Brass Monkeys Rd2 - 14th Dec - Tunnel Hill

Brass Monkeys Rd2 - 14th Dec - Tunnel Hill


daddy cool

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231 months

Thursday 4th December 2014
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Following on from this thread I have just signed up for Round 2. From YJ's write up, Im so glad I missed R1 - hopefully this wont be so bleak.
Anyway, its only my 2nd race so I fully expect to be at the bottom of the leaderboard, especially as at 38, im at the tough end of the 18-39 category... im going for the 2 hour race.

Would be great to meet up with a few PH'ers on the startline. I intend to be wearing my new PH Winter Jersey, but at this rate, several layers underneath.

If you're interested, go here to find out more details and to register - you have to book in advance: no signing up on the day. Registration closes on 9th December.

daddy cool

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231 months

Sunday 7th December 2014
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yonex said:
So I have entered the 2hr vet race. I must be daft, hated the bloody course last time out. Looking forward to meeting you guys.
Nice one!

Yellowjack, ive no idea where you are getting those false weather reports. BBC weather is saying:

Met Office warning: Heatwave
Most Likely High - 30°C
High Between - 29°C/31°C
Humidity - 0%
Visibility - Awesome
Men: Wear Factor 30
Women: Wear Bikinis
Yellowjack: MTFU

daddy cool

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231 months

Tuesday 9th December 2014
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Re: a local meet - well up for that. Lets get this race out of the way, then i'll suggest a meet up at Swinley in a couple of weeks.
(Currently there are diversions at the start and end of Blue, and the new "Newt" section is fairly boggy, so will be good to let it dry out a bit). Theres some extra non-trail bits we can do to make it a bit of a longer ride than just Blue/Red.

daddy cool

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231 months

Saturday 13th December 2014
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I'll be on this:

As for me, i'll be wearing my PH winter jersey (+10 layers underneath) and I actually look a bit like Benji I think (speccy/ 4-eyed) but im currently sporting a stupid white goatee beard.

daddy cool

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231 months

Saturday 13th December 2014
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yellowjack said:
If I decide to ride up, and bring a bag along (small Camelbak style rucksack), would any of the other fine PHers attending be willing to stash it in their car for me while the race is on? I may yet drive over if its very cold in the morning, but I do fully intend to ride over on the bike, as a sort of a warm up...
For sure, homey.

daddy cool

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231 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Ok heres my summary! Day started off ok – had a bacon & egg sarnie and a few coffees. Bit late leaving home but nothing too bad. About 9:10 while getting kitted up at Deepcut noticed I’d forgotten my helmet – fffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Support crew tears back to Bracknell, but luckily a random dude said he had a helmet I could borrow. I think it was a small, and I have a head like the elephant man, so it was perched on the top. Meh, it would do for lap 1. Race to the staging area to get my number, briefly saying hello to Benji. Bump into Yellowjack who kindly offers to fix my number on while I go and empty my bursting bladder, with about 2 mins to go. Race starts and we’re not even at the line, so we set-off. Nows a good time to say sorry Simon! Helping me meant you were stuck at the back of the pack!

We started on the fireroad climb and with about 150 folks ahead it was clear I’d need to make up some time, so I picked up the pace and starting overtaking people. Just when it was starting to get into a nice flow we hit the first of a few traffic jams around some short sharp climbs, and everyone comes to a standstill. After 30 mins everyone was spread out enough that the jams were mostly over. Yonex, it was me you spoke to on that climb – sorry to hear of your later troubles.
I found the 2nd half of the 8 mile lap the most difficult, in terms of climbs and technical features, especially that incredible steep and deeply rutted descent (which I think they diverted us around in lap 2)
Anyway, finished lap one and Team Cool Support Crew were at the start/finish line with my helmet. Took the opportunity to remove my scarf as I was actually quite warm.

Lap two felt slower and way tougher, but strava suggests the time was almost identical (55:21 & 55:40). Was still overtaking the odd person, but now the hunter became the hunter, and every few minutes it was “on your right!” as the pro racers were working through the field. Most quite polite, a few that were a bit knobbish… I mean, youre the racer, if im not going fast enough use your L33t skills and overtake me…
At one point I heard a bike bell “ding-ding!”. Turned round expecting an OAP but the chap announced himself as “race leader coming through!”. I was going to point out that he’d got wrong information and in fact I was the raceleader, but I let him have a taste of glory. Actually he was a nice chap and wished us well for our race before tearing up a hill at a speed that made me want to rub my eyes in disbelief like they do in Tom & Jerry cartoons.

I finished Lap #2 at 1:58:40 and continued around the corner until I heard the tannoy say that the 2 hour race was finished, and which point I stopped and pushed back to the staging area. I wanted to do a 3rd lap and was fit enough for it, but the Support Crew were waiting in the cold so I decided not to. (That last sentence is a massive lie)

Final result, a fairly disappointing 58 out of 74. I would like the results sheet to clearly state which are pro-racers, and also their ages, just so I can feel a bit better about myself!

Heres a couple of pics. Also have some good video footage from my mates GoPro which I will post up when I work out how to flip the video 180 degrees.

Things that worked
  • Clothes. Despite 2-3c temps at the start, I was warm enough in my cheapo aldi trousers, merion base later, Endura L/S t-shirt and PH Winter jersey. Cheapo neoprene snowboard gloves kept my hands toasty (even though they were a bit cumbersome). Endura overshoes over my regular shoes kept my toes reasonably comfortable (though im shopping for dedicated winter boots)
  • No “offs”. A few “nearlys” due to the very rooty terrain
Things that didn’t
  • 750ml bottle of water, which I barely touched, so I was lugging that weight around pointlessly
  • My legs/fitness. In my defence, im an average 38 year old rider, in a category of 18-39 year old riders
  • Racing Ralph tyres were a bit slippery, even though the course was surprisingly free of mud.
  • Bike mostly performed well, but twice threw the chain when moving to the big ring when I was in the lowest gear on the cassette, requiring a brief stop to fix. Of course, it never does this when im tearing round Swinley.
  • Preparation. Need a list of kit next time so I don't forget my helmet like a 'tard again.
Will I do Round 3? Quite possibly!
Yonex/benji - are you on Strava? Im "Mr Christopher" if you fancy being "strava-fwends".

daddy cool

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231 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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yellowjack said:
I got my picture took by the event photographer on that big old sandy slope, where the 'chicken run' option was. I hope I can find some way of getting hold of a copy (providing I'm not gurning like a loon wink ). I didn't see any links to photos after the first race.
Theres a few pics here:
I think this is the (or one of the) protographers

daddy cool

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231 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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yellowjack said:
Thanks for those links. I'll check back to see if today's pics go up. I couldn't spot myself in any of the photos of round 1, though.
Well, while you're waiting, you can always kill some time in some of his other event photographs...

daddy cool

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231 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Christ on a bike!

Anyway, back on topic, rough edit video is uploading to the 'tube.

daddy cool

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231 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Good going dude! That's a respectable result in my book!

daddy cool

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231 months

Sunday 14th December 2014
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Oh brilliant. I look like a confused pensioner.

daddy cool

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231 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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Yeah, that's the one 2 sizes too small that I said I had to borrow.

daddy cool

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231 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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Heres the first ~17 minutes of the 2 hour race. Its not edited for exciting bits etc, so not the most thrilling movie ever! Just gives an idea of the course and the traffic at the start...

daddy cool

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231 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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yonex said:
I hurt today. Strangely I am looking back quite fondly at it and wishing I had gone for the final lap, them rose tinted specs are always the same lol.

Anyway, back to coffee and pills.
Yeah, 16 miles in 2 hours... normally do more distance, at faster pace, in less time round my local trails with not a twinge the day after. But today i feel drained, my knees feel like they are made of smashed pottery and my back aches like ive been carrying a fallen comrade across a battlefield.

daddy cool

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231 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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daddy cool

Original Poster:

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231 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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yonex said:
So are we going again?

Looks like I'm back in time from IRL so....
4th Jan @ Windmill Hill? Another course I don't know, another freezing cold day, another piss-poor expected result... and yet im quite tempted.
I think you should start another thread and drum up support!