Stupid New Years Resolution!

Stupid New Years Resolution!


Liquid Knight

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185 months

Thursday 6th September 2012
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I'm back to cycling because I can't afford to drive. It's funny how quickly it went from being a chore to the most productive part of my day.

Stupid time of the year now. 4'C in the morning 24'C in the afternoon. So wear trousers and melt on the way to work and be fine in the morning or be cool-ish on the way to work in shorts and defibrillate my bits in the when I get home. rolleyes

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Friday 7th September 2012
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I've deleted the clips. When you think about it wearing camera glasses is a good idea in case anything happens; but recording everything is a waste of everyone's time.

When I'm eighty and sat on a rocking chair looking back at my life do I want to be thinking about the things I have achieved or the number of views/likes/comments on a YouTube clip I posted as a result of not sleeping properly between night shifts?

Three and a quarter hours and fifteen miles between me and another four hours sleep. wink

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Friday 7th September 2012
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The camera sunglasses are dead. frown The last clip was sound, a white screen and now they won't turn off from standby. I plug them into my laptop and get a windows message "this device is faulty" but the memory car is fine.

I was torn between a rock and a hard place this morning. I needed to loo but should I go fast and get home as quickly as possible or take it easy so my bladder doesn't feel like it's gone through a spin cycle?

I chose option two as the third option of pulling over and using someones hedge didn't appeal to me.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Friday 7th September 2012
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This morning's view...

Making the most of it as it will be dark both directions soon. frown

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Monday 10th September 2012
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Dark half way this morning I was fully prepared for cold legs wearing thin trousers rather than shorts. Good idea? Nope it was 15'C and it was like wearing a sauna again. Grrrrr!

Tailwind home though. wink

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 11th September 2012
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Very, very nice ride home last night. Mostly due to a surprise peleton in the shape of my girlfriend who decided to get Lyra'd up and show me how fast I think I am. wink

It's much nicer cycling with company. I listen to Dev on Radio One in the morning and nothing on the way home because Greg James is trying too hard to be Kenny Everett.

This morning was a mixed bag of cacking it down with rain when I set off, head wind, standing water and almost dry by the time I arrived. I arrived soaking wet and covered in high velocity bug, slug and mud spatter. Nice look eh?

It's Fog light season again. I makes it easier to spot pillocks on the road at least. wink

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 11th September 2012
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I live in rural Norfolk half way between the River Great Ouse and the River Nene. Very low laying marshland which is why it's unusual for us to get snow and because it's coastal it can be wet and windy when everyone else gets Sun shine.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 12th September 2012
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Last night a dizzy blonde in a 206 decided to overtake, stop, pull into a driveway and reverse back into the road without looking. Too busy on the phone to notice I was cycling a a pace that meant I had caught up and had to stop to avoid a collision. silly

This morning. 2000 miles done. woohoo

Six near misses, no collisions, one blow out, two punctures, a snapped chain, euthanised a pigeon and 19lbs later. smile

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Thursday 13th September 2012
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Thanks again Rob. smile

Last night I got wet for the first time in a while. Not rain though even though I had this kind of view... was spray from the road that was the issue. More of an issue in rural areas because you have a 50-50 chance of it being either mud or animal poo of some kind.

Even though the rain kept most of the bugs away one flew into my mouth and either bit or stung me before I had chance to spit it out.

Bongella on a cotton bud and industrial mouth wash for a while. If that doesn't work I guess I'll need to see a quack. It's making my left ear sore as well. So much for sleeping today before tonight's shift. Grrrr!

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Friday 14th September 2012
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A bit of an odd sensation. My left ear feels wet, I feel like I have a throat full of flem all the time and it tickles when I'm trying to sleep. Grrrr!

This morning I was home by ten past seven. Blitzed the tailwind even though I was listening to a very sad Chris Moyles show. Lights on all the way.

Left a little late this evening so got to work ten minutes early instead of the usual quarter of an hour or so. A few more near misses today and a couple of miles drafting a tractor to make head way in the head wind. wink

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Saturday 15th September 2012
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Nice Sun rise again this morning. Last night tonight so I might go to the doctors if this thing in my mouth doesn't get better. rolleyes

In the meantime I've found that if you melt a dilute Bongella in some warm water and gargle; it's better than trying to apply it. It sticks to whatever you're using instead of your mouth and it sets my gag reflex off.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Sunday 16th September 2012
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Bit of lazy ride in this evening. After my rude awakening earlier (niece and nephews have no concept of the word "quiet") I had a nap in the afternoon and just couldn't find my rhythm on the bike. I was one of those whatever direction I was facing I had a head wind deals so I just got there.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 19th September 2012
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1'C this morning. woohoo

I might even consider trousers soon. wink

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 19th September 2012
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The rubber band that holds my auxiliary light in place finally broke so I've adapted it. wink

As well as flashing it would probably be bouncy as well so I should be even more (in)visible. silly

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Friday 21st September 2012
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Nothing cycling related to report apart form this thing in my mouth not going away, feeling rough and as it's dark all the time I'm consistently a few minutes slower than before.

Today I left my office for four minutes to get changed (I happened to look at the clock when I left I don't time myself). When I got back apparently someone had been held up for five minutes and I was reprimanded for leaving my post unattended. censored

I looked at the clock again to establish the time. I left at 06:40 and it was now 06:46 and had spent a minute performing a task and the conversation with this supervisor took a minute as well. So from now on I'm going to get changed in the office.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Sunday 23rd September 2012
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Letting the side down today. frown

This thing in my mouth isn't getting smaller and it has kept me awake again, so sorry but I can't be arsed to get wet so I can struggle to stay awake later. I'm taking dads car.

Anyway to cheer me up a bit here's this morning's view...

...tomorrow's forecast is a washout as well so but it's Friday for me and I should get plenty of sleep so I'll be back in the saddle hopefully. wink

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Sunday 23rd September 2012
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Hyundai Accent 1.5 Coupe' (three door hatch). Hmmmmmm scratchchin


Slower than my Panda but drier than cycling I guess. I'm also restless because I haven't burned anywhere near enough calories to justify myself.

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Monday 24th September 2012
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First free listing weekend after the Olympics and I'm tempted by the number of road bikes for auction. Something interesting could come up; but is being a few minutes quicker worth the extra strain on my back?

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Friday 28th September 2012
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11'C this morning. Shorts again and the batteries in my front light decided to go flat half way in this morning. Should be fun tonight.

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Saturday 29th September 2012
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4'C this morning and feeling good. Loved riding into the Moon set. Didn't like being invisible to drivers as the silly season has started again. Is it so hard to dip your headlights to a cyclist or is Driving with Due Care and Attention beyond people? Well it is Saturday I guess. The first Saturday since the Payday Fairies visited.

Yes! My monthly fry up. woohoo

Annoyingly today is day two of twelve but the overtime should mean I can afford to insure my car in one go for the first time in five years. smile