World of Tanks (Vol 2)

World of Tanks (Vol 2)



7,486 posts

215 months

Saturday 16th August 2014
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Just realised I haven't posted in vol2, so it's not coming up on "my info". Thought it was a bit quiet wink

otherwise, dreadful night last night, lost just about everything and the game I won, I just had one HE pen for 24hp as I was in the sloooow AT8 and the rest of my team stormed off and won (for once). Then it crashed and locked the whole computer, so I took the hint and went to bed!


3,965 posts

200 months

Saturday 16th August 2014
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A couple of games like that last night myself! I'm sure I saw my rounds change direction in mid flight to hit tracks 😂

All that jazz

7,632 posts

148 months

Saturday 16th August 2014
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defblade said:
Just realised I haven't posted in vol2, so it's not coming up on "my info". Thought it was a bit quiet wink

otherwise, dreadful night last night, lost just about everything and the game I won, I just had one HE pen for 24hp as I was in the sloooow AT8 and the rest of my team stormed off and won (for once). Then it crashed and locked the whole computer, so I took the hint and went to bed!
General rule of thumb: when multiple XP weekends are on and other such "events", don't play if you care about your stats.

Beati Dogu

8,960 posts

141 months

Saturday 16th August 2014
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The x3 or x5 relates to how much harder it is to get a win when there's a special on. wink


4,173 posts

160 months

Saturday 16th August 2014
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Beati Dogu said:
The x3 or x5 relates to how much harder it is to get a win when there's a special on. wink
In my case its the multiplier that applies to the amount of money finding it's way into the swear jar ranting


13,849 posts

167 months

Saturday 16th August 2014
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Martin_Hx said:
A couple of games like that last night myself! I'm sure I saw my rounds change direction in mid flight to hit tracks ??
That is an lag compensation correction isn't it? I'm sure I've read of other PC players suffering similar issues, the shell passing straight through the enemy tank as if it was not there is another lag compensation thing.

I've just realised that somewhere in the recent updates for the 360 game they've enabled the currency switch so premium ammo can be purchased for silver, admittedly a lot of silver, to the point where it makes it practically unusable for non-premium players, or players without premium tanks. That said, they always say that if you penetrate with a premium round, you'll always earn a profit in silver over what the round cost, so if you're very careful and save them only for when they are really needed, you can get away with it. As such, I've loaded 5 onto my Tiger II, for those times when normal AP just won't cut it. I'm also only 4500xp away from unlocking the top gun on the Tiger II, after which I'll be taking a break from the German heavy playing, and finally re-purchasing a KV-1S, which I had owned previously, played once and sold to make room for an SPG.


2,404 posts

185 months

Saturday 16th August 2014
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Such an annoying game when the mm is against you, last 2 days cannot win a game in my KV2 out of about 10 battles.
Last game over 3k damage and took 4 tanks down and the big tiers above me did nothing so another loss.
Very unfair game and grrrrrr.

All that jazz

7,632 posts

148 months

Saturday 16th August 2014
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TX1 said:
Such an annoying game when the mm is against you, last 2 days cannot win a game in my KV2 out of about 10 battles.
Last game over 3k damage and took 4 tanks down and the big tiers above me did nothing so another loss.
Very unfair game and grrrrrr.
Because 5x XP weekend! Did warn you! spin

Beati Dogu

8,960 posts

141 months

Saturday 16th August 2014
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Yeah, I've had to really scrap to get wins. Also had a few dramatic comebacks in the last two days as well.

One was with the tier 2 French TD, which I'd only re-bought a couple of hours earlier. We were 6 down in no time on the Province map and they started closing in for the endgame. Luckily our T-127 managed to get 5 kills before he died, while I was defending the hill. In the end it came down to me vs 2 arty. I nailed one as he was headed for the cap and managed to hunt down the other for a Top Gun and Ace Tanker.

Also had a nice 5 kill comeback with the tier 3 Cruiser II derpmeister. I thought it was going to be a dry game, but the team suddenly collapsed and I found myself in a target rich environment. laugh

The last one was a tier 10 game on the Northwest map. We were 8:1 down before I'd even had the chance to open fire. I was playing the tier 9 US medium, the T54E1. I managed to take out their T62A in a 1vs1, despite getting thumped by a Jagdtiger E100. I was tying to work over a T28, but one of their scumbags finally managed to click on me near the end. Anyway our remaining 2 tanks, a Leopard 1 and E50M ran into their base and just managed to cap in time to win it.


6,795 posts

205 months

Saturday 16th August 2014
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On holibobs until 25th, all in VBRJ have ability to add players etc, feel free to sort some voice comms too wink


4,173 posts

160 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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Is it right that Wargaming should sell Tier 8 premiums to new accounts?

I just had a T8 game on Himmelsdorf in my IS3, and at one point came across a enemy 112 (Chinese Tier 8 premium Heavy). Now that's a bad tank in many respects, and I would generally hope to come out on top against one in an IS3, but this was just murder. During & after said tankicide the enemy team were giving him no end of grief, and after the battle I checked out his profile. 156 games played in total, and the game I met him in was his 2nd in the 112 and could only have been his 2nd ever at tier 8.

It just seemed so unfair - in that weak tank he really would have had to have known weak spots & tactics to stand a chance. Let alone the fact his crew must at best have been 100% with no crew skills and likely his equipment, if any, would have only been a net and binocs (so no use whatsoever when there is an IS3 20 yards away shooting you in your face). He may well also not have had consumables. So he had little chance, his team were one top tier tank down from the start and to be honest it was no great fun for me, as it was obvious from the 2nd shot I put in I was just culling someone with little experience.

I know he chose to put himself in that situation by buying the tank. I remember the excitement of when the game was new to me and just wanting to play and play, with little knowledge of the mechanics of the game etc. But he is (very likely) going to continue to get his butt handed to him in that tank, and that will eventually I would imagine put him off. So is it wise WG sell that tank, taking the money now and potentially losing a long term subscriber, as well as allowing him to upset other players at the same time?

To be clear I have no grudge against Mr 113, I hope he sticks out the game and may well turn out to be the next best player ever, but he was allowed into a position where he had no chance at all and completely let his team down - just doesn't seem right to me.

Anyway, IS3 smash


7,486 posts

215 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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Jayfish said:
On holibobs until 25th, all in VBRJ have ability to add players etc, feel free to sort some voice comms too wink
From the old thread:

me said:
I've been doing a bit of research into this; there's a free Mumble hosting server available here (Guildbit) which can give us up to 10 players for up to 24 hours - so long as we're just randomly platooning (and that was easy and fun last night - I think we were winners in something like 5 out of 6 games last night, even if I did tend to die first each time wink ) that should be more than enough.

Pros: free, anyone can set it up as and when, free and it's free

Cons: will take a couple of minutes to set up before getting into battle, the server location/password etc will have to be shared each time at the start of a platoon.

If the cons turn out to out-weigh the pros, I'm happy to pay for a small commercial mumble server - I can't see we'd need more than 6 or 9 channels in 2 or 3 groups for random platooning, so it wouldn't be expensive anyway.

So, folks, download the mumble client and we'll give it a bash. It's not always the easiest thing in the world to get working properly, but I'm sure all the Powerfully Built Company Directors will have no problems (or will get their secretaries to do it for them wink ).
Don't know if anyone's tried this yet, as I say if it's too much of a faff, I'll pay for something permanent. Not been on much myself this week though, mainly due to being knackered after work each night (poor me;) ).


13,849 posts

167 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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This weekend has actually been pretty decent in terms of matches, I haven't seen too many morons, so It's been a good time for me, 15,000xp in 3 matches in my Tiger II and I've finally unlocked and purchased the top gun, time to put that on the back burner for a while as I begin the mountainous climb to the IS-3. These Russian tanks are great fun but the XP requirements to climb the tree are pretty hefty. That said, the prominent thing I've noticed this weekend has been KV-2 players with derp guns and incredible alpha. The KV-2 has only been out a week, but it seems everyone has one and they've put the 152mm gun on it, it's pretty hard for them to miss the TOG, and they can 2 shot me from a decent distance! They are pretty easy meat once they get flanked or if they have to engage a normal-sized tank at a distance, so I imagine the novelty of the KV-2 will wear off soon.

Also, as it has been Gamescon weekend, the fan Q&A sessions at the Wargaming booth have been pretty interesting. French and Chinese lines all but officially confirmed, and a pretty sold confirmation that a new nation will be the next major update for the 360 game, so my guess is they'll go French next. Time to start reading into those French tanks, see what is worth saving for. I'd guess that will be 2-4 months away, so the next few monthly updates will likely be new maps, and new weather conditions for existing maps. Port on a snowy night is impressive, and Live Oaks with rain is amazing, probably my favourite map. Sand River on night mode has a great atmosphere about it too.

So much to look forward to!


1,316 posts

202 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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Sherman Firefly confirmed for September apparently.


13,849 posts

167 months

Monday 18th August 2014
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Oh man, struggling to enjoy the KV-1S. It feels like a KV-1, but a little faster, and with worse guns. The stock gun is a joke, the 122mm derp is an option but imo becomes less and less viable on the KV line as the god-like armour and bounce ability that the KV-1 becomes less and less as the playing field levels as the tiers go up.

I've got the longer of the two 76mm guns on at the moment, but it's still really poor. Decent RoF, but poor alpha, decent pen but crap accuracy and aim time. Everyone says the long 122mm gun really transforms this tank, man I can't wait to get it! Also, while angling can evoke some of the "impenetrable fortress" gameplay so enjoyed by the KV-1, the KV-1S never feels quite as hardy, and with those enormous fuel tanks on the rear (that don't seem to have a hell of a lot of module health), fires are commonplace. I thought Germans were supposed to be bad for fires but this thing takes the cake. I'm sure it feel like a different tank once I've got the proper 122mm gun, along with a rammer, GLD and vents.

Bring on that sweet, sweet IS-3.


2,404 posts

185 months

Monday 18th August 2014
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The 122 gun will transform the tank totally and it shall become a proper killing machine as long as you get used to the long loading times and are prepared ie do not fight in open ground.
Personally for its tier I prefer it by far to the IS3 which I find is not so great for its tier.
Have you tried the KV2 by any chance ?


13,849 posts

167 months

Monday 18th August 2014
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TX1 said:
The 122 gun will transform the tank totally and it shall become a proper killing machine as long as you get used to the long loading times and are prepared ie do not fight in open ground.
Personally for its tier I prefer it by far to the IS3 which I find is not so great for its tier.
Have you tried the KV2 by any chance ?
I have not, but I have recently been enjoying shredding them in my rangey German tanks. However, the trolling has been reversed since I started working on the KV-1S the other day, as I have to close the gap to have any effect with the pathetic 76mm guns, putting me right into the range of the KV-2. There are a lot of them about at the moment as they were just released last Tuesday on the xbox game, so a lot of players are having a go. I've got about 130,000xp on my KV-1, so I could get the KV-2 whenever I want, but I want to focus my silver on the KV-1S. I will go down the KV-2 route at some point probably, as it makes a handy shortcut halfway into the Russian SPG tree, without having to play the lower tiers. SPG at lower tiers is painful!

I've read the IS-3 is not amazing for it's tier, but I want to have a go with it, as it's an interesting counterpoint to my Tiger II.

Beati Dogu

8,960 posts

141 months

Monday 18th August 2014
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The IS-3 is a very good tier 8 tank and I'm sure you'll get on with it fine.

The KV-1 Sport is all about the big 122mm gun. The roughly 15 second reload time is horrible though, so you'll always need to make use of cover and your team mates for that. It's pretty mobile for a heavy tank though and the turret armour is quite troll.

You can one-shot tier 4s and some tier 5s. You'll severely damage tier 6 and 7s and even give tier 8s something to think about.

Enjoy it while it's hot though. On the PC it's due to get a (long overdue) severe nerf in the next patch. I'll lose the top gun and be dropped to tier 5 as a sideways branch from the KV-1.

They'll also introduce the KV-85 to replace it at tier 6. The KV-85 will have the same big gun, but the reload is going to be closer to 20 seconds and the aim time & accuracy will be worse. The gun depression will be 5 degrees less and the tank will be much slower.


13,849 posts

167 months

Monday 18th August 2014
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Beati Dogu said:
The IS-3 is a very good tier 8 tank and I'm sure you'll get on with it fine.

The KV-1 Sport is all about the big 122mm gun. The roughly 15 second reload time is horrible though, so you'll always need to make use of cover and your team mates for that. It's pretty mobile for a heavy tank though and the turret armour is quite troll.

You can one-shot tier 4s and some tier 5s. You'll severely damage tier 6 and 7s and even give tier 8s something to think about.

Enjoy it while it's hot though. On the PC it's due to get a (long overdue) severe nerf in the next patch. I'll lose the top gun and be dropped to tier 5 as a sideways branch from the KV-1.

They'll also introduce the KV-85 to replace it at tier 6. The KV-85 will have the same big gun, but the reload is going to be closer to 20 seconds and the aim time & accuracy will be worse. The gun depression will be 5 degrees less and the tank will be much slower.
I don't think it will be getting nerfed too soon in the Xbox version, they'll probably let it have it's day then nerf it later. It's pretty nippy with the V-2K engine I've got in it at the moment, so I can imagine that the top gun coupled with the V-2IS engine makes it pretty silly. I'm not sure how they could give it any less depression though, I've got the top turret on it at the moment and the depression is shocking, this thing cannot fight on uneven terrain at all, it makes the German tanks look like depression-masters, when in truth they're awful. The KV-1S seems like a new level of terrible depression.

The thing that worries me about the IS-3 is that piked front, it looks cool but angling actually negates the pike and gives a flat surface for an enemy to hit flush, but if you stray front on that lower plate is exposed. Then again, I suppose part of the fun of this game is learning how to play a tank, rather than expecting everything to be easy.

Beati Dogu

8,960 posts

141 months

Monday 18th August 2014
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You just have to learn how to not give them your side or bait them into shooting your bouncy turret. You can get right in their faces with the low slung IS-3 and shoot them in the throat. It tends to make people panic and shoot without even aiming.

The KV-1S has -8 degrees of gun depression with the top gun, which is very good.

This is a typical KV-1S game. Bottom tier, surrounded by muppets and still able to do more damage than 19 tanks and arty higher than it.