Dijon Short Ferrari Race

Dijon Short Ferrari Race



3,280 posts

257 months

Sunday 21st May 2006
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oh right

is the race still 9:00 (after Top Gear)?


7,155 posts

233 months

Sunday 21st May 2006
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746 posts

257 months

Sunday 21st May 2006
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Great race.

For once I have no ping problems. But after qualifying 7th, the race starts at 14fps! Every now and again it goes up to 30fps and back to 14fps again.

Crashed in to some tyres, engine dead, race over on lap 2.

Oh well, I shan't be about next week, going to drive proper cars on a proper track.

I'll be around in 2 weeks for more Sunday evening anger and frustration.



7,155 posts

233 months

Sunday 21st May 2006
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You need to wipe your comp or something, you always seem to get strange symptoms!!

And the results have just been updated! I am just just just clinging onto 1st overall now but I feel it may change quite quickly which is why I will be getting a lot more practice this week



5,301 posts

242 months

Sunday 21st May 2006
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Not sure what happened there...

I had a great race with PV for the whole 30 laps... My plan was to follow him and then try to get past him near the end. I'm not surprised your tyres were shot PV - you were sideways for pretty much all of the 30 laps

Anyway, I made a mistake around lap 15 or so that put PV 3 or 4 seconds ahead so I had to push quite hard to catch him. I was finally right behind him again by about lap 20 when my connection started to go dodgy and PV started to disappear/appear. That went on for a lap or two and then PV suddenly appeared alongside me in the last corner. I could have passed him into T1 but I backed off on the straight as it's not really fair to pass people when you are invisible.

After that (I backed off a bit too much!) I had to catch PV again, which I did. I now had about 4 or 5 laps left to pass him. I tried for a few laps but it was very hard - PV was slower into the chicane in the middle of the track but faster out of it than me, so I kept having to brake really hard to not crash into him and then he tore away on the exit. You need to be right behind someone there to stick close to them through the last two corners for a tow down the straight.

Anyway I finally got it right on lap 29 when I was right up behind pv down the straight. I didn't go for a pass in T1, but I braked pretty late. There was a car stopped on the racing line there - a white one - I think the driver had disconnected... I swerved to avoid it and span into the gravel... I stalled too

then I dragged myself out of the gravel (I was now P4) and got onto the track just infront of Dave. I finished the race but then it said I was p12!!! and I couldn't talk to anyone.

so goodness knows what happens. Bit of a stupid race as I could have got past PV i think, just various random problems stopped me.

well done pv


5,301 posts

242 months

Sunday 21st May 2006
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I so came 4th!


2,468 posts

223 months

Sunday 21st May 2006
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Bit of a crappy race for me.

Qualified 5th which wasnt bad and made it upto 3rd after the first corners.

Had a bit of a crash with Ian a few laps in which dropped me down to the back.
I was all offline and Ian tapped the back of me, racing incident which lost both of us loads of time

Got up a few places then stupidly ran right into the back of Neil when trying to pass.
He got a bit sideways on the second from last corner and I didnt brake hard ehough and spun both of us off.
Sorry Neil, it wasnt intentional.

Back on the track again I started to catch up some people and gain a few positions when I ran out of fuel with 13 or so laps to go
Stupidly I though the fuel measure thing in the setup screen would be sort of accurate, and only put it 5 extra laps fuel.
So I was then a lap down and following slowcoach who was a lap up. Perswaded him to let me unlap (after I almost had him off about 5 times when trying to pass)
Tried hard to unlap myself from PV as well as a challenge but didnt quite manage it.

Dangerous mike was onan absolute stormer, but very very unlukily he crashed or disconected towards the end. Unlucky mate


Original Poster:

17,113 posts

266 months

Sunday 21st May 2006
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Oh well, managed to finish which is something suppose.

Am very slow at the moment - probably something to with the fear of overdriving and throwing away a whole race trying to make some time up.

Hence I wasn't in a rush, deducing that I'd potter round safely conserving the tyres, picking up places as people make mistakes.

It seemed to work for the first few laps but it seems everyone is getting very serious and not being particularly 'safe' when trying to get past - I must have been 'nearly' taken out (rescued most thumps up the arse) aboujt 5 or 6 times.

Its annoying to thing we've got this serious - its making it really disappointing to waste an hour practising and then get knocked out ruining a race.

Its getting me to the point I can't be arsed - not being quick at the moment isn't helping, and isn't going to get any better if I'm fearing the first few laps where everyone goes nuts.

Whats's happened chaps?


8,981 posts

255 months

Monday 22nd May 2006
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neil_cardiff said:
Oh well, managed to finish which is something suppose.

Am very slow at the moment - probably something to with the fear of overdriving and throwing away a whole race trying to make some time up.

Hence I wasn't in a rush, deducing that I'd potter round safely conserving the tyres, picking up places as people make mistakes.

It seemed to work for the first few laps but it seems everyone is getting very serious and not being particularly 'safe' when trying to get past - I must have been 'nearly' taken out (rescued most thumps up the arse) aboujt 5 or 6 times.

Its annoying to thing we've got this serious - its making it really disappointing to waste an hour practising and then get knocked out ruining a race.

Its getting me to the point I can't be arsed - not being quick at the moment isn't helping, and isn't going to get any better if I'm fearing the first few laps where everyone goes nuts.

Whats's happened chaps?

Tiz a bit serious IMO, set up pages.... practising tracks......posting times..... PH v RS.....

some of these things mean your putting in more & more effort, so when race day comes a lot of people feel they deserve to be at the front one way or another

I've had races half way down the field and they've been some of the most fun, I just enjoy the driving / racing wherever I am in the line up. I had a great race yesterday with Mike on my back all the way for 28 laps but I never drove in a manner to be quick I was sliding it around in the same way I do whatever car i'm driving, Mike could have passed me at any point I'm sure, and if he had? I would have driven the same way havin a laugh (although I got fastest lap for some strange reason)

Thanks for a great race Mike and your restrained behaviour behind was weird when your appeared by my side at the last turn actually I think I was inside your car slightly at one point (you should wear clothes when racing... you need to shave...ewwwwwww)

Saying all that, you do seem to be prone to the shunts Neil is it this early braking technique thats catching people out? maybe practise ur brakin points for upcoming tracks? its the best (only) way to pass people in these even powered cars, trail the brakes into the coner if need be.... duno, would'nt want to loose you from events thats for sure

after getting a flying start past Mike and Ian at the start I only saw Mike, though I was expecting Ian to get us at some point but sounds like events prevented this

Will be Alfa racing in the week if anyone fancys some laughs


14,488 posts

250 months

Monday 22nd May 2006
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I've resigned myself to mid order finishes at best, simply because I don't have the time to practice. I remember being competetive once, way back in the days of the GTR league, running in a Ferrari 550 - and that was only because I had loads of practice time.

I've noticed that there is some really agressive driving on the first couple of laps as well, I usually do my best to avoid it if I can because I know I'll throw the car off on my own without any help. Doesn't bother me to be honest because I'm never going to be challenging for a place. i can see how if you are fast and you get punted it would be pretty annoying.


3,280 posts

257 months

Monday 22nd May 2006
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I found qualifying hard, I think my setup was too safe, as unless I was very tidy round the back of the track I was washing out in the last corner.

I made a great start though making a couple of places (Davyboy was one I think). I was right behind Adam for a lap or two, then comming into the chicain I was very close. As adam was behind a couple of cars also, everyone ended up breaking earlier and earlier. As I broke very early Diver (who had cought me and was just behind me) just clipped me (NP m8 ). I tried to catch it but ended up facing the wrong way

Luckily it was a slow part of the track so i didn't end up far from the race track and there was no damage

I think I rejoint chasing Davyboy but after a lap or two washed out into the gravel on the last corner

Dobbo then went past and I followed him for f:censorded:ing ages (about 5 seconds behind), I'd close by ½ a second one lap and he'd pull it back out the next Then I started to close and got the gap down to about 3 seconds and he left

I think I was then behind Neil and followed him for a couple of laps before he drove off into the sunset

I passed someones yellow car (lagged out) on the main striaght for a couple of laps on the trot.

Next I came up on benaldo (love the colour scheme BTW ) after Neil had passed him and was catching him about ½ a second a lap. Then with about two laps to go he stopped at the end of the main straight (lagged out). I think that put me in 9th

Finally on the penultimate lap PV was in my mirrors (sideways), he was on his own so I didn't bother slowing down and crossed the line just before him. This ment that I had to do another lap, on this lap I crashed twice and was collected by another car who was being controlled by the computer. Which had me worried I wasn't going to finish but I limped over the line and anyone behind would have already croissed the finishline 1 lap down

I'm quite happy with that, as before the start I was doubtful on ANY points

EDIT: Sorry I left right after the race I had to make my sandwiches for todays lunch

>> Edited by mr_yogi on Monday 22 May 12:22

>> Edited by mr_yogi on Monday 22 May 12:23


5,301 posts

242 months

Monday 22nd May 2006
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What are we doing about the points btw... I have a replay that shows I finished 4th.


7,155 posts

233 months

Monday 22nd May 2006
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pvapour said:
Will be Alfa racing in the week if anyone fancys some laughs

Count me in!

Everyone was a bit aggressive at the start
I found myself flying in and out all over the place to get out of the way and pass / fall behind other people...

And as for points, It's up to everyone else, I s'pose I can shunt people down a point Mike, but we need to have a rule about disconnects (ie. no points if you do disconnect ) is the only way we can stay fair.



4,939 posts

275 months

Monday 22nd May 2006
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Well I had a lovely time
A great start saw me dicing with Daves Uncle and Malings for the first few laps. Seriously good fun; hard racing yet entirely fair and considerate Then DM vanished, leaving me to follow then watch in amazement as UD all but lost it going into turn 1. I nipped past into third, and Dave hung onto my tail for lap after lap after lap. At one point the cheeky get started trying to put me off with stuff like
UncleDave said:
I just about held things together long enough for UD to fall (gurgling noisily) into the clutches of Ian Parker, by which time I was having to deal with a rather feisty backmarker - Holst, as it would turn out when he politely asked me to stop bothering him and kindly leave him to win the race from the back
IP took all of about half a lap to start hovering around my tail. Suddenly I was second, then back to third as I waved IP through with an accomodating brainfade broadside.
My first podium! I'm still chuffed to bits


5,301 posts

242 months

Monday 22nd May 2006
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UncleDave said:
pvapour said:
Will be Alfa racing in the week if anyone fancys some laughs

Count me in!

Everyone was a bit aggressive at the start
I found myself flying in and out all over the place to get out of the way and pass / fall behind other people...

And as for points, It's up to everyone else, I s'pose I can shunt people down a point Mike, but we need to have a rule about disconnects (ie. no points if you do disconnect ) is the only way we can stay fair.


I agree with you Dave, but I only disconnected after the race finished! I crossed the line just behind PV!

edit: leave the points as they are. It's just a bit annoying (as Neil says) when you put in all that effort (in the race for me... it went on rather a long time) and you get nothing for it because the game is poorly coded.

>> Edited by D_Mike on Monday 22 May 16:35


3,280 posts

257 months

Monday 22nd May 2006
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DM, were you the yellow car with the blue stripe down the middle?


7,155 posts

233 months

Monday 22nd May 2006
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Yellow car and blue stripe is Diver IIRC
Davyboy is the Black oen with the yellow Nurburgring track outline thingy..


3,280 posts

257 months

Monday 22nd May 2006
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I thought Diver was in a std. blue car on Sunday?

I am just trying to figure out who lagged out on the main straight

I'm sure it was yellow with a thick blue stripe down the centre and it was outside the pits on the racing line for about three laps towards the end of the race.

>> Edited by mr_yogi on Monday 22 May 17:35


7,155 posts

233 months

Monday 22nd May 2006
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That's all we saw when in fact he was still racing on his comp!


5,301 posts

242 months

Monday 22nd May 2006
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that is really weird because I was still driving round with PV visible on my screen. Infact I saw benaldo lagged out at my end when presumably you could all see me lagged out. Weird.