World of Tanks (Vol 2)

World of Tanks (Vol 2)



2,402 posts

185 months

Thursday 12th February 2015
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bstb3 replay is not working on my pc, hangs just before the game starts.
Yes on certain maps especially on a couple of them where there is one path out the arty shoots a few shots at the start of the game and they shoot where they think people usually hide.
Someone said they are playing like a cock, should see me these last few days.
I think when the game frustrates one starts doing things they would not usually do, find myself having a one on one with a tank 2 tier higher and after he blows me up I think wtf where you thinking there.
Hehe the problem is I keep doing it.

Beati Dogu

8,959 posts

141 months

Thursday 12th February 2015
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If you've got a fast loading arty it's always worth sticking a couple of shots into the many choke points on the maps.

I saw a Hetzer on our team being one shot before he had even moved out of the cap circle once. All because one of their arty had fired a speculative shot that way.


2,402 posts

185 months

Thursday 12th February 2015
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Sorry bstb3 ignore what I said, works after update, gonna watch it.
That jump was classic lol.

Edited by TX1 on Thursday 12th February 17:27


4,172 posts

160 months

Thursday 12th February 2015
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lol no worries, it never occurred to me that you would need to update to watch it.. It just goes to show though that even when you think its safe to donk out your team can still fk it up royally.


2,402 posts

185 months

Thursday 12th February 2015
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Yes happens more and more often now, think the game is won and the unexpected happens.
Other day 3 of us left and one of them after a fantastic game which we should have lost( I was dead just before), he went hiding no kills whatsoever to him so not really one to worry about and our arty telling the other 2 to cap with about 4 mins left and what did they do but go look for him and they ran out of time and ended up a draw, grrr.


5,026 posts

220 months

Thursday 12th February 2015
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Sadly the rest of the team were rubbish.


13,848 posts

167 months

Thursday 12th February 2015
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Another successful night of wrecking st with Z06George and RSpetsnaz, I think our win ratio was probably in the high 70% range today. We stuck to the tier 9s, me in the FV3805, George in the T95 and Rich in the Centurion 7/1 and M103. These tanks have no real synergy - if we played tanks that supported each other's abilities god knows what we could have done. I had a belter of a game on the new Arctic Region, which is now the same as the current PC version - a huge improvement over the completely campy, stalemate prone old version. I ended up with a High Calibre, kills on multiple tier 10s, 6500 damage, Ace Tanker etc, totally swung the game.

I scored another penetrating hit on an E-75, sadly he was damaged so it wasn't another full health one-shot, but I still hit him for 1400 and sent him back to the garage. The FV3805 with the 7.2" gun is amazing, what a reward for the terrible grind to get here. I do worry that the Conqueror Gun Carriage may be underwhelming, the poor accuracy, slow shell travel and massive reload might mean it lacks the tactical flexibility of the FV3805, which can shift it's focus very quickly and pin multiple tanks.

We also had a few ridiculous matches, the T7 Combat Car has been given to everyone as a gift, cue us rolling a Panzer 38H, Panzer II and T18 platoon for seal clubbing. The matches were very short, the opposition were generally 14 T7s and an arty, but in one match our platoon took 8 kills and bounced several hundred rounds between us, not a single round penetrated us. Of course, the T7 has no premium round, so there was nothing they could do. I actually drove my Micro Maus backwards down a street on Himmelsdorf, laughing as the enemy T7s tried and failed to hurt me, while I leathered the st out of them. It did feel deeply unfair, so we didn't stick at it too long, not when there were tier 9/10 veterans to wreck.

Beati Dogu

8,959 posts

141 months

Friday 13th February 2015
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The T7 was so bad that despite it being a freebie, they buffed the gun so it could actually penetrate things. Of course I and no doubt most people had long since sold it for the garage slot by then.


7,365 posts

240 months

Friday 13th February 2015
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I still see a few about. Wouldn't mind buying mine back when they get the vehicle recovery service up and running again.


4,269 posts

235 months

Friday 13th February 2015
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won 7 out of 8

inc a 5.4k dmg 5 kill Obj704 game where it was prob going to be a mastery and top gun if our fool E75 who only fired 2 shots all game steal the last kill off me.

rest of the team backed off and was letting me advance solo aside from the E75

Edited by cirian75 on Friday 13th February 07:08

Beati Dogu

8,959 posts

141 months

Friday 13th February 2015
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What an ass, I hate people like that. If it's any consolation it probably wouldn't have been enough for Ace Tanker. I never got it myself, despite a couple of Top Guns. You'd need over 2,000 base XP I would think.

I let a Challenger get his Top Gun the other day when I had the last enemy Jadgpanther dead to rights myself. Another reason I don't think I'm really cut out to play arty.

jimmyjimjim said:
I still see a few about. Wouldn't mind buying mine back when they get the vehicle recovery service up and running again.
Yes, I'm the same. It's actually not that bad now.

I sold my LTP freebie tank as well and kinda missed it. Luckily I got one back via some mission or other.


2,519 posts

191 months

Friday 13th February 2015
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So grinding my new M12 SPG, still have the stock gun and I smash this out...

Then a Spanish chap playing a Tiger II that I shot gunned sent me this...


4,172 posts

160 months

Saturday 14th February 2015
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^^ Asshats, asshats everywhere. At least you had the satisfaction of splatting him.

The new map coming with the next patch looks awesome by the way, based on 1944 normandy landings. Excited for it already.

Beati Dogu

8,959 posts

141 months

Saturday 14th February 2015
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Yes it looks interesting. There's a Company Of Heroes map that's very similar.

I've been playing Sniper Elite II recently and with that you can destroy a tank by shooting the fuel cap. I've taken out Tigers and IS-2s that way so far. laugh


13,848 posts

167 months

Saturday 14th February 2015
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Looks like a good map, more 1000x1000 maps are a good thing, the smaller maps are painful to play at higher tiers. Case in point, Mines; north team rushes the centre of the map as they have the advantage in reaching it, then they can spot right up to the southern edge of the map. Try to flank round either side of the hill and you're pretty much guaranteed to get spotted, as everyone is squashed into each other's spotting range. It's the same with Ensk, where TDs barely have to leave their spawn to light up the enemy base. The new Pacific Island is the same, the enemy arrive at the hill almost immediately and nothing can shoot down at them as they don't have the gun depression.

Within a few weeks I should have the CGC unlocked, Z06George might have saved up for his T110E3 by then...

After that, I will probably just wreck st with the CGC, day in, day out until the Japanese lines are added, then I'll start the STB-1 line, I've wanted one of those for ages.

Beati Dogu

8,959 posts

141 months

Saturday 14th February 2015
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You can actually do indirect fire with howitzer equipped tanks like the Cruiser II.

I even found I could do it with the 8-bit Mammoth heavy tank. I just auto-aimed from range then pulled back into cover. I was still able to hit them again and again without any come back. They must have wondered what the hell was going on. laugh

Patch 9.6 isn't out on the US servers yet, so they still have the 8 bit tanks in the garage, despite being unable to play them.


13,848 posts

167 months

Saturday 14th February 2015
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I've just had my first game on the updated El Halluf, the north west corner in particular has had a big re-work and is a lot more progressive now - sadly that means less opportunity to dump shell after shell after tanks trapped in the old A/B line deadlock up there, but it's good for gameplay overall. To make the occasion even more memorable, I one-shotted a full health E-50M from across the valley, it was a great alignment of favorable RNG, opportunity and awareness that he had put himself in a bad spot, I zoomed in to target his engine deck and a penetrating high roll later and he was gone. He mad. hehe

I'm finding the new hit status indicators a little pointless, the bounce grahpical effect has been enhanced to make it more visible, the shells now tend to bounce higher into the air after a ricochet, they're a brighter colour and stay illuminated longer, but a little "BOUNCE" appears next to the area where the shell hit as it ricocheted. This is largely pointless, as it wasn't exactly hard to tell when you'd bounced previously - not least because of "That one bounced" etc. Now, when a tank is ammo-racked, a little orange "EXPLOSION" text appears next to the detonated ammo rack symbol, as it it wasn't obvious the tank was exploding as it gets blown it bits, fire and chunks of metal spewing out in every direction.


13,848 posts

167 months

Sunday 15th February 2015
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Beati Dogu

8,959 posts

141 months

Monday 16th February 2015
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M3 Lee most popular?



6,795 posts

205 months

Monday 16th February 2015
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Did that infographic just tell the world the average player downloads WoT and only plays 6 games smile