Just been cought speeding in my TVR

Just been cought speeding in my TVR



6,649 posts

265 months

Friday 13th December 2002
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Terminator said:

madcop said: The Police have become a service because that is what the public want. Therfore we attend all sorts of rubbish type calls that are quite frankly not necessary or because they save the caller money by hiring in 'a professional'
Steve, any chance of coming over and looking at our washing machine tomorrow??

Ive been asked stranger things than that I can tell you. I used to work a drugs dog and with the dog came a full tool kit to enable me to get into places where drugs may be concealed. This included socket set, spanners, screw drivers, wrenches, bolt croppers, and all sorts of other useful implements. I did not utilise them much for this sort of work but they got plenty of other usage for domestic related calls.

Where do you live, I can fix most problems if they are not too technical?


2,421 posts

286 months

Friday 13th December 2002
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madcop said: Where do you live, I can fix most problems if they are not too technical?

The house two doors down from you at 995 Letsbee Avenue, Watchet. Assuming you live at 999


793 posts

268 months

Friday 13th December 2002
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Sorry to butt in chaps...

I'd just like to point out to **IJP** that if you're going to take the piss out of someone's spelling or grammer, you really ought to make sure that your own is beyond reproach. 'Summise' indeed!

You can carry on slinging mud at each other now....


286 posts

260 months

Friday 13th December 2002
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Imelda said: Sorry to butt in chaps...

I'd just like to point out to **IJP** that if you're going to take the piss out of someone's spelling or grammer, you really ought to make sure that your own is beyond reproach. 'Summise' indeed!

You can carry on slinging mud at each other now....

No you're quite right.... so how do you spell 'grammer' then....I think the message here is that if you're going to take the p*ss out of someone's spelling who's taking the piss out of someone's spelling, you really ought to make sure your own is beyond reproach. 'Grammer' indeed!

Shall I sling some mud your way now ?.....

D Drinks said :Edited to say 999 aka IJP I think you already did the
thing - or are you one of the wolly band wagon jumpers you brought up elsewhere in this thread?....

oh and if you're that bored by the thread do you job instead some what of a novel thought I know but think about it, or if you have trouble doing this get someone else to do the thinking for you and tell you what to do

Punctuation and spelling.....1/10 see me after lessons.
What's a 'wolly' by the way
And a final note to D Drinks.....

**IJP** is no more, titular change enforced to reflect my standing in all of this...


26,817 posts

267 months

Saturday 14th December 2002
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Well, fellows, what a splendidly entertaining thread this has proved to be

I too have personal experiences of both the Constabulary and the Legal profession, insofar as house conveyancing may be deemed to require more than a CSE in woodwork... and divorce? Money for old rope... but I digress. (I'd have done it myself but when it came to filling in the box labelled 'Sex' I put the usual flippant reply and that was as far as I got before my attention span - ruined by a childhood spent watching Scooby-Doo, eating MacVities digestives and sniffing aerosol paint in my dad's garage - was up and I had to look elsewhere for cerebral entertainment. Look ,I'm digressing again.)
I guess I'm lucky so far in that I've not had much stolen from me: a bicycle I think. I did catch 5 yoofs with a pair of bolt-croppers trying to thieve my 50-quid Honda and decided that if they were that determined to get it, I'd sell it instead. Had a few occurrences of attempted car theft/ ransacking: usually I just had to nip down the scrappy for some more windows, although at one point Skoda glass was in short supply around here: that's Middlesbrough for you. They'll even try to nick crap.
However, I was a little less than impressed to have one guy pull an 8" (I'm guessing - it was BIG) knife on me after I disturbed him with a hand through the window of the wife's Skoda. Once I'd socked him he ran off, wife meanwhile had called the Police. I gave them a descrption including the words "well-built... about 30...". They went off in a Transit and came back with every pedestrian on the estate. Mostly skinny, and about 15. Still, one of them had a knife.... Not what I'd call a result though. To this day I still keep an eye open for the tw@: I won't introduce myself, I'll just deck him. Again.
Now then... motoring offences. When I was in my teens I had a sports car, and for some reason I felt like the local Police were persecuting me. I got stopped so often it wasn't funny. I even lent the car to a mate... who got stopped. Hmmmm.
I did get a caution for driving down the local High Street with just my sidelights on, although the Highway Code at the time stated: "Sidelights alone may be used IN WELL-LIT AREAS". If Stockton High Street isn't well-lit, I'll smoke pole. I tried pointing this out to the officer but he was less than impressed. Shortly after, I got pulled for a 'random spot check'. The WPC in the traffic car was determined to find something wrong: sadly her tyre tread gauge just wouldn't light. Next day I got pulled by another traffic car; guess what, I had a bald tyre. Hmmm...
I was pulled for dong 70+ in a built-up at 3AM (in a taxi): the officer asked if I had a clean license and did I want to keep it. I grovelled a bit and got away with it. On another occasion I got pulled by a Panda officer, in whose opinion I had circumnavigated a roundabout a shade too rapidly. Far from being calm and reasonable, he swore extensively at me and threatened me with "a fate worse than a fate worse than death" to quote the eminent Mr. Blackadder.
I was involved in a crash: the attending officer said it was 'obviously her fault' as the other driver pulled out in front of me. Next thing I knew, I was hauled in and charged with Driving without Due Care and Attention (Oh, so I'm suicidal then? I make a habit of ramming Metros do I?): in the taped interview the officer denied to my face everything that I reminded him of saying. (CPS threw it out....
A few years back I was pulled on the M3. I was doing 93 in a Peugeot 309 in the outside lane when I passed a traffic car on the hard shoulder. He didn't stop me for speeding: it was the articulated vehicle I was driving in the O/S lane he was concerned about (trailer tent). But he was a reasonable man. He knew I was speeding, but didn't make an issue of it. Everyone else was speeding too, that's why I had to do 93 to get past them....
Recently, I threw my car off a roundabout with the tyres screeching, in town, not wearing a seatbelt. The officer who pulled me seemed to prefer chatting about TVRs than writing a ticket, so he didn't. I got a caution and a producer (Oh the shame of it! Not had one of those since I was 19!).
So, where do I ramble from here? Ah, got it.
This business about the Police raking in the shekels with speed guns and so on: what if the job was given to the Army? Squaddies in camo gear, hiding in bushes, nicking the lot of us. Do I presume we'd then all hate squaddies (if we don't already)?. Could you imagine the uproar: waste of taxpayers money; squaddies should be hurt and not seen, that type of thing.
Fact is: it doesn't matter who does the job, it's a GOVERNMENT- sanctioned operation. Just that (stop me if I'm going too fast for you) the Police generally are a recognisable force of authority, i.e. you and I go 'oops, copper, best slow down'. We don't say 'oops, Johnny-no-stars from MacDonalds, better not park on this yellw line'.
The bottom line is a lack of respect all round in our society, from you and me thnking we have some God-given right to drive cars (regardless of speed) to the dope-head who thinks he has the right to thieve your mobile because (to cite an example from a previous post) you left it on the table in the pub. It would be ferking EXCELLENT to have a society where we COULD leave our gear lying around like that.
Might I suggest we all put our own houses in order before we go slinging muck in any direction?



793 posts

268 months

Saturday 14th December 2002
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**ijp** said:
No you're quite right.... so how do you spell 'grammer' then....I think the message here is that if you're going to take the p*ss out of someone's spelling who's taking the piss out of someone's spelling, you really ought to make sure your own is beyond reproach. 'Grammer' indeed!

Missed the point **IJP**. I'm not taking the piss out of anyone. I wouldn't be so arrogant or presumptious. I was merely pointing out that those on here who are, should make sure their own house is in order first. But I suppose I should have realised that it would go straight over your head.

I think the message here is that, as in all professions, there are good and bad coppers. You will all, unfortunately, get tarred with the same brush dependent on an individual's personal experiences. I just hope that if I have any dealings with plod, it will be someone of Madcop's ilk, rather than someone of yours.


286 posts

260 months

Saturday 14th December 2002
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Imelda said:

**ijp** said:
No you're quite right.... so how do you spell 'grammer' then....I think the message here is that if you're going to take the p*ss out of someone's spelling who's taking the piss out of someone's spelling, you really ought to make sure your own is beyond reproach. 'Grammer' indeed!

Missed the point **IJP**. I'm not taking the piss out of anyone. I wouldn't be so arrogant or presumptious. I was merely pointing out that those on here who are, should make sure their own house is in order first. But I suppose I should have realised that it would go straight over your head.

I think the message here is that, as in all professions, there are good and bad coppers. You will all, unfortunately, get tarred with the same brush dependent on an individual's personal experiences. I just hope that if I have any dealings with plod, it will be someone of Madcop's ilk, rather than someone of yours.

You were hardly subtle so even in my case (low life plod) I sensed the irony of your statement, and the obviously deliberate mis-spelling of 'grammer' ..sorry you did deliberately spell that wrong didn't you ?
You missed the point I think..and do not have a sense of humour. But let's tie this in to the original point of this topic...
Maybe someone stole your sense of humour...you know the offender? And he's just made of in a Vectra with the fog lights on...I'll get right on it. Oh hold on a minute, sorry I can't take the report of your theft or set off in pursuit of the offender because (delete where appropriate).
1.I'm dealing with Joe Public's report of a theft from his shed. It happened back in 1996 and he's just reported it...may be some evidence on scene.
2.I'm dealing with the report of a lost bus ticket - no identifying marks.
3.I'm taking details of a suspected stolen newspaper from a skip - believed it had some sort of fate on it.
4. etc etc....

Sorry almost another novel

Edited to say.... I don't speak for Madcop, he like I is an individual, as I suppose you are and we are entitled to have our own views...... but do me a favour, base them on fact not fiction or supposition eh?

>> Edited by **999** on Saturday 14th December 14:56


793 posts

268 months

Saturday 14th December 2002
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**999** said: You were hardly subtle so even in my case (low life plod)

My you do have a chip on your shoulder don't you? There are low life plod, as there are low life estate agents, lawyers, property developers, shop assistants etc. Equally, there are also decent people doing those same jobs.

I sensed the irony of your statement, and the obviously deliberate mis-spelling of 'grammer' ..sorry you did deliberately spell that wrong didn't you ?

Ummmmmmm....... yes of course.

You missed the point I think..and do not have a sense of humour. But let's tie this in to the original point of this topic...
Maybe someone stole your sense of humour...you know the offender? And he's just made of in a Vectra with the fog lights on...I'll get right on it. Oh hold on a minute, sorry I can't take the report of your theft or set off in pursuit of the offender because (delete where appropriate).
1.I'm dealing with Joe Public's report of a theft from his shed. It happened back in 1996 and he's just reported it...may be some evidence on scene.
2.I'm dealing with the report of a lost bus ticket - no identifying marks.
3.I'm taking details of a suspected stolen newspaper from a skip - believed it had some sort of fate on it.
4. etc etc....

Sorry almost another novel

Edited to say.... I don't speak for Madcop, he like I is an individual, as I suppose you are and we are entitled to have our own views...... but do me a favour, base them on fact not fiction or supposition eh?

>> Edited by **999** on Saturday 14th December 14:56

Well, I'm not sure what views you have decided that I hold seeing as I haven't volunteered any, other than to mention the spelling hypocrisy. Therefore, I'm not sure whether they are based on fact or fiction. Why don't you tell me what views you think I hold, and then I'll tell you if they are fact or fiction.

And if you come across a sense of humour during your investigations, can I have it back? You'll know it's mine by the fact that it is virtually brand new. Never been used in fact.


349 posts

262 months

Saturday 14th December 2002
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I thought this forum, discussion board (whatever) was
called "General TVR Stuff & Gossip", would it be too much to ask to stop all this boring bashing now, and have a happy discussion about TVR's instead.



1,426 posts

271 months

Sunday 15th December 2002
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**ijp** said: [What's a 'wolly' by the way quote]

Scottish term used when talking about uniformed police rather than plain clothes - no idea where it originated from though ......

the was fun if ultimately off topic !!!

>> Edited by d_drinks on Sunday 15th December 16:46


3,319 posts

265 months

Sunday 15th December 2002
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Pettsie said: I am a TVR owner that lives in a 30 limit. I also have young kids that need the freedom to cross the road without some arsehole with no control speeding. Know the area's where you can 'have a go' and stick to them.

I speed a lot but not in built up area's, past schools etc. I have had a number of large bikes that will eat a TVR (any TVR) for breakfast but have had a clean licence for 22 years - read the above to know why.

I'm with you Pettsee,
I have had a clean licence for 32 years.I DO NOT SPEED IN BUILT UP AREA'S nuff said?


1,052 posts

285 months

Monday 16th December 2002
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joospeed said: I've got quite a few police as customers (why is TVR the sports car of choice for so many of them I wonder?), and without exception they are excellent chaps and I have a lot of time for them.
Whenever I've had to use the police in an official capacity (ie for anything stolen) I've always found them polite, charming even and thankfully free of wise-cracking one-liners. never ever got any stolen stuff returned though but I haven't let that cloud my judgement - I figure some things are gone forever. Talking to serving officers it seems many of them have a tough time and endless red tape seems to reduce working man-hours (or woman-hours).
On balance I still give the police force a thumbs-up

cheerz lads.

Probably a sentiment held by alot of people. But how long could you stay in business if it was, "Joospeed nice chap, really polite and very understanding never makes any wisecracks, mind you he has never fixed my car!"


27,624 posts

273 months

Monday 16th December 2002
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Mathew's points will be spent and this topic will still be going


1,052 posts

285 months

Monday 16th December 2002
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Shnozz said: Mathew's points will be spent and this topic will still be going

err what was the original topic?


286 posts

260 months

Monday 16th December 2002
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p7ulg said:

Shnozz said: Mathew's points will be spent and this topic will still be going

err what was the original topic?

Good Question...English Language 101 Spelling and Grammar....
Welcome - now if you all would take a seat and open your textbooks at....


2 posts

258 months

Monday 16th December 2002
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2 posts

258 months

Monday 16th December 2002
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My apologies. Maybe half was too much credit !


1,426 posts

271 months

Monday 16th December 2002
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**999** said:

p7ulg said:

Shnozz said: Mathew's points will be spent and this topic will still be going

err what was the original topic?

Good Question...English Language 101 Spelling and Grammar....
Welcome - now if you all would take a seat and open your textbooks at....

simpo one

85,883 posts

267 months

Monday 16th December 2002
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If you can spell then you're overqualifed to hide in bushes with a hairdryer. Want respect? Get a proper job.

Ballistic Banana

14,698 posts

269 months

Monday 16th December 2002
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Come on Guys/Girls lets not diverse to much of the Thread topic.Why not start another if you gonna stray.