Call of Duty: Black ops II

Call of Duty: Black ops II



985 posts

149 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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Can someone please give a review of this vs BF3 for online gameplay. Last year we opted to buy MW2 so if I moved to BF3 now have I missed the party? Basically I don't want to waste £40 and I definitely don't want to wait until 4th gen before I get to shoot american kids again. Thanks.


1,524 posts

143 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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Jayyylo said:
Can someone please give a review of this vs BF3 for online gameplay. Last year we opted to buy MW2 so if I moved to BF3 now have I missed the party? Basically I don't want to waste £40 and I definitely don't want to wait until 4th gen before I get to shoot american kids again. Thanks.
Totally different. I've been loving BF recently, but this is also a really, really good fast twitch FPS!


1,916 posts

168 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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Jayyylo said:
Can someone please give a review of this vs BF3 for online gameplay. Last year we opted to buy MW2 so if I moved to BF3 now have I missed the party? Basically I don't want to waste £40 and I definitely don't want to wait until 4th gen before I get to shoot american kids again. Thanks.
Can't compare them really. I enjoy both COD and BF, others prefer one or the other. I would never just choose one of them.


2,887 posts

198 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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I've only played for 30 minutes or so, but I think it's a vast improvement over MW3, and seems great fun so far!


1,035 posts

182 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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Million times better than MW3.

Started playing this evening and did a bit of the campaign, still getting my head around the plot but there's a fair bit of variety.

Multiplayer maps look great so far, haven't played them all yet, but the one on the cruise ship is fantastic!


985 posts

149 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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Great stuff. I think I'll pick it up later today and trade in a load of old stuff that might give me 50p off. I'll see you online soon.


5,095 posts

201 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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No way do I think it's better than mw3.

Clown graphics
No recoil
Dumb arse menus
Still plenty of quick scopers


1,495 posts

180 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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Not sure about the comments regarding graphics, it looks as good/better than previous versions on my 58" LCD...

MW3 was a massive disappointment for me, i got to level 14 before it was put on the shelf and never played again and went back to Black Op's. By comparison i've played BO2 for a few hours last night and i'm level 15.

The maps seem good but i felt a bit like there are only 4 or 5 maps in total? not looked online how many there actually are, just seems people always choose the same ones...

The Text in the menu's is a little awkward on the eyes until you adjust to it but how often do you really read it?

All in all, i think it's a good successor to the original.


5,665 posts

221 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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My gaming TV is currently a 32" CRT - Is it going to be near impossible to play on that? Its fine for guitar hero laugh


181 posts

186 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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In my very humble opinion, this games so far makes we want to take it back and ask the question "What the hell were you thinking?". I really can't see anything in the game that is a leap forward and it still suffers from some of the same issues that made the last Black Ops a bad game. The graphics are ok on a few maps, the ship one is like being in a cartoon.

I was playing an S&D match, last one alive against 2 others. I saw one guy come round the corner so I start shooting, and shooting and shooting but nothing. I then die suddenly and the kill cam shows the second guy killing me with a shotgun, who wasn't even on my screen? I know its only just out but come on.

I'm afraid for me the series has run its course and the phrase 'clutching at straws' springs to mind. Maybe its because I loved COD4 so much that nothing has matched it for me since. Whatever the reason, I will persevere for a little while longer in the hope it gets better now that I have it. But for now I certainly would not recommend someone to buy it, maybe have a go on a mates copy first.


7,471 posts

206 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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Silent_Assassin said:
I was playing an S&D match, last one alive against 2 others. I saw one guy come round the corner so I start shooting, and shooting and shooting but nothing. I then die suddenly and the kill cam shows the second guy killing me with a shotgun, who wasn't even on my screen? I know its only just out but come on.
So is the lag compensation thing-ma-jig just as bad as MW3 or?

I preferred Treyarchs offers over IW's but if your still being penalised for having a decent connection/internet and the quick scoping fags are still there, dont think ill bother with it (not that anyone cares).

What i dont get is why cant they offer server hosting like BF3, make the servers free for a month or two then offer them up for rent and make even more monies?


29,778 posts

214 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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I was going to get an Xbox for this game so I can play with a few of my mates. Don't think I'll bother just yet.

I'm another big fan of CoD4, and was slightly disappointed with MW2, didn't even bother with MW3. If it's nowhere near as good as CoD4, or MW2 then I cba!

Steve Evil

10,673 posts

231 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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Guam said:
Not sure what the point is of the limited opportunity Strategy missions?

You get 3 opportunities to complete them and they are only available for a limited period in the campaign?

If I wamt strategy I will buy a strategy game not an fps.
Very odd thinking imho.
I think the idea is that you take control of each unit in turn when you need to, reading the reviews they suggest that trying to play it like a strategy game won't work.


7,507 posts

192 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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I gave a brief review last night & having a few more hours to play it i can add a bit more detail.
I must state that for me MW2 & BO 1 were my favourite games, once myself & my mates got MW3 we played it for a week & it went back in the box & never played again due to it being so wk.

GraphX & Sound:
Upon turning this one on, yes the graphics are cartoony on some levels, however they're a step forward from BO1 & i'd say on par with the MW3 & Some of the guns sound like farts & almost comedy like. (For instance the mounted gun on the rocky plane level).

Game Modes:
I only played team deathmatch last night but did notice there is no team tactical game mode, which is a bit of an annoyance as that's what i used to mainly play, as a 4 person clan it was quite entertaining, although i gather you can play as a clan in the 'league system' which seems fair i suppose.

Some of the levels seem really big & i found myself running around for ages without finding someone?!
As said, there is also a lot of places for campers to hide, however everyone seems to be charging round so nobody can camp for very long, i'd imagine this will change as people get used to the maps & find their favoured spots.

Class System:
Class system seems ok, just a different way round of doing things.

Score Streal system:
This is my bigges moan,s core streaks. I think they are completely pointless, yes in a way it awards you for shooting down UAV's etc, however COD is not a team game as such like BF, it's a run & gun, mad free-for-all, if you want a game like that get BF.
I also found it inherantly difficult to get any kind of score streak going, it's 3 1/2 kills without hardline on for a UAV, so essentailly it's 4 kills or 3 plus a UAV!
I think anyone is going to find it difficult to get any kind of 'score streak' going to get anything good, which removes half of the fun.
I was by no means a camper, i used to like running around shooting people & shooting planes etc down even in BO1.
I'm sure it will grow on me, unilke MW3 which i hated to start with & still do.
There was only 1 thing i found quite odd, i found it really difficult to see people on levels, they blended into the backround a bit too much?!
I would'nt say it's a step forward in gaming terms, more a step to the side, it's a game MW3 should of been.

Oh & i could'nt connect to Zombies so can't comment on that part, as it dropped out, however i had no issues with the game dropping out itself.


181 posts

186 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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kingstondc5 said:
So is the lag compensation thing-ma-jig just as bad as MW3 or?
I'm afraid that so far this seems to be the case. I will reserve judgment until the initial hype, bugs and overload of servers dies down a bit. There was also one instance where I watched the guy kill me twice in the same killcam, nice spawn kill!!!!

Agree that there should be a Team Tactical, there is a 3v3v3 which I'm guessing is the closest but I haven't played enough to make a valid opinion yet. HQ seemed to be the best mode for me so far out of the ones I've played. I do hope it improves as time goes on.


5,589 posts

208 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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I see a pattern here over the last couple of years......IW / Treyarch release new game everyone compains its not as good as previous Bops/MW/WaW. Most of these 'reveiws' are based on a couple of hours gameplay and starting at Level 1 (= canon fodder).

Start leveling up a bit and the game changes, agreed it's harder to get kill streaks but once we all get used to the maps and gameplay things will get much better.

Had some great HC PH clan games last night.


7,507 posts

192 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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sidaorb said:
I see a pattern here over the last couple of years......IW / Treyarch release new game everyone compains its not as good as previous Bops/MW/WaW. Most of these 'reveiws' are based on a couple of hours gameplay and starting at Level 1 (= canon fodder).

Start leveling up a bit and the game changes, agreed it's harder to get kill streaks but once we all get used to the maps and gameplay things will get much better.

Had some great HC PH clan games last night.
Xbox or PS3?


13,206 posts

167 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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For those who have played it I'd like to ask a few questions.

1) What are the maps like, do they have decent sight lines and a mixture of closed and open spaces or is it the usual enclosed claustrophobic maps? Are they actually bigger than before?

2) Is it possible to play the game in a style other than a 15 year old on acid, i.e. are there viable options to play different play styles.

The reason I ask is because for me the pinnacle of this series was Cod4 and the reason for this was that the maps, weapon and perk balance enabled you to play in a myriad different ways. If you wanted to grab an Uzi or shotgun and get up close and personal you could. If you wanted to grab an assault rifle and play the medium range accuracy game where your shooting skill actually mattered you could and if you wanted to be a sneaker sniper you could do that too. I hate the fact that every iteration since then seems to force you to only play it in one way which is running around like a loon. Don't get me wrong that can be fun for a while but for me that fact that you don't seem to have any other option but to play in that way is what has turned me off the COD series.

Is this version more of the same or does it offer other options of ways to play?


1,524 posts

143 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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Guvernator said:
For those who have played it I'd like to ask a few questions.

1) What are the maps like, do they have decent sight lines and a mixture of closed and open spaces or is it the usual enclosed claustrophobic maps? Are they actually bigger than before?

The maps I've seen are fairly closed, there might be more, open, though.

2) Is it possible to play the game in a style other than a 15 year old on acid, i.e. are there viable options to play different play styles.

Not really. Run and gun, fast twitch etc. From what I've seen so far...

The reason I ask is because for me the pinnacle of this series was Cod4 and the reason for this was that the maps, weapon and perk balance enabled you to play in a myriad different ways. If you wanted to grab an Uzi or shotgun and get up close and personal you could. If you wanted to grab an assault rifle and play the medium range accuracy game where your shooting skill actually mattered you could and if you wanted to be a sneaker sniper you could do that too. I hate the fact that every iteration since then seems to force you to only play it in one way which is running around like a loon. Don't get me wrong that can be fun for a while but for me that fact that you don't seem to have any other option but to play in that way is what has turned me off the COD series.

Is this version more of the same or does it offer other options of ways to play?

The gameplay does feel very 'focused' though, which I love. Seemingly less about calling in air strikes and drones and more about player skill, albeit in a confined space.

As a bit of an out of practice hardcore FPS nut (give me Quake back!), I'm really enjoying this (so far!)

Steve Evil

10,673 posts

231 months

Wednesday 14th November 2012
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Guvernator said:
For those who have played it I'd like to ask a few questions.

1) What are the maps like, do they have decent sight lines and a mixture of closed and open spaces or is it the usual enclosed claustrophobic maps? Are they actually bigger than before?

2) Is it possible to play the game in a style other than a 15 year old on acid, i.e. are there viable options to play different play styles.

The reason I ask is because for me the pinnacle of this series was Cod4 and the reason for this was that the maps, weapon and perk balance enabled you to play in a myriad different ways. If you wanted to grab an Uzi or shotgun and get up close and personal you could. If you wanted to grab an assault rifle and play the medium range accuracy game where your shooting skill actually mattered you could and if you wanted to be a sneaker sniper you could do that too. I hate the fact that every iteration since then seems to force you to only play it in one way which is running around like a loon. Don't get me wrong that can be fun for a while but for me that fact that you don't seem to have any other option but to play in that way is what has turned me off the COD series.

Is this version more of the same or does it offer other options of ways to play?
A lot of the maps are bigger with a mixture of open sight lines and tight spaces, Turbine is a good example of that, one large open valley with a broken fuel pipe running along the middle that you can go inside, as well as rocky paths all around the edge of the map that aren't visible from the main area, plus lots of buildings.

I think you've always had the option to play methodically, I've certainly done it in the recent games, the fact that everyone else still charges around like a headless chicken is by the by. Just because you're playing it how you want, there's very little guarantee that everyone else will.