Brass Monkeys Rd2 - 14th Dec - Tunnel Hill

Brass Monkeys Rd2 - 14th Dec - Tunnel Hill



17,095 posts

168 months

Saturday 13th December 2014
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daddy cool said:
For sure, homey.


56 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Well that was fun! I did have a chat to one of you on the first lap, unfortunately cut short when I was goaded into a race by a team mate. First lap was ok, started overtaking then got lost. All the places picked up gone I worked my way back up to the same place. Got on a wheel that looked good downhill and stayed with him. He offered me past but I told him his descending was solid and I was following his line. Next drop he face planted off a root..oops. Stuck in traffic and jumped off a few times as people were stopping up hill. Second lap better pace wasn't using the brakes as much and starting to trust the grip. Just getting into it and lobbed it big time, front just caught something and I was over the bars. Chain jammed, hand, leg all a bit battered. Worked my way back again to my team mate and got to the end of the lap in 1:45.

Couldn't face another tbh, hand was sore and the bike wasn't shifting properly. More to the point I was tired and making poor choices on the turns, picking up roots etc. I set out for 2hrs and was happy enough. Target for next time is three smile

Everything hurts a bit now.

Thanks for guilting me into attending, got a monkey off my back for sure.

Edited by anonymous-user on Monday 15th December 09:27


1,955 posts

254 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Rode through Tunnel this morning. Only spotted one PH jersey wearing number 2018.

Looked a fun course, even a couple of new little sections or at least alternative ways to do old favourites. Watched a few head down the 'Woops' from the top entrance. Always fun when the roots are wet!

Good under-wheel conditions if a little cold - first ride in winter kit - bibs, buff, gloves and softshell. Brass Monkeys lived up to its name I suppose.


17,095 posts

168 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Well. I survived (again!).

Two laps for me, I couldn't get any more out of my legs and finished lap two after the cut-off. Sooooo much better than Round 1 at Minley wink

I met 'daddy cool' just before the off, and spoke again after it was over, with PHer 'Planet Claire' wavey Hello both! I've a feeling that at some point I was 'touched by the hand of Benji' - someone definitely tapped me on the elbow on a wider section as he passed. Sorry if I didn't respond! You passed on my deaf side, so I didn't realise you were talking to me.

The race itself was uneventful for me, in the main. No 'offs' although a few 'squeaky' moments on wet roots and the like. I wish I'd clung on to daddy cool's coat tails at the start, as shortly after the start loop, I got stuck behind a big gaggle of folk who didn't seem to be very enthusiastic about the 'racing' element of it. Biggest ball-ache was a chap with a little backpack who thought it a spiffing idea to get off and twiddle with some part of his bike or other, on the narrowest single track section on the course. He ignored my shout for him to "get off the course", the chap behind me was less diplomatic, and one of the Army girls came down the track yelling "Move! Move!", yet he was still stood right in the middle of the course as I looked back when I rounded the next bend. rolleyes

Gren! 2018 was me. Lumbering around near the back of the field, no doubt. Were you one of the three 'gnarly' looking dudes who I saw spectating at a couple of points around the course?

With the weather being better this time, quite a number of people hung around a bit longer at the end, and all but one of the 2hr podiums was full. I stuck around until the Grand Vets finished, but I was getting pretty cold toward the end, and got the summons to come home anyway.

So I'm home, showered, and with a bellyfull of Chilli and aching legs, but all in all a great day out. I placed better than last time (unless the results change from the laptop feed in the marquee at the end). 47th in my age group, so no points again, and I don't know the size of the field, but it's quite a few places better than the first round.

Who's up for Round 3? It's not far away from today's event, at Old Windmill Hill (aka Porridge Pots) near Deepcut.

daddy cool

Original Poster:

4,005 posts

231 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Ok heres my summary! Day started off ok – had a bacon & egg sarnie and a few coffees. Bit late leaving home but nothing too bad. About 9:10 while getting kitted up at Deepcut noticed I’d forgotten my helmet – fffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Support crew tears back to Bracknell, but luckily a random dude said he had a helmet I could borrow. I think it was a small, and I have a head like the elephant man, so it was perched on the top. Meh, it would do for lap 1. Race to the staging area to get my number, briefly saying hello to Benji. Bump into Yellowjack who kindly offers to fix my number on while I go and empty my bursting bladder, with about 2 mins to go. Race starts and we’re not even at the line, so we set-off. Nows a good time to say sorry Simon! Helping me meant you were stuck at the back of the pack!

We started on the fireroad climb and with about 150 folks ahead it was clear I’d need to make up some time, so I picked up the pace and starting overtaking people. Just when it was starting to get into a nice flow we hit the first of a few traffic jams around some short sharp climbs, and everyone comes to a standstill. After 30 mins everyone was spread out enough that the jams were mostly over. Yonex, it was me you spoke to on that climb – sorry to hear of your later troubles.
I found the 2nd half of the 8 mile lap the most difficult, in terms of climbs and technical features, especially that incredible steep and deeply rutted descent (which I think they diverted us around in lap 2)
Anyway, finished lap one and Team Cool Support Crew were at the start/finish line with my helmet. Took the opportunity to remove my scarf as I was actually quite warm.

Lap two felt slower and way tougher, but strava suggests the time was almost identical (55:21 & 55:40). Was still overtaking the odd person, but now the hunter became the hunter, and every few minutes it was “on your right!” as the pro racers were working through the field. Most quite polite, a few that were a bit knobbish… I mean, youre the racer, if im not going fast enough use your L33t skills and overtake me…
At one point I heard a bike bell “ding-ding!”. Turned round expecting an OAP but the chap announced himself as “race leader coming through!”. I was going to point out that he’d got wrong information and in fact I was the raceleader, but I let him have a taste of glory. Actually he was a nice chap and wished us well for our race before tearing up a hill at a speed that made me want to rub my eyes in disbelief like they do in Tom & Jerry cartoons.

I finished Lap #2 at 1:58:40 and continued around the corner until I heard the tannoy say that the 2 hour race was finished, and which point I stopped and pushed back to the staging area. I wanted to do a 3rd lap and was fit enough for it, but the Support Crew were waiting in the cold so I decided not to. (That last sentence is a massive lie)

Final result, a fairly disappointing 58 out of 74. I would like the results sheet to clearly state which are pro-racers, and also their ages, just so I can feel a bit better about myself!

Heres a couple of pics. Also have some good video footage from my mates GoPro which I will post up when I work out how to flip the video 180 degrees.

Things that worked
  • Clothes. Despite 2-3c temps at the start, I was warm enough in my cheapo aldi trousers, merion base later, Endura L/S t-shirt and PH Winter jersey. Cheapo neoprene snowboard gloves kept my hands toasty (even though they were a bit cumbersome). Endura overshoes over my regular shoes kept my toes reasonably comfortable (though im shopping for dedicated winter boots)
  • No “offs”. A few “nearlys” due to the very rooty terrain
Things that didn’t
  • 750ml bottle of water, which I barely touched, so I was lugging that weight around pointlessly
  • My legs/fitness. In my defence, im an average 38 year old rider, in a category of 18-39 year old riders
  • Racing Ralph tyres were a bit slippery, even though the course was surprisingly free of mud.
  • Bike mostly performed well, but twice threw the chain when moving to the big ring when I was in the lowest gear on the cassette, requiring a brief stop to fix. Of course, it never does this when im tearing round Swinley.
  • Preparation. Need a list of kit next time so I don't forget my helmet like a 'tard again.
Will I do Round 3? Quite possibly!
Yonex/benji - are you on Strava? Im "Mr Christopher" if you fancy being "strava-fwends".


1,955 posts

254 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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yellowjack said:
Gren! 2018 was me. Lumbering around near the back of the field, no doubt. Were you one of the three 'gnarly' looking dudes who I saw spectating at a couple of points around the course?
better than the first round.
Not me unless you would call the missus gnarly! I saw you once as you crossed old Guildford road at the NW of the course. I'd stopped to let a few riders cross and you passed by.


17,095 posts

168 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Thanks for the link, dc!

Position = 47/60 - 2 laps - race time = 02:12:20 - behind leader = time +2 Laps - Race Number = 2018 - Lap 1 = 01:06:29 - Lap 2 = 01:05:51

I came in well down the field then. frown

Ho hum. It's all about the taking part, I suppose. At least I was out there, with a number on wink

I wouldn't worry about it being down to you that I started at the back, dc! I miss-heard the announcement anyway, and thought we had ten minutes (doh!). I'd rather have helped you get to the start on time, than have got a few bodies further forward. I don't think it would have made too much difference in the grand scheme of things. I was 7min 36secs behind the next rider anyway, and there's no way I think I could have made that kind of gap up. Still. Onwards and upwards!

I got my picture took by the event photographer on that big old sandy slope, where the 'chicken run' option was. I hope I can find some way of getting hold of a copy (providing I'm not gurning like a loon wink ). I didn't see any links to photos after the first race.


17,095 posts

168 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Gren said:
yellowjack said:
Gren! 2018 was me. Lumbering around near the back of the field, no doubt. Were you one of the three 'gnarly' looking dudes who I saw spectating at a couple of points around the course?
Not me unless you would call the missus gnarly! I saw you once as you crossed old Guildford road at the NW of the course. I'd stopped to let a few riders cross and you passed by.
Ah! Deffo not you then. There were three 'proper' mountainbikers. Proper, as in "mostly seen 'propped up' leaning on the bikes, not riding them" wink They seemed to be working their way around, spectating from various locations alongside the course. Facial hair was a giveaway that none of them was a 'missus'.

daddy cool

Original Poster:

4,005 posts

231 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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yellowjack said:
I got my picture took by the event photographer on that big old sandy slope, where the 'chicken run' option was. I hope I can find some way of getting hold of a copy (providing I'm not gurning like a loon wink ). I didn't see any links to photos after the first race.
Theres a few pics here:
I think this is the (or one of the) protographers


17,095 posts

168 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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daddy cool said:
Theres a few pics here:
I think this is the (or one of the) protographers
Thanks for those links. I'll check back to see if today's pics go up. I couldn't spot myself in any of the photos of round 1, though.

daddy cool

Original Poster:

4,005 posts

231 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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yellowjack said:
Thanks for those links. I'll check back to see if today's pics go up. I couldn't spot myself in any of the photos of round 1, though.
Well, while you're waiting, you can always kill some time in some of his other event photographs...


17,095 posts

168 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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daddy cool said:
Well, while you're waiting, you can always kill some time in some of his other event photographs...
Erm, yeah. How do I put this? I've already 'enjoyed' some of those, from the original links. whistle ? Quite so!

daddy cool

Original Poster:

4,005 posts

231 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Christ on a bike!

Anyway, back on topic, rough edit video is uploading to the 'tube.


3,524 posts

220 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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yellowjack said:
I've a feeling that at some point I was 'touched by the hand of Benji' - someone definitely tapped me on the elbow on a wider section as he passed. Sorry if I didn't respond! You passed on my deaf side, so I didn't realise you were talking to me.
Yes that was me, no worries, just thought it was the hill and you was really going for it. Nice to see meet you daddy cool.

Happy enough with my result 17th in veteran 4 hr male, struggled to find my mojo on the first lap, but riding a race circuit blind is probably not the best idea to promote flow. Mid race went well, some interesting features on the course, and my last lap, I was blowing, so pleased to finish. Legs are still feeling like jelly, and the palms of my hands are bruised. Didn't have any off's few close moments, but all safely gathered.

Hoping the photographer got me at the bumpy fast section, as I deliberately launched it, to try and get a flying picture cool

Already booked in for round 3, so hopefully see some more of you out there.


17,095 posts

168 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Strava Labs 'Flyby' playback of the PistonHeads day out at Tunnel Hill...,mqO...

(edit to add Gren - the blue route trace. He wasn't racing, but he was there, and he spotted me wink )

Edited by yellowjack on Sunday 14th December 21:27


56 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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37th, OMG I'm just amazing.

Despite the whole afternoon in the pub I still ache.

daddy cool

Original Poster:

4,005 posts

231 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Good going dude! That's a respectable result in my book!


3,524 posts

220 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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I am a Strava person, found you all and added you, now get some miles smile


3,524 posts

220 months


56 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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daddy cool said:
Good going dude! That's a respectable result in my book!
Cheers, first mtb race really so pretty chuffed. The bit with the berms and the climbs were my thing. Descents still terrified me and I lost loads of time. The second lap time would have been sub 50 mins without the crash, it knocked the crap out of me. Don't know why the chain jammed but....

Did you notice the difference in the course lap 1 vs lap 2. I seemed to pick up roots badly as it went on frown

Edited by anonymous-user on Monday 15th December 12:12