Does anyone here miss the good old days...

Does anyone here miss the good old days...



Original Poster:

2,560 posts

227 months

Sunday 26th November 2006
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sorry, one more for you all.

Secret of Mana (on the Snes).

Remembering the above and Zelda reminded me of something else missing with modern game - the sheer epic scale of the things. Both Mana and Zelda felt almost endless to me. I spent hours and hours on them and there was always something else to go try and find or do. And they were the sort of games I'd be thinking about when away from the console. I'd have flashes of brilliance or ideas suddenly pop in to my head about trying an item out somewhere, or remembering a cave i'd yet to explore ... can't recall many subsequent games having the same 'need to rush home and boot it up now' factor.


6,962 posts

237 months

Sunday 26th November 2006
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che6mw said:
ThePassenger said:

That was the bugger! Was trying to remember its name but couldn't. Fortunately I saved my embarrassment by correctly guessing TFX

Yes, don't worry. Your geek crown remains firmly on your bonce

bow I'm not *THAT* big a geek, just have a good memory and a very curious nature Now the guy I bumped in to on a job site who happily told me about a 'heavy weapons darlek'... he was a geek

BigAlinEmbra said:
I didn't notice Frontier being too buggy. I got a patch for it early doors in my ownership and it seemed fine. In those days I was very rarely a "buy it on the day of release" person. Probs cos I never had the money!

Must admit, other than being damn difficult to fly around in (I was used to non-realistic controls) it played fine on my old ST, but then again I never really pushed it so perhaps I was lucky?

rsvmilly said:
I thought the graphics and lighting of U2 were more polished than the other users of the Unreal engine. The rendering of the chick on the spaceship was much better than any I'd seen before.

IKWYM about Prey etc. Great visuals and some innovative touches - like not knowing which way up you are. I might have to play it through again.

So you like your FPSs? Looking around your website you must have played FEAR?

To be honest I'm working from memory on U2 but it didn't seem any more polished than 2k3, it didn't seem until 2004 came out that they'd worked out how to get the most out of the engine. Of course by the time I started playing 2k4 I'd substantially upgraded my machine so perhaps that's why?

Recently played it again myself, even knowing the plot it's graphics and storyline are well worth the replay value, I understand Prey 2 is in the works... hopefully they'll not keep us waiting for 5 years

Nope. Never played FEAR, I keep meaning to pick it up but never get around to it.


3,367 posts

253 months

Monday 27th November 2006
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AJLintern said:

I used to do a regular 56k dial-up session with a mate, and then one day (quietly) discovered Quake C, and plugged in a module that allowed you to become a fiend.

So he dials in one day and we have a game on DM6, and about halfway through I find a corner somewhere and become a fiend, knowing full well that the reason he doesn't play single player mode is because the fiends freak him out. You see where this is headed?

So I skulk around till I see him, aim my crosshairs and launch straight towards him (in the way only a fiend can!). He shat himself, I couldn't play anymore because I was rolling on the floor because I was in tears laughing by guts out, and he didn't speak to me for a week.

On another occasion I downloaded a module that gave you fancy weapons (like remote-detonated rockets which stuck to you until there were detonated by the person who fired them), but the fiend one was still the best.

Good times.

In fact, I might go and download Quake with a few bots now just to have a run around.


3,367 posts

253 months

Monday 27th November 2006
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I've had C64, Atari 2600, SNES, PS1, PS2, PSP, Xbox, Xbox 360, GameBoy, GBA, DS. When you list it out like that, it almost seems sad.


11,288 posts

243 months

Monday 27th November 2006
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ThePassenger said:
Nope. Never played FEAR, I keep meaning to pick it up but never get around to it.
You definitely should do. It has a supernatural theme through it with lots of images of a disturbing little girl; ala The Ring etc.

And the ability to slo-mo and pin a baddie to the wall is fantastic. Even the melee is effective.

It is quite heavy on resources, though. On my old Athlon 3000 with 2G and 9800Pro I had to turn the options down quite considerably.


3,367 posts

253 months

Monday 27th November 2006
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rsvmilly said:
It is quite heavy on resources, though. On my old Athlon 3000 with 2G and 9800Pro I had to turn the options down quite considerably.

Twin 7800GTXs here. Ditto.


8,252 posts

248 months

Monday 27th November 2006
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Fear is a proper buggy game though in terms of running well on various systems.
I used to get the same type of performance in 1280 as i did in 640 which points
towards software issues rather than lack of hardware.
I had to fiddle with various options for ages before having to settle for
1024 and a decent look.Others i knew had to do the same on more powerful
machines than mine too.

Updates did help a wee bit, but you only have to google regarding FEAR to see the
sort of problems people were having.

This may help too.