Just been cought speeding in my TVR

Just been cought speeding in my TVR



2,174 posts

272 months

Monday 9th December 2002
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Don said:

chimi500 said: I have friends who live in bangor and i too go very fast down the A55, I take it this is the road you where speeding on??

The A55 is an NSL road....I didn't think there were any 30 limits on it....or are there? That weird bit where two lanes go through a tunnel and two lanes follow the coast - is that 30mph? No-one does 30 through there...I certainly don't.

Was it there, Mathew?

You mean the bit between Conwy and Llanfairfechan (excuse the poor spelling) ?

I always do what it says around there -- I know someone who got done by vascar and I've seen a few others in progress.

Especially during the summer, too, when it was gatso-city.

simpo one

85,883 posts

267 months

Monday 9th December 2002
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'Bearing in mind you didn't see him in time to slow down before he zapped you...'

1) They can get a reading in about half a second, so even if you saw him as soon as he popped up, you wuoldn't be able to slow down much, if at all.

2) They can get a reading from half a mile away - does any driver look that far ahead? There will be more important hazards much nearer to concentrate on. The argument about 'if he stepped into the road would you hit him?' doesn't hold water.

3) They can keep their eyes focused on 1 degree of arc - the bit you'll be driving through. Conversely as an aware driver you have to scan a much wider field - maybe 180 degrees. So no matter how alert you are, if they want to get you, you've got no chance, IMHO.


Original Poster:

235 posts

272 months

Monday 9th December 2002
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Just to put all of your minds at rest it was not a built up area the cops were parked up a side road / hill behind a parked car they were not outside the car with the radar gun but were inside the car dressed all in black with their macho bullet proof vest on, like who would shoot them in Wales a sheep.
Anyway feel a bit better today and like so many of you have said we all have broken the speed limit some time I was just the unlucky one that got cought.
And to the person who gave the comment about giving me a bit of road rage. It ideots like yu that are the worst offenders Mr upholder of the law I surpose, Not
Cheers for the support to all you others.

rude girl

6,937 posts

261 months

Monday 9th December 2002
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OK, OK, I give in. You're right, I'm wrong. It wasn't your responsibility that you got caught, it was someone else's - anyone else's but not yours. Like my boyfriend said to me when I got my 3 points (40 in a 30 - another of those goddam 30s stuck in the middle of an NSL) - "if you hadn't been doing 40, they couldn't have got you love". Hard to swallow (I could have punched him at the time, specially as he hoons more than me), but true all the same.

You were doing more than 70% more than the speed limit. Sympathy? Well maybe if it was speed creep and you'd got done at 35, but 53? Come on...

If you think the 30 in question is unreasonable because it's safe to go much faster (or even better because it's dangerous or causes congestion to brake down to 30), then get on to the council and your local paper and campaign for it to be changed, even if it's only to 40 - get people in your area thinking about it. I'm sure I read somewhere that some recently-introduced 30s have been brought in under the wrong legislation, and you can get them repealed (and your conviction reversed). The ABD will help you if you really want to make the roads better. There's really no point in saying that the police shouldn't uphold the law, even if we don't like the law in question (or the methods used to catch us).

In the meantime, you're in the same boat as me - you were naughty (thoughtless in my case) and you got a warning; 3 points won't affect your insurance so just take it like a man. Shrug your shoulders, have a , chill out and go slower in 30s!

Nice car by the way - don't lose heart about driving it, just pick your roads a bit better.


4,473 posts

280 months

Monday 9th December 2002
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MATHEW said: Just to put all of your minds at rest it was not a built up area the cops were parked up a side road / hill behind a parked car they were not outside the car with the radar gun but were inside the car dressed all in black with their macho bullet proof vest on, like who would shoot them in Wales a sheep.
Anyway feel a bit better today and like so many of you have said we all have broken the speed limit some time I was just the unlucky one that got cought.
And to the person who gave the comment about giving me a bit of road rage. It ideots like yu that are the worst offenders Mr upholder of the law I surpose, Not
Cheers for the support to all you others.

Don't think you'll be getting too much support from me. It's true the vast majority of us break speed limits at some time .. as soon as I see a NSL and it's reasonably clear I "go for it" - but if I got caught I would think twice about coming on here bleating about how the "cops" had it in for me or about how "I was unlucky" .. fact it - you were a twat. a speeding twat. a law-breaking twat. You played the odds and lost. There's no defence for exceeding the speed limit (I make no defence for myself when I do it - I know I break the law and probably at some time I'll get caught too but I'll recognise it's my own fault, hold my hands up and admit to being a twat too). If you feel you've been unjustly "done" then go through the proper channels and make a formal complaint about too low a speed limit / cops not being visible enough / not enough big round red-edged 30mph signs etc etc, see where you end up.


rude girl

6,937 posts

261 months

Tuesday 10th December 2002
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Anyone here not clear about where Joolz stands on this matter?


20,757 posts

274 months

Tuesday 10th December 2002
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Sanctimony is this season's black


1,452 posts

263 months

Tuesday 10th December 2002
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rude girl said: 3 points won't affect your insurance so just take it like a man.

I beg to bloody differ. I have got 3 points (doing 90mph on the M1 BTW) and recently renewed my insurance. Quotes varied, but on average cost an extra £100 and upto £250 for having 3 points. Obviously a massive insurance risk as only the most "dangerous", reckless, accident happy drivers would ever exceed the speed limit on a motorway on a quiet Saturday afternoon.


2,066 posts

265 months

Tuesday 10th December 2002
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Just got pulled too. I was told 52mph and climbing in a 30mph down in Florida Keys. Came off the Interstate rapidly and there they were. Thankfully it was a female officer. I gave her my strongest English accent and handed over my UK and not my international license. A few minutes go by and I'm calm. Eight go by and I'm thinking(sh*t!). She came back apologising for chatting for a while with a fellow officer and bids me farewell with a (be a bit more careful here in the states reminder).

Phew! If I had got done though.....tough, I wouldn't complain(I'd try a subtle bribe though). If it's posted and you go over then you can't be suprised. Still annoying though on an empty one.


Original Poster:

235 posts

272 months

Tuesday 10th December 2002
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Maybe I am a twat Joospeed, but I feel you are a hypocrite with a Nickname like Joospeed.


374 posts

269 months

Tuesday 10th December 2002
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Joospeed in the name of his business, which comprises of his first name (Julian - or Joolz to his mates) and speed (which is what he specializes in).

A Twat? No. (I presume you don't know the man, and have never met him?).

I guess you are ignorant as well then?


1,052 posts

285 months

Tuesday 10th December 2002
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Mathew like many things in life you learn from your mistakes.I think you will have realised by now it was no good looking for sympathy.While all of us will put our hand up to speeding we all know we have no excuse if we get caught.I will take the moral high ground on this and say that as drivers of high performance cars we have a responsibility to drive them safely.If some young kid in a souped up shopping trolley had been doing 53 in a 30 limit and killed someone I am sure you would have no sympathy for him.


27,428 posts

281 months

Tuesday 10th December 2002
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27,428 posts

281 months

Tuesday 10th December 2002
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More than two years of solid Griff Blasting, speeding most everywhere (taking it a bit easy in 30 zones) and no points. Whey-hey!!!


286 posts

260 months

Tuesday 10th December 2002
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MATHEW said: Maybe I am a twat Joospeed, but I feel you are a hypocrite with a Nickname like Joospeed.

Sounds like you're a teenager trading personal insults! Grow up and if you drive at 53 in a 30 then swallow your punishment. 30 limits are there generally for a good reason and in this instance as you were presumably stopped and given a ticket, be thankful that they didn't summons you to court for travelling at nearly twice the limit. You've been let off lightly in my opinion.
As a 'Plod' (I regard this as a derogatory, stereotypical title used by those that lack the decency to respect that profession), I too have been the 'victim' of speed enforcement.

SimonT said : Shame he didn't step out. One less to worry about!

As regards the idiot that suggested that it was a shame that you didn't run down the 'plod' well that's just another example of pre-pubescent, disrespectful 'humour'. I happen to have worked with a colleague that whilst operating a speed check was deliberatley run down and killed by a driver. Now without getting on my soap box over this, I'd like a formal apology on this forum from SimonT and an admission that it was an irresponsible comment....

>> Edited by **IJP** on Tuesday 10th December 11:16


108 posts

267 months

Tuesday 10th December 2002
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As a 'Plod' (I regard this as a derogatory, stereotypical title used by those that lack the decency to respect that profession), I too have been the 'victim' of speed enforcement.

Just a couple of minor points:

1. Respect is earnt not given. Perhaps if the police served the community a little better, they may earn some respect. Instead they are largely viewed as an extension of the inland revenue and totally unresponsive and unavailable when required. How many people on here have ever had their car broken into and actually seen a police officer after they reported the crime?

2. Prey tell, why is the police a profession? Do you have professional qualifications? No. It is a job. You may call it a vocation, but it is not a profession. This largely reflects my views in point 1 above.

As a professional who's father was a policeman, the lack of respect shown to police these days does pain me. But I have to say, that most people only come across the police when they have either been a victim of crime (and in my experience nothing is done about it) or they get booked for speeding.

Not an excuse, just an explanation as to why I don't think people have any respect for the police, or what are seen as the laws that they enforce arbitrarily. The police have an image problem, and all they can do is bang on about what a good job they do in difficult circumstances.

That said, 53 in a 30 is asking for trouble.

Sorry for side tracking the debate, but you may have guessed it is a bug-bear of mine.

And no - I have never been caught for speeding in my TVR. Always the bloody Laguna.....

>> Edited by NICE EH on Tuesday 10th December 12:02


13,668 posts

263 months

Tuesday 10th December 2002
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MATHEW said:It ideots like yu that are the worst offenders Mr upholder of the law I surpose, Not
I tried not to rise, but FFS.

1. You don't know me
2. You don't know how I drive
3. You don't know where I live
3. You obviously didn't read what I said
4. You don't know how many points I've got, or how I got them

I said "PS If you do that past my house your next post is going to be 'Just been victim of road rage' ".
There are ws that drive down my road at nearly 60, the house is about 3 feet from the road, the fg building shakes when lorries thunder by from 6 ish in the morning. More than about 25 where I live isn't appropriate, and you think I'm an ideot (I guess that's like an idiot, right )

Admittedly, I don't know where you got caught, all I know is you were doing nearly twice the limit in a 30 past a t-junction.

Just take it like a man


1,426 posts

271 months

Tuesday 10th December 2002
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NICE EH said:

Just a couple of minor points:

1. How many people on here have ever had their car broken into and actually seen a police officer after they reported the crime?

I have had two cars stolen and two broken into in the 12 years that I have been driving. Only once did I ever recieve a visit from the Police, the others times I had to chase to even get a crime number for the insurance company. If I was paying for a service like that i'd ask for my money back or cancel the service, oops I do pay for this cr@p service can I have my money back??

that most people only come across the police when they have either been a victim of crime (and in my experience nothing is done about it) or they get booked for speeding.

Other than the one time as mentioned above. The only other times I have come across the police is for ridiculous reasons: traveling at 60 on a road with the NSL, this being in a Renault 5 Turbo and being pulled over to be asked 'is this your car'? Being pulled over whilst driving along a high street in a BMW 3 series to be asked 'is this your car' In one month I got 6 producers, none of which were due to speeding, dangerous driving, a defective vehicle or the like all were 'is this your vehicle' Oh and I got pulled over for not letting a marked police car with no blue light flashing or siren sounding into a lane of traffic because he wanted to go straight on in a lane marked left turn only. When I took my details down to the local station as per the producer I complained about this and was told I had two options, 1) complain in writing and then watch in my mirror for every police car as they would 'know who I was' or 2) 'drop it son' it was great to be told that, at 18, by a goverment department that wants respect. I have never bothered to give them the time of day since. If i get caught for speeding then so be it I was after all speeding and that is my fault. But respect err....... never.

PS I too have relatives in the police force so don't have a vendetta against them. Just personal experience worth it's weight in gold.


35 posts

268 months

Tuesday 10th December 2002
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IJP, I've a feeling you could open up a whole new topic on the Police and the respect they deserve. I agree with a number of people on here that they only get to see the police when they are a victim of crime or get caught for speeding. The latter case, it's a fair cop no problem, but I do wish the police would spend more of their efforts and resources getting real criminals on the road. I live in Central London and have done so now for nearly two years. As a law abiding citizen, pay my road tax and insurance etc, I can't help feeling I get a bum deal and do question whether it's worth spending almost a £1000 a year satisfying the law. I pay road tax, what for, the roads in London are pathetic and with Mr Livingstone at large, likely to get worse. I pay Insurance but it's not worth me claiming unless the car gets stolen because the insurance companies will hit my max NCB and put my renewal up even if it's not my fault!!

I was recently hit by someone in my car, she reversed into me. It was categorically her fault. To cut a long story short, she didn't respond to any letters from the insurance company and so I asked the police for help. Ha, what an absolute joke, they said they would send a letter. If I wanted someone to go around knocking on their door, then I'd have to go myself and if the police didn't hear anything in 6 months they would drop the case!

I read an article in the paper this week stating that 25-33% of cars in London were not correctly registered (No Tax, Insurance, Licence, Cloned plates etc) and so the only people who are going to have to pay the congestion charges are, yep you've guessed it, those who play by the rules. So you tell me IJP why should I respect the police when they appear to be hell bent on punishing the law abiding citizen for speeding and driving a car that appears to be too flash for their age?

Apologies for going on a bit, but as you may have guessed the nerve is still raw for me on this one, and it happened last year! As someone rightly said, you earn respect, not command it and I'm afraid the police are a million miles away from earning it with me.


354 posts

259 months

Tuesday 10th December 2002
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I am a TVR owner that lives in a 30 limit. I also have young kids that need the freedom to cross the road without some arsehole with no control speeding. Know the area's where you can 'have a go' and stick to them.

I speed a lot but not in built up area's, past schools etc. I have had a number of large bikes that will eat a TVR (any TVR) for breakfast but have had a clean licence for 22 years - read the above to know why.