The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint

The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint



4,962 posts

187 months

Thursday 2nd June 2016
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Argh still feel fking awful. Need to train man. Going insane here.


13,851 posts

240 months

Thursday 2nd June 2016
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Did another indoor, cheaty half ironman today ... 1 hour in the pool (bit slow), 3 on the stationary bike (happy with that), 2 on the treadmill (OK with that). Six weeks or so till full Outlaw, already questioning if I've done enough prep irked


4,962 posts

187 months

Monday 6th June 2016
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I did a reccy of the HIM bike course. Thought I would do it a race pace, with race nutrition etc. I also tried it in my tri suit. First mistake I made was forgetting when applying suncream that the back of my shoulders aren't covered. Now have huge red half moons on my back. Look ridiculous.

Had a couple of mechanical issues. Firstly when I hit a bump my seat post bumps down slightly. After a couple of hours I had lost a good inch. Seems like I need some carbon assembly paste. I put new cables on last week and they must have stretched as I couldn't get it in lowest gear. Annoying, especially as there is a 4% hill that you have to do 3 times ( I need low gear as I weigh 100kg).

Anyway was targeting 80-85% FTP as per Joel Friel's recommendations. That would be 196 - 209 W. My average power was a little below that. 176, but my NP was 206. The NP was higher partly because of the problem climbing the hills without the smallest gear (on the 4% I was pushing 400 w in places and needed at least 280-300 to limb it slowly, burning my matches there). My gearing is not very good and I should have bought a compact rather than a double.

Nutrition seemed to work well. Using High 5 stuff and their HIM nutrition guide. I have decided to carry all the energy source I need on the bike in two bidons and the aquacell on the aerobar. I know that is adding about 4kg but with the amount I weigh that isn't going to make much difference and at least I don't have to worry about the feed stops. There is only one and if I miss it it will be another 30Km before I see it again.

My time was 3:17. Pretty happy with that. Did a 10 min run after and was in a bit of pain. Where my seat post had fallen it made my back ache a lot.


892 posts

191 months

Tuesday 7th June 2016
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Just entered the Forest of Dean triathlon. Ideally I wanted to enter a HIM, but baulked at the price of the Cotswold event on the same day.
It will be the last big session before Celtman and hopefully a chance to test final kit plans.


2,099 posts

201 months

Wednesday 8th June 2016
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matt-ITR said:
Just entered the Forest of Dean triathlon. Ideally I wanted to enter a HIM, but baulked at the price of the Cotswold event on the same day.
It will be the last big session before Celtman and hopefully a chance to test final kit plans.
I'm also doing that one! No. 138.

It was my first ever tri last year. I came out of the water first then was a muddled mess in transition. No chance of that this time as I'm in the second wave.

The lake was murky without great visibility but compared to the sea, lovely and fresh. Quite a hilly bike route, then a flat(ish) run. I think I did a little report on it last year in this thread.


4,962 posts

187 months

Wednesday 8th June 2016
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Can't wait for my taper to arrive! 1.5 weeks away. I am so bloody knackered. This weekend is going to be fun, got a 100Km Z2 bike ride Saturday, 2.5 km OW swim Sunday and a 19km run on Sunday also. Need to earn some credits from the wife as I seriously think I will need a nap on Sunday too. Especially as I will have to be up early for the lake swim.

I have ordered a compact chainset for the bike too. I have lost a lot of weight but I am still 104Kg and the 4% that I have to do 3 times is too hard for me on a 53/39, despite having a 28 sprocket.

I am doing a training camp in Lanza next year too so the compact will be good for the hills over there. Also plan on being under 100kg by that time.

Feel like I am all set.


3,162 posts

231 months

Wednesday 8th June 2016
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I can sympathise. I have one more week in this training block (thankfully an easy week) then four weeks until the main event (Cotswold 226). Fatigue is really starting to grip at the mo and I just couldn't manage a Sufferfest workout earlier (not least because the sweet spot workout I'd had planned has vanished in their app update and my legs can't manage the 'race' workouts anymore!). Doing a HIM distance race (Cotswold 113) on Sunday as a test for my pacing strategy on the bike and to see if I can run for any significant period this time.


4,962 posts

187 months

Thursday 9th June 2016
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Glad its not just me! Although not glad that someone else is suffering but you know, at least is not just me.

Have you done the Cotswold IM one before? I am thinking of an iron distance next year and will go for either Cotswold or Outlaw.

Had a slightly better day today, was utterly fked on my run last night but refueled and early night and had a really good swim this morning.

Got a turbo session tonight, going to be a fking sweat fest


4,962 posts

187 months

Friday 10th June 2016
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Question for people having done HIM/IM. How far from your pb (or recent sb) was your run on the half/full marathon? Just wondering what sort of pace I should be going for. My half PB is 2:08:50, that was without taper and on a tt of a course with lots of lumps. The course for my HIM is flatter and I have had another 6 weeks for training.

Thinking of targeting around the 2:10 mark. Should I hold back more? The course is basically 4 5Kish laps. Was planning on ignoring pace for first lap and just settling into a comfortable pace, then trying to pick it up on laps 2-4.


3,162 posts

231 months

Friday 10th June 2016
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944fan said:
Have you done the Cotswold IM one before? I am thinking of an iron distance next year and will go for either Cotswold or Outlaw.
I've done the Cotswold Classic back in August but this is my first long course event. It's 10 miles from home so ideal really.

Swam the full 3.8k in the lake last night (first time I've gone that far) and managed to get out unaided so not all bad biggrin

944fan said:
Question for people having done HIM/IM. How far from your pb (or recent sb) was your run on the half/full marathon? Just wondering what sort of pace I should be going for. My half PB is 2:08:50, that was without taper and on a tt of a course with lots of lumps. The course for my HIM is flatter and I have had another 6 weeks for training.

Thinking of targeting around the 2:10 mark. Should I hold back more? The course is basically 4 5Kish laps. Was planning on ignoring pace for first lap and just settling into a comfortable pace, then trying to pick it up on laps 2-4.
My one go at a half last August was a bit of a disaster on the run to be honest so I'm not sure it's representative. Probably lost a minute per km (or more) vs my standalone pace back then. Hopefully much better prepared now so looking for sub-2 hours on Sunday if I can get the bike pace right along with my nutrition and hydration (more of both early on!).

One of the issues for me when running off the bike is that when my legs don't know what they're doing they manage to go faster. Some people can barely get moving off the bike where my first Km last August was 4:30 and felt great before my legs went badly. I reckon your strategy sounds good. As with any half marathon distance it's that last 5k where it begins to really hurt as you know the end is coming. Although it has nothing on the last 10k of a marathon I found!


4,962 posts

187 months

Friday 10th June 2016
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Thanks. I had a similar feeling to you when doing brick sessions. Was expecting tight jelly legs and not be able to shift them but they just felt un connected to the rest of me and happy to set off at pace, only when I checked my HR and pace that I realised I was going too fast.

I think one of my strengths is finding that finally ounce of strength to get through the last bit, so when I get to the last lap it might hurt and it wont be fast but I will get through it.

Good luck for Sunday.


3,162 posts

231 months

Friday 10th June 2016
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My wife knows I'll be carried from the course of a race before I quit. It hasn't happened yet, but undid come very close on the Cheddar gorge half marathon in August 2014. Required a 10 minute lie down in shade and a litre or so of fluid to get going at half way! That doesn't mean I don't usually spend half of a hard race thinking 'this is shut. I should just quit'.


892 posts

191 months

Sunday 12th June 2016
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Finished 2nd at the FOD Triathlon today. Seeing some nice progress, especially the swim, 22min. Fastest bike, which is always nice.
Bitter sweet though, as I was leading off the bike, but passed with 2km to go. Guy who won was a great runner and no way I could stick with him and gave it everything, so full credit to him, he deserved it.

2 weeks to Celtman!

The though of running a 42km marathon with big hills is a little scary. Longest run this year is 21km and longest run ever is about 32km.


2,099 posts

201 months

Sunday 12th June 2016
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Got home to Pembrokeshire; glorious sunshine! Just why wasn't there any in the Forest of Dean for the Olympic today?

However, a pretty good day. Last year they had all the distances going on the same day, this year they had higher numbers and sent the sprint off yesterday, and had two waves, female then male for today's Olympic distance.

The bike route remained identical to last year, but the swim and cycle had changed a little with two longer laps rather than 3, and the run followed a very similar route but went the other way around the lake and a different track down to the turn & water stop at 5km.

They were starting all the men at the same time, so with the swim as my strongest discipline I made sure I was quite near the front, planned to push for the first 100-200 metres get myself into some clean water and then chill out. It worked well and I found myself quickly in clear water at the front. I eased my pace back, and thanks to a terrible wide line at the first turn dropped to second, then was overtaken by another swimmer on the back straight. Second lap, I'd relaxed and recovered so had another little push on the back straight, going past someone but with no idea if it was one of the women or the fella who had overtaken me. It turned out to be the fella who had overtaken me, and I came out of the water 2nd with a swim time of 19.17. I know they said the swim was 100m shy, but that was 3 minutes faster than last year, and a time I'm pretty pleased with!

I was a minute quicker in transition than last year, but still a bit tardy, struggled with the wetsuit caught under my watch and timing chip and so was 4th by the time I got away on the bike.

The opening couple of miles are a gentle downhill toward Blakeney, which give a good chance to recover from the swim and prepare for the hills, it is quite a hilly route. From Blakeney it climbs for a few miles toward Ruspidge, before a left onto Speech road, down and up (some good speed on the downhill bit gets a lovely run at the hill) then a left at Speech House, and head back toward the exit from Mallard's pike.

The first part the cycle legs always seem the same to me; the quick guys flying past me as the catch up after the swim! I have been working on hills due to Alpe D'Huez in July, so had to continually remind myself not to be a competitive censored and chase them, especially on the hills. I got caught out on the down and up in Ruspidge as a van overtook then stopped to turn right. I had speed, wet brakes/tires/road and oncoming traffic stopping the van from turning. bks, not slowing quick enough and lost all my speed before the uphill bit. At least the van moved before I left a fat imprint in his back door. I allowed myself a bit more freedom on the second lap, and when a chap in Cardiff tri gear came past I managed to keep up with him and kept the distance roughly the same back to transition for the run. 1.27 on the bike. Similar to last year, however I didn't feel as bad heading out on the run.

At best I'm an 8 min mile chap, and for more than 5 mile runs that will probably be more like 9-10, so while I do ok(ish) on the bike, I am always overtaken, usually often, on the run. Added to that for the last 3 weeks I had a calf pain that I assumed was just a slight strain, however it has flared up a couple of times so I've been doing very little running. I managed a tiny one after a cycle on Wednesday, and 25 mins on Friday, so hoped I was past it, and for about 9km, I seemed to be... then, sudden sharp pain, slowing me to a walk and a quick stop to try to stretch it. Didn't really help but I was not going to stop when so close, so found my testicles and ran the final bit to the finish. 55 minutes, and the only thing that was slower than last year. Total 2hrs 45m, a couple of mins quicker than last year. Quite happy!

Now, hopefully the calf will stop complaining and I can get on with Isoman and Alpe D'huez.

Edited, as you posted while I typed this! Well done Matt, great effort.


56 months

Sunday 12th June 2016
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Bloody good result at FoD, Matt. On the run, I'd say the vast majority of people going into an IM won't have run a standalone marathon. There's always going to be a point during your first IM distance race when you enter unknown territory. You just have to trust in the training and keep doing what you've been doing.


4,962 posts

187 months

Monday 13th June 2016
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Well done matt, great effort. You will be fine at the Celtman, you clearly have a massive aerobic engine within you.

I hit my largest volume weekend in my peak phase. 105km bike ride, 2.5km swim and 19km run over the weekend. Very tiring. Last week of peak before the taper begins.

Still really suffering with leg strength on the long run. Quads, hams and hip flexors all in a lot of pain towards the end of the run. First 10K I feel great, then it falls apart. Need to stick to Oly distance.


6,352 posts

218 months

Monday 13th June 2016
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Hi all... Just discovered my thread, did my first tri in Windsor yesterday, anyone else there?

Notwithstanding the painfully early start and moderate rain, it was a great day and pretty amazing to have done a triathlon before 8am! I did the Sprint distance and came in at 1:46. I was pretty disappointed - mainly because I got in the water and simply could not swim... Ended up floating down the river and clocked a 24mins for a 750m. Embarrassingly bad considering my mates who were breast stroking did it in 14!

Moving on, T1 went really well and I was over a minute faster than my friends. Bike was also okay, but my flying mount went a bit wrong and the elastic bands snapped before I started pedalling resulting in much faffing before I could get going (what is it that they say? Never try anything new on race day? wink ). I then spent ages fiddling with my new Garmin (all the gear...) before I finally got going, resulting in a 51min 30k ride in the wet which I was quite pleased with.

T2 again went well and I was out around 40 secs before my buddies, and the 5k run was completed in 24 mins.

All in all - pleased to have done it and the transtions/bike were good. Just need to get myself swimming!

Bring on the next one, and the Mallorca 70.3 in October...!


4,962 posts

187 months

Monday 13th June 2016
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22s said:
Hi all... Just discovered my thread, did my first tri in Windsor yesterday, anyone else there?

Notwithstanding the painfully early start and moderate rain, it was a great day and pretty amazing to have done a triathlon before 8am! I did the Sprint distance and came in at 1:46. I was pretty disappointed - mainly because I got in the water and simply could not swim... Ended up floating down the river and clocked a 24mins for a 750m. Embarrassingly bad considering my mates who were breast stroking did it in 14!

Moving on, T1 went really well and I was over a minute faster than my friends. Bike was also okay, but my flying mount went a bit wrong and the elastic bands snapped before I started pedalling resulting in much faffing before I could get going (what is it that they say? Never try anything new on race day? wink ). I then spent ages fiddling with my new Garmin (all the gear...) before I finally got going, resulting in a 51min 30k ride in the wet which I was quite pleased with.

T2 again went well and I was out around 40 secs before my buddies, and the 5k run was completed in 24 mins.

All in all - pleased to have done it and the transtions/bike were good. Just need to get myself swimming!

Bring on the next one, and the Mallorca 70.3 in October...!
Nice one well done. If it is any consolation I am good swimmer but my one attempt in the river thames was a disaster!

Lakes are easier than rivers. I guess the flow must have been quite high with the rain recently.


892 posts

191 months

Monday 13th June 2016
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Bit of a blog from the FOD tri I have written here


4,962 posts

187 months

Monday 13th June 2016
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matt-ITR said:
Bit of a blog from the FOD tri I have written here
Good read, oh and congratulations on the baby. You recovery is going to suffer now with those sleepless nights!