Back on the saddle...


Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 2nd June 2015
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Last night was a struggle but I was expecting and therefore prepared for it. This morning was a very wind assisted 32.04


That's 23.4mph average speed with one traffic light stop.

To get that sort of time on a normal day I'll need a recumbent.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 3rd June 2015
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I'm selling my BMX...

...see description for why. rolleyes


56 months

Wednesday 3rd June 2015
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Can you imagine how bad this forum would be if we all used it to sell stuff instead of using the classified ads section?

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 3rd June 2015
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pablo said:
Can you imagine how bad this forum would be if we all used it to sell stuff instead of using the classified ads section?
It'd be rubbish. I know nobody interested in a commuter blog would be remotely bothered about a Triggers Broom BMX but the humor in the description could be prudent. tongue out

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 9th June 2015
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Sunday. Perfect morning, bright, sunny, cool breeze and hardly any traffic. Sadly I had to work for twelve hours literally alone so I drove in, overslept due to lack of motivation.

Monday morning a repeat of the weather conditions only less of a chill in the air but Monday morning drivers are the worst I have to contend with. As well as the usual autopilot commuters and occasional careful conscientious driver there are the...

"I forgot to set the alarm so I have twenty minutes to do my usual forty minute commute".

"I had a brilliant weekend and I'm still over the limit".

"I hate Mondays so I'll take it out on everything else".

"Had my boring breakfast, kissed my boring wife, got into my boring car, driving the same boring route just to waste eight hours of my life doing my boring job. What was that thud? Oh it was a cyclist".

...and no matter what kind of day Monday people have the ride home in the evening is a gauntlet of stupidity.

Case in point I drive a bright red Mercedes 190E at the moment and I swear the thing is invisible.


Back on the saddle tonight. wink

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 10th June 2015
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361 days.

No collisions (more than a few near misses).
No punctures

2,006 miles.

Okay that's nowhere near last time but I have had an operation on my back, the lack of suspension and generally depressing job haven't helped with motivation.

Both of those issues will be addressed soon.

So why 361 days?

Last nights ride in was brilliant! There was a cycle club event going on and I caught up with a few Lycraists, slowed had a bit of a chat and carried on. Caught another group, slowed had a bit of a chat and carried on. Then I caught a solo Lycraist and asked if he was allowed to draft. He sat behind me for a bit until we came up to the half sized roundabout on the outskirts of town. I could see ahead and went straight on it, tipped the bike over onto the sides of the tyres and the rear broke loose. No issue there, corrected the slide and bike was upright and pointed at the exit I wanted. The Lycraist caught up and asked if I did that power slide on purpose. As tempting as it was to say yes and nod my head in a hip hop video way I pointed out I'm a biker with pedals rather than a cyclist. hehe

Relaxing ride home with only one driver getting a hand signal not part of the highway code. It was the same roundabout and the same idiotic idea that you can overtake a cyclist twenty feet from a give way line and expect to get away with it. rolleyes

I think I'll call it Lemmings roundabout from now on (and get a new camera).

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Thursday 11th June 2015
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361 1/4 days and my shiny less than a 1,000 mile pedal... now a shiny piece of rubbish.

I don't know what the cause was but the outer bearing basket disintegrated and filings went through the shaft breaking the inner basket. I felt a little wobble and the pedal was hot enough to melt the grease before it fall apart. I wasn't until I took it off today I noticed the shaft is a little bent and end nut cracked. Replacing the pair will be cheaper than repairing the broken one so when the payday fairies visit that's the plan.

Should have got V8's. hehe

It was bloody hot though and will be hotter today. I'm considering buying hi-viz shorts next.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Friday 12th June 2015
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Yesterday was the perfect Summer Wind. Even better than the film I appeared in called "Summer Winds". Three quarter headwind for the first three miles, three quarter side wind for the next four, tailwind the next four and the last mile and a half was behind a truck.

I thought 32.02 was going to be hard to beat...



Okay I cheated drafting the truck but I did stop for a red light so it evens that out.

23.4mph average speed. Not bad for a £300 bike with a cheap nasty plastic pedal. wink

I took it easy on the way home as it was a steady head wind and not cold enough for m to be able to settle when I got home. 43-ish minutes and I'm feeling a little stiff but pretty good today. biggrin

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Sunday 14th June 2015
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This morning was wet, misty, foggy, cloudy, dark and hardly anyone had lights on. rolleyes

Wet times are slower as I don't trust the tread transition on a slippery surface. Forty three minutes wasn't at all bad for a Sunday. My rid home was more of a challenge. Blasted headwind and driving rain in places. Forty eight minutes and feel like I've done a marathon on a Stairmaster.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Monday 15th June 2015
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A nice crisp 2'C morning today and I had to cover a few extra miles to find a cash machine that worked. This afternoon was 22'C and too hot to faff about. Especially in trousers. Payday so shorts are on the way. I've gone for hi-viz yellow padded atb ones as I still refuse to wear Lycra. The sea breeze hit me half way home and sure enough ten minutes after I dismounted it was high tide. It'll be the same drill tomorrow and I'm kind of looking forward to it.

It's the little things. Being able to stay awake at work, tea tastes nicer when you've earned it and I had fish and chips tonight safe in the knowledge I'll burn the Calories later. smile

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 16th June 2015
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Nice easy ride this morning until I hit the second hill and... superlegs struck again. hehe

This cost me seven minutes overall there and I tried riding home on the pip but the amount of heat in my shoe put an end to that. I slipped the outer shell of the pedal back on and made it home tn minutes later than usual.

Shame really as it's "Time Trial Tuesday" for the local Lycraists and I usually try to catch a couple. wink

Crappy plastic pedals until my new V6's (I couldn't afford V8's this month) arrive. smile

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Thursday 18th June 2015
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Head wind going into work. Nice breezy tailwind coming home even though I had to go an extra few miles to get a lotto ticket.

I haven't checked yet but I live in hope I'll be able to cycle for the fun of it instead of just getting to work one day.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Thursday 18th June 2015
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Well I didn't win the lottery but my short have arrived so it'll be like a lotto win for the local female population at least. wink

I'm not sure what to make of these padded under shorts. They're a bit cricket box-ish. silly

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Friday 19th June 2015
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Here it is...

...the self fulfilling parody.

For the five people who felt it necessary to take my photo' (three of whom were supposed to be driving at the time) as I was cycling to work yesterday you all owe my agent £50 each. wink

If I get SMIDSY'd now; this will also be the outfit I'll wear in court. judge

Joking aside it is as much my responsibility to make sure my journey is as safe as possible, that's why I chose my route, pull over to let lines pass, wear a helmet and gloves, hi-viz and reflective stuff. If I get hit again and I'm wearing black or riding a bike with no lights, reflectors and isn't covered in reflective tape then I'm partly to blame. This is an extreme but it still wasn't enough for some drivers this morning. rolleyes


1,543 posts

163 months

Friday 19th June 2015
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Doesn't make any difference what you wear or how bright/luminous your clothing is, there is always someone who won't see you rolleyes

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Sunday 21st June 2015
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Yep, Friday was a cluster fk. The Penis Experiment road (Lynn Road, Wisbech) was a gauntlet. The clip was done on an average day and that evening was way, way below average. I don't mind if divers get a bit close if there is traffic coming the other way provided they slow down and show a little respect. The ones who either pass too close when there is nothing headed the other way and/or fail to slow down really annoy me. By the twelve vehicle to do it I was royally pissed off and I am ashamed to say I slowed to around 10mph and used the middle of my side of the road for a few minutes.

When I pulled back to the left and got back up to speed I got as many waves as rude gestures. A few drivers had seen the near misses and understood my plight.

I'm thinking of strapping a 150cm stick to the back of my bike so divers don't have a choice but to pass me safely. I've done everything else to make myself as noticeable as possible.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 24th June 2015
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I did something incredible yesterday. I took my nephew for a cycle ride. I haven't be out for the fun of it in years and it felt odd being on my bike and not going flat out to or from work.

Tried a new camera mount as well. wink

This morning was pleasant, bit of a had wind and warm. The ride home was a bit of a head wind and ridiculously hot. I have enough footage for "Penis Experiment II". hehe

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Thursday 25th June 2015
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The yellow on yellow is proving ineffective so I have an orange t'shirt to go with my bag. smile

Th last two days with my camera mounted have been all but uneventful. I could do another Penis Test but that was an average day and the results would be the same. Tomorrow being Friday really brings out the Darwinisms so I may have another clip this weekend. smile

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Saturday 27th June 2015
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So shorts have been a marginal success as far as being seen goes but; the under shorts trap sweat bleaugh, the under shorts have also caused a contact Dermatitis issue on my thighs and because I'm now cycling in Sahara temperatures my feet have dried out and cracked open. rolleyes

Marginal? I'll show you later.