Nottingham Council Traffic Department pro cyclists gone mad

Nottingham Council Traffic Department pro cyclists gone mad



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106 months

Saturday 27th August 2016
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Total madness re latest road junction alterations at Wollaton Park Estate giving priority to cyclists because '''' cyclists do not want to stop at junctions & find that a nuisance'''''' See you tube a conference where a Mr Morgan has £6million to spend to improve the cyclists lot.
These junctions are downright dangerous now because the cyclist who chooses to bomb across the road junctions that go onto the main Ring Road cannot be seen by the motorist whereby the motorist is told to stop at the double white lines set back from the cycle lane.
The ideology of getting the 3% of the cycling 'workforce' up to 10% is the brain child of Mr Morgan apparently as he rants on you tube.
I have nothing against cyclist whatsoever so long as they use the roads with equal care as I but I resent the antics of some who do not hold onto the bars but choose the stupid practice of having their hands behind their backs. They obviously think this is right but I do not.
While ever they do this I do not think it right no blame status should be given to them as these road works have done.
This latest blow for the motorist in Nottingham should be taken as an addition to the slippery slope drivers are on not just in Notitngham but
Nationally. These white lines represent the fact that lunacy has won and until the lines are removed anything is possible to degrade the motorist rights.
The stupidity of these junctions has to be seen to be believed. No professional who cares about road safety would put his/her name to that project. The residents as usual knew about the intended so called improvements a week before the project started by an undated letter with no accurate details either. Secret service is the name of the game with these car driver haters.


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106 months

Saturday 27th August 2016
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Thanks for the reply. I was told that country wide this priority situation is advocated Cameron, Mr King (AA), Boris......... and no doubt many more selebs.... I used to cycle miles when I started my apprenticship but two motor engineer mates I soon got some proper wheels.
Usually the money is an item but this cyclists rule thing seems unnecessary. I didn't know there was a war between the two until I saw a lot of arguments with the nasty attitude rubbishing a great bloke ( professional driver) who started the drivers union. The cyclists talked a load of bu- sh. It is obvious this project has been thought up by a complete nutter although his title is senior road planning. Clearly he should be sacked for professional misconduct but more than likely he will be promoted as was the head of the lot of traffic who once thought it was Ok to go either way round our island now for years it's been keep left but not of her doing !


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106 months

Thursday 15th September 2016
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It was nice to see some folks agree with my writings but it is a shame there are not thousands of replies with the same realization that
drivers en mass have been well and truly screwed by whatever government has been in power because of the monetary value of
drivers who pay their way in this country but who do not get the full value of the payments they (the drivers) make.
I am astonished that there is not a big majority of the 33 milion drivers in the UK that have an organisation to challenge what is dished out to us. There is the ABD that are not forceful enough by any means and are very polite in all matters. On top of this they have many educated
people who are technically well qualified in all driving matters especially road safety and telling the truth.
The Drivers Union ( you drive) is more forceful and tells the truth but there is a position vacant for the East Mids due to a very astute
ex cop driver who ran the East Mids area and was the founder of Drivers Union that is retiring due to ill health. I cannot think of any driving subject that he was not an expert in due to his vast experience and he as I was surprised that far more drivers did not join the cause for fairness and justice two subjects that are lacking to date.
It is pertinent to understand that road safety should not be ruled by those who can gain financially from it and above all those given the task of making the rules for road safety are qualified in that subject & not handed that job because of ideology or more that likely 'who they know.


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106 months

Thursday 15th September 2016
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Very heartening to see another sensible person noting what is happening in Nottingham.......... I998 was the year I telephoned
Nottinghamshire County traffic dept. The very high up chap was very informative and I was surprised when he said " It is government policy to get you all out of your cars and we have to do what is necessary to implement that"............ The next year came the speed
camera and was obviously found to be a nice little earner hence the rash all over the place especially here. The mobile one is the one to watch as its occupants are as crafty as a wagon load of foxes. ' Fix my street' states that they are operating 50 mts from the 50 MPH limit and despite being the most blatant of money earners it still persists in that position and has done now for about a year. They find this 'new'
position a better earner from the old position 400 mts from the 50 limit. Drivers became aware of that £100000 P anum camera so the customers decreased so they had to do something to get the income back to normal........ crafty ??????


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106 months

Monday 19th September 2016
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Every driver should take note of the ideas of the NCC who hate drivers and are now over the top in what they are doing to the roads to promote a no blame policy for cyclists.
Even cyclists are not immune from the ludicrous road alterations that have taken place. Apart from the dangerous incitement to cyclists to believe they have 'right of way at junctions', see article in the Sun newspaper------ ' Council chiefs blasted for pointless cycle lane u turn' = 18 -July 16... internet site found re address Nottingham Council mad about cyclists.............
It seems unbelievable that cyclists are angry with those who are trying their best to abolish cars from the roads.
As of now it will enhance the sales of dashboard cams which won't just be handy if there is an accident but will be essential
because there will be accidents right along Nottinghams Main Ring Road.


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106 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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The Main Ring Road = Middleton Boulevard Nottingham City 90 years old major dual carriageway all 'side' roads onto this ring road have been designated cycle lane priority by the Traffic department who are pro cycle...... See Keith Morgan on You Tube 2015 safety conference who says
cyclists do not like stopping at junctions & they find this a nuisance. That is what he says and is utterly preposterous. He does not seem to realize that all motorists have been stopping at junctions ever since the second motor vehicle was made . What sort of a driver does this make him when he advocates that cyclists have the right to bomb across any junction to the detriment of a driver who is on the receiving end of an irresponsible cyclist that would run into his vehicle with the distinct possibility of the drivers insurance policy being adversely affected. As said the motorist cannot see adequately any approaching cyclist due to obstructions re hedges trees and fences. The Safety Audit was supposed to be applied at design but if this paper exists no Safety Auditer would grant a safety audit of those junctions as they exist.
The minority in Nottingham rule the majority because Mr Morgan quotes that 3% of workers go to work on a bike but he would like to
achieve 10% hence the daft ideas.


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106 months

Friday 21st October 2016
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Since the road junction alterations that is give way to cyclists I notice that many more cyclists seem to be bombing across the junctions on the Ring Road without slowing or looking. A national drivers organization with most of the 30 odd million drivers as members is essential.
Not the weak as Naffi tea organizations that are at present trying to do their best for motorists but it needs an organization with clout that
represent the motorists. How is it that the minority organizations =Brake etc etc and the minority cycle groups have decimated the driving pleasure in the UK ??????? And they all tell lies and get away with it. Keith Peat could not do it all with the few admirers he had.


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106 months

Friday 21st October 2016
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Keith Peat advises all motorists to obtain a dash cam which I have done.. The word seems to have got out to cyclists since the give way to
them at junctions right along the Ring Road. Yesterday I noticed two go straight across a junction and on the opposite side of the road another red jacketed cyclist went over two that I saw & when I hooted him he let go of both handlebars in a 'what did I do gesture'.
Dash Cam is a must have as I believe a lot of cyclists have them to prove liability if there is an accident or video of others doings/behavior.


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106 months

Saturday 22nd October 2016
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It has transpired that a Keith Morgam (23 y o) is the senior traffic officer who designed it. When asked if the alterations had a Safety Audit he said the final one would happen when the works were completed. The ladies at the meeting said ---you mean you shut the door after the horse had bolted===== asrshole upards so to speak..........
See him and his ideology on You Tube 2015 safety conference re pro cycling and what goes with it! He is young and inexperienced & yet he has a licence to crap on drivers who ever they are & yet he says they the Council are not anti car which is of course a blatant lie because if they were not anti car the give way double lines would not be there and also if they are as they say not anti car they would do what is right and the lines would be removed /obliterated.
I have it in black and white over the years letters from that Nottingham Traffic/Safety department that proves beyond reasonable doubt
that department as a whole are anti car and in one very old letter anti road safety too.


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106 months

Monday 31st October 2016
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The Wollaton Park Residents Association thought that the Council would not have the temerity to paint each and every road junction surface a bright green colour because the area is a 'conservation area'. Not so think the council because the finishing touch to the give way to cyclists is now there for all to see in technicolour with a FU attitude to anyone who thinks they should adhere to rules so that the area should look as per the existing which is 90 years old. As for road safety all the lot of them are road safety bankrupt but there may be just the odd one that has a bit of common sense which is not taken notice of.
There will be accidents due to the thoughtless and irresponsible designs but as of the last few years the names of these so called road safety planning officers are faceless and it is difficult to say the least who is who. That is why it is essential that there must be an organization far more powerful than Pepipoo and the like who mean well but do not have the members and the clout that comes from the old saying there is strength in numbers.
It may not happen in my lifetime but as sure as eggs is eggs drivers will one day, wake up to the fact that they are being screwed and resent it.


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106 months

Monday 7th November 2016
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Tigger As I said earlier I have nothing whatsoever against cyclists on the proviso that they ride in a sensible manner but some do not but expect full no claim status. I haven't earned my 54 years No Claim Bonuses for nothing because through the years driving has become
more unpleasant and stressful and some of this is down to very bad road engineering. When mistakes are made re road engineering
all reasonable experienced drivers would expect that such mistakes would be rectified immediately but they are not in the case of the
junctions that go onto the ring road. It seems too obvious to have to mention that all road users should observe the utmost care at all junctions but due I think to the designers ideology in that he has tunnel vision re cyclists are No 1 in his opinion he has let this ideology
cloud his vision in that the road junctions are not safe for all vehicles using them.I must add that cyclists are in danger too by incitement.
I have lived in Wollaton Park Estate 64 years and it's not the first time the Nottingham Traffic Department have dropped a clanger locally.
I have a letter that is a refusal of common sense from a person near the top job now ( Nottm Traffic Dept) in that traffic used to drive any direction it wished on Farndon Green which was unsafe. A few years later someone with road safety acumen, after 1989
installed keep left arrows.Before that there were accidents but after none.
Some cyclist are seen regularly riding no hands. Radio Nottingham Andy will confirm this truth. While this is evident the no blame rule should not happen ------ever.


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106 months

Monday 7th November 2016
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Heegeebeetee I haven't used paragraphs as I normally use in a formal letter. There may also be the odd mistake but I can read
the overall meaning of my writings. What I can confirm is that the whole of my posts are the truth unlike most of the ideologist's tripe which in the main are lies. The reason behind the ideologists lies is to reinforce a load of nonsense.

I'll start a new paragraph here to say that I notice there has been alterations to the give way lines as mentioned in the first post of the matter about the Council saying improvements are to be carried out within a week or so when that was nothing of the sort (lies) and the detrimental target was again drivers. The lines are further towards the cycle lane but still there is no direct line of vision to see a cyclist that does not slow at these junctions.
The Council in their wisdom which seems scant on close inspection of these junctions regarding road safety will 'have blood on their hands' when an accident occurs.

You are fully entitled to your opinion as we all are but I note you would rather pick the bones out of my paragraph setting out instead of
challenging me where I am wrong about the road junction design along the 90 year + Middleton Boulevard


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106 months

Tuesday 8th November 2016
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All road users have certain rights and also responsibilities. I would ask a question regarding innocent drivers that have earned
a very large amount of no claims bonuses throughout their driving years. For instance my wife who I taught to drive in the sixties and has
a totally unblemished record of zero accidents since 1972 and she like hundreds of other careful lady drivers will have to negotiate the junctions to get onto the ring road.
Fact is, the junctions have been made a hazard by the fact that they incite a cyclist to ride straight over all these junctions without slowing or stopping and more so seen as of late.
I would ask ,is it right that a careful driver will be accused of blame when a cyclist collides with such a drivers' vehicle due to the give way lines which will form an excuse to attribute liability? Is it right that years of earned no claims/no accidents should be wiped out due
to no fault of the driver?
As I said in the first post if the cyclists could be seen adequately for drivers to give way to them all would be well but the facts are that cyclists cannot be seen adequately by any driver to be able to give way to at these junctions that is why they would be deemed dangerous by any professional road safety person.
Nothing other than the removal of the double give way lines would be acceptable so that equality is reintroduced to promote road safety.


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94 posts

106 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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Tig----- One thing I've latched onto is that you say the Council are trying to do something! at least! What has been done without good reason is to put as much liability on all motorists wherever possible . No driver can see any approaching cyclist who chooses to not slow down as he approaches the side roads. Many cyclists have now been seen regularly going straight over without looking or slowing. No driver in my long experience can see round corners without a mirror........ One item that Mr Morgan says on his speech on you tube is that he has been in conversation with the militant cyclist who do not want to stop at junctions..........
If that is the case then it has been the militant cyclists who have pressured Mr Morgan into doing what is a blatant degradation of all motorist safety and for that matter pedestrians safety as well because he has little thought for the pedestrians who walk along the ring road but are now having to look out for their safety amongst the cycles that are incited to go more faster than ever before. The path is after all a footpath but was changed from a foot path to that of allowing cyclists to share the footpath with pedestrians. I have always thought it safer for cyclists and especially the young inexperienced ones to ride on the footpath provided they do so responsibly but this has not transpired.
Ironically, many cyclists choose not to use the footpath at all but are seen bombing down the main dual carriageway which of course is their prerogative. Perhaps these riders would rather use the main road don't like the Councils Road Safety designs equally as much as us the motorists !


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94 posts

106 months

Saturday 12th November 2016
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Tigger I've read your post and must say you have not read my posts with the utmost care ( as one would drive at all times to achieve
a no accident status for 54 years). It seems that you have not driven along all the side roads towards the Middleton Boulevard as I and also
many of the residents here who are upset that such stupidity can be forthcoming on the subject of road safety.
I wager that it will not be too long before a higher authority than the nutters who have designed these junctions have them altered so that
there is no give priority to anyone. You say that cyclists who are riding on the footpath have the same status as traffic that is travelling on the ring road which is not true.
You say that the cars parked on the ring road obstruct the pathway. This may well have happened on the odd occasion but to say it's a massive car park is ludicrous because it is not. In any case the council stopped all parking right along the ring road about 6 years ago because they hate cars and because they are the type who like to see what people are doing and stop them from doing it. That applies to anything apart from cyclists or a tram user.
Yesterday I saw a cyclist with no hands on the bars cycling willy nilly along the footpath. You seem to ignore the fact that I said, it's safe for cyclists to use the shared footpath but I must add to that, many of them do not know which side their bread is buttered.Cyclists are privileged in being able to share the footpath but they are not satisfied with that & want more at the expense of all other road users which is wrong & not fair.
You contradict the facts that drivers cannot see adequately anything that may be coming into the path of that motorist & that is why the situation must be an equal give way not one sided.
Another anomaly is that Oundle Drive has no give way to cyclists whatsoever. I wonder why that is? Is it maybe because there are many powerful residents who live on that road & I feel it would be a serious matter if the Council do something which is detrimental to
those particular residents so there fore the Council are shying away from doing something stupid as they have done further down the road where the residents are no where near as powerful.

I hope if you reply you will have seen for yourself the exact situation as it is because if you condone these ridiculous junctions you may be one of them & therefore will refute whatever is right and correct in any event. This will of course be because of not being in possession of a shred of experience, knowledge or expertise in the subject of road safety.


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106 months

Sunday 13th November 2016
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I am more concerned what is happening here on my doorstep so to speak not europe which I never mentioned. The cyclists in Nottingham have plenty spent on them as they have Mr Morgan (you tube) who will confirm £6 mil has been given them. to lavish on cycle paths.
What I am concerned about as any decent person would be a a complete lack of road sense. What can one expect from a 23 year old who is supposed to be a senior road safety planner for the City of Nottingham.
Anyone disbelieving the fact that drivers cannot see cyclists approaching these junctions I have brought into the public eye should see them for themselves before any comment as to the pros and cons about this serious subject.

There will be a petition as well as other very necessary actions against these ridiculous alterations as apparently these junctions are supposed to be experimental.
What that means is see if someone is maimed or killed or otherwise an accident involving a cyclist running into a car & then see if the
cyclist is successful in obtaining costs & damages from the car driver.
Please note that I am not against cyclists in any way on the proviso they ride responsibly. What I despise are the ones who ride without holding the bars weave from inside to outside of traffic at will, wheelies and scrape by my motor and others inside when there is not sufficient room to do that then go over the red light to boot. This all happens all the time........... No blame status never never never-
not nohow.


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94 posts

106 months

Tuesday 15th November 2016
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Heebeegeetee you must be anti car as well as the council because I see you told a lie which you miss quote me as
regards you say I said cyclists get too much( a lie) what I did say they get plenty spent on them. It really does not matter how
much the authorities spend on them but what is spent should certainly not be spent on degrading motorists existance
whereby minority pressure groups want motorists off the road. This ideology is in some instances dangerous whether it is
deemed to be the motorists fault or the cyclists.
As I said before Keith Peat has an excellent CV on the subject of road safety for all road users but there are many who rubbish
his knowledge out of hand but in doing that in many instances they expose themselves as cranks.

It must be made clear to all road users that ideology must not be allowed to override road safety. As things are going the last 30 odd years common sense is lacking in the UK as no doubt it prevails because the opposite occurs to reasonably debated outcome which Keith Peat says will not transpire because reasonable debate as per road safety has long gone. In other words which you will not agree with is that a load of nutters are in charge of road safety.

One quote I made to a well meaning 'cycle teacher' is that if the cycling pressure groups carry on as they do at present they will never come near my 54 years NCD. This is of course because some of their ideas are simply wrong.


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94 posts

106 months

Tuesday 15th November 2016
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Tigger1 I will not get into a personal argument with you but I see you say things that simply are not true. I am fully aware what is going on around this estate 100%. I have lived around here 64 years and for a very long time cyclist have ridden on the ring road pavement
which as I have said is safer than on the road itself. If anyone on a bike cannot see that being away from the traffic on any road is not a safer proposition than riding amongst the traffic they do not see danger as I do.
Perception is a very big plus for a driver to have but sadly many individuals do not possess that attribute. If one has perception it may well prevent them dying in a road accident.
The two one way roads are Sutton Passeys Cres and Hawton Cres which are one way roads near the Main Park Gate on the Wollaton Park Estate which was partly council estate. Harrow Rd is one way onto Middleton Bvd but has never been part council as is Oundle drive
( two way).
My post is accurate in respect that I said that no motorist can adequately see an approaching cyclist or running pedestrian that chooses
not to slow or stop when crossing these side road junctions. To suggest any other senario is a lie. It is obvious that due to any motorist not being able to see said road user, that reasoning should negate what has happened re the road markings and the instructions the road markings give to the driver.
Any road user not understanding this straightforward subject and in particular not seeing the road junctions for themselves should not comment at all.
If a driver has not run into any thing or any body in 54 years of driving I would have thought this would advertise the fact that such drivers are indeed careful drivers and are mindful of all other road users around them. It may be good luck some would say for that to happen but I personally do not think luck has very much to do with 'it'. We'll just have to see what happens re these ridiculously designed junctions which I'm told are experimental.


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106 months

Wednesday 16th November 2016
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heebeegeebee look you have gone right off topic as I never said anything about nore am I interested in the differences between what they do in EU and here in the UK. Incidentally I've towed a trailer past Milan a few times and as I know how they drive over there right to Crete & I would wager a cyclist would be wiped off the road over there if they ride as some do here.
As I said I am not against cyclists in any way whatsoever but as of 15 minutes ago I a young stupid lady cyclist came straight over from my right from this blind junction (Selston Drive) without slowing whatsoever.
This was incited by the stupid idiot who has given these irresponsible cyclists the go ahead to bomb straight across these junctions and in this case it is particularly ridiculous because the angle is oblique with no chance of being able to see left and right as to whether one can proceed whether on motorbike car or cycle or even walking. The designer is completely off his rocker. They all need sectioning who prescribed this ludicrous situation.


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106 months

Thursday 17th November 2016
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I won't write a lengthy post on this occasion only to say that if all drivers had a decent sense of humor as I towards cyclists and cyclists had the same goodwill towards drivers all would be well but this is not the case and never will be whilst some drivers and some cyclist will not or feel they cannot drive/ride in a responsible manner.
Regarding the young lady cyclist and those who ride same as her in an irresponsible manner they will get hurt but they fully deserve that happening to them.
It has always been bandied about that it is never the road engineering that causes accidents but the blame is always on the driver but in the case of these junctions it is the engineering that will cause accidents because as I have already truthfully said it is the inexperience & lack of a professional road safety
operative overseeing these junctions. No one but no one should comment on these junctions without seeing them.