condescend and argue for no other reason than to argue and prove their superiority over people they'll never meet.



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203 months

Wednesday 22nd March 2017
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TooMany2cvs said:
So, just to summarise...

Alex - "Can this be parked here?"
Everybody else - Yes, it's perfectly legal.
Alex - "But it doesn't look nice!"
Everybody else - Tough tits.
Alex - "Surely they're dodging the tax man?"
Everybody else - No.
Alex - "Well, it isn't safe - it's too wide!"
Everybody else - It's the same width as several other vehicles there.
Alex - "Well, it still isn't safe - you can't see the corners!"
Everybody else - Oh, ffs, seriously? Now you're getting desperate...
Alex - "Pedants!"
Alex_225 said:
Thanks chaps, much appreciated. I knew someone on PH would have some more official info.

I had a feeling it was within rights to be parked there, just not an ideal location for it but legally it's sound so can't argue that. smile

Alex_225 said:
In terms of the aesthetics of the vehicle, well that's just opinion so if it's legal then tough sh!t on that one haha. My neighbour parks a bloody great box van on his drive which is ugly and actually blocks light out of the downstairs bedroom but not much I can (or care) to do about that.
Can't see anything unreasonable, desperate or particularly pedantic in my two posts? The posts prior to your charming self and the HGV driving god pouncing on the chance to be obnoxious.


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203 months

Wednesday 22nd March 2017
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TooMany2cvs said:
My apologies if some of my paraphrasing is misattributed. It appears that "doesn't look nice" and "tax man" were, indeed, other posters.

As for the rest - well, the two comments you've quoted weren't your only two comments on the thread, were they...?
My other responses were in regard to the sudden backlash which may have resulted from the other posts but seemed to be aimed at my first post.

austinsmirk said:
Maybe don't complain about road parking if none of the householders can afford a house with a driveway ??

Shock horror, people park on roads in a variety of vehicle types.

I feel sorry for the poor scaffolder, trying to park amongst that lot. I bet there's some shoddy mum parking going on and white car owners, dominating their kerbs.
Odd judgement considering that many of the properties (not all) have a single/double driveway, including the scaffolder but yet seem to refuse to use them! Their own fault I admit.

I do find it odd (or maybe very PH of you) to point how people 'not being able to afford a house with a driveway' implies that how much your house is worth is indicative of whether you should accept something that is right or wrong. The irony being that the houses down this road are in the region of £550-600k so what level of affordability you deem worthy must be quite impressive.


Original Poster:

6,310 posts

203 months

Thursday 23rd March 2017
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Only on PH can you ask a reasonable question, accept the answer, see others discuss it, OP gets slated for said discussion, immediate judgement of driving, suggestion to 'afford a better house' and finally take the p!ss out of the OPs car!

PH is a very very odd place at times. 99% reasonable and then the odd thread you see descend in the same way as this one as people jump on the 'attack the OP' band wagon. Utterly baffling.