Skeletons emerging from closet...

Skeletons emerging from closet...


Harry Flashman

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19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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blindswelledrat said:
Mills & Boon stuff really.
Brings a tear to your eye.

I'll bring a tear to your eye if you don't shut up, sonny.

Harry Flashman

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19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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Oh I do. Not only am I quite fond of her, but I also wish to avoid being beaten up (more).

Very happy over here. She's still not answering my phone calls though. Think I shall pass the afternoon by creating an anonymous account and e-mailing animal porn to Caroline.

Harry Flashman

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19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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I have to say, despite being a grade-A vindictive psycho hosebeast nutjob, Caroline has spectacular jubblies.

*quietly reflective

Harry Flashman

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19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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anonymous said:

With great boobies. Bunny boiler with great boobies. You're missing the detail here, tonker.

Harry Flashman

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19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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I think I need to stop it now. Amazing - how when the mind knows it is finally safe from harm, it reverts to pure filth rather than learning from its mistakes. I love being a bloke.

Harry Flashman

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19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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anonymous said:

This better to have groped and lost, than never to have copped a feel at all, but she's still annoyed you - in reality - this might be the time to drink a bottle of wine or two, ring her up and suggest you are coming round tonight to have it out with her.....


are you trying to get me killed?

Harry Flashman

Original Poster:

19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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scotal said:
anonymous said:

Out of interest, how much detail about your sordid trysts did C go into Harry? I mean you mentioned mild bondage and bum love earlier in the thread, was this brought up at all, or did she just say "I thought you ought to know that me and Harry did it a couple of times", then stand back and wait for the grnade to go off?

No details. Don't think she particularly wants her predelictions known. Didn't think the time was right to air them myself, funnily enough...

Harry Flashman

Original Poster:

19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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anonymous said:

Put it away, Bedders. Right now. And use both hands for the typing, chap.

Have just shared saga with best male mate, cheering him up from his hangover in his office in Canary Wharf.

He's laughing at me and not giving any sympathy at all. Poor devil - his girlfriend of 5 years is giving him the marry me or I'll leave you ultimatum. Compared to that, my little saga was amusement indeed.

Harry Flashman

Original Poster:

19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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carrera2 said:
Harry Flashman said:
Have just shared saga with best male mate, cheering him up from his hangover in his office in Canary Wharf.

Are we really getting info quicker than best mates in Canary Wharf? I feel priviledged

'Fraid not C2 - he's only just got to the office and picked up his e-mail!

Lazy bloody lawyers - I ask you. Was 'working from home'. Without computer facilities, obviously.

Harry Flashman

Original Poster:

19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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My pleasure Mike old chap.

Shall be hiding in the pub until OH comes around.

Harry Flashman

Original Poster:

19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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scotal said:
Which pub,

One with no nice-looking women in it, for sure.

Harry Flashman

Original Poster:

19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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Thanks for the tip Tonker old pal. You're like a fairy godmother, but sort of made of pure evil.

Harry Flashman

Original Poster:

19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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cossie. said:
IM said:
Hmmm...anyone notice how the ladies seem to be just as interested in this thread as the blokes BUT are lurking in the background not saying anything whilst all the blokes say stuff like "Comon, Comon..." etc.

You know they're there cos they raise their head above the parapit every now and again to throw a quick post and then disappear back into the shadows. Shrewd these women types aint they?

Cossie! Littlegreenfairy!

Er, Mr Tall Dark and Handsome, I went out at 9.45 am and have just arrived home. The thread didn't hold my interest enough to stay in all day!

Loving cossie's slightly supercilious 'I'm above all of this childishness' air on this thread.

Yeah, right.

Harry Flashman

Original Poster:

19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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PS - to all you haterz out there, I don't think I'm going to get pulled under my OH's thumb. She simply isn't that sort of girl. A more laid-back and confident sort would be hard to imagine. She just spazzed out on this occasion because of who it was, not the fact that I have a (slightly sordid) past...

She is, however, going to make my immediate future a misery. I shall numb the pain with beer and male company. And make it up to her, of course. With beer and male company. Or perhaps not. Er...

Harry Flashman

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19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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I think I love tonker.

In a manly way, of course.

Harry Flashman

Original Poster:

19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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anonymous said:
Like a son loves a slightly errant, totally bitter father? I know exactly what you mean.
Love you bast-dad. beer

Bedders - why yes, yes that's exactly how it is!

It's like Mum left with his best chum or something...

Harry Flashman

Original Poster:

19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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Jinx said:
900T-R said:
hairydave said:
Hang on, she slapped you and brought blood? throwing a hissy fit about the issue is acceptable, but assault and humiliation? not on, it should be her thats groveling, and thanking her lucky stars that women's equality isn't equal, think about it, if your best mate punched you, you'd hit him back right?

And if Mr Flashman punched his OH I bet she'd be at the police station now to press charges (and rightly so). No, it's not the same - assuming that Flash is not a seven stone weakling and the Mrs not a professional kickboxer - but if I was physically assaulted by a partner, I would be quite adamant that she'd crossed a line regardless.

Gentlemen please - we are not going to resort to metrosexual pouting over a little drama-slap. Does not bode well for the future of the relationship and makes you look a little less than masculine.
Real men show no fear and show no pain.

Agreed, completely.

Harry Flashman

Original Poster:

19,463 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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littlegreenfairy said:
one word of advice shout TIFFANY'S

She hates Tiffany's - thinks it's common.

What the hell have I got myself into here? hehe

Harry Flashman

Original Poster:

19,463 posts

244 months

Thursday 11th January 2007
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King Herald said:
Harry Flashman said:
littlegreenfairy said:
one word of advice shout TIFFANY'S

She hates Tiffany's - thinks it's common.

What the hell have I got myself into here? hehe

I've never met you, yet I can see you in my minds eye, quiet sort of a bloke, average looking, WITH A BIG BALD PATCH ON TOP WHERE HER THUMB KEEPS YOU PERMANENTLY PRESSED UNDER. hehe

And fat. You missed out fat.

Harry Flashman

Original Poster:

19,463 posts

244 months

Thursday 11th January 2007
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anonymous said:

Miss jubblies was over a couple of days in the few short weeks between work lady and current OH and I actually got together (although we had pulled by the time I doinked C; in fact it was that kiss that led me to breaking up with work girl - it's just that we didn't officially get together until a few weeks later)

I was confused, and needed solace. That's my new line, and I'm sticking to it.