Goodbye, Goodluck and Farewell....................

Goodbye, Goodluck and Farewell....................



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240 months

Wednesday 6th April 2005
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Don't know quite how to put this...but..
there are a couple of full time post at my county's Safety Camera Partnerships for a Constable; and i've applied.

It's a six month attachment to start with..with the possiblity of a permanent position. I've been given the 'wink' that if I apply (deadline was today..i'd not seen in on the General Orders ) I'll be almost certainly accepted. Application form was filled out and delivered to HQ by hand at 1530hrs today.

The hours are set in advance, no night shifts, no dealing with the unpalatable sides of the job etc. The money is the same as a normal constable with the added bonus of as much overtime as you want.

No having to account for ones actions following an arrest, ticket etc etc. No filling in forms for every person who is questioned on the streets (as at 2nd April this year...that is what every copper in England and Wales must do!) No more trying to please everybody and ending up pleasing nobody...

I don't see my place in SCP as something 'forever', but as a change for the forseeable.

Consequently; knowing how people feel about camera operators on here....and how the majority of PH'ers don't seem to be interested in aquiring a 'contact' on the 'inside' so to speak...

This is goodbye.

I've enjoyed it very much on here...good times and bad.

This is not a 'group hug' and I don't expect any posts of 'Stay and contribute'..(not that there would be any.. ) but simply a polite message in case anybody wonders where I have gone.

So, stay well and good luck....and if you have a PISTONHEADS sticker in your window, I'll make sure I point the camera at the sky as you drive past..

Judas The Streetcop
6th April 2005


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5,907 posts

240 months

Wednesday 13th April 2005
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supraman2954 said:
The big question is: was SC accepted for the position?

I phoned my friend...who is an Inspector in personnel the day after and asked him to remove my application.

I think I would miss the razz of the T5 too much....

Perhaps my application was an impulse decision brought on by a 12 hour application deadline....and the latest bunch of crap red tape that is on the cards for the front line officer of today....

I would also miss the daily bollockings that I hand whatever form. it possible to be addiction to I think i'd miss that too...

Been on a course for the last week...and sitting in a classroom has really cheesed me off....

>> Edited by Streetcop on Wednesday 13th April 19:42


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5,907 posts

240 months

Wednesday 13th April 2005
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Raify said:

Streetcop said:


You still here?

I like to pop in every now and then....Nathan..


Original Poster:

5,907 posts

240 months

Wednesday 13th April 2005
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Wacky Racer said:
Blimey!!!!Are you made of elastic, Gary???......


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240 months

Wednesday 13th April 2005
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Marki said:



Original Poster:

5,907 posts

240 months

Thursday 14th April 2005
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Zod said:

You have a long way to go to rebuild any credibility. I am not sure I believe anything you say. prolem...

If you believe everything that you read on an internet forum...written by people you've never'd need your head testing...


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5,907 posts

240 months

Thursday 14th April 2005
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superlightr said:
A change of mind, thats fine with me.
Some things take time to sink in or come to realisation.
Better to correct a mistake then not to at all.

The problem in the police service at the the Home Office of the day is putting more and more stumbling blocks and hoops to jumpt through, in the way of the police...that very little 'policing' can be actually done.

The amount of forms and paperwork involved in justifying ones actions and deflecting any future complaints amazing.

If one section of the community have been found to be stop/searched more than another..then lots and lots of justification has to be found for this. Not that it might actually be an error on behalf of the constable at the time. ie: I bet I'll get a complaint out of this one..I'll fill in a stop form. Then on the next one...this bloke seems ok..i'll not waste my time with a form..etc etc.

Drug dealers who's girlfriend's have a baby in the house. Result: Magistrates wont grant a search warrant. Therefore the dealing continues. So now drug dealers make sure that there is at least one gymslip mother always resident.

Housing estates that have numerous tearaways, disqualified drivers, burglars on their way home etc....however, as nobody has died in a RTC on those roads...they aren't 'target roads' and therefore you're not supposed to spend much time on them.

If a crime has been committed. Say a shed break; and the only witness saw a fleeting glance of a male with black hair running away; procudure is; the BiB MUST take a statement from the witness. Regardless of the fact that it will contain no evidential interest. It must be taken.

Two schoolboys have a fight in school grounds. One has a fat lip afterwards. When they get home, one parent rings police. When BiB turn up; mother and child have talked about it and decide it's not worth it, as kids will more than likely be friends again tomorrow. Result= You've reported a crime. A crime report is what will be taken. No choice Madam! So, a pocket book entry by BiB and signed by mother and child detailing incident and wish for no further police action. Then a visit to the 'offender' who is then interviewed in the pocket book and signs his guilt to say that he did it...and the matter will be filed 'Detected crime. Inexpedient to prosecute'. If the 'offender' doesn't admit it...He will be arrested and interviewed at the station. Where he will later be released 'insufficient evidence' on the basis that the complainant doesn't wish to pursue charge.

There are hundreds of more ridiculous examples of how the Government of the day are tying the hands of the police tighter and tighter.

Beat officer are fleeing their work and moving into specialist department by the truckloads...usually CID or Armed Sections. Officers from specialist departments are also feeling the squeeze and are moving into 'intelligence departments' and 'planning/strategic' roles..where contact with the public is slight or non-existant.

The result is the front line bobby, in most forces, has less than 3 years service...often less than 2 (ie: in their probation). Experience and Knowledge..just isn't out there on the streets and the sensible BiB..realise that it's getting time to jump ship.

Those that win: the criminal element and the anti-social yobs. The losers; the law abiding public.


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240 months

Thursday 14th April 2005
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mybrainhurts said:

Streetcop said:

Been on a course for the last week...and sitting in a classroom has really cheesed me off....

One of those naughty boy speed awareness courses.....?

As usual; the normal PH hang up with speed detection..

Actually, a course on drug sympton recognition and the conducting of 'Field Impairment Tests'.

The new legislation makes it an offence to refuse to comply with such a test and renders you liable to arrest. (Like refusing a roadside breath test).

It's the pupil measuring, walking the line, finger to nose etc. All done in a set order and quite precise...A national test, which will be used in evidence (in addition to doctor's opinion later at the nick and the results of the blood test) prove how 'IMPAIRED' the driver was at the scene.

After all; it's not an offence to drive in the UK with drugs in your body. It's only when the drugs IMPAIR your driving and render you UNFIT to drive.

So that's what I was doing.


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240 months

Thursday 14th April 2005
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DennisTheMenace said:
Ted forgive me ... but somebody give me a f**king good reason to why i shouldnt delete SC from PH ? I think he is a plant who is either working for plod infiltrating websites or a bullshitter of the most extreme , he spends far to much time on here to carry out normal duties , like silverback mike or tonyrec gone etc who i have full respect for , but sorry streetlamp i have none for you .
5pm tomorrow is the deadline

>> Edited by DennisTheMenace on Thursday 14th April 01:11

Deadline for what? Someone to give you a good reason.

Hey mate. Don't go worrying about people giving you reasons and whether you are doing the right thing or not.

I'll make the decision for you and then you either won't feel bad...or nobody can complain about you...

I'll leave of my own account and not return.

Please delete/ban my username-IP address to remove the temptation to revisit in the future.

No hard feeling on my part. I can understand your concern.



Original Poster:

5,907 posts

240 months

Thursday 14th April 2005
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Raify said:

Go on then. Please, don't let us get in your way

You wouldn't be in my way for long, mate..


Original Poster:

5,907 posts

240 months

Thursday 14th April 2005
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Ladies and Gentlemen.

I've emailed Ted and requested that he delete my Streetcop membership/IP address to prevent any future comebacks.

I've enjoyed it emensely over the last 6 months or so...and have run my course on here. I rise too easily to any baiting and the temptation to give 'both barrels' as someone has described isn't very good for the forum as a whole.

Many thanks to those that have supported my posts and have found them informative and useful. Those of you that have not and have posted derogatory messages....I can understand...and would have probably done something similar in your position.

Regards and best wishes to all.


>> Edited by Streetcop on Thursday 14th April 11:31