Stupid New Years Resolution!

Stupid New Years Resolution!


Liquid Knight

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185 months

Sunday 13th October 2013
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2323 miles.

Bloody Hell.

I haven't been this wet outside since went for a swim fully clothed. My waterproofs are to an extent but it ran down from head down my back and literally filled my boots. I don't the full on rain suit unless it's cold enough not to look feel like a Torture Garden session when I stop.

I didn't bother looking at the clock either. Getting to work and back was enough effort. wink

Liquid Knight

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185 months

Monday 14th October 2013
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I used the Dyson Airblade to dry undergarments and the rest left hanging in an empty office over a radiator and took eight hours to dry. My waterproof boots now aren't but I'm switching back to shiny leather ones if the temperature drops any more.

Wind chill is all well and good if it's dry but when it's wet you it's twice as effective. Add the speed you're punting along to the wind speed to get a more accurate idea of how cold it actually gets.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 15th October 2013
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2374 miles and someone asked me...

"How do you keep your phone and laptop dry?"

...resealable food bag for my phone and a larger freezer bag for my laptop.

There is enough Sun shine to keep my Solar rear light charged...

...a couple of these and I won't need to buy batteries again. wink

Driving today I have a 10:00 AM appointment in the morning so I need to get home and have a couple of hours sleep beforehand.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 16th October 2013
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2377 miles...

This is what 10,000 miles of all weather commuting and a several days in a car does to a £12.99 high viz ruck sack...


The zip finally broke so I bought a new one. wink

Big enough for a laptop, small enough to be compact. I don;t think I'll bother with a trailer or rack now. smile

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Friday 18th October 2013
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This could work...

... biggrin

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Thursday 31st October 2013
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2402 miles.

I was in a hurry to get home tonight. I had an exciting delivery for my Panda 4x4...

...34 minutes 40 seconds! smile

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 5th November 2013
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2429 miles and I've been in topsy turvy land for the last thirty six hours.

Last night was perfect. Not too dark, not too cold, no wind to speak of I was expecting a quick time into work. Pedaling along it felt fast and looked fast as well with cars barely going quicker than me to overtake.

It wasn't. Thirty nine minutes? silly

This morning it was raining not heavy but superdrops (you know the ones that are about three or four normal rain drops held together by surface tension) windier, dark enough for me to think I needed lights but not dark enough for silver and grey cars owners to. I just took my time, kept pace and got home in one piece.

Thirty six minutes?

How does that work? The less effort I put in the quicker I was.

Today I really can't be arsed so I should get a thirty four at least. wink

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 6th November 2013
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2456 miles.

Stupid sneaky head wind last night. Not only did it take forty one minutes but I was a minute late for work. furious

This morning I was supposed to take it easy but I was cut up on the first corner by an idiot who decided to overtake and then stop for no reason. I took my temper out on my pedals and got home in a little over thirty five minutes. rolleyes

I have a theory.

When I cycle in it's darker than when I cycle home. Because I can see clearer I go faster. It could be that simple. My times are coming down on the way in but staying the same coming home. The trouble with day shift is it's just as dark both ways.

At least my feathered friend has returned. I felt a familiar draft on the way in last night. Looked up and directly above me was a now very adult male barn owl. His wing span must be four feet. Very impressive and he followed me until the noise I was making disturbed his supper. smile

The things you miss out on in cars.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 6th November 2013
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When I first started commuting he and his mum would fly around me as I cycled along. He's the rarer and slightly bigger dark breasted Barn Owl. If I ever stop to take a photo' he disappears so I just leave him to it. His mum still fly around her territory but he's a good few miles further up the road. I was a little worried after he was attacked and brought down by a Kestrel. This was a dispute over a meal first thing in the morning. The Owl caught something the Kestrel had it's eye on and didn't take the swipe too kindly as it was hovering above it.

I was really pleased to see him and how hard he's working I recon he's got himself a nest or box and a couple of chicks somewhere.

Back on the bike The last couple of days it has felt like my back tyre was flat. Seals gone in my rear shock again! Grrrr!

Dear Fox,
Your shocks are almost as crap as DT Swizz wheels!

Oh and if you hadn't guessed with the drop to decent temperatures, rain, mud, poo, dead animals and car related grime on the road (has anyone else noticed since the economic depression started the number of cars vandalising themselves on the roads leaving oil and crap everywhere has become pandemic?) the death mask is back. smile

Probably something to do with why I haven't been moaning about drivers lately. hehe

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Thursday 7th November 2013
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2582 miles.

It's so obvious now.

I don't know why I didn't think of it before.

It explains everything.

The last few weeks the weather was "okay" average not too anything to note or worry about and the drivers were all the same. Yesterday the weather was atrocious and the drivers were out to get me. censored

In the Summer time when the weather is fine you can reach out a few inches and take overtakers mirrors.

When the weather is good drivers are either in shock or so busy trying to get somewhere to appreciate it they ignore most other road users, signs, traffic lights, the Road Traffic Act in general, etc...

When the weather is crap it's a case "I want to get somewhere warm away from all this" and they ignore other road users, signs, traffic lights, the Road Traffic Act in general, etc...

Because we've had "average" weather the last few weeks (gales not included) I haven't had any drivers to moan about because they're not trying to get somewhere in a hurry they can actually operate their vehicles in a manor suitable for an evolved Cerebral Cortex.


Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Friday 8th November 2013
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2609 miles

So Wednesday I did a night shift and today I did a day shift. silly

It was perfect this morning. 1'C when I left, 3'C when I arrived in a good thirty nine minutes.

This evening was crap! An absolute torrent with flooded sections of road and idiot drivers. I was too tired to care and took a leisurely thirty nine minutes to get home. wink

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Monday 11th November 2013
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2,662 miles

Not a lot to add apart from that chart is depressingly accurate. The worse the weather the less considerate the drivers appear to be.

This doesn't bode well for the next two night shifts. rolleyes

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 13th November 2013
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2,688 miles and I fought the Law and won!

On my way into work yesterday evening it was dark enough to have my headlight on full. A car approached me with bright white headlights, I dipped mine, he didn't, I strobed for a few seconds and put my light back on full, his lights finally dipped, I dipped, he put his headlights back on full beam. scratchchin



I put my strobe back on and he put his blue flashing lights on. cop

We both pulled over and the driver (?) opened his window so we could have a little chat...

Officer Dribble said:
Do you know it's illegal to have a flashing light on the front of your bike like that?
It isn't illegal officer, in accordance to the Highway Code the only time you should flash your headlight to make another vehicle aware of your presence. As you had failed to dip your headlights to oncoming traffic after I had dipped my headlight for you I felt I needed to make you aware.

Officer Dribble said:
Well the only time you should have a strobe light on the front of a vehicle is a hazard warning for recovery vehicles, HGV's and emergency services.
Did you see me in the road officer?

Officer Dribble said:
Yes I noticed you as soon as I tuned on to this straight.
And yet you failed to dip your headlights until I had dipped mine for five seconds and used a strobe setting for another three. Is there any reason why?

Officer Dribble said:
Why what?
Why you failed to display the standards of driving expected of a competent and or experienced driver?

Officer Dribble said:
What's that supposed to mean?
You've already stated you noticed me right away so you aren't driving without properly corrected vision so it must be without due care and attention or due consideration.

Officer Dribble said:
How about I arrest you under section (something or other) of PACE for wearing a mask and failing to identify yourself?
Firstly I'm not withholding any information because you haven't asked and second you haven't asked me to remove my mask or identify myself, even if you had I would only be obliged if I were under caution. So you don't know the Road Traffic Act particularly well or PACE; fancy going for third time lucky?

Officer Dribble said:
How about wasting Police time?
Passenger said:
Groan! Sigh!
You pulled me over. So you're wasting my time; and everyone else's. (I gesture to the five cars cued up behind the Police car).
Good evening Alex.

Passenger said:
Hi Rob' how's things?
Not bad. Is this guy new?

Alex said:
I was wondering when he was going to run into you. Glad I got to watch it. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Let's go.
And the Police car drove off. hehe

That's earned me a drink the next time I'm at the golf club. wink

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 31st December 2013
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2,728 miles.

So that didn't go according to plan.

I gave my sister a driving lesson and she decided that a ditch would be a good way of stopping. Popping all my ribs out again and this time I was out of the saddle for six weeks.

I'll be back pedaling next year. Because I hadn't given myself chance to recover properly the first time it was waiting to happen again.

Thank you all for your support, advice, critique and patience. wink

One of my resolutions for 2014 is to try and be more positive so hopefully I won't feel like punching every other driver on my commute. wink

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Sunday 12th January 2014
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96 miles.

Stupid doctors, telling me to rest for two months so I can heal properly. I'm half a stone heavier and nine minutes slower getting to work. Add to that my nephews being off school for Jesus's birthday and Greg or Ian's idea of when New Year should be and I've picked up a bug from those walking petri dishes. Not to mention the warmest December for nearly a hundred years means I have either a gale force headwind or a gale force headwind with driving rain. Grrrr!

On a lighter note. One of my less stupid New Years resolutions this year was to be more positive. silly

That lasted two miles into my maiden voyage as I was clipped by an overtakers mirror knocked into a pothole and jarred my back. Every single bump in the road from that point on ranged from sticking my tongue on a battery to defibrillating by lower back. Discomfort for a change. I must be getting old.

Obviously he couldn't see me so I need to make room for more rear lights. wink

The cable tie and spare light bracket I used to support my mud guard is being replaced by...

...Q-Bond filler...

...superb stuff. Now I need a light. Considering how good the cheap Chinese Solar LED light is I thought a more reputable company like Cateye could do even better.

I was wrong on every level.

This... crap in comparison. Single LED (with no lens to defuse the light at wider angles), single function (half second flash so it can only be used as an auxiliary light at best) and the clamp is perpendicular to the seat post and narrow so it can only be mounted on the rear triangle. This maybe okay on a road bike but for a cross country dual suspension bike with slicks; it's next to useless.

1.5/10 because it works and that's about it.

The cheap Chinese one has two LEDs behind a defuser, three functions strobe, sequential flash or constant and a proper seat post clamp; all for a fraction of the price of the Cateye version.

9/10 for value for money, versatility and battery savings. thumbup

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Monday 13th January 2014
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124 miles.

First night shift of the year and the rain was perfect. I arrived at work for half six and the rain fell from eight to roughly three o'clock. The roads were dry apart from a few puddles by the time I left at half six this morning.

A nice relaxing ride home as I'd been up since ten yesterday morning was on the cards but it was a tailwind so I caned it. wink

How stiff my legs are now are well worth the smile I had earlier. wink

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 14th January 2014
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126 miles. Grrrrr!

I took a shortcut yesterday that involves going over a concrete bridge. This bridge is covered in moss and because it was sleet and raining at the time my front tyre slipped over the edge pulling my shoulder out as the bike dropped. No damage to my bike as I got my foot down and my shoulder popped back in without issue but I had to drive in last night and do a lot of exercises to stop my arm from stiffening up.

Back on the saddle today with any luck. wink

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Sunday 19th January 2014
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Still 126 miles. rolleyes

Dr's orders again. furious

Let my shoulder heal at least a week before venturing out. The week is up tomorrow and it's freezing fog. Oh well at least I have a van big enough take bikes to the trails. wink

I'm the second owner, the van has covered 134,000 miles and serviced up to 128,000. smile

£148 well spent. hehe

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Monday 20th January 2014
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yellowjack said:
Liquid Knight said:
Still 126 miles. rolleyes

Dr's orders again. furious

Let my shoulder heal at least a week before venturing out. The week is up tomorrow and it's freezing fog. Oh well at least I have a van big enough take bikes to the trails. wink

I'm the second owner, the van has covered 134,000 miles and serviced up to 128,000. smile

£148 well spent. hehe
And a strong candidate for the bad parking thread as well!
I'm not blocking the path or the road at all. :P

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 21st January 2014
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More fog tonight and so many vehicle with one or more light bulb out I'm taking my van again for my own safety.