AXE ATTACK on Speed Camera Operator and van!

AXE ATTACK on Speed Camera Operator and van!


captain gatso

Original Poster:

63 posts

194 months

Friday 20th June 2008
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Just caught the end of this on the radio, a Speed SCUMera operator and his van was attacked by a frustrated motorist yesterday in Melbourne, Australia and lived to tell the tale, however his van was extensively damaged!

This sort of behaviour goes with the territory, I would suggest in this violent age in which we live, how long until we see these sort of retributions carried out in the UK or other parts of the western civilised developed World, where Speed Camera operations are spreading like a cancer!

May be they will need an armed Police unit with them at all times, complete with Tazers and Pava, new type of CS!

The only winners being Governments, Police Forces, Technology and Maintenance contractors, while true road safety is sacrificed in pursuit of pounds and dollers etc!

I hope Speed Camera Partnerships read up about this in the papers this weekend, and due to Health and Safety risk assements they deem it too dangerous in the current climate to make them go out and park illegally, trying to rake in some money and causing misery to motorists by making them lose not only their licence, but thier livelihoods into the bargin!

Anyone else seen or heard this story yet?

Captain Gatso

(The Motorists Freind)

Motorists Against Detection

captain gatso

Original Poster:

63 posts

194 months

Friday 20th June 2008
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Friends, Romans, Countrymen lend me your ears!

All I did was hear a news bit on the Radio and post it up to encourage debate on a very serious issue i.e. Speed Cameras and the dangerous side effects they cause, ABH now it seems!

My post does NOT condone this attack whatsoever and neither do I!

My hands are clean, much like Gerry Adams were, my group are only interested in the destruction of Speed Cameras NOT people!

The last thing I want is anyone hurt, injured or killed, the only thing I'm interested in is seeing a complete removal of the failed Speed Camera 'model' by any means nessary, fair or fowl!

Mind you the same cannot be said of this Government what with Iraq and Afganistan, but thats another story of the UK being the puppy of America, the Worlds Police man!

Interestingly, if I'd have posted the exact same story under one of my other alter egos with which I have been on PH since its inception, would the replies have been any different?

I have only started posting on here recently as 'Captain Gatso' as friends suggested it!

I guess Tony and others would have not been so quick to respond, but do advertisers guide your editorial decison to remove or alter posts, are modarators paid?

I hate all forms of CENSORSHIP and Polital Correctness, my Grandfather fought for FREEDOM, FREE SPEECH, DEMOCRACY and a FREE COUNTRY!

One of my favourite non motoring sites is as every swear word under the sun is mentioned on posts, along with very grown up Political debate!

I am passionate and measured within this Community and feel that I do help in some way to keep this issue 'BURNING' within this busy 24/7 media world in which we live, which is hungry for debate!

I love live Radio and Television because they don't censor you except for a delay and all I do is adhere to Broadcasting Guidelines and I am invited on constantly and often get paid, into the bargin for the last eight years!

Also Fleet Street and Car magazines often ring me for quotes, ideas and angles on articles!

It seems we are getting none of the above recently, taken away by NEW LABOUR under the guise of TERRORISM, section 44 and its missuse on a daily basis by certain members of the bib!

I am acutely aware of my responsibility NOT to incite people to go and destroy all the Speed Cameras, although it may be a good idea to 'adopt a box' in your local area and "see that some harm comes to it" as Hugo Drax of a certain James Bond film would say!

I am a family man in my 40's whos always been a staunch Conservative and is generally law abiding, I was one of the first kids in my school to own a moped in 1982 which was a Majorette Mobilette pedal and go thing and then onto a FS1E and then in 1983 I progressed to a 1976 MG Midget, continuing with motor cycles of allsorts and all of Henry Fords finest RS 1600/1800/2000 mk 2 Escorts, Capri 3.0S and 2.8is and later Escort Cosworth and Sierra Cosworths, we used to race on a friday and saturday nights along North Londons A406 North Circular Road from Colney Hatch to Southend, before the big Tescos was built on the 'DEARDS' dumper truck site, the local bib Traffic were always in attendance from the now defunct Whetstone Traffic Garage (its now TSG public order riot section and Flying Squad base) to hand out instant MOT's!

I am a member of the BRDC, IAM, Safe Speed and the ABD and I passed both my IAM advanced driving test in 1995 and my advanced motorcycle test back in 1997 and always practice 'ROADCRAFT' along with an ethos of "only driving to what I can see and safely brake to!" and have done lots of track work, so I think I can talk about the subject!

My pride and joys are an R1 and a 2004 BMW M3 CSL, but I just don't know what to get next?

I want proper Police on the streets and lots of them, and I want the Judges to JUDGE the real criminals, not decent folk going about there business!

My friends and family in the 'JOB' are sick of it all and can't wait to retire!

Hope this helps?


captain gatso

Original Poster:

63 posts

194 months

Thursday 26th June 2008
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Cheryl Peterson?

A chick, with a dick perhaps?

I hear Thailands nice and far away!

Ladyboy F R E N Z Y !


captain gatso

Original Poster:

63 posts

194 months

Sunday 29th June 2008
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I have advised hundreds of motorists, even famous celebrities and journalists alike about how to successfully get off the NIPS, using the power of the web and the law, fair or fowl to play this 'game' to keep both licences and livlihoods intact!

You are one sick individual and clearly in need of help, for the blatant acts of disrespect you have shown Paul, a man who has passed on and cannot defend himself, God rest his soul and in turn, upsetting Claire no doubt, who has a LOT on her plate both personal and work related at the moment and can well do without your childish rants and blasphemy!

I only stated this topic as a news piece to highlight what happens when people get pushed around, sometimes they FLIP!

This threads gone right off topic and I suugest the mods shut it, lock it, whatever and block you and all your other names, and I think I speak for most people on this site when I say I hope you die of a seriously painful, uncurable slow death, like of cancer or aids, so as not to darken any car enthsiasts web sites again!

We don't care if the National media are watching, as you are not brave enough to step up to the plate to expose yourself, due to the fact that you are on the REGISTER 'sex offenders register' that is!

Please, everyone do not respond to the TROLLS, Pistonhead Towers asure me that they are working on a 'friend or foe' tool to make everyone happy!

The TROLLS are here due to the fact that since Claire has had the Safe Speed forums refreshed and put this kit on, they no longer are 'seen' by anyone, so die away and onto here and other sites I'm afraid!

Hate doing posts like this, just comes down to their level, sorry if I've offended anybody!