Did you ever get one of those days boys?

Did you ever get one of those days boys?



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152 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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I woke up this morning ( well, that's a bonus for a start! ) and opened the curtains to see that the grey and the drizzle had gone! Then I looked in the mirror and saw that some grey still remained, but hey! at least the weather was bucking up.
After the usual ablutions and a customary breakfast of 1.5 weetabikkies & a nice cuppa T, I carefully tipped off the residual pools of rainwater from Austin's cover, folded it up, and reverently placed it on top of the wheely bins, took off his roof panels & stowed them in their covers in the boot, lowered the rear hood with a rolled-up ( Versace of course ) towel to prevent creasing the rear window, climbed in & went through the cockpit checklist.
All ok, start engine, all parameters normal, chocks away and off we went, Glenrobbo & Austin in perfect harmony to seek out the twistiest most circuitous devious & scenic route to the days objective:
The almost all-new TVRCC High Peak Regional meet for August 2014.
The Sycamore, Parwich.
( No, I'd never heard of it before either! )
The road was long with many a winding turn, so we arrived a little later than planned, but still earlier than the satnav forecast.
Behold! A wonderful array of fabulous machines in many colours, as well as a load of TVR's!
Nice to see Gadge & Novolette in their beautiful shiney red 3000M all the way from Nottingham. ( not Sherwood Green )
Apparently this pub is host to quite a few classic car gatherings, but even so, they didn't complain about us cluttering up their car park.
I was drawn to what seemed to be a brand new Willys Jeep, but I was assured it was a bona fide 1943 model. Fantastic! And nice to speak to General Patton as well.


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35,563 posts

152 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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After a refreshing beverage & some quite concerted nattering & admiring one another's bodywork, it was time to set off in a popping & banging ( and grumbling - poor Novolette was hungry ) TVR convoy for the second objective of the mission:
Middleton Top Engine House, home of a superb beam engine that was used to wind railway wagons & coaches up a long & very steep incline. This awesome machine is 185 years old, even older than I, and still in perfect working order ( unlike me! )
In the museum section there was an array of ancient artifacts that looked just like the contents of my toolbox. Only without the cobwebs.

Stage 3. Replenishment.
After much deliberation & several changes of plan, it was decided the best refuelling base would be the Knockerdown Inn, Carsington.
Yes, another new one on me, but some nice scenic roads to get there, so why not?
The sun was beaming down on Carsington Water when we arrived, even though this vast expanse of lake was not shown on Gary's map? ( OS, 10/6d , HMSO )
But it was a fine place for convivial chat & Alf Tesco dining.
It was then the Cilla Black "Surprise Surprise" moment occurred:

" Glen Robinson? GLEN ROBINSON!! "

Momentarily, I panicked.
Well you would wouldn't you?
Then I saw the owner of the voice:
It was Dave, my long lost best RAF buddy, who I hadn't seen for 10 years.
We enlisted at the same time 50 years ago. FIFTY!
Wow, who said nostalgia ain't wot it used to be?

The time flew, the Happy Tivvers decided it was time to hit the road, so we bade our farewells & headed back to our homes.
My journey took me along some of the best roads I have encountered for ages, with the sun low in the sky, the roof off, and the wonderful Peak District National Park scenery spread out before me.
Austin loved every moment, we took the very long way home, and it was just one of those days it felt good to be alive.

Everybody should have a TVR S Series cloud9


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35,563 posts

152 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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It's only a tale of WOH! if you've got more horses than you can handle wink


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35,563 posts

152 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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AutoAndy said:
...no problem to submit - but I am just the Editor (ie remove the rude words and comment on the article - not write it)...

Glen...write up and a few picks and we could also use it as an indirect way to promote the high peek region.. wink - doe snot need to be much longer in words if you dont want to

... wink
Doe snot?
No Andy, I chose the roast beef for Sunday Lunch.
( The venison was dead dear, and the lamb was dead cheap. wink )

Which rude words do you think are inappropriate for publication in Sprint?
Is it "bucking up", "Willys" or " Knockerdown" ?

Dunno about promoting High Peek, I think that's for peeping Toms.

You are perfectly welcome to transcribe my euphoric utterings to our worthy publication, but my memory is full ( and so is my camera ) so unfortunately I didn't get any pics this Sunday. Richard ( tvrvxr on here ) probably has some if you email him.

Oh how I wish my IT skills weren't so totally lacking. It's not easy being me....


Original Poster:

35,563 posts

152 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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Just managed to access my pics. Couldn't take any on Sunday, but this one taken earlier gives an idea of our playground:

Austin having a breather:


Original Poster:

35,563 posts

152 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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Haha, no Andy, not Lady boy, it's one of the Woodhead reservoirs just off the A628.

Yep, I'd be very happy with the ride height if it weren't for certain speed humps. frown

I have a cunning plan for a new route for the Barn Farm 2015 run out.
I've discovered some nice new roads, just got to string them together & decide on the Saturday lunch stop. There are some excellent inns in the area, it's a tough choice!
The hardest thing is trying them all out wink

But the Red Lion & the Druid Inn in Birchover will still be our evening watering holes. beerbeer