World of Warcraft



3,800 posts

177 months

Monday 23rd May 2011
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Well in Vashj'ir, there's a series of quests fairly early on which rewards you with a seahorse mount that's super fast, flying mount speed.

Stick with it, the quests get better as you progress through the zones.

My main is a lvl 85 shammy (


10,040 posts

240 months

Tuesday 24th May 2011
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troc said:
Well in Vashj'ir, there's a series of quests fairly early on which rewards you with a seahorse mount that's super fast, flying mount speed.
It's only about 10/15 quests into the zone so hard to miss tbh.

Vash is a neverending zone (the original questing achievement was 180 quests!!!) and I think Hyjal is a better opener for story and flow. It's also about 60 quests shorter!


2,165 posts

199 months

Tuesday 24th May 2011
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Deepholme quests are getting better, finally starting to provide a challenge, dying is actually a possibility now. I had the Seahorse in Vashjr, but still hated the zone. Looking forward to Uldum, seems like fun!


10,040 posts

240 months

Tuesday 24th May 2011
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vdubbin said:
Deepholme quests are getting better, finally starting to provide a challenge, dying is actually a possibility now. I had the Seahorse in Vashjr, but still hated the zone. Looking forward to Uldum, seems like fun!
Questing is no longer a challenge sadly. It's been made quick and easy and I'd be suprised if you risk death to anything barring over-pulls or not understanding a specific mechanic to some of the 'event' quests.


3,800 posts

177 months

Tuesday 24th May 2011
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IainT said:
Questing is no longer a challenge sadly. It's been made quick and easy and I'd be suprised if you risk death to anything barring over-pulls or not understanding a specific mechanic to some of the 'event' quests.
That's sadly true. I've been playing since the beta and although I love some of the new quests and chains, I miss the feeling of danger - and it's not just because I have a well-geared main, levelling my alts feels stupidly easy compared with 5 years ago.


10,040 posts

240 months

Tuesday 24th May 2011
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troc said:
That's sadly true. I've been playing since the beta and although I love some of the new quests and chains, I miss the feeling of danger - and it's not just because I have a well-geared main, levelling my alts feels stupidly easy compared with 5 years ago.
I'm levelling a huntard at the moment... 6 heirloom items, +45%xp from them and the guild level. I'm 1-shotting most mobs in outlands with Aimed Shot.

It's more about the speed of levelling alts not than it is about challenge. I might do 80-85 in BGs for a change of pace but mostly, outside of raiding, I'm playing games like World of Tanks. I had a brief fling with Rift but it paled very quickly.

Many of my current guild ('O v e r r a t e d' on The Maelstrom - looking for active raiders for HC modes on our 25-man team) are going to try out SW:TOR when it's released.

Sheets Tabuer

19,167 posts

217 months

Monday 9th April 2012
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Sorry for the resurrection, it is Easter after all hehe

Sheets Tabuer said:
The mail address I used for wow was created on my own domain for example and used only for wow. It has never been used for anything else as I create a mail address specifically for each site that requests one. That way I can identify who sells my mail address and stop using them.

The amount of phishing emails I am getting at the moment is crazy.

How the hell did they get that one?
Anyhow, I got an email over the weekend telling me my account was banned for selling gold, I log in to and sure enough the account is banned and I have about 30 level 1 toons which have obviously been selling gold.

I raise a ticket and they claim I have either given the password out or I have a virus.

Now the weird bit, this is a new PC (well a year old) and I've never even installed wow on it, I have up to date AV software and also do a sweep once a week with housecall, I have scripts disabled in my browser but it doesn't matter as not actually having wow on my PC means I wouldn't have logged on anyhow for someone to steal the password.

The password was as long and as complex as I could make it.


2,025 posts

259 months

Monday 9th April 2012
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I had this exact problem, as have thousands of other people.

My account had been inactive for 18 months - it had a unique password, and was an odd string of characters. There is no way it could have been keylogged, unless they did it 2 years ago and never used it, and it certainly couldn't have been guessed, but thats what Blizzard have claimed.

Get the Blizzard Authenticator, if you haven't already. I don't play WoW anymore (although I did make use of the free time the hackers had put on my account!) but I intend to play Diablo3 so I used the free app and put it on my phone. Not had a problem since.

Sheets Tabuer

19,167 posts

217 months

Monday 9th April 2012
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Unfortunately they didn't put any free time on my account, they didn't need to funnily enough as the account was cracked within a few hours of blizzard giving me a free trial.

Funny that.


12,721 posts

238 months

Monday 9th April 2012
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Simple, the gold farmers have people who work for Blizzard. Blizzard don't explicitly know this of course, and don't condone it, but on the other hand they have never worked that hard to get rid of gold sellers and spammers. If you want any proof of how seriously they don't take it, they recently fired 600 people, most of which are / were customer support staff.

Given the way they treat their support staff, is it any wonder that some of them choose to supplement their income? Saying that the user has given out their password or being hacked is easy to do, as it is virtually impossible to prove you didn't.

If you have an iPhone, iPod touch or Android phone, please download the authenticator. It is much less intrusive to use now, and only asks for authentication very occasionally, or when you log in from a different IP address. Guess who has lost his iPod touch... Sigh. Still, having seen the Mists of Pandaria videos, I'm just not getting excited like I did for the older expansions.


1,275 posts

217 months

Monday 9th April 2012
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You have the possibility of an "inside job" although I'd be surprised if they stored passwords in a big table, in clear text that just any support person can query when they're bored responding to tickets about unfair LFR loot rules.

The passwords could be brute forced, you could have used the wow password on an external site and that's the source, it could just be that someone got lucky etc etc.

I agree with the advice offered; get an authenticator either the hard token type of soft token that works on IOS or Android.


10,040 posts

240 months

Tuesday 10th April 2012
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GnuBee said:
You have the possibility of an "inside job" although I'd be surprised if they stored passwords in a big table, in clear text that just any support person can query when they're bored responding to tickets about unfair LFR loot rules.
Entirely possible for a support agent to initiate the password reset process and have the system issue a new one to the spammer.


296 posts

248 months

Monday 3rd September 2012
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So, who's coming back for Pandaria...?
And, if you're still playing, what do you think of the changes made in last weeks patch?


10,040 posts

240 months

Monday 3rd September 2012
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Am pondering it but have relatively little time right now.


9,457 posts

254 months

Monday 3rd September 2012
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Playing GW2 at the moment. I might be back, I might not...


3,186 posts

211 months

Monday 3rd September 2012
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Swanboy said:
So, who's coming back for Pandaria...?
And, if you're still playing, what do you think of the changes made in last weeks patch?
AOE Looting is good. Talent system is a bit like Diablo 3 and I think it is ok. Overall the class changes are ok. Guild leveling and rep is now really quick so no need to feel like you don't want to leave as you lose the benefits. 64 bit client introduced which is quite nice. Account wide mounts/pets/titles is good unless you have a US and EU account where they are not shared. Bit of an edge case but it is still there.

Stuff that is broken:

Pre 85 healers are out damaging dps classes as are tanks, daily quests are broken and sometimes you cannot click on things to loot or hand in quests.

All the other new stuff is turned off until the 25th however including pet battles. After not playing for most of Cataclysm since I didn't have time to smack my head into the brick wall of the heroics and raids unless I wanted to quit my job and sit in my own filth and coming back to see that over the 18 months it didn't improve it looks like it will be fun at least.

Oh and there is no launch event of it self, just a new scenario thing where Theramore gets blown up.


12,721 posts

238 months

Monday 3rd September 2012
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I was fortunate enough to get a beta key for Pandaria. The scenery looks spectacular (for an 8 year old engine). But the quests are for the most part just the same old quests. I vowed that I would read all the quest text and not rush through. That lasted for nearly a zone until I realised nothing was new and they were the same old grind.

I can see why they changed talents, and removed the need for trainers, but it just feels like with every expansion they take away things. The 5-man bosses are more of the same, but when you hit 90 expect to be grinding endless dailies for months to generate rep. Plus having to grind materials for professions, oh joy. I just don't want to be spending hours and days of my life repeating dull tasks just to get a minor advantage in raids.

I don't think I will be bothering this time. I wanted to, I really did, but whenever I log in to beta, the can't-be-arsed neurone fires in my brain. Pet battles are an interesting sideline, but certainly not a major reason to go back.


3,534 posts

245 months

Monday 3rd September 2012
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I forgot to cancel my Wow Sub. I have 2 months left of gametime and Cannot be bothered to log in. Did quite heavy RBG and Arena last season. But everything just seems like such a chore. GW2 Is holding my attention for now


296 posts

248 months

Tuesday 4th September 2012
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Carfiend said:
Swanboy said:
So, who's coming back for Pandaria...?
And, if you're still playing, what do you think of the changes made in last weeks patch?
AOE Looting is good. Talent system is a bit like Diablo 3 and I think it is ok. Overall the class changes are ok. Guild leveling and rep is now really quick so no need to feel like you don't want to leave as you lose the benefits. 64 bit client introduced which is quite nice. Account wide mounts/pets/titles is good unless you have a US and EU account where they are not shared. Bit of an edge case but it is still there.

Stuff that is broken:

Pre 85 healers are out damaging dps classes as are tanks, daily quests are broken and sometimes you cannot click on things to loot or hand in quests.

All the other new stuff is turned off until the 25th however including pet battles. After not playing for most of Cataclysm since I didn't have time to smack my head into the brick wall of the heroics and raids unless I wanted to quit my job and sit in my own filth and coming back to see that over the 18 months it didn't improve it looks like it will be fun at least.

Oh and there is no launch event of it self, just a new scenario thing where Theramore gets blown up.
My guild went very quiet when SW:TOR came out, but when we got to the end game raids we got bored very quickly...
I managed to rekindle enough people's interest in WoW to get some fun raids going again, and we're now making decent progress into Heroic Modes in DS.
I must admit i was a little concerned by the changes that came in last week, it looked like the talent trees were being over simplified, but i will happily admit i'm wrong. I'm thoroughly enjoying most of my classes (even tanking)!
A few of the guildies have been playing the MoP beta, and most if not all are excited about it. I do understand people's opinion on questing/grinding again however.
All in all, looking forward to PandaLand wink


2,165 posts

199 months

Tuesday 4th September 2012
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I haven't logged on in a while, will there be changes to the non-Panda areas and parts of the game, like there was in Cata?