DVLA's records are S***E!



Original Poster:

28,377 posts

286 months

Thursday 5th February 2004
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Well isn't this interesting. I've just recieved a SNOC44 which is asking me for the SORN for my car. Basically the DVLA is saying "You did not tax your car. We've waited until the not completing a S.O.R.N. has become an offence and now either you give us £25 and tax your car OR you give £45 quid and we take you to court..."

The form includes lots of lovely dire warnings about how if I go to court they'll be bring some KY jelly and a wetsuit along.

What I want to know is how - in this day and age of wonderful computer records - they can possibly have failed to notice that I did indeed tax my car last September and that I have documents to prove it - including a tax disc!

Basically their records are SHITE!

So all that bollocks about how the new SORN law/offence business is going to mean catching loads of crims is so much bollocks. What it really means is that a load of perfectly honest citizens are going to waste time proving to the incompetent buffoons that their records are wrong.

I almost hope they take me to court...I'll be going for costs too if the try it.

But I expect one reasonably courteous letter and a colour photocopy of the tax disc should see this particular cock-up consigned to history.

I'll be SURE to let you all know if it doesn't.

I'm afraid this episode confirms all my worst suspicions of modern Government and beauracracy.

>>> Edited by Don on Thursday 5th February 22:18


Original Poster:

28,377 posts

286 months

Friday 6th February 2004
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Well actually I'm going to try and avoid court - which is part of the audit trail. So if they finally DO take me to court (because there is NO WAY I'm paying the fine...!) then I'll be able to show that not only did I not commit and offence but I tried to save everyone's time and money...

Which should mean the beak will be sympathetic when I present a bill for legal fees and lost time.

I'm a consultant. My day rate is VERY high...


Original Poster:

28,377 posts

286 months

Friday 6th February 2004
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Actualy I've sent them all the details they need to find my car, me and the fact I've paid.

I have as evidence the disk itself and the cheque stub.

So I'm hoping there's an end to it. I have, of course, requested notification IN WRITING that no further action will be taken...I will be sending the letter recorded delivery too so I KNOW they've had it...

If they insist on a day in court after that then I'll my lawyer prepare...


Original Poster:

28,377 posts

286 months

Saturday 14th February 2004
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Well. Upon receipt of the evidence I got this...

I have "anonymised" the letter for obvious reasons but here's proof that the DVLA's records aren't too accurate.

So if you are in the right...challenge 'em!


Original Poster:

28,377 posts

286 months

Saturday 14th February 2004
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d-man said:
At least they seem to accept that their system isn't perfect and infallible, more than can be said for the scamera partnerships.

As I understand it they themselves reckon their data is only 90% accurate. Which means if in doubt they HAVE to assume that you are telling the truth...

Especially as its hard to argue with an actual honest to goodness tax disk...

I wonder what would have happened if I had tried to claim I had SORN'd the vehicle?